
"Run my baby run my baby run

Run from the noise of the street and the loaded gun

Too late for solutions to solve in the setting sun

So run my baby run my baby run"– Garbage "Run".

Warnings: Violence, explicit language, maybe some sex (but I'm not sure) – you know, the usual.

Timing: Post season 2 finale, in my very own Beauty of the Beast Prime timeline.

Rating: T to M (and possibly even MA).

Pairings: multiple.

Disclaimer: Transformers Prime © Hasbro. Story's plot and OC's © me. There may be some OC's that aren't mine – they belong to their respective creators.

The Fallen are virtuous among us.

"Some say you're trouble, boy

Just because you like to destroy

All the things that bring the idiots joy

Well, what's wrong with a little destruction?

And the Kunst won't talk to you

Because you kissed St Rollox Adieu

Because you robbed a supermarket or two

Well, who gives a damn about the prophets of Tesco?


Some say you're trouble, boy

Just because you like to destroy

You are the word, the word is 'destroy'

I break this bottle and think of you fondly


We've already seen

That the fallen are the virtuous among us

Walk among us

If you judge us

We're all damned"Franz Ferdinand „Fallen"


The Autobot Base Omega – 3. November 2rd.

June sat on a sofa in the human area of the rec. room with Ratchet leaning on the railing that secured the place. The woman was twirling a piece of plastic between her fingers. The room was empty save for the two. It was early and safe for Ratchet and Hot Rod everyone was either recharging or having a curb duty.

When June called and asked if she could have a private talk with Ratchet, Hot Rod was politely asked if he could go and check if he was not in his room, while Ratchet sent a Groundbridge to June's house.

"But how sure can you be?" Ratchet asked with scepticism.

"I did the home test and it gave me positive result." She held the piece of plastic for Ratchet to inspect. "It's reliable enough to give me 90% of certainty on its own. Add my other symptoms and in my case, it's pretty much confirmed."

"And the menstruation?" Ratchet asked. He learned more than he wanted to know when he and June had 'The Talk' with Bumblebee and Miko.

"I bled in the first three months when I carried Jack; it was caused by hormonal changes during the time when I would normally menstruate." June explained. "I was told by my doctor that it was harmless and would pass, and it did. It may be the same case this time."

"I see." Ratchet nodded. Humans and Cybertronians might have had their similarities, but there were also certain differences. Hormonal cycles and all things related to them were one of them.

"Later today I will go to the doctor to have it confirmed."

"Is that a good idea?" Ratchet asked with slightly startled expression.

"Why would that be a bad one?"

"With Megatron being its sire, the sparkling will be half-Cybertronian." Ratchet pointed out. "And I assume that it is Megatron's because you do not strike me as an adulterous type."

"The doctor is from Area 51 and has full security clearance, so it is safe." June assured the Autobot Medic. "And for the record, I most certainly am not an adulterous type."

"Does Megatron know?"

"He does know that I did the test, but he doesn't know what the result is." June sighed and eased back. "He was summoned back to Nemesis when Airachnid arrived."

"In that case, after you got confirmation I will want to schedule a scan of my own in some time." Ratchet decided.

"Why not now?"

"In such an early stage your own EM field, as feeble as it may be, would drown the EM of the new Spark and I would not be able to detect it." Ratchet explained. "And I would not dare to perform any more invasive examination; such a thing could put harm on the developing Spark."

"Will ultrasound examination will be safe?" June suddenly paled. She never suspected that such a young Spark could be so fragile; she assumed that if it was safe for an embryo it would also be safe for new Spark.

"Since it is just sound then it should be harmless." The Medic furrowed his opticsbrows. "You should however avoid any MRI scans due to use of magnets."

"Oh, no, no such thing is being done to confirm pregnancy." June smiled with relief. "Just ultrasound. And perhaps a blood test."

"Then all should be fine." Ratchet nodded.

