Disclaimer: I don't own TVD.

Song chapter title inspiration: "Hunted" by Ag Silver.

Bonnie sat at the very edge of her seat, carefully eyeing an oblivious Kai who was eagerly stuffing his face with the Thanksgiving feast he prepared for them. Her hands held her fork and knife in a vice grip, knuckles turning white and the ridges of the utensils cutting into her skin. Taking a deep breathe without glancing down at her food, Bonnie filled the sort of companionable silence. "Is this what your Thanksgivings were like?" She watched him stall chewing, his eyes immediately focusing on her and giving the impression that he was completely taken aback by her question. Perhaps, her willingness to speak to him shocked him the most.

"What do you mean," he asked while putting his fork down and leaning back in his chair. "I can definitely say that I like the company better." He leered at her, his eyes scoping her body in a way that made Bonnie shiver.

Despite feeling nervous by the glint in his eye, she remained in defensive mode. "Not what I meant, perv." She rolled her eyes as he grinned at her. "Was there silence at the table as your family ate?"

Kai stopped grinning, almost as if the word family triggered the darkest of thoughts. He slowly adjusted his position so that his elbows rested upon the table and his body leaned forward as if about to share a secret. "Why so curious, Bonster? I'm sure you don't really want to hear about my family." He tried to smile, but it ended up resembling a grimace.

Bonnie stared at him, her forehead set in a deep frown. "Just trying to figure you out."

Kai looked puzzled at her response, but quickly covered up any genuine vulnerability with his mask of condescending bravado. "Why? Think there is something redeemable about me? Let me save you the trouble," he leaned in and licked his lips, which were upturned into a mischievous grin. "This isn't a fairytale, beautiful. I'm not the Beast who will eventually turn over a new leaf just because the sweet Belle thinks she's discovered his "heart." Kai laughed, "It's cute though."

Bonnie gritted her teeth together, furious at his assumption that she was really that weak at this point. "Hate to break it you, Norman Bates in the making—" she cracked a smile at Kai's visible annoyance at the nickname—"that's absolutely not what's happening. I don't see an ounce of good in you nor do I care if there is. I just wanted to know why you did it." Bonnie knew by the flash of rage in Kai's eyes that he knew exactly the "it" she was referring to.

Kai stood up abruptly, pounding the table so harshly that the elaborate spread of food all jumped at least one foot into the air before clattering against the wood. "I see…you want to know whyI snapped and tried to kill every member of my family." He stared at her, no humor in his expression. "You think you have me figured out. I'm Norman Bates in the making…" His gaze bore into her skin, making Bonnie feel like a fire was alit in the room. "But you have no idea what growing up in the Gemini Coven was like." His voice trembled, and Bonnie couldn't figure out if it was from pure wrath or heavy sorrow.

Bonnie found herself curious now. "So tell me. I'm a witch. I'll understand."

Kai snorted, immediately dismissing her. "Just because you were born with powers doesn't mean you'll automatically understand my situation. You were never part of a coven that was established. You never knew my dear old dad." He plopped back into his seat, looking exhausted suddenly. "Every time I sat at this table, and my father sat in this very seat," he gestured his arms to emphasize the head of the table where he now occupied, "I could feel his eyes on me, calculating my fate." Biting his lip, Kai met Bonnie's neutral expression. "You and my dad do share something in common. You both detest me."

Bonnie fought against her intrinsic impulse to show compassion through her expression, so she remained stone faced as she listened to him.

"He never wanted me to win the merge. Jo was the ideal candidate. He told me so himself one day as he beat me—one of his favorite extracurricular activities." He smirked at the words, but it was weak, and Bonnie could see right through it to know it was fake. "He always liked to remind me how useless I was. My mom never stepped in—he wasn't very kind to her either—so I had to take matters into my own hands. If I didn't kill then I would be killed." He stated this so calmly, making Bonnie nervous at how much he has accepted his torrid past.

"Your siblings?" She asked.

Without missing a beat, Kai responded. "What about them? Jo was the only one who acknowledged my existence. My father threatened the rest of the family to avoid me. Kids can be so impressionable." His fingers started to trace the outline of a steak knife on the table. "Malachai Parker. The lost boy. I never belonged to them. But, I ended up showing them, didn't I?" He tilted his head, almost waiting for Bonnie to respond to the rhetorical question.

