Alpha and Omega: Lone Wolf

A/N: It's been a long time guys and gals I know and I also know that I've promised to finish this story time and time again but haven't. Well I've been busy since my last update, weddings, funerals, work, university, more work and simply being too tired to sit down and write this story. It takes time to find where I was up to and get back into it. Chapter 32 is three quarters of the way done but I've got to say these chapters are big. Tears of Joy and Sadness is 9,000 to 10,000 words long yeah it's been in the works a while, hence the two parts to make it flow a little better. I've added parts from time to time and it's sort of got a flashback in it but at the same time it's more a recounting of events. The epilogue has been done for a while now and I've stared at my screen a few times thinking "How am I going to make this bit link to that bit?" The start and the end are the easy parts of any story it's the bit in the middle that's hard. But if you can hold on just a bit longer I will get it done. This chapter is rated M as there is strong language and lemons for some of the characters. Hope you enjoy the long and long anticipated next chapter of Lone Wolf!

Chapter 30: Tears of Joy and Sadness Part 1

It didn't take long for Humphrey to begin getting to work on organising the packs. The day after the big speech that had got Humphrey into power, things had gone smoothly to begin with. Humphrey, Tim, Hutch, Becky and Marc had organised how to best feed the pack and organise the hunting parties. They had managed to organise the united pack to have two northern wolves leading each hunting party to reduce the strain on the weaker united pack wolves.

The tears of joy that appeared on the faces of the families of the united pack when the first caribou carcasses were brought back to the valley, warmed Humphrey's heart but it quickly descended into a tense atmosphere. Some wolves that were starving made a run for the nearest carcasses attempting to gorge themselves on the fresh kill. But, to their surprise found themselves pushed back by the northern wolves and those who had been on the hunt. Humphrey had taken what Lily had said very seriously and now knew that order had to be made out of potential chaos. He had ordered Marc to assemble some of the stronger wolves to enforce the order and rules the packs desperately needed.

It was declared, that food would be rationed to small amounts and be shared to make sure all were fed. Many had grumbled at this but no one had spoken openly on the matter. A day passed, and things were moving smoothly, every time Humphrey left the leaders den he saw wolves lining up to caribou carcasses as they received their supply of food. The relationship between Humphrey and Tim was still tense however and had been brought to the foreground once again. Tim had become increasingly unpopular even within his own pack. The first time that issues started to occur was when Humphrey had asked Marc to help with enforcing order. Tim felt that his authority had been undermined as Humphrey should have asked him first. The tension lapsed though as it was revealed by one of the pack healers that Leo had awoken and was moving around. Morale had boosted considerably within the Northern pack and Leo managed to integrate himself quickly into helping with the feeding of the packs. But Leo wasn't Adam, and Tim still made his help and that of his wolves hard to receive.

The tipping point was when Humphrey was doing the other half of his role as leader which was to listen to the members of the pack and solve their problems along with any disputes. A line several wolves long seemed to permanently stand outside the leaders den each day.

It was at this point that Humphrey found himself in the leaders den with many wolves waiting to be seen to discuss their problems. It was evening at this point and Humphrey was tired; mentally drained from meeting so many wolves. Marc, Becky, Tim as well as Rachel, Natalie and Leo were also present. Marc seemed to notice that Humphrey had started to droop slightly and moved forward to the entrance of the den.

"Alright everyone, that's enough for one day. Please return to your den's we will reconvene tomorrow." Many of the wolves backed away but one young female barged forward, much to the displeasure of those in line. Hutch who wasn't present for the proceedings but waiting just outside moved to intercept the young she-wolf, while Marc not seeing exactly who was causing the commotion moved into a combat stance expecting an attack.

"Wait! I demand to be seen! This is important!" the young she-wolf cried out.

Hutch blocked her way, hackles raised. "Move away, come back tomorrow!" Hutch said forcefully.

Now Marc moved forward to stand by Hutch. Both male wolves towered over the small female "You heard your beta, move along or I'm afraid we will have to move you by force."

At that moment Humphrey noticed the commotion and spoke out loudly to gain the attention of his beta and northern wolf friend. "What's going on?" Humphrey said as he stood and made his way to the front of the den.