He wasn't thrilled that the first Sparkling to be born since Allspark was launched into space would be Megatron's, but he wasn't about to blame the Bitlet for sins on its Sire. But the strongest feeling he had was curiosity, he knew of similar cases of crossbreeding, but in this case it was different. Human DNA and CNA had identical structure despite being different substances. Never before CNA was combined with DNA of species related so closely to Cybetronians, all because of Unicron, brother to Primus. Humans were the closest relatives of Cybertronians despite being organics. Ratchet knew that it would be a techno-organic, but he daren't imagine how strongly both sides of its nature could be integrated.


Nemesis. The bridge.

All excitement after the night action evaporated the moment Tarn and his team left Nemesis to continue their task of collapsing depleted energon mines and search for any possible remains of Airachnid's activity on Earth.

Megatron left immediately after the debriefing ended, he had places to be and thing to do but he did not explained what exactly he would be doing and where. Those who knew weren't talking, and that was probably why they were told in the first place. That group was limited to three (and one of them only because he had to know and there was no other alternative): Shockwave who was one of the most trusted and successful officers in Decepticon ranks, Knockout who had to know due being a medic and out of necessity, and Soundwave whose competence and loyalty were unquestionable. Noticeably Starscream was left out of that group (and was now pouting in some dark corner).

Soundwave (who a little bit earlier patiently ignored Starscream's rant about being underappreciated) was now monitoring Decepticon Justice Division's position in the Udzungwa Mountains 1) where they were busy collapsing two mines (and passionately hating the place).

The TIC was calmly waiting for their request for a Groundgridge (and silently enjoying the fact that it was not him who was stuck in incredibly moist and insect infested forest) when he received a call, but it did not came from the D.J.D.

It was Shockwave requesting a Groundgridge to Soundwave's current location. This was not typical for the mono-optic Decepticon. He was spending most of the time on the construction site and when he needed to get back to Nemesis he was never picky about the exact location as long as he got on board.

Such a request could only mean that Shockwave wanted to have a word with (or rather to) Soundwave, probably some sort of deal to strike. And since Shockwave was one of the most serious mechs Soundwave knew, he immediately opened the Groundbridge.

Soundwave never considered Shockwave a friend, but he was competent, knowledgeable and dependable so being on good terms with him paid, and paid well.

Shockwave didn't waste any time arriving on the Bridge. The moment he stepped out of the Groundbridge he approached Soundwave without paying any attention to Vehicons working at their consoles.

"I have a favour to ask." He addressed Soundwave without any further ado.

Soundwave turned fully to the mono-optic mech signalling that his interlocutor had his full attention.

"I request you to replace me on the construction site for one day." Shockwave explained.

Soundwave stood motionlessly for a moment and then gently cocked his head in question.

"In three days." Shockwave answered the silent inquiry. "I need to be elsewhere at that time."

Soundwave stared at Shockwave for another moment and then his stance changed as he slightly relaxed and nodded once, understanding the reason behind such a request and why Shockwave came with it to him and not someone else.

The TIC moved his head and his visor displayed an ID picture of Kaon as he established connection. After a moment Kaon answered and Soundwave sent short message to his HUD. The D.J.D. Communication Officer read it and immediately answered. Soundwave straightened and nodded to Shockwave again. All has been set and ready.

"You have my gratitude." Shockwave thanked. "Now, if you could send me back, I would no longer take your time."

Soundwave nodded and opened Groundbridge to the New Kaon construction site. Shockwave was dependable and being on his good side paid, and Shockwave knew how to show his gratitude in most gracious way. Soundwave knew that he would definitely not regret doing this favour to Shockwave.


With Decepticon Justice Division. The same time.

The D.J.D. watched as the pyrotechnics disputed if they were at safe enough distance from the mouth of the first mine they were about to collapse in the region. Seriously, how come Africa was considered to be such a dry place while the continent was clearly moist enough to make them cover in mould even though they weren't organic?

