Unknown Girl POV

I can't even remember why I went out with my friends that night, all I know was it was the beginning of summer and everyone must have gone out for the night. It was no where glamorous or anything, just a local pub where my friends and I could drink, dance, have fun and meet hot guys. And boy did I meet a hot guy.

I had never met anyone as handsome as he was but yet he was there in the pub, he was my friends described as a hunky supermodel or famous actor by the standard of his looks and how he was dressed helped them think that as well.

From a distance he looked reassembly tall but on closer inspection he was taller than my 5'5 height. He has chestnut brown hair and styled it so it looked like he has just rolled out of bed but it was his smile and his eyes that drew me in. His eyes were this amazingly deep emerald green, nothing I had ever seen before.

It took a bit of encourage from my friends to go over and introduce myself to him, I eventually did after too many cocktails but he didn't seem to mind having a drunk girl come and speak to him.

That night was the first night of a whirlwind of summer, to being with he said he was just staying for a week or two before heading back for Christmas to spend it with his friends and family but he said there was something about me that drew him in, enough to make him spend the rest of the summer in Melbourne, Australia.

I look back on that summer and I wouldn't take it back, I don't regret any of it, I certainly don't regret getting up the courage to go and speak and I thank my friends every day for convincing me too.

It's weird to think that summer was only six months ago and now I'm six months pregnant with his child, I know nothing about him except that he was wealthy, his was American and his name was Adrian Ivashkov.

I certainly don't want any money from him, I can get by myself without his help but he deserves to know I am bringing his child into this world, he deserves to know the baby girl I am currently pregnant with is he and I know I can't wait until I give birth to her.

Fifteen years later.

Adrian POV

I had no idea who this guy was that had located me, the only thing I knew was that he was human and no idea how he found me. All he did was confirm I was in fact who I am before handing me this letter.

It had been two weeks since the human handed me the letter say it was urgent but since he had been looking for me for fifteen years he didn't know how urgent it still was. Who had the kind of money to afford to keep looking for someone for fifteen years?

I remember telling Rose and Lissa about the letter and they were just as confused as I was, I didn't see the point in opening it. What good would it do after fifteen years? Would the information still be useful? And most important I was worried about the human that had found me, a royal Moroi who had been kept hidden from the human world since I was born because I was a vampire that needed blood to live but I wasn't a Strigoi, they killed for their blood and were what was considering evil shadows of our world.

Months had passed but for reason I still kept the letter, I hadn't thrown it away and I didn't know why I couldn't.

It had been four months by the time I finally opened the letter and I couldn't believe what I read at first, it took me a couple of goes to read it before I finally grasped what was being said.


I don't know if you remember me but my name is Ashleigh Monroe and I was the girl you spent that wild summer in Melbourne Australia. The summer began in 2011 and ended in 2012, I met you at the Upside Down Dog. Originally you said you were only stayed for a week or two but something about me drew you in and you spent the rest of the summer in Melbourne.

If you are reading this then it means something has happened to me, what you are about to read was something I had hoped to tell you in person.

I'm writing this in July 2012 and I am currently six months pregnant, I didn't request anything from you other than allowing you to have the knowledge that I was pregnant with your child, a girl in fact and I hope to name her Adrianna as well as giving her your last name instead of my with the hope that one day you can find her.

If no letters follow this one then it means something went wrong when I was giving birth to her but I had a will laid stating what her name would be and what should happen to her as well as making sure the detective I hired to find you continued to look for you. I was told something could go wrong when it was time to give birth but I couldn't stop the pregnancy, it was too late by then.

I do hope you will take this knowledge and get to know your daughter, she deserves to know her father or even one of her mother's friends if that is all you can be to her.

I hope you do the right thing by her but I can understand if it is too late when you read this and she doesn't mean anything to you.

If this reaches you too late to do anything I am awfully sorry I couldn't find you sooner but I tried as hard as I could.

The memories I have of the summer we spent together were amazing and I wouldn't give them or my unborn daughter up for anything.

Adrian, you were my best mistake.



I sat there staring at the letter for who knows how long when Lissa found me, I had completely forgotten about the meeting we had with Rose and Dimitri about the new regulations we had issues to the academies in hopes of securing our races.

I remembered that summer I spent in Australia, I had taken off not long after Rose and been let of the hook for the murder of my Great Aunt. It was too much, a family member being killed and the girl I believed I loved had cheated on me with her ex dead undead boyfriend.

What drew me in was how different but yet similar she was to Rose, I was hurting and she was able to make the pain go away. I had used compulsion on her to make her forget about my fangs when she did in fact see them, I made her believe I was human like her. I never once fed on her, in fact I made friends with other Moroi in the city and they helped me locate Feeders.

But if this letter was true and the child that Ashleigh mentioned was mine meant that I had a fifteen, almost sixteen year old daughter living somewhere in the world. Not just that, she was a dhampir, half human half moroi. These days they were only conceived by the means of moroi having sex with dhampirs and for some strange reason they come out half and half like if a moroi had sex with a human.

A dhampir living in the human world having no idea of who they actually were could be confusing because of the traits they receive from the moroi genetics.

I don't know how quick everything happened, one minute Lissa was in my room grabbing the letter from my hands and the next thing I know I'm on a private jet with three guardians heading for Melbourne in search of this unknown daughter of mine. I didn't even know where to being looking for her but I had hoped Melbourne would be a good start in hoping that she would have been born there.

It didn't take long and luck was on our side that she was in fact born in Melbourne and a detective was able to locate her. The information I had been given on her was troubling, she had been in and out of what they called foster homes, been in a bit of trouble and the worst of all was that Ashleigh had in fact died giving birth to Adrianna.

I remember first seeing her, it was in this park that I was told was near her most current living arrangements. She was running around with a bunch of other teenagers that seemed to be around the same age, all them completely human. From the distance it seemed as though she had inherited a darker skin tone compared to my pale one that I remembered Ashleigh having as well as her round face with beautiful features but she had inherited my chestnut brown hair.

I stood there with the three guardians watching for hours and we went back for a couple of days.

It wasn't until one day she must have realised we had in fact been watching her and got fed up because she walked over to us, I told the guardians she shouldn't be a threat by they were alert anyway, typical guardians actually.

"Who the hell are you and why have you been stalking me?" I was shocked at first when she was standing in front of me, it was then that I noticed she had inherited the trademark emerald green eyes that were only ever seen on the Ivashkov members, the dhampirs that were a result of us never got our eye colour but yet this girl had, I couldn't understand what would be so different about her that allowed her to inherit this feature never seen outside of the moroi Ivashkov's.

"I will ask this again before I get annoyed. Who the hell are you and why have you been stalking me?"

"My name is Adrian and I used to be friends with your mother Ashleigh Monroe a long time ago" at the mention of her mother the hard mask she had on her face faltered for a couple of minutes before she regained her composer and looked at me