
Emma woke slowly to the sound of her husband's gentle mumblings. She reached for him, only to be met with a bar on the bed….and an IV in her arm…and machines beeping. What..?

In a rush, it all came back to her. Six hours before, she'd given birth to Eva Ruth Jones, the most astonishingly beautiful baby she'd ever seen…at least since she'd given birth to Henry.

Emma glanced to her left and smiled softly. Killian sat in the ridiculously uncomfortable chair they'd set beside her bed, his tiny daughter cradled lovingly in his hooked arm. Eva's little hand held tightly to her father's finger, connected to him even in her sleep.

It was the most beautiful sight Emma had ever seen.

She listened for a moment as Killian spoke of beanstalks and time travel and alternate realities and darkness defeated with true love's kiss. He was telling their daughter their story.

"And so, little love," he crooned, "you need never fear. Your papa's a survivor and your mother is bloody brilliant. Our love will stand the test of time and every obstacle thrown our way. We are a family, my cygnet, and you need never fear to be left alone."

Emma's heart turned over, the tears rushing to the surface.

"No doubt your brother shall write the story of the pirate and the princess, my Eva," Killian continued, "and your own story too. Your brother Henry is a marvel, little love. What will your story be, I wonder? Shall you be brave and fiery and passionate like your mother?"

"Or," Emma said, finally letting her family know she'd been eavesdropping, "will she be loving and honorable and courageous like her father?"

Killian looked up, smiling in delight. "I do hope we haven't woken you, love."

"No, not at all." Emma scooted to a seated position, wincing at the soreness the move provoked. "So what's up? She hungry? Was she crying?"

Killian shook his head, looking down at the baby, running an impossibly gentle finger along her downy cheek. "No, she slept soundly."

"Well, she's had a busy day," Emma answered with a gentle smile.

"Aye." Killian looked up at her, a tender look in his eyes. "I just needed to hold her, love. I didn't know; had no idea it would be like this. I love her so deeply I can't contain it. I'm in awe at the miracle we've been given. Such tiny, perfect fingers, such delicate features. To think that it was our love, so overwhelming, so all encompassing, that created her. It brings me to my knees."

Emma allowed one tear to escape her eye and make its way down her cheek. Killian looked up quickly, adoration changing to concern.

"Are you well, Emma?" he asked, reaching for the button at the side of her bed. "Do you need me to call the nurse?"

She covered his hand with her own, stilling his movements. "I'm fine, Killian. It's just..It's just overwhelming you know? I never thought I would get this. Never thought I'd have my son back, and a husband and a baby girl."

Killian stood slowly, careful not to disturb his sleeping daughter, then leaned over and gently kissed her. "I know. It's the same for me."

"The last time I did this…" she continued, glancing away for a second. "Killian, I was chained to my bed. There was no one with me, save the cop who was there to make sure I wouldn't run. Like that was possible. Not sure how many women make grand daring escapes in the middle of giving birth. Far as I knew my baby's daddy was the scum of the earth who'd just used me and thrown me away."

She saw the pain he felt at what she'd gone through during Henry's birth. She squeezed his hand, wanting to comfort, wanting to reassure. "But this time? This time everything was different. My family waited just outside, hardly able to contain their excitement. My husband stood by my side, not even caring how many choice words I tossed out at him for being the cause of the pain I was feeling. My baby girl was placed in my arms, and I knew she'd be the luckiest, most loved little girl in the world."

"She'll have us both forever, love," Killian said quickly. "And she'll be the best of both of us. The best of all of us."

Emma reached up and cupped her husband's cheek, letting her thumb draw tiny circles. "Here, let me hold her for a while."

Killian nodded, gently placed the baby in her arms and then took a tiny step back. Emma leaned down and placed a kiss against Eva's soft forehead just as she saw a sudden flash of light. Looking up, she saw Killian with his "talking phone" in hand, having just snapped a photo.

"Killian!" she protested. "What are you DOING? I look like crap!"

Killian tapped a few buttons and then looked up at her with a mock scowl. "Now, Swan, tread carefully. That's the mother of my daughter you're talking about. I'll not suffer any to speak such calumny about her."

Emma smiled, but then watched as he typed diligently at his phone again. "Killian, just what are you doing with that picture?"

He nodded in satisfaction and then turned back to her. "Not a thing in the world love."

Emma groaned. "Please tell me you didn't post that!"

"Come now, Swan," he said, sauntering over. "Our friends deserved to know of our joy."

She groaned again. "Why? Why in all the realms did I introduce you to social media? At least show me what you posted."

He obligingly slanted the phone in her direction and she read his caption: "Gazing upon the two most beautiful women in the world. I love you more than words could say my Emma, my tiny, precious Eva."

"Look, love," he said, pointing toward the screen. "Five minutes and I've already gotten fifty likes and thirty-five re-blogs."

Eva stretched, emitted a soft gurgle and then settled back into sleep. "You know, Killian, we probably should put her back in her bassinette. The memories of Henry I had in the early days may have been ones Regina implanted, but they're irrevocably burned into my mind. Chances to sleep are going to be pretty few and far between for the next couple of months. Better take advantage while we can."

Killian took the baby back and held her close for a moment, before finally setting her down. "Aye, I'm sure you're right love. I just find it difficult to be parted from her."

"Oh don't worry," she said, settling back down on her pillow. "Come next week when she's screaming at the top of her lungs at two in the morning, she's all yours."


-*sigh* It's been one of those days. I sprained my ankle last night so I'm in pain. I didn't sleep well because I couldn't find a position that didn't press on the ankle, so I'm tired (and have a headache = more pain). Result? My mood is roughly as good as someone on prednisone while also PMSing. So I decided some CS baby fluff was definitely in order. (It was either write this or something evil—like Killian trying to get through to dark!Emma and her getting annoyed and tossing him off a cliff Cruella-style. There was no in between; it was all or nothing. I figured you'd prefer the fluff more.)

-I considered saving this for my next installment of "Fluffy Fridays", but it just fit too well within the "The Girl That I Adore" universe that I couldn't resist.