"It's nothing we can't handle sir." Said Hutch not looking back to Humphrey but keeping his eyes locked on the young she wolf who had not moved but tears had started to well up in her eyes. Humphrey reached the den entrance to see the young she-wolf being blocked off by his two comrades. He took one look at the pitiful form before him and made his decision "Let her through." Humphrey said which made the young wolf's eyes shoot up and her face changed to one of hope.

"Sir, you have seen many of the pack today, you should rest." Hutch countered.

"I said let her through Hutch." Humphrey said gently but there was force behind his words telling Hutch that it wasn't a request but a command. Hutch relented and followed his orders moving aside to let the small shy female approach and sheepishly dart past Hutch to follow Humphrey into the den. Humphrey sat down and turned to the new wolf that had a timber coat and amber eyes, she was very young but held herself with a posture expected of an alpha.

"So how can I help you?" Humphrey said kindly as he bade the wolf to speak. He knew it must have been hard for her, with all these intimidating adult wolves who were now staring directly at her.

"W-well s-sir, first of all thanks for letting me speak to you. I'm very g-grateful." The young she-wolf took a breath to compose herself as Humphrey stayed silent and smiled slightly to let her know that she had his full attention.

"I need your help sir. It's about my family." She paused once again, trying desperately to keep herself calm.

"Hey it's ok. I'm listening, talk to me as you would a friend, and call me by my first name if it helps. What's your name?" Humphrey said in an attempt to comfort her.

The young she wolf's eyes widened but she calmed considerably "A-Aleena."

"Well Aleena, what's wrong with your family that you need my help?"

Aleena spoke clearly and calmly from then on "I have a mother and brother, they are both omegas and we live closer to the outskirts than the centre of the pack. My mother is starving and is too weak to make the journey to the feeding grounds like everyone else and I'm not strong enough yet to carry food back to her I think that… if I can't help her she'll die and my little brother who needs mother to feed him with milk will die too." Aleena finished with a tear rolling down her muzzle as she stared at the floor seeing the future scenario play out in her mind.

"Aleena, thank you for telling me this; you were very brave to step forward and speak out to me and the rest of the packs. Know this, I will do everything in my power to make sure your family our properly well fed and back to full strength. As a matter of fact, I will send out a group of wolves to bring a fresh kill to help your family immediately." Humphrey smiled down at the young she-wolf as he said this.

Aleena eyes widened and her mouth opened in disbelief that her mother was finally getting the help she needed. She rushed forward and embraced Humphrey "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Humphrey!" she said as she grabbed him tightly Humphrey was taken aback by her actions and Aleena seemed to forget where she was and quickly retreated embarrassed at what she had done. The rest of the wolves present chuckled at the situation and Humphrey smiled reassuringly down at Aleena.

"Now Aleena if you could be so kind as to return to your den I will send the wolves out as soon as I can. I have some matters I wish to discuss in private." Humphrey said kindly.

"Yes. Yes of course. Bye Humphrey and thank you again." Aleena smiled tears of joy flowing freely from her eyes. She turned and scurried off to tell her mother the good news.

Hutch then approached Humphrey once the young wolf was out of earshot. That was one of the many things that Humphrey admired about Hutch he was an excellent beta and had a no-nonsense attitude that allowed Humphrey's orders to be carried out efficiently. "Aleena and her family are more than likely not the only ones with this issue within the pack. However, I don't think we will be able to support them without additional help from the northern pack."

"Absolutely not!" And so in this moment Tim reached his tipping point. "You cannot expect me to allow wolves from my pack to help further with such a menial task. This is not our problem."

Rachel was surprised at her husband's outburst but seemed to keep quiet until Becky butted in loudly. "How can you say that Tim?! You heard what Aleena said and she was barely a teenager. Are we to just stand by and watch wolves like her mother and young son die?!"

Tim growled loudly and glared at Becky which made her backup in shock "You dare speak to me in such a manner Rebecca. You seem to forget your place; you are from my pack and you will do as I order!" Becky shrunk back in shock and her mouth clamped shut. Humphrey was angry with this new side of Tim but was surprised to hear a deep growl coming from Hutch next to him.

Leo then stepped forward to make a comment but Tim stopped him also. "You are not my son Leo. I don't require your council. My mind is clear." Tim said not even looking at his son's mate; his hackles raised. A gasp of shock was heard from both Natalie and Rachel as Tim ignored Leo in such a way. A line was crossed in Humphrey's mind and he was furious with what Tim had just said.

