Answers for the reviews
FOODninja-331: If your are asking if a female Shepard is in it, than yes. But if you are asking if there will be a romance between my OC and Shepard than I need to say maybe, don't really know.
Guest Q: I have my very own theory for why the warframes in Warframe look all the same with just color deviation. I will include this theory in the next chapters.
I know this chapter is a bit short, but I needed to take it out of my head to think of the next one so please forgive me.
Also the explanation why I was of radar for such along time is at the end of the chapter.
Disclaimer: I really wish that I would own Mass Effect and Warframe, but they are still owned by Bioware and Digital Extremis respectively.
Chapter 2 ...into the light
Captain Julius Alexander checked his phalanx heavy pistol over again. Around him the rest of the bridge crew did the same, while seeking cover behind the various chairs and consoles arranged around the bridge.
In quiet he asked himself when it has all gone wrong the fast. First the research department reported new findings, then suddenly deck C went dark. After that the ship VI reported that an intruder made it past its firewalls. Than all communication equipment suddenly went out. Long range, short range, in ear commlinks, even the mailing program on his Omni-tool just shut down.
He looked to the sealed blast doors again, controls smashed and quickly fused shut, with an emergency fusion torch that was standard on every Cerberus bridge to stall borders. But he could still hear the unearthly screams of the Storm troopers that tried to defend the corridors. While the crew around him prepared everything to repel the thing that tries to kill them, he only stared at the screens before him.
The begging of of a soldier while he kneeled in the blood of his comrades. He and the bridge crew watched, as a female shaped, humanoid, creature slowly walked towards the cowering soldier. As she reached him she slowly placed the pistols, she used to kill so many, at her hips.
The Creature just stood there for a while, looking at the whimpering soldier if unsure what to do. Before she reached out, nearly in a gentle motion. Softly grasping the chin of the Soldier, lifting it so he was staring at the place where her eyes would have been, weren't if for the large bandanna that covered nearly half of her head.
Than with one sudden motion, her hand balled into a fist and three gleaming blades seemingly appeared in the mans neck. Lightning burnt skin and the mouth of the soldier opened a last time for a silent scream, while his vocal cods were burnt and his skull cut in pieces.
He looked away after this scene, trying to get some kind of control of his stomach again. The sound of a bridge member emptying his content didn't help. He forced himself to look at the screen again, only to find the creature hadn't moved. She stared at the sealed bulkhead in front of her and without another glance, tuned around. Leaving behind a scene more appropriate in a 20th century horror movie.
Since than he and the others had waited. 30 minutes passed since this monster butchered her way through the corridor, only to find her price denied. He just finished inspecting his pistol for the third time, when suddenly one of the ensigns spook up: "Did your hear that?"
Julius looked up,he heard nothing."What?" He whispered back.
The ensign in question now had a look of outright panic: "The scraping, the rumble, its coming to get us! Holy mother, its near!"
That was enough. Just as Julius stood up to slap some sense into this coward. He heard it too: A scraping of metal on metal, a low rumble, like distanced thunder and in a blink of an eye his world was covered in darkness. As the lights of the bridge went out, darkness engulfed everyone and with the darkness came the fear. The feeling of someone watching you, staring into the very essence of your mind and digging out your worst fears.
Nerves that were already on edge, just broke. And in all of this Chaos, nobody noticed the shattering of a Vent in the ceiling. Nobody saw the gleaming blades that tore through captain Julius body. Only when a red glow illuminated the darkness and every eye fell on the being that stood on the pieces that were once a human, a brief silence overcame the bridge. But it only lasted for a fraction of a second before the Tenno in their midst unleashed a hail of lead into the unfortunate humans.
Eight shoots later, silence reigned again, only broken by the drip drip drip of blood, flesh and brain matter that decorated the walls, floor and even parts of the ceiling.
I stood in the midst of it all, looking at the carnage around me. With a thought the peacemaker rail guns retracted themselves under my arms again.
"Ordis, what do you need to get into the ship systems?" My Voice was calm and devoid of any emotion. But still the feminine voice that is a few octaves higher than my usual one slightly unnerved me. But something was holding that feeling down, suppressing it into a dark corner of my mind. So I left it there and concentrate on the mission.
"Hmm, let me see. There that one should suffice. I will highlight it on your HUD. Just hold your hand over it and I will handle the rest."
After following the nav marker through the bridge and placing my hand over the marked console, I immediately regretted putting my trust into Ordis.
Lights began to flicker on and off throughout the ship, systems randomly shut down only to nosily reawaken and to my dismay a hologram sprang to life right next to the console, showing an orange glowing Cerberus crewman, his hands clasp behind his back.
"Intrusion detected, raising firewalls, shutting down all connections to mainframe, blocking connections to external Servers. Waiting for further commands from a Cerberus officer."
' So this was the VI that controlled most of the systems on this vessel, but what is...'
My thought haltered as the VI was suddenly replaced by a red glowing Ordis.
" You primitive Cephalon DARE to shut ME out! I will teach you the true POWER of what a Orokin born Cephalon can do!"
With that the red glow was again replaced by the VI. But now it looked much more unstable.
" Eeeexternal Servers bbbreeeched, firewalls noneffective, mainframe cccooorupted, automatic shutdown initia..."
With that the VI vanished and Ordis replaced it again, now his normal self again.
"Sorry operator, but this /primitive/ non standard Cephalon, was just to stubborn to submit to your claims on this ship. Sorry that you had to see that."
I didn't answer to that instead I turned to face the large bridge windows, giving me a wonderful view of the lush green planet under us and the words of the researcher came back into my mind.
