A/N: I don't own The Vampire Diaries. Whoever does must be a very sad person, because the show is traveling downhill fast! The one shot's title is inspired by the song "Miss Nothing" by The Pretty Reckless.

Damon smirked when Elena giggled at his joke, mentally patting himself on the back for making progress with the love of his life. They had been spending more time together, slowly falling into a really good place despite the fact that Elena erased him from her memory. He was too occupied by the brunette who always remained at the center of his universe to notice another brunette—one that had lodged herself into his heart suddenly and unexpectedly—walk into the Grille with a purpose. When he did see her, he watched her intently, quickly becoming concerned and confused at the sight of her. Bonnie Bennett, clad in a leather jacket, short hair framing her face, and a determined, cool gaze set on her face—stomped through the bar, clearly pissed. Damon raised his eyebrows at the sight—she looked like him on a normal day.

Once noticing Damon's attention wasn't on her—her special super power—Elena pouted. "Damon?" She questioned.

Not sparing a glance at Elena, Damon tilted his head in Bonnie's direction, her name falling from his lips. "Bonnie," he murmured. He didn't hesitate rising from his seat to reach her. When he catch up to her and take hold of her arm, he severely regretted it, because a sharp pain surged through him. "What the hell, Bennett," he groaned while doubling over in pain.

Bonnie's green eyes settled onto his icy blues one, "What?"

Her words were delivered with such force and anger that Damon had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating the whole thing. "It's me, Bonnie. What are you doing?" His eyes scanned very inch of her, trying to determine what could be going on. This wasn't Bonnie.

Bonnie grinned sweetly at him, giggling. "What do you think I'm doing?" She asked extra cheerily. "I'm going to see a good friend of mine." Her tone changed with each work spoken until her voice was menacing, "We have some unfinished business." She aggressively pounded her fist into her open palm, her smile slowly spreading through her face again, "It's gonna be fun." She didn't even wait for Damon's response, instead choosing to turn sharply ahead of her once again focused on her target. She took one step before Damon grabbed her arm, bringing her close to him.

"What's wrong with you," he whispered in ear. He tightened his hold on her leather jacket clad arm, keeping her in place.

Bonnie took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. "Nothing, Damon. I'm finally where I'm supposed to be," she retorted sharply. Yanking her arm from his grasp, she began to walk away with deliberate steps. She knew he was here. She had to find him. Annihilate him.

"Come on," Damon said as he inched closer, but an invisible barrier stopped him from moving any further.

She turned around to address him, "Don't come any closer. You'll get hurt." Her tone was threatening but her eyes told an entirely different story—care.

"I'll get hurt?" Damon smirked, "That's a joke, witch."

"It's not Damon," Bonnie responded. "It's not a joke. My powers are strong, and I am finally gaining control of them again. I don't restrain myself if someone tells me to stop. I do what I want. The old responsible, selfless, martyr Bonnie died when she went to the Other Side. She's no longer with us," her voice turned cold. She snapped her head in the direction of Kai's now visible silhouette, standing by the bar and shamelessly flirting with a poor unsuspecting girl. Now Bonnie felt sort of bad interrupting the moment—she choked back an acerbic laugh—she'll get over it.

Rushing forward with eyes set for a purpose, Bonnie murmured a spell under her breath. All life in the bar suddenly suspended and everyone froze except for her target. Before she could move forward to confront Kai, something caught her eye, causing Bonnie to press the pause button on her vendetta against Kai, and look in curiosity. She laughed bitterly when she saw Jeremy in the middle of making out with some random girl. The witch bit her lip, suppressing any tears that threatened to spill down her face and re-focused her attention on her target. Her anger resurfaced with full force.

Placing one hand on her hip and tilting her head, Bonnie addressed the warlock. "Aw Kai were you about to ask her out? So sweet," Bonnie slowed her pace, taking her time approaching her prey before she attacked. "Will I be getting a wedding invitation in the mail?"

Kai faced her, his eyes filled with intensity but a wide smile was gracing his face. Both warlock and witch couldn't have been more alike in that moment. "Bonnie Bennett. It's good to see you again, but you know—if you are upset by me flirting with her—just tell me so. I'd gladly drop her in nanosecond for you."

