Chase's Pov

I was in capsule thinking. I was crying my eyes out. I hate it, I miss him so much. I fell on my knees, rocking back and forth. He was my best friend I could ever ask for.

And now... he gone. We were best friends sence 8th grade.

And I watched him die. In front of me.

My 'father' new about it. He tried to help me. But wouldn't let him. He really felt bad for me. Adam tried helping. So did Leo and Bree.

Right now... I just wanted my 'father' I cried so hard. Did you see his face when he was dying. I wish I hadn't seen it myself. I kept having flashbacks. Of his face.

He looked at me. He tried to tell me something when he was dying. But it was to late. He's gone, gone forever. I miss him So much. I gasp for air cause I was closterphobic and I was crying my eyes out.

''DAD!?'' I yelled.

''DAD?!'' I yelled again. He didn't come.

''Dad please? I need you.'' I said to myself. I then looked and saw My older brother wake up. He saw me with tear rolling down my face. He rushed towards me. He got me out of the capsule.

''Hey buddy, what's wrong?'' He asked calmly then stroked my hair.

''Adam?'' I cried. Then I hugged him. ''Awww, Buddy, it's okay.

I know you miss him.'' Adam sooth.

''So much.'' I cried again. ''Do you want Mr. Davenport?'' He asked.I looked at him. Then I nodded. ''Okay, you come with me?'' He asked I nodded. He grabbed my hand then leaded me up stairs.

"He, lay on the couch, okay?'' He asked. I did what I was told. I hope Mr. Davenport doesn't yell at me for waking him up early in the middle of the night. I cried to myself.

A couple minute later. The went rushing down stairs. ''Hey buddy, what's wrong are you okay?'' Mr. Davenport asked sitting in front of me.

''No.'' I cried. ''Come here?'' He whispered. Then he pulled me in to a hug. ''I miss him.'' I cried again. ''I know son, I know you do.'' Mr. Davenport cried, still hugging me, while rubbing my back.

''I th-thought y-you were gonna y-yell at m-me?'' I cried. He pulled me out of the hug. Then started to stroked my hair.

''No, of course not, why would I yell at you?'' He asked in a calm voice. ''I don't know.'' I said with puffy eyes.

''Buddy...If you need or have to talk, just tell me, Adam or Bree, Or even Tasha?'' He said rubbing both my shoulders.

''W-what about L-Leo?' I said.

''Yes, Leo to.'' He replied. ''And hey? If you need, someone, tell me, okay? But I will never yell at you, or anyone, if their friend pass away. I would never yell at you, I know you're really mad, and upset.'' He said.

''Okay.'' I said. He then pulled me in a hug.

''Okay, lets go bed okay?'' He said. I nodded. ''Here, you can sleep on the couch, alright.'' He said. I nodded. Adam and Mr. Davenport kissed me on the forehead.

''Thank you Adam for getting me.'' He said. ''Oh no problem Mr. Davenport.'' He smiled at him. ''Get some rest Adam?'' He asked. He nodded. We went to bed.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this feel free to review, See ya later