A sharp twisting sensation assaulted her stomach. All she could do was stare at the deranged, broken boy in front of her. There was nothing else to say.

Bonnie's eyes snapped open, her chest heaving. She blinked a couple of times to clear her blurry vision and started to take in her surroundings as the cloudy, lingering effects of sleep started to fade away. She noticed the hint of the sun peeking through the curtains and the sliver of sunlight that hit her engagement ring, making it sparkle. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, especially since the major person in her flashback dream was curled up beside her. She heard him exhale, tightening his grip around her waist, and kissing a spot against her neck sweetly. Bonnie fought the urge to shiver at the contact, reminding herself that this was not the same Kai in her dream/memory.

She felt the soft stroke of his hand over her stomach. "How are you feeling?"

Taking a deep breath, she chose the less dramatic route. "I'm okay." She covered his hand and laced their fingers together.

Kai moved forward, his lips lingering by her ear. "Still want to marry me?"

Bonnie smiled softly at the hint of worry she detected in the question. She lay flat on her back so that she could make eye contact. "Yes, silly." The genuine smile Kai gave her was a welcome surprise. It lit up his entire face and he just looked happy. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted them.

From beyond the door, a muffled voice called them. "Bonnie! Kai! Are you both decent? You NEED to get up before I kill Klaus in his own home."

Bonnie rolled her eyes before replying. "I'll be right out, Caroline." An idea popped into her head, forcing her to spring up and gather her clothes. Dressing quickly, she grabbed her purse and then sat at the edge of the bed where Kai remained, slightly confused by her sudden jolt of energy. "You want proof that I still want to marry you?" Her eyes shined brightly.

He frowned but still smiled fondly at her. "Okay, you got me. What are you thinking?"

She rested her palm on his forearm and began to stroke one of his faded scars. "I think today would be the perfect day for a wedding."

Kai just looked even more confused. "I don't think Klaus and Caroline getting married would solve their problems."

Bonnie released an exasperated sigh. "I mean us! I never wanted a big wedding in my life anyway. Something small, simple, and peaceful. It'll be the perfect way to officially start our new life together. No one from Mystic Falls aside from Caroline, who I trust with my life, will be there. It'll be good."

Kai took a moment to process her suggestion; the image of Bonnie in a wedding dress leaving him stunned. His eyes roamed her face before he leaned forward and cupped her chin, pressing his lips against hers firmly for a chaste kiss. Pulling away, Bonnie swore she saw tears in his eyes. "It sounds perfect."

Bonnie nodded, feeling confident in this decision. She was tired of the past burdening her present. There was no going back now, so she might as well try to make their future as stable and happy as possible. Her eyes drifted toward that scar again; her heart plummeted. Kai needed this.

"So, it's settled. I'll go out with Caroline to get a dress and find a minister or someone to marry us. Wear something nice and meet me where I text you." She rose from the edge of the bed but Kai grabbed her arm before she could pull away. "We're really doing this?"

She smiled at him, "Yes." She kissed him on the cheek, before rising. She set out towards the door, but stopped when Kai called her name. She turned around to find an elated Kai staring fondly at her. "I'll get the rings."

Bonnie merely nodded before opening the door to meet Caroline. Kai knew immediately that Bonnie shared the news with her best friend due to the screech that probably all of New Orleans heard.


The sun was beginning to set when Bonnie was prepared. She and Caroline had been running around the city to make this impromptu ceremony happen, and they both succeeded. Now, she stood by the edge of the river in her long, chiffon maxi skirt and beaded white top that was very slightly cropped. A ring of daises were perched atop of her head as a crown, leaving her mid shoulder curls cascading her face; In her hand, a bouquet of multicolored daises. Caroline wore an identical dress as Bonnie's in a light pink color with forget me nots braided throughout her hair. Caroline grabbed her best friend's hand, squeezing her fingers tightly. "You sure about this, Bon?" Caroline's eyes were fixed on Klaus and Kai approaching them.