Humphrey moved quicker than anyone expected and got right up into Tim's face. "Get out." He said in a monotone deadly voice.

"Excuse m…" Tim began to question still full of anger.

"You heard me. I told you to get the fuck out of my den." Humphrey said his eyes burning with rage as he stared down the older wolf.

Tim didn't move for a moment before he growled and moved to exit the den. Rachel quickly followed but her face was still plastered with shock not believing the situation she found herself in. As Tim reached the den entrance he turned his head back. "Natalie, we are leaving."

"But." Natalie began but she was quickly cut off by her father.

"Now!" Tim snarled.

Natalie whimpered and sunk her head low in submission and walked out past her father and went off with her mother. Tim lingered at the entrance and glared back at Humphrey "This isn't over Humphrey. If I hear tomorrow that you undermine my leadership again. I will take my wolves and Adam and go back to the North." With that Tim turned and left them in total shock and anger.

A long silence quickly fell over the wolves still present. "Well, that could have gone better." Marc said who had remained silent throughout the dispute. Mumbles of agreement came from the other wolves. Humphrey looked to Leo to see the black wolf staring at the floor not believing what had just happened. Humphrey could not find the words to console him.

"I say fuck him." Becky said, gaining the attention of the wolves around her. Her eyes were red from holding back tears and everyone could tell she was trying desperately to hold onto her strong persona. Humphrey however, could see that Aleena and her family must have struck a chord with her and a point in her past because of her unbecoming reaction to Tim's words. "Yeah, fuck him. Don't worry Humphrey I will make sure that Aleena and her family are cared for. As for any other families I will make sure the northern wolves know what happened and ask for volunteers myself. That way Tim won't be able to blame you. The rest of my pack will help I'm sure of it. The old dog can go back to the North by himself for all I care." Becky said and made her way to exit the den. Hutch excused himself also and met Becky just as she was about to leave, her head snapped up to see Hutch standing next to her. It looked like she was about to object, the way her body tensed up but she just looked forward and her body relaxed; Hutch and Becky left together to help Aleena and her family.

Humphrey turned to the two wolves that remained in the den. Leo hadn't moved at all. Humphrey turned to the larger wolf "Marc, I'm not staying in this den tonight. I'm going to stay with Kate and I would also like to check on Adam. Get some rest." Leo's ears twitched upon hearing his mate's name.

"Very good sir. Rest well." Humphrey made his way to exit the den, but turned back to Leo. "Are you coming?"

Leo seemed to break out of his deep thoughts and without a word followed on after Humphrey.

The next day, things changed dramatically. At first just like Becky had said wolves from the Northern pack volunteered to help with carrying food to the weaker wolves of the united pack that could not leave their dens. Things had become even more efficient as the wolves from the united pack relaxed into the daily routine; things were looking up for them as slowly but surely the pack was recovering but in the background things were quite the opposite. In the middle of the day Tim confronted Humphrey in the forest and things went downhill from there. Tim was angry and Humphrey despite trying to hold back knowing Tim had been overcome with grief was furious with the accusations that Tim was throwing at him. It was at this point when Humphrey thought that he would lose the help and support of the northern pack that Adam appeared. Seemingly out of nowhere. It was a miracle in everyone's eyes and he could not be more grateful for seeing Adam on his own four feet.

Although it was a short conversation; Humphrey knew that the balance of power had shifted within the Northern pack and now with Adam taking charge, Tim would be out of the way and things would hopefully move more smoothly instead of being questioned at every turn. Maybe the old wolf would regret his behaviour and act like the wise wolf Humphrey remembered from their first meeting. Humphrey knew he would find it hard to forgive Tim and as detached from emotion he thought it sounded in his mind. It wasn't his problem. It was Adam's and Tim's to work on. His comments or input would probably make the situation worse.

When Humphrey had left he saw the way in which Leo and Adam looked at one another and knew that it was best to leave them alone. They clearly wanted some time together in private and who could blame them? The way in which Tim spoke to Leo the day before made Humphrey shudder at the thought of losing Adam; Leo would have nowhere to go after Tim made it quite clear that Leo was only part of the pack because of his son which was why Humphrey had taken him to see Adam the night before. As Humphrey had laid down next to Kate to rest he had looked over and seen Leo clutch to Adam's slowly breathing body tightly and even in the darkness he could see Leo shake as he cried into his mate's fur. He had felt helpless seeing Leo like that knowing that if he had lost Tim's support and they had lost Adam. Leo would be a shell of the wolf he knew and would be lost to despair. He could not imagine losing his mate.