The pyrotechnics finally agreed that they were indeed far enough to just blow the place up, or rather blow it down, when Kaon heard his chime with incoming connection. The identified the caller as no one else than Soundwave. Kaon immediately answered and just as he expected, instead of hearing the Nemesis Communication Officer's voice (which Kaon had the privilege of hearing on few, rare occasions), he received a short message that displayed on his HUD. He couldn't see as such, but he still had access to his HUD as it was not connected to his optic array but rather some of his sensors (and allowed him to read for example, after all he was in charge of The List and that required him to be able to be able to read).

"Of course, I will be happy." Kaon answered the call and received a silent 'ping' as confirmation that he was heard and understood, a kind of 'over and out'.

"What was it?" Helex glanced at his team mate. He wasn't that interested but Kaon seemed excited and that could mean something important.

"That was Soundwave." Kaon replied. "In three days I will replace him for an entire day on Nemesis."

"Oh, so you're going to spend a day in comfort of Nemesis and we're just struggle on this Primus forsaken mud ball?" Tesarus winced. Earth was far from being boring but in that wicked way of things that could drive a grown mech into insanity. At least it was so to Tesarus.

"I will be performing all the duties of Soundwave." Kaon's face turned into serious, slightly annoyed mask. "I will not be spending my time in comfort but in work."

"Tesarus is simply irritated because of the humidity of this place." Tarn glanced at the Walking Metal Grinder. "But we all congratulate you and wish you fascinating day. But now it is time for out pyrotechnics to finally detonate so we can move to the other mine and then out of this place."

"Where's the next site?" Helex asked silently hoping for some place dryer.

"Same continent, Namib dessert and then two smaller ones in Swatberg Mountains 2), all three far south from here." Kaon recited. "But first the second mine on this site."


Area 51. Infirmary.

June emerged from behind the screen while buttoning her blouse. She was a little pale but other than that she hold on pretty well.

"Well, Mrs Darby, I suggest that the next step should be calling your partner and telling him he will become a father." The Doctor gestured for June to seat down.

"I will. He already knows that I was suspecting that, but he could use a confirmation."

"Good. And just like I said before, the bleeding is not dangerous as such, and is caused by the same hormonal changes as in your previous pregnancy. But I still recommend you to be cautious and not to strain yourself." The Doctor opened June's medical folder and peered inside. "You haven't turn 40 yet3), but you are 39 and these few months left don't make much of a difference in your case, especially that this is no ordinary pregnancy. Furthermore I have no idea what to expect from such an exotic embryo."

"The Autobot Medic that I have spoken to says that Cybertronian–Organic hybrids are not unheard of they had to be common enough at some point to be considered a separate sub–group of Cybetronians called Techno–Organics. I could ask him to contact you." June offered.

"That would be helpful. I have no experience in Autobot medicine and I know next to nothing about their genetics." The Doctor smiled and quickly wrote something in June's folder. "Contact with their doctor would be most helpful."

"I will ask him to call you when I see him." June promised and rose from her seat. "Is that all?"

"Yes. Just remember to take care and not stress yourself. This is a very early stage and combined with your age makes this pregnancy vulnerable. For now there are no anomalies, aside from parentage that is, so just proceeding as you did with your previous pregnancy."

The Doctor watched June leave her office and wrote few more notes in her patient's folder. She had security clearance, but she never actually met any Autobots, let alone that other group. The closes she ever come to contact with any of them was when she saw two Autobots from a distance some time ago 4), it was one black and yellow sports car and one red and blue articulated lorry, looking like more colourful version of "Smokey and the Bandit" scene.


Planet Hedonia 5).

Airachnid slowly sneaked out from the dark blind alley where she emerged from the Spacebridge. She looked around to determine if she was in any of the planet's 'Organics Only' zones, but she was able to quickly ascertain that she was not in one of the restricted areas.

The night life on Hedonia pulsed with life; the darkness was lit up by colourful neon glow and bright light of billboards. The broad variety of space faring species flooded the streets, some were just locals minding their own business, some were tourists looking for entertainment and some were entertainers6) looking for tourists. Airachnid had no problems with mixing into the crowds of most wild shaped creatures, fitting well between furs, feathers and scales of various volumes, colours and shapes, tentacles, spikes and claws.