Bonnie squeezed back. "I am." They shared one more glance before the guys approached them. Bonnie offered Kai a small smile that he couldn't return due to the daze in his eyes, but he did place his hand in hers. Snapping out of his trance, he brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them gently. "You look beautiful," he murmured. Bonnie stepped forward, placing her arm on his shoulder. "Thanks, sweetheart." She turned to the minister who stood smiling at the pair. "We're ready," she announced while stepping back a bit, but not releasing his hand. The minister began to speak, going through the traditional vows. Before either of them knew it, he was pronouncing them husband and wife. Kai pulled Bonnie against his chest and kissed her deeply. Klaus and Caroline smiled as they clapped. Eventually, Klaus glanced at Caroline and leaned over to whisper in her ear. "A powerful witch and warlock bound for life. They'll be unstoppable." He smirked.

Caroline glanced at him, annoyance setting in. "You mean unstoppable as loveable parents and embarking on a new journey together? Then yeah."

Klaus chuckled, "Sure. I meant that, sweetheart."

Caroline made a look of disgust. "Don't call me sweetheart."

"Well, Blondie. Suddenly, you make sense." A new voice joined the conversation, making Caroline yelp. She whirled around, meeting the intensely angry blue eyes of Damon Salvatore. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Damon barely acknowledged the angry blonde. His eyes focused on Bonnie who gaped at him. "I came to see my best friend, and it happens to be her wedding day, apparently. I'm a little offended that I didn't get an invitation."

Bonnie inhaled sharply, trying to find the right words for this bizarre situation. "Damon, if you're here to cause anything…"

He shook his head, interrupting her. "I came here to talk to you, Judgy." He looked worn out. "Please." His eyes dropped to the ground as he strode away, walking closer to the water's edge.

Bonnie stared at him for a moment, then turned to face Kai. "It'll only by for a few minutes." She watched him, anxious for his reaction.

He didn't really giver her much of one. "Married for only a minute," he stated. "Must be a record." He noticed her falter and closed the distance between them to kiss her. "Go," he muttered against her lips before letting her go. Bonnie stared at him, openly shocked by his willingness to let her go. She nodded at him. "I'll be right back. I love you."

Kai responded with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "I love you more."

Bonnie began to back away, "Not possible." She waved before lifting her skirt and walking toward Damon who stood quietly, transfixed by the water. She focused on the water as she announced her presence. "I'm here."

Damon gulped. "You look pretty."

"What do you need?" She faced him now. "I know you are not here, acting so calm about this situation for nothing. You need something. What is it?"

Damon looked at her. "You know me so well. It's my mother."

Bonnie crossed her arms. "What about her?"

"She's causing some problems."

"How is she out? I thought she was dead? Stuck in a prison world of her own?"

He clenched his teeth together. "Not quite."

Bonnie rested her hand on her stomach. "What did you do, Damon?"

He ran his fingers through his hair. "I thought…I didn't know she would be….I fucked up basically. Apparently, this is what happens when I don't have you yelling at me and making me see reason." He took a deep breath. "Bonnie, we need your help. Hell, Kai could help too. Mystic Falls will literally go into hell if we don't stop her."

Bonnie remained silent, giving her and Damon the chance to hear a clutter of footsteps approaching them, and she turned toward the noise. She met Kai's cautious gaze.

"Everything okay?" He asked her directly.

Bonnie just shook her head. "We need to go back to Mystic Falls. Hell just broke loose."

Klaus grinned. "Count me in!"

Damon and Caroline glared at him while simultaneously shouting, "Hell no!"

Ignoring the outburst, Kai walked toward Bonnie. "You want to?"

She sighed, feeling incredibly worn out. " I don't think I have a choice. It's my home and my friends…" She was suddenly enveloped in Kai's arms, providing her the chance to rest against his chest.

"I'm with you. No matter what." He placed a kiss against her hair, glancing over to meet Damon's steely gaze. He returned the glare, holding Bonnie tighter.

A/N: Another chapter for all of you! Thank you so much to all of my reviewers and those are following this story. You all are awesome and are the reason I am still writing this fic after all of this time. I hope you all like this chapter!