Bonnie's smile left her face, a frown replacing it. "Let's cut the bullshit, Kai. I'm here to kill you." Bonnie paused dramatically before continuing, "Surprise!" Bonnie spread her arms out like she really was revealing a surprise for a good friend. "I hope you love it," Bonnie cooed before she snapped her fingers, causing the lights to flicker.

The warlock could only openly stare at her in disbelief and excitement. Bennett was on complete power trip, and he had never seen something so beautiful in his life. "Careful Bonnie, you might make me want you. I mean I always thought you were beautiful but too self-righteous for my taste, but I like this change in attitude!" He took two quick strides to reach her, mentally chanting a spell to keep Bonnie frozen in her spot, so he could reach her. Once there Kai wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips against hers. A surge of power traveled through the two magical beings, instilling a weird bond between them.

Bonnie whimpered against his lips, suddenly forgetting that she wanted to kill him. His power was intoxicating, and she felt even stronger near him. But, she quickly came to her senses—this was just another person who abandoned her like she was nothing and used her. She made sure to put extra force into the slap she gave him after she broke his spell.

Kai's head whipped around so violently, he thought he had whiplash. "Whoa," he exclaimed as he clutched his jaw.

"You deserved that, mother—" before Bonnie could finish the sentence, Kai cut her off with his lips again.

Needing to pour every inch of his powers to keep Bonnie still again, Kai kept the kiss short but intense enough to leave an impression on her. "You just keep getting to me, Bennett. Where have you been all my life?" He whispered the words against her lips, getting ready to use another spell to limit her magic, but Bonnie beat him to it.

"Don't even try it," Bonnie warned, "And stop kissing me."

Kai laughed, his eyes glancing behind her to look at a frozen Damon. "What? Worried that you're boyfriend will see? You took care of that, sweetheart."

Mentioning Damon incited an incredibly violent surge of anger to course through her, driving her completely past the limit of insanity.

"He's not my boyfriend," Bonnie huffed. "I'm the second choice, the girl no one cares about, right? Just like you said, so why would you even ask the question," she waved her hand in front of him, sending him flying across the room and against the concrete wall. Bonnie smirked at the rush she felt from using her powers. No more weakness in body or mind. It was perfect.

"What the hell," moaned Kai. "Calm down, Bennett. I didn't know my words could bother you so much."

Rolling her eyes, Bonnie lifted her hand once again to lift Kai off the ground, sending him flying into the bar and into shards of glass to break his fall. "Shut up Kai," Bonnie retorted, "I'm tired of your mouth. So shut it and let me talk. Kay?" She smiled brightly at him, reveling in the warlock's pain and discomfort. The annoyed look he was sending her didn't hurt either.

"You know Bennett, I never thought I'd say this, but you may be becoming as twisted as me," he chuckled bitterly as he struggled to stand amidst the broken glass. "I have to say," his voice softened, "I'm crushing kinda hard right now." He smirked at her, wiping a streak of blood from his mouth away as he stepped closer. He paused when Bonnie raised her hand in warning.

She shook her head and stared right at him, silently daring him to even try to get near her. "You don't want to do that Kai. I'm angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry," she began to giggle lightly as she thought of her words. "Quoting the Hulk," she mused to herself, "It's so appropriate," she stomped her foot on the ground creating a mini earthquake underneath her that shook any remaining bottles in the bar. The patrons remained frozen, having no idea what epic showdown was occurring in front of them.

Once Kai was knocked onto the floor again, Bonnie took advantage of his vulnerable position and muttered another spell that immediately began to send a sharp pain throughout his body, causing Kai to release a blood-curling scream.

Continuing to chant the spell, Bonnie stepped closer to Kai, kneeling by his side once she reached him. She made sure to look into his eyes—eyes that showed fear and pain. The same look she had in her eyes the countless times he tortured her. Suddenly finding the strange urge to hear him speak one last time, Bonnie stopped the spell and waited for Kai to gain the strength to speak.

He looked into her eyes, "You really going to kill me Bennett?" His words meant to be mocking, but he couldn't muster a convincing enough tone for it. He was actually worried.

