It was ten o'clock. Just another dead Tuesday in a string of them. Leroy was, again, Regina's only customer. Still, Regina saw the plus side. If she got rid of Leroy she could at least close early.

"One more for the road, Leroy?" Regina asked, hoping he might get the hint.

"Maybe, doll," Leroy said, his raspy voice slurring only slightly. "If I can finally convince you to come home with me."

Regina smiled at their familiar routine.

"I'd give you a heart attack, Leroy," Regina said with a wink as she poured the shot of bourbon in front of him.

"Probably." Leroy nodded. "But that's at the top of my list of ways to go."

Regina laughed as she emptied the bottle, noting she'd have to get another one from the back.

"Besides," Leroy continued, "you're not still seeing that Hood kid, so what, you finally decided to date what's-his-name? Jefferson?"

"You're the only guy in my life these days Leroy," Regina said with a wink, trying to cover up what her statement meant. It was true, Regina wasn't seeing anyone. After Emma, Regina had tried to get into the swing of things again. She'd gone on a few dates in the first month, but both guys, while nice, seemed utterly pointless to Regina. The old her might have taken one home just to clear her cobwebs, but Regina couldn't. It just didn't feel the same anymore. Her hands and her battery-operated toys had been her only lover for the better part of a year now and her sexual thoughts were consumed by her night with Emma.

Regina had tried to break the habit. Tried using her old masturbatory fantasies. But each time they'd left her frustrated and, when she'd break down, she'd again find Emma in her minds eye. Not just in one of the acts they'd engaged in but in new ones. Fantasies that Regina found herself having as she invariably would continue masturbating.

That had been one of the reasons for the package she'd sent. She'd hoped that shooting herself dressed up for some of those fantasies might get them off her mind. Cooking for Emma before sex on the kitchen floor. Emma coming home to untie that yellow ribbon. Even the bridal lingerie was the result of the idea of a hetero fantasy Regina used to have being transferred over to Emma. Regina had joked in bed about Emma turning her into a lesbian, but, more and more, Regina was starting to believe it was true. Even scarier, Regina didn't even mind the thought so much.

That was why now, a few days away from Emma's return, Regina was so tense. Regina didn't know what she wanted to happen. The thought of Emma showing up in the bar in a few days terrified her. The thought of Emma not showing up terrified her. Regina had no idea what to expect or how she'd react. She felt like she was back in school with a book report due and she hadn't read the book.

"I'm going to go get another bottle from the back, Leroy," Regina said, letting the business of running her bar interrupt her sexual identity crisis for the umpteenth time in the last few months.

Regina made her way to the back. Regina stood there for a second, thoughts of Emma again distracting her from the simple task, before she shook her head clear and grabbed a bottle. She made up her mind to get good and plastered once she kicked Leroy out. She stood in the cool back room of her bar for a second before walking out to something she hadn't expected.

Standing in the doorway, large green bag slung over her shoulder, was Emma.

At first Regina thought it was a mirage. Some sort of sex-starvation induced hallucination, but that idea was quickly dismissed. It was Emma. Tall, well built and pretty, her sandy blonde hair still in the ponytail beneath her camouflage cap and dressed in fatigues. There was no mistaking the girl she hadn't managed to stop thinking about for five consecutive minutes for lunch. She looked harried and exhausted, but no less appealing for it. Absence, it seemed, had really made the heart grow fonder.

"Days," Regina blurted, trying to think of what to say but not finding much. Eventually her mouth and brain reached some sort of tentative agreement and a passable sentence left her lips, "You're not supposed to be back for days."

"Caught an earlier flight," Emma said. Immediately Regina could see that fierce, intense desire in Emma's brown eyes. The same that had made her feel so uncomfortable the first time she saw it and that had made her feel so sexy when they'd fucked. Regina felt her heart skip a beat and her mouth dry. "Don't mind, do you?"

"No, I'm just not ready is all," Regina sputtered. This was true. In her fantasies, Emma had come back to a perfectly made up Regina who'd planned ahead. Regina had bought the white bridal lingerie for their next night together. Candles, roses, a bubble bath together, other things. Regina had planned it all out in her head. "I look like a mess."

Emma walked into the bar, a broad grin on her face.

"Regina, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Emma said as she leaned forward and passionately kissed Regina. It was a repeat of their kiss at the bus station, hungry but restrained. Regina felt herself melt into Emma's strong arms. The kiss lasted longer this time, breaking only when Regina felt the need to break for air.

"Even if you're a bit of a tease for that fucking package," Emma winked as she looked down at Regina.

"I thought you'd like it," Regina said slyly.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Emma said plainly.

Looking up at Emma, being held in her arms, remembering Emma's power and performance in the bedroom, all doubts were erased from Regina's mind. She knew exactly what she wanted.

"I was thinking, by the way," Regina said. "You know how I said I should set a time limit on your nights?"

Emma nodded. "I know, I know, we went a long time last time but I'm thinking-"

"I'm thinking I've set a fair one." Regina said, interrupting Emma with a determined voice. "I'm thinking weeks. Months. Hell, years and years and years if you're inclined."

Emma smiled broadly. Regina could instantly see that her feelings were reciprocated, fully and completely. Lesbian, straight, Regina didn't give a shit about labels any more. All she knew was that she wanted to be with Emma, now and for as long as she could see into the future.

