Author's Note: I'm finally back! This is a new author's note because I've edited these older chapters and have added a new one. Yep, I'm going to finish this one. Sorry I took forever to update. Lately I've been lacking inspiration in the writing department. I'm also revamping my fiction archive. If you like my writing, look for more information on that in the future. Oh, and just so that it be known, I actually like Harry with his glasses.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter Universe. So no law suits.

Chapter 1: Be careful what you wish for...

Adjusting. Readjusting. Adjusting again. No one noticed really, at least Harry hoped no one noticed. He definitely needed new glasses; since these were so loose to that they would fall off at the right angle. Asking anything of the Dursleys had always been more trouble than it was worth for Harry. Even if he were to ask, there would be no guarantee that he would receive. There never was. Perhaps he needed a new method of persuasion as badly as new glasses. He actually laughed out loud at the idea of scaring his aunt and uncle into getting him what he needed.

"And what, may I ask, is so funny?"

Harry could have kicked himself. Of call the classes to zone out in, he simply had to have chosen Snape's. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Hermione cringing on his behalf. Clearing his throat, Harry decided to attempt the impossible: convince Snape not to give him a detention.

"Well, I was laughing at myself actually." This admittance brought a small burst of laughter from students surrounding him. It died away quickly.

"Really?" Snape spoke slowly. "I've always thought of you as a rather laughable character myself, Potter, but even I thought you'd never admit it." Harry knew he had walked right into that insult. There was nothing he could do but hope that the amusement sunk in and that he'd be spared any further embarrassment. No suck luck.

"Do tell me," Snape demanded casually, "just what is it about yourself that you find so funny? What is this personal joke simply couldn't wait for after class?"

Harry felt his face turning red as he said in a quiet voice, "It's nothing really."

"Nothing," Snape repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Don't tell me it's unimportant. I'd hate to think that you just caused me to waste valuable teaching time, filling the minds of your fellow students, over what would be nothing at all. That certainly isn't it Mr. Potter?"

"N-No sir."

"So then…indulge me."

Utter silence invaded the room. No one moved. The atmosphere was somewhere between defeat and dread. Or maybe only felt this way to Harry.

"It's my glasses," Harry said reluctantly. "I think I need new ones." Harry was shocked at the look of surprise on Snape's face, but, it was quickly replaced by disgust and contempt.

"Thank you for wasting my life. 20 points from Gryffindor" As others from Harry's house groaned, Snape prepared to go back to the lesson. He paused, and turned back to Harry. "See me after class, Potter." Harry could only nod and adjust his glasses. Snape rolled his eyes and went back to teaching.

No one was really surprised about the week's worth of detention. Snape had handed out harsher punishments for more ludicrous "violations", but it was hardly a comfort to Harry.

"Don't worry Harry," said Ron, who had waited for him after class, "The week will be over before you know it." Harry stiffened as he passed the list of things he would have to do during detention to Ron.

"…Or not." said Ron, looking over the rather detailed list.

Harry couldn't help feeling that it was because of his stupid, slippery glasses. If he'd had them replaced already, none of this would have happened.

Hermione sniffed indignantly when Harry relayed this belief to her as they were eating in the Great Hall.

"Don't be ridiculous Harry," she said, "Inanimate objects have no control over our daily lives."

"I take it you don't wear underwear then," Ron commented as he moved to take a bite of his sandwich. A glare from Harry and Hermione caused him to pause in middle of chewing.

"What?" He asked innocently.

Harry rolled his eyes and continued. "It's true. In fact, I wish I didn't wear them at all. I can't help but think about how much of my life has been wasted by readjusting them." Hermione looked at them, cocking he head to the side. After studying him for a few moments, she shook her head.

"No, I think you look better with the glasses. You wouldn't look like yourself without them."

Harry shrugged. "I couldn't take that as being a bad thing. I just...I just wish I didn't need them."

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Elsewhere, within a realm of thought and formlessness, something stirred. It moved as though it had awakened from a deep sleep. The shape was almost as formless as its surroundings, but it was there. And it was conscious of something. A voice, a boy's voice.

"I just wish I didn't need them…"

"A wish?" The blurred form wondered, and then smiled to itself, if one could call it a smile. "It's time to grant another wish, then?" it thought, just as it began to disappear.

End chapter one. I hope you like it enough to read the next chapter. Any questions or feedback, feel free to review.