The look in Kai's eyes increasingly grew more scared, and Bonnie suddenly felt a knot forming in her stomach at the sight. Her empathy peeked through the searing anger that consumed her these past weeks, and she found herself second-guessing her plan. The doubt in her mind frustrated her, making her huff angrily, pull her hair violently, and scream. "Why are you looking at me like that? I need to do this—no more pushover Bonnie. Be strong, ruthless, give into the power." She raised her hand to finish Kai with a fatal spell, but she couldn't.

"Hey," Kai beckoned, trying to soothe her. "Bennett, you are one of the good ones. It's obvious you aren't being appreciated, and I know that I didn't treat you right either, but…" Kai slowly got up, inching closer to a hunched over Bonnie, "Why don't we get out of here? I'm suddenly in the mood for a burger. Not from his crappy place," he wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Bonnie scoffed, "Seriously? You want me to hang out with you after all that?"

"Yup. Are you that surprised? It's me." He smirked, slowly reaching out to her.

She was drained, suddenly feeling the misery creep up on her. Without giving it a second thought, she placed her hand in his, not concerned with what he could do to her. She was ready for death if that's what Kai chose to do—she just didn't want to deal anymore.

To her surprise, Kai pulled her up to standing position and slipped an arm around her waist while retaining his grip on her hand. "Let's get out of here and away from these boring non-power people." He glanced down at her, "Shall we?"

She nodded faintly, still suspicious of Kai but too exhausted to question the surprised end to her plan to kill him. Bonnie murmured a quick spell that reversed the freezing spell she cast over the entire bar. The panicked sounds of the bar patrons filled the bar, but Bonnie could only focus on one in particular.

"What the fuck?" Damon growled at the sight of Kai with his arms around Bonnie, and Bonnie completely allowing it. He had no idea what just happened.

Kai grinned at Damon, his eyes gleaming with glee, "Hey Mr. Moody. What's up? Bonnie and I just had a huge fight but decided to make up." He leaned over brushing his lips against her forehead; the spark of power between them invigorated both, "Right Bonnie lass?"

Feeling absolute euphoria with magic buzzing through her, Bonnie's eyes fluttered at the feeling of so much power. "Yeah," Bonnie whispered. "Don't worry about it, Damon. You should really get back to Elena, she's getting increasingly upset by your absence." Bonnie spoke in a nonchalant manner, but her tone held a bite to it. Being close to Kai fully clouded her vision, preventing her from seeing her friends in a semi-positive manner. She fed off of his energy and found herself feeling comfort from their magical connection.

Kai laughed heartily, "Burn!" He exclaimed. "I don't get what you see in that chick, Damon. She's as bland as water. But, I have a firecracker here—a mojito maybe."

Bonnie rolled her eyes, already annoyed with Kai's talking. "Let's go." She spared one last glance at a very confused, wounded looking Damon. If she went with Kai, she could kiss her old life good bye. Oh well, she already did, so what was the harm?

Bonnie and Kai began moving towards the door. As they walked, Kai—already sensing Damon follow them—chanted a spell to keep Damon in his place, and he smiled at the sound of Damon cursing. He released his hold on Bonnie's waist once she seemed to get her strength back, and threw an arm over her shoulder, instead. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Bennett."

All Bonnie could manage was a weak smile that did not reach her eyes. "Yeah," she whispered, mourning the loss of her life as she knew it.


I don't think there are enough words in the English language to express how frustrated and angry I am with this show, especially the way they treat the BEST character on the show Bonnie Bennett—the girl who sacrifices herself repeatedly for those she loves and has such compassion and integrity. But no one else cares until it's about Elena, of course. I barely watch the show anymore, because seeing Elena on the screen makes me livid, and I can't stand to see her selfish, delusional behavior playing out on my TV. RIP season 1-3 Elena. Anyway, I wrote this story to vent my frustration about Bonnie. She deserves better, and I so wish I was the lead writer on that show—it would be so different. The show has become a ridiculous, parody of itself. For this one-shot, I want to show Bonnie stand up for herself and show absolutely no care for her awful excuse for friends (except Caroline). I really didn't mean to throw in a Kai friendship/love thing here, but it just happened so I rolled with it. Thanks for reading my story and my venting! Hopefully this helps fellow Bonnie fans deal with their anger lol