Her plan was simple and easy to apply. She knew that the colourful crowds she found herself in meant that this was a tourist spot and that meant that there had to be a space port somewhere and that in turn meant space ships. Not all people visiting Hedonia came for sightseeing and 'negotiable affection for reasonable prices' and by extension arrived in a liner ship rented by travel agencies. Some of these tourists were here on their own accord, and some others tourists were here for business (Hedonians were peaceful and 'people-loving' not because they were bunch of hippies, but because it gave them great trading opportunities, especially when it came to weapons of all kinds – provided that said weapons were not utilised on their planet, that is).

All she needed was to find her way to the nearest docks and steal herself a nice, comfy ship, the comfier the better. A full tank of fuel would an additional bonus. But first, she felt like she could use some fuel herself. All this running away from Megatron was tiring.

The place she walked in was clean enough but not too flashy. A kind of a place where you went to have a little something in peace and quiet, and perhaps to meet some shady arms dealer without some lone socialists whining behind your audio sensors.

The room was clean and filled with patrons, but every single being there minded their own business, usually the kind of business that you knew about only if you were a businessman yourself. Airachnid instantly felt better. No one would bother her there, well, unless they were drunk enough to want to ask her out that is. But she knew how to deal with individuals who wanted to get close to her in the nearest dead end (just behind that large dumpster, there's a nice crate to lean against, eh missy?).

She sat at the bar and ordered herself large cube of something composed from thin energon and nightmare fuel7) with two rust sticks in the cube for additional fancy look. She was glad that they didn't add any Old Corroder 7) to it as well. She wanted some energy and perhaps some additional bravado but she didn't want to get wasted.

She was in the middle of her drink when a large, blue hand reached from behind her, gently picked one of her rust sticks in between two mighty looking digits (surprisingly, not claw shaped) and lifted it from her cube. Airachnid blinked once and looked behind only to face someone's armed abdominal area.

The dull blue plates that she looked at were literally armed, not armoured, but armed. There were (closed now) gun nests there, looking disturbingly like some organic 'six–pack'. She looked up (mighty looking chest plates), and up. And finally she saw her rust stick sticking from between pair of glorious looking tell-tale lips. There was only one mech she knew of, who had such lips, and it was her fellow Decepticon renegade. She was either in a heap of trouble of in world of luck, depending on what he thought of her, and if he liked her.

"What? I have a sweet denta." Overlord 8) spoke in most innocent voice ever and smiled. "You're Airachnid, aren't you?"

"I happen to be." Airachnid answered with smile of her own. She decided to play it cool.

"I don't think I have to introduce myself." The large mech said sitting next to her. He was ginormous in comparison to the small femme. "I believe we met back on Cybertron, sometime in the middle of the war."

"I believe we did." She gave him a closer look. He still looked the same, minus few scratches here and there.

"I have overheard on the Decepticon Radio that you have deserted our 'One True Leader'."

"I have. And I did it a long time ago, no one just told him up until recently."

"And yet you were back for a moment?"

"It served my purposes." She shrugged and took a sip from her drink. "I crash landed; an old enemy and her new pet destroyed my ship and trophy collection which left me stuck. At some point I regained my independence and finally found my way out."

"Ah, now I fully remember you. You like trophies and hunting." Overlord gave Airachnid one closer look.

This was not your usual Cybertronian; she was an Undergrounder and one of the most dangerous femmes in existence. This was not just a toy to fiddle with, this was an almost equal.

"Right now I am hunting something else." Airachnid finished her drink. "Where were you, I haven't seen you when I walked in?" She paid, spun on her bar stool and got up.

"I was in a little mech's room." Overlord grabbed the remaining rust stick from her cube as she slowly sauntered away. "I've heard metallic pedes steps and decided not to take any risks. With the D.J.D. on my tail I need to take precautions."

"You? You are scared of Tarn?" Airachnid stopped and turned to give him amused look.

