I don't own Rise of the guardians, just so you know. ;) Anyways please enjoy!

"Bunny!" Jack whined, "stop teasing, I can't take it!"

"Tell me what ya want and I'll give it to ya love," Bunny said with a smirk.

"You're making me sa...mnnnnn!" Jack and Bunny's tongue intertwined. "nhhhh~ uhhhh! Aster! I want you inside me! Please~" Jack pleaded with lust in his eyes and a slight blush on his face.

"Heh, there a good boy" the pooka moved Jack so he would be in between His legs. "Ready?"

"Please bunny~!"

"Alright my little snowflake." bunny said happily, Jack feels something warm at his entrants.

"Ahh~ah~AHhhhh!" Bunny pushes in all the way and looks at At his snow Spirit to make sure he can keep going, he could feel that he was coming to his climax. Jack give a small nod urging bunny to finish, bunny didn't hesitate as he let at a moan. With each time bunny pulled out, he would speed up going deeper each time. Jack was in complete pleasure.

" uhhhh~bunny! Mnnnnn~ AHHH!" Jacks milky White deliciousness spreads over his Corso.

Bunny starts going faster than...
"AHHHH~!" Bunny releases his sperm inside the warm Corridor of Jacks ass, and collapse on Him as they cuddle together soon falling asleep forgetting where they were.

Ahhhhhhh! Bunny and Jack wake up to a high pitch scream.
"What! I didn't do it!" Jack yells as he sits up in bed with Bunny who was already standing up putting his hand up in Defence when an angry charging fairy comes at him.
Jack stand and steeps in front of the pooka. The fairy stop and points at bunny yelling
"get away for my jack you little perv!"

"Me! A prev!" Bunny yells back just as mad, Jack turns to his boyfriend
"I don't think that you being a perv is what you should be worrying about right now!" Bunny sends Jack a glare.

"Jack? He didn't hurt you right." Tooth asked Jack in a worried voice.

"No tooth, I guess I should tell you..."

"Tell me what?"

"Tooth I'm g-gay! And Bunny is my boyfriend!"

"W-what? What! You think I didn't know you were gay! I mean it was so obvious! And I totally fan girl-ed with my fairies, that was fun..." Tooth said slowly sliding into her own world.

"Tooth? Hey!" Jack yells

" hmmm? What do you want?"

" What?! You just found us naked! And... Oh! Crap we're naked!" Jack jumps to grab the blanket. While Bunny starts laughing.

"Wow, you just noticed that now?" Bunny says in-between laughing.

"well I guess I should leave." tooth says as she starts to turn around. "oh one more thing, bunny if you do any thing to jack I will destroy you~" And with one last sweet but deadly smile tooth shuts the door.

Every time I re-read this I can stop my self for laughing! I can believe I actually wrote this! XD well anyway Thanks for reading. :)