Humphrey shook his head of the thoughts, that was in the past now. Adam was alive and well but thoughts of losing one's true love made Humphrey think of Kate and he changed direction towards the den where Kate was recovering. Humphrey knew she hated being cooped up in that den and after taking on the responsibility of leader she felt as though he had forgotten about her and had given him hell a night he had slept in the leaders den instead of being with her. He made sure from every night onward he would spend time with Kate giving her a run-down of the packs status and what had occurred that day so she was kept in the loop and could make an easy transition herself into becoming the alpha female. As Humphrey saw the den come into view thoughts of the politics of leading the packs were swept far from his mind as he looked upon his beautiful mate lounging just inside the den entrance with a bored expression on her face. Her demeanour changed when she saw Humphrey approach and smiled up at him and moved to offer him a seat next to her. Humphrey however, had other ideas.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise mmmf" Kate was unable to finish her sentence as Humphrey locked lips with her and brought her into a passionate kiss. So passionate in fact that Humphrey forcefully pushed her onto her back and Kate felt like she was melting into the ground with that one kiss. Humphrey ended the kiss and grinned down at Kate.

"I love you so much." Humphrey said breathlessly.

"I love you too Humphrey but that was unexpected give me some warning next time." Kate giggled as she leaned up to kiss Humphrey again which he gladly accepted.

"Where would the fun be in that?" Humphrey said between kisses and suddenly dropped down so that their bodies were touching.

Kate tensed "Ouch. Humphrey. Sore. The rib." Kate said straining her voice it was a lot better than it was but the sudden weight of a big muscular male wolf was a bit much.

"Sorry! Sorry." Humphrey said as he held himself slightly above her making his muscles tense which Kate greatly appreciated as she licked her lips as she gazed up at her big strong omega. "I guess I was getting carried away. Can you blame me?" Humphrey added licking the top row of his fangs, putting on a sultry look.

Kate laughed aloud and blushed heavily "You are terrible. You know that?"

"I'm just getting started." Humphrey chuckled and quickly moved to envelope Kate in kisses and licks and started to move down her flank lower and lower.

"Humphrey! Don't you dare! Not here out in the open! My sister could be back any moment." Kate said in a frantic whisper but suddenly let out a moan that escaped her mouth before she could hold it back as Humphrey brushed his muzzle over one of her nipples but still he continued downward. Kate had since forgotten where she was and surrendered to Humphrey's affection as she lay back and let her head roll back with half-lidded eyes until a sudden but small cough made those eyes shoot wide open. Humphrey stopped what he was doing and both he and Kate shared embarrassed expressions as they looked to see Lilly standing at the entrance with a look on her face which could only be described as disturbed.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to rid that image from my mind. Humphrey could you please get off my sister I need to do her final check-up." Lily said quietly; an eyebrow raised, and a stance that would be very fitting of an adult catching two teenagers together. Except Humphrey and Kate weren't teenagers but in fact the leaders of the united packs.

"Uh yeah. Sorry Lilly. Didn't see you there." Humphrey said as he chuckled nervously.

Lilly rolled her eyes and ignored him as she moved to check on her sister. An awkward silence fell over the trio as Lilly did her check-up and asked Kate a few questions on how she felt. After she was finished she looked to her sister and smiled "You're free to go."

"Wait, what?" Kate asked surprised.

"You heard me before. That was your final check-up, you can leave. But please, refrain from *ahem* strenuous activities." Lilly said trying desperately to hold on her "healer-mode" she had put up to try and distance herself from the embarrassing situation previously.

Kate went a deep red colour hearing this from her own sister but Humphrey just chuckled "Ah right, that's no problem Lilly. I'll make sure she doesn't hunt for at least a few days." This earned him a jab in the ribs from Kate and raised eyebrows from Lilly.

"Yes. Hunting. That's exactly what I meant." Lilly said sarcastically.

Kate and Humphrey didn't linger any longer and to prevent the awkward situation from lasting made their way out of the den after quickly thanking Lilly for looking after Kate for so long.

Lilly watched them go until they disappeared into the trees when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She had waited too long she needed to get back to work.