"Tarn's an equal match and just like me, he was trained by Megatron himself. I may have a small advantage for having some Arena experience 9) but he has his team as a back-up. Taking my modifications and theirs, I do not like the odds."

"For now, you do not have to worry. Tarn and his merry bunch of loons are with Megatron at the moment. He summoned them to capture me."

Overlord stared at the femme for a moment with round optics and the rust stick hanging from his mouth like some half chewed tooth pick.

"I must have missed that part on the Decepticon Radio." He finally choked out and got back to his pedes. "So, Tarn is out of the field for a moment? That sounds like good news."

"The key word here is 'moment'. I need to get myself mobile before they're back on their hunt."

"Mobile? How did you get here then?"


"Megatron has a working Spacebridge again? That may be a problem. They might track you here." Overlord caught up with the femme in two small steps (which meant good six or seven steps for her).

"No, I took care of that; otherwise they would have me already."

"You had to work on his nerves really hard. Didn't you?" Overlord looked down at the femme beside him.

"Hard enough for him to call the D.J.D. back from hunting you down." She answered looking up. "The question is: what do you want from me? You usually ignore other Cybertronians unless you fight or kill them, so why approach me?"

"I could say that I longed for some Cybertronian company, but you wouldn't believe me." He answered holding the door for the smaller Cybertronian. "I was hoping that you had a working space ship to get away from here. Not that it is a bad place if you look for a drink, nice company and good quality guns. But it is also a place known to accept Cybertronians which means that the D.J.D. comes here every now and then to look for their targets."

"What happened with your ship? You had to get here somehow."

"It died on me just two local days ago." The tall mech shrugged. "I asked local mechanic if it could be fixed, but he said that I could get myself a new ship for what I would have to pay for the spare parts alone. I spared him for his honesty; it's hard to find good quality help these days."

"Why didn't you get yourself a new ship then? This is Hedonia; you can buy more than just guns here."

"The problem is that I'm broke." Overlord gave her his most charming smile. "I sold the broken ship for spare parts but it's not enough for new one. I was just considering getting myself some job as a mercenary when I saw you."

"That would explain what you did in that den."

"What were you doing there?"

"I stepped in to grab some fuel before going around my 'hunt'."

"Hunt?" The mech asked rising one if his barely visible opticbrows.

"I was heading to the docks to steal myself some ship." She answered sighing.

"Ahhh, good plan. Why haven't I thought of that?"

"Because you're gigantic oaf and you easy to spot." She said with brutal honesty.

"Yes, I knew there was a reason why that thought never occurred to me." Overlord laughed silently. He wasn't easy to offend, especially that he was all too aware of his size. "I have a proposal then."

"I'm all audials." Airachnid said in bored tone of someone ready to say 'no'.

"This is Hedonia, this planet never recharges, sleeps, meditate, or whatever else people do to rest. Docks are just as full of various creatures as the rest of this town."

"Your point?"

"A lone femme wandering around, looking for a ship to steal will stick out of the crowd making the port authorities watch you closely. No matter how stealthy you are, they have surveillance cameras everywhere and they will spot you." He explained. "Instead I propose to hide in plain sight."


"A lone Cybertronian stick out, but this place is filled with groups of various kinds. Two of us will be immediately classified as some couple wandering around. In addition, no one aside Cybertronians really speaks Cybertronian around here, so we can talk about our possible targets openly."

"That seems sound. And in turn, you want a place on that ship?"


"Hmm. I guess I can work with that." The femme agreed. "But after we get the ship, we go to McColamo10) to sell it and get ourselves our own ships."

"You think you can pull that? I highly doubt you could sell one ship and get enough cash to buy two other."

"It all depends on a ship you have." Airachnid smirked. "There are plenty of nice yachts in here. We'll grab one, not too large but luxurious and sell it on McColamo's black market. You know that on a Quintessons' world you can trade anything on a black market and it will be legalised before you can count the money they paid you. And then you can buy two smaller, less luxury but legal ships without much problem."

"Spoken from experience?" Overlord answered her smirk of his own.