"That's a lot of fucking," Emma said. "Might even wear me out."

"Well, you know," Regina shrugged, "I figure there'll be breaks for eating, sleeping, work, taking me to the movies, things like that."

"Sounds good to me," Emma said with a wink. "Because I meant what I said you know, I loved fucking you."

The words hung in the air for a second. Both women knew exactly what Emma meant.

"Me too," Regina said softly, looking down at her feet. Both women knew what Regina meant as well. As far as romantic moments went, it may not have been traditional but, Regina had to admit, it fit her and Emma pretty well.

"Soooo," Emma said, motioning to her head upstairs. Regina just nodded and turned back towards the bar.

"All right Leroy, it really is time for you to go now," Regina said firmly. The older man rose unsteadily to his feet and walked towards the door.

"Alright, alright, what's so all-fire important that it's got you so worked up?" Leroy asked as he made his way past the two women, seemingly not noticing their embrace.

Regina considered the question, looked at Emma, then back at Leroy.

"My girlfriend is back from overseas and wants to fuck the hell out of me," Regina answered.

Leroy grabbed his hat and coat from the rack before opening the heavy door into the cool night air.

"Well, as reasons go..." Leroy said with a bit of a twinkle before quickly and silently disappearing into the night.

As they watched him leave, Emma wrapped her arms around Regina's waist, kissing her neck softly from behind.

"Now you, missy, have about thirty seconds to get that gorgeous ass of yours upstairs," Emma said as she placed a kiss just below Regina's ear and began groping the soft body that had been on her mind for far too long.

"Mmmm," Regina moaned as she felt Emma's hands on her breasts. "Is that an order?"

"It is," Emma confirmed.

"And if I don't comply, I assume I get punished severely?" Regina asked breathlessly.

"You do," Emma said, biting her ear gently. Her words hung in the air several seconds without any movement from Regina. "Well?"

"I'm thinking. I'm thinking."

And with that, Emma leaned down and threw Regina over her shoulder, lifting her easily, and made her way to the small staircase to their apartment amid Regina's delighted shrieks of laughter.

Reaching the room Emma closed the door behind them with a kick and barely had time to put Regina on the floor before Regina's lips were on her. However passionate, it wasn't rushed. They had all night long, and both of them were gonna take full advantage of it.

Regina was gently biting down on Emma's pulse point, when she felt hands moving up her sides, under her shirt. She raised her arms above her head to help on the removal of her shirt. Hands moved back down on her waist, and she was slowly pushed backwards toward the bed. The hollow of her knees bumped into the frame of the bed, and she let herself fall down onto the mattress, Emma hovering above her.

Strong long fingers trailed over her collar-bone, outlined her breasts and continued their journey down over her abdomen, leaving goose-bumps in their wake. They stopped just above the waistband of her jeans. 'God how much I miss her touch!', Regina thinks.

Emma locks eyes with Regina smirking she sits on her heels stopping just for a second to enjoying the view, and the she finish removing their clothes, leaning down on her hands Emma glues her body to the one beneath her. Their breasts touched, hard nipples rubbing against each other. Soft lips touched Regina's, kissing, tasting, loving.

Regina gently moves against Emma, arching her body to feel more of the strong body above her, hooking her wrist behind Emma's neck, lips never stopping, hands continue to roam over soft skin remembering their first time together. Regina's hand reach Emma's backside and squeeze hard getting a growl/moan in response.

Emma takes Regina's hand in her own and pins them above Regina's head. Regina smirks. Emma hold both hand with her left hand, while her right start its decent between Regina's breast, stomach, inner tight until it reaches Regina's pussy. Both moan at the sensation and state of arousal.

"You're so wet baby" Emma moans in Regina's ear.

"Emma, pleaseā€¦" Is the only response Regina can give, her body craving her soldier's touch.

Hearing the need in the Latina's voice Emma quickly thrust two fingers deep into Regina's hot wet core, and start moving deep and hard, pounding her lover.

"Fuck!...So good!...Just like that baby!" Regina says, half screaming half moaning.

Emma moves her leg straddling one of Regina's tight and start grinding using the movement to get the much needed friction to come with her lover and to push her fingers deeper withing her lover. Moving their hips together a small layer of sweat starts to cover their bodies, moans and gasp is the only sound withing the room.

Regina bites into Emma's shoulder and the soldier knows she's close to the edge.

"Together?", Emma asks, whispering the question into her ear.

"Together," Regina replies breathless shivering at the sensation of hot air close to her hypper-sensitive skin.

The both pick up the pace, and start grinding faster and harder, Regina suprises Emma by slipping her hand between her bodies deeping two finger inside Emma's hot core. "Fuck yes! Emma moans. It didn't take long for them to find a rhythm, both woman sliding up and down, coming together hard.

Emma not being able to hold herself up no longer falls on top of Regina's sweaty hot body, both women breathing hard, enjoying the bliss, smiling at each other, Regina lifts Emma's chin looking into those bright green eyes, now almost black with desire and love kisses her slowly but passionetly.

"I missed you", Regina murmures shyly against Emma's lips.

"I missed you more", Emma replies.

Both women smile and wrap in eachothers arms they lay in bed enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking, knowing that they have found their forever.