Cerberus still has a camp down there, digging in the ruins of the Orokin tower, that held so many secrets this universe could not handle. In the worst case even some form of the technoscythe virus that would overrun this galaxy in a mater of month if ever unleashed.
" Ordis, search for a containment protocol. Cerberus wouldn't take any chances with this kind of technology."
"Hmm, let me see. Order of high command? No. Interstellar navigation for dummies? Nope. Private files of communication officer Zao? Eww, I will need several data purges to get that out of my processors. Ah there it is, Orders in case of an outbreak of any kind. Hmm, research camp Alpha should be evacuated and that the area around the portal, carpet bombed with stored N weapons. Kind of extreme, but effective."
"How many N weapons?"
"Twenty five, fifty megaton warheads."
"How many are necessary to block the Portal and destroy anything that they may took to the camp?"
"Hm five should suffice, should I launch them now?"
" Do that, can the rest be transferred to the Liset?"
"Hm, let me calculate the space in our fright compartment. Subtract refinery and rare metals still in the hold."
On the word refinery I perked up, but didn't turn around, my eyes still following the five trails of the nuclear missiles, slowly making there way towards the planet. A few minutes later tiny flashes illuminated one area on the planet.
They looked beautiful from orbit, like flowers blooming in the spring. But in reality each of them were a raging firestorm of pressure and heat. Throwing tones of dirt and radiation in the atmosphere, contaminating the area for millennia, killing everything with the fires and the darkness of the nuclear winter that followed.
But that were thoughts I couldn't care about. I turned back to Ordis who seemed to have come to a conclusion.
"Taking that we currently have approximately 100 tons of rare metals and minerals in our holds, we can take up to seven of this bombs. And if I might say so operator, we still don't know what we are up against, so they could prove useful."
The last few words didn't reach me. My mind still hung at the fact that somehow the Liset could transport up over 200 tons of cargo plus a refinery, for whatever I could use this. This thought roamed trough my head, so I needed to ask.
"Ordis, how can a Liset take up so much cargo and what do I need the refinery for?"
Ordis looked at me for a second.
"Operator, did you really forget what wonders the technology of the Orokin could produce and what a special case you are?
Your pod had been hidden far outside the origin system. So the Lotus prepared us with everything we would need. Materials, means to harvest for our own and produce and also with this."
His eye like for was suddenly replaced by a dagger shaped ship. Smooth on the top and with a box like belly attached to its belly. Multiple red and green icons marked weapons, communication systems and engines. But before I could shout out the familiarity this design had to something I knew, Ordis beat me to it.
"Behold! The Anaconda class long range recon frigate. Produced in the Void shipyards and equipped with the newest beam weapons and void shields. Its strong frame shift drive makes it possible to explore even without a solar rail system and its storage bay can hold enough supplies to supply a ten Tenno crew for nearly eight months.
Its hangar is equipped with the standard Liset class infiltration ship and please operator hitting your head like this could damage the neural sensors in your helmet."
I slowly removed my hand form my face. This was too much. Yes I needed a ship that could operate outside of the solar rail system for what the watcher expected me to do, but this!?
I mean direct energy weapons? Nearly instantaneous travel between star systems that are over 15 light years away from each other? If this thing would have fallen into Cerberus hands they could have overrun the entire Mass Effect universe with this!
"Ordis where is the ship now?"
" Still tied to the vessel we are on and connected though a large docking tube."
Cold fear began to form inside my stomach, but as soon as it came up it subsided again. My mind calmed itself and my thoughts returned back to cold and calculating.
"Did somebody or something got on board?"
"No Operator. They tried to cut open the hull once, but I repelled that by venting radiation form the reactor into the docking tube. Nothing lethal, just enough that they needed to decontaminate it for several weeks. After that they started no further attempt."
I nodded to that too. So the ship is still unbreached and safe to enter or so I hopped.
I turned my head to Ordis hologram again, that looked at me expectantly. If a floating eye could look like it was expecting something.
"Move the bombs into a fright compartment that can be sealed. Than rig the rest to be remote detonated from the Anaconda. I will go and search for the prisoner."
With that said I extended the Venka claws from my wrists again and with the quick slash the bridge door opened itself before me.
How I knew that this would work, I didn't know. Something in the back of my mind told me that it would work, like the stunt with the air ducts. Every time that thoughts came up to counter those whispers, another thing would just sweep them away and leave me with this only option.
I somehow accepted that, maybe it had to do with the changes to my body. Maybe Tenno worked that way, who was I to know that.
So with not even so much of a glance back at the massacre I left on the bridge I walked again into the dark corridors of the ship and my body was again, surrounded by darkness.
Yeah I am back in the land of the living and I apologies for the long delay between the chapters. The answer is plain and simple. My PC decided that it was the best way to show me how much it loved me, by just breaking down in my face. I don't really know what caused this, but a specialist told me that somehow a strong current went trough my PC. Destroying my processor, ram, graphic card and TV card in the process.
It took me five months to get the money together to buy myself a new PC and when I finally had it, surprise, the files and backups I placed on my old hard drives where all corrupted, together with at least four chapters for this story. In it self a great down turner for my creativity, because I had to remember what I had written five to six months ago. Also university also thought fuck your free time, you have a shit ton of work to do. So my mind was buried in tons of chemical formulas and physical equations.
And yes It took me until now to get everything set down and a new story script formulated. I will also include some of the new stuff that has appeared in Warframe quite recently, like the new Primes and a few new weapons.
Those who want to spoiler themselves to what I have planed with the story or just want to ask some questions are welcome to write me a PM. The rest stay tuned, the next chapter will come in a much shorter time than this one.
(Inspiring music for this chapter came from Two steps from Hell, album Classics Vol.1)