"I elect to go with your plan then." He agreed. "Let's go then."

"With pleasure, 'darling'." She replied in Cybertronian.

"So, what do you plan when you're mobile again?" He gave her his arm.

"Back to what I always do. Hunting for trophies, sometimes hinting for money." She accepted it and they began to walk to the space port. "You?"

"I usually keep a low profile and sometimes work as a mercenary." He admitted. "It's a pitiful existence for someone who likes thrill of challenge."

"You have the thrill of challenge from Tarn and his merry bunch."

"That's just hiding; I want to hunt something down... Hey, how about I could hunt with you for a while?" He asked. He was curious if there was any beast large enough or strong enough to pose any threat to him.

"You? Hunt with me? Don't be ridiculous. What do you know of hunting?" She laughed while they passed the space port gate.

"I'm a fast learner." He stated. "And I am stealthier than I look. I am, after all, a Warrior Elite Member."

"Yes. You are. And so was Killmaster11) who ended killed in his sleep with his famous wand shoved up his... "

"Oh please, Killmaster is such a lame example. He only got into Warriors Elite because he was big and hulking. I don't know how Megatron could even consider allowing him into the Warriors Elite someone who ran around holding a sparkling and glowing Wand like it was some sort of lucky charm. And that Pansy got himself killed in his sleep by a former clock maker who looks like a twig and has no depth sense 12)."

"You're so cold."

"Like you care."

"No, I don't." Airachnid laughed.

"The rest of us were much better examples."

"Still, I do not like to hang out with mechs." Airachnid insisted.

"Well then, it is settled, I'm a carrier mech13)." Overlord stated. "Aren't you lucky?"

Airachnid sighed. She wasn't in the mood for arguments but she hoped she could drive Overlord away from that idea. True, sticking together could give them better chances if they were found by the D.J.D. but on the other servo, staying together would make them easier to find by the D.J.D. in the first place. In the end, she knew she would have to have a serious conversation with her temporary associate and convince him to bug off, or get convinced to stick together (however unlikely).


Nemesis. One week later.

Collapsing of the mines became an easy job for the D.J.D. after they hold a catch of it. Routine was easy and fast, and they were finished before they even noticed. After that they decided to get three more days of rest before they had to leave to continue their hunt for Airachnid (and Overlord, and a bunch of other scum lingering on their list).

The three days of just resting passed quickly however and before they knew, they had to leave. They congratulated Megatron on his happy news (even though the mech himself was more worried, confused and nervous about that), Vos chirped his own congratulations in Primal Vernacular and then turned to have a quiet word with Shockwave, who had no problem with answering in the 'Old Cybertronian' as well.

After saying their good byes (including implied 'behave of else') they were taken by Soundwave back to the Moon where Peaceful Tyranny awaited them.

The Moon's surface was calm and silent; it looked like some sort of desert. The peace was amazing and they looked up to see the Earth once more. After they nodded their respects to Soundwave, they began to pack themselves into their ship.

"Go, I will join you in a moment." Kaon called. "I want to have a talk to Soundwave."

They nodded and went in while Kaon with the Pet in his arms approached the Silent Spy.

"Thank you for opportunity to see how it feels to be Communication Officer on Nemesis." He said and detected that Soundwave cocked his head slightly. "It was an honour. And, no offence, a horror. I never suspected it would be like that. I honestly do not know how you do it, but you deserve much respect for managing that mad house."

Soundwave stood motionlessly but Kaon was able to sense his electromagnetic field and could feel slight waved of amusement. He knew that Soundwave was a telepath and that he had his emotions 'removed' though it wasn't appropriate term for the procedure he went through. Kaon was able to tell that such a reaction was equivalent of loud laughter from anyone else.

"I used to envy you for holding such a prestigious stance, but I do not anymore." Kaon smiled. "Not with all the crazy Vehicons around."

Soundwave nodded and reached his thin arm to pet The Pet, who whimpered happily, enjoying the attention.

A moment later Kaon was back on board of Peaceful Tyranny with the rest of Decepticon Justice Division, returning to their duty of incinerating, smelting, electrocuting, defacing and destroying Sparks ( followed by T-Cog removal).

To Be Continued in the Next Fic.

To Kaleia: No. Airachnid is not on the Moon, she went for the Spacebridge. The Previous chapter includes number of retrospections; they depict how the plan to catch Airachnid was executed. If you missed that, please, re-read it and you will see how it worked.

Also, for those of you who are curious how Overlord looks like in this fic, I have made a Prime incarnation (or rather what I believe he would look like) of him (not a full body re-design, just a portrait) that includes his marvellous lips. You can find it here (remove spaces, and insert slashes where I wrote them) czarnaarcher. Deviantart. com 'slash' art 'slash' Overlord - 483270980

I will also prepare a cover for this story with Tarn (inspired and based on MTMTE's issue 7 "Rules of Disengagement" cover).

As always, this fic (and the previous one: Blast from the Past, will be uploaded to deviant Art as a downloadable PDF file in some time).

1) Mountains in eastern Africa, part of Eastern Arc Mountains.

2) Namib dessert is on the coast of southern Africa. The Swartberg Mountains are in the South Africa, quite the very south of the Africa.

3) June is 39 and at the moment Jack is still 17, this means that she gave birth to Jack when she was 22, which correspond to her story from Beauty of the Beast that she had to abort her medical studies due to childbirth.

4) That happened during Hammerhead, when Optimus and Bumblebee returned from their repaint.

5) A very peaceful planet where everyone lives in peace and it is great place for tourists which make the locals unsurprisingly well-connected arm dealers. For reference see More Than Meets the Eye issue 13 "Cybertronian Homesick Blues".

6) They call themselves "Entertainers"... ehm ehm... or as Terry Pratchett used to claim in Discworld: they call themselves "Seamstresses" ehm ehm. Anyway, you get it, right?

7) Nightmare Fuel is a Cybertronian booze of the more potent kind, it was mentioned few times in MTMTE, but in MTMTE, issue 11 "Shadowplay, part 3: An Intimate Beheading" it was showed in a bottle with a label on it indicating that it is produces and bottled, meaning that you can buy it somewhere. The same goes with "Old Corroder".

8) This is the promised Guest Star. I just couldn't help myself, I had to introduce one Decepticon Justice Division target no another one.

9) Overlord is seen as one of the Gladiatorial Arena spectators in Megatron: Origin. But he's also seen to spar with Megatron in MTMTE issue 14 "Remembrance Day" so chances are that he fought once or twice himself.

10) McColamo is a planet from Spotlight: Drift. It is a Free Trade Zone (pretty much like Hedonia, only less of a holiday spot and more like a trade centre, or in other word, less like Caribbean and more like New York) and a part of Quinesson Pan Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere.

11) Killed by Whirl, and mentioned few times in IDW's comics. You can see how he looked like in Spotlight: Trailcutter "The Reluctant Specialist", and he has his wand with him (this was taken before it was shoved up his... you know).

12) That's Whirl. In IDW's MTMTE it was established that he was once a flight instructor and then a chronosmith, meaning he was a watchmaker only to become a law enforcer (he then beaten Megatron who was cuffed and couldn't fight back, and was till a miner and not a Gladiator at that time). Plus, he's rather slim and he's an amputee, meaning he went through Empurata and only has one optic (hence the depth sight problems).

13) I decided to make Overlord a carrier mech based on the fact that his G1 version transforms into two halves called Gigatank and Megajet, with Gigatank being clearly the more masculine part and Megajet being more feminine half. So, Overlord having feminine and masculine halves makes him perfect carrier mech in my story.

On another note, Airachnid statement that she doesn't like to hand around with mechs doesn't make her a lesbian, because I'm not even sure if such a term applies to Cybertronians (who have three sexes and each Cybertronian can choose theirs). Instead, Airachnid's statement is connected to her calling Decepticons "Boys' Club" in the TF: Prime.