Hi! This is a side project so updates will be either a week to two weeks apart. It will be short (around 10-15 chapters). There is no thick plot (a bit more like my fic "The Greatest Love" than my other work). Please let me know what you think. This story has a general shape, but nothing definitive. Also, there is no Loki in this fic (sad for my fellow Loki lovers), but it is a Thor fic. Enjoy!

Everything was perfect. The hall was decorated beautifully thanks to Stark Industries and its spearhead, Pepper Potts. They provided the space free of charge, secured the pews, and paid for an absurd amount of floral arrangements. Jane was charged with buying her wedding dress and the bridesmaids' gowns; the Asgardians provided the food, and lots of it. All was perfect.

Tucked in a room down a private corridor was Jane who stood nervously examining herself in a mirror. Her makeup was light and simple, her hair fell in loose ringlets, and her dress, it was perfect. Perfection. Should she be concerned that everything was perfect? Didn't normal weddings involve fights? Considering the amount of alcohol the Asgardians had brought with them, there should have been at least one incident of drunken abuse. Where were the flurries of tears that should have been shed? She hadn't shed any, neither had her mother. Darcy always became too emotional, she cried, but it just wasn't the same.

Nerves. Those were normal, right? A jittery unpleasantness tormented brides occasionally, according to the bridal magazines Jane had read. She fanned her arms in an attempt to control the perspiration. Why was she perspiring so much? Nerves. It's alright to be nervous on her wedding day and it was perfectly normal to perspire as a result.

"Breathe, Jane," she mumbled to herself. "You're marrying Thor. Earth is safe. There is no Loki and there is no Malekith. No more Aether. It's perfect."

As she stood flipping her curls around she continued to mutter the word "perfect". A few minutes passed before she heard a knock at the door. "Yes?"

"Jane, it's Erik. We're ready when you are," he stated from the other side of the door.

"Perfect," she muttered. "Okay, I'm coming," she called back to him. With one last look, she observed herself once more. Satisfied, she went to the door, opening it to see her teary eyed friend and colleague.

"Jane," declared Erik as he beheld her. "I'm sorry your father couldn't be the one to give you away. He would be so proud of you and the woman you've become. You followed your heart."

She smiled at him. "Yes, I did." Her stomach flopped.

"Are you okay?" Asked Erik.

Jane nodded. "I'm a little nervous."

"And a little green."

"Jane, come on. I'm hungry," moan Darcy from down the hall. Her quirky intern and friend waved two bouquets around carelessly. Several petals fell from the abuse.

"Darcy, be careful, that one is Jane's." Darcy's own personal intern, Ian, intervened on behalf of Jane's wedding bouquet. He snatched it away as quickly as he could before Darcy managed any more damage. The two of them glared at each other briefly.

Jane's stomach did another flip. As Ian handed her the bundle of spring flowers Darcy straightened and went to the door that led into the sanctuary. She mumbled an apology to Jane and waited for the the doors to open.

Thanks to Thor's relationship with the Tony Stark, Jane would walk down the aisle of her wedding to an actual orchestra, well, a quartet of cellos. An orchestra had been bit much and the thought of having one had consistently filled Jane with sheer dread. She was a scientist and a grown woman, not a ten old girl dreaming of Prince Charming. Jane was inventive and investigative, she thought outside the box, not within its parameters. An orchestra was simply not her. It wasn't Darcy either. Jane never could understand Darcy's enthusiasm for an orchestra when she knew her intern would have prefered to put her Ipod on shuffle.

"Ready, Jane?" asked Erik as he offered her his arm. He led her to the door, but kept her hidden. "Let's go."

She saw Thor first, dressed in his Asgardian armor, he was smiling brightly at her. He was perfect, sheer perfection. Jane dared a glance at all the people standing and looking at her. There was a mass of Asgardians and the Avengers on Thor's side. Odin was nowhere to be found; even for their wedding, Odin could not care enough to visit. His absence did not faze her. They had a mutual contempt for each other. But she did see Lady Sif. She could not deny that she felt threatened by the woman, but not because she was a warrior. Sif was, perfect.

"Jane," whispered Erik. "Are you okay? Why have you stopped?"

Had she stopped? Jane looked around. Indeed, she had stopped. Her eyes darted back up at Thor. His smile was gone and he stared at her through furled brows. He took a step forward. Jane's mind snapped, her stomach raged; she felt faint.

"No," she cried with a shaky breath.

"Stop!" Cried Thor as he made to rush to help her. "She is unwell."

"No. I can't." She stared wildly around her. "I can't do this. I can't marry you, Thor." Tears burst from her eyes before she disappeared beyond the doors.

Thor stopped for a moment. "What? Jane, wait."

Erik stopped Thor and let Darcy through to pursue Jane. As the women closest to Jane fled the room, Erik tried to calm Thor down. Nothing could keep him calm. Everything had been so perfect, he had worked so hard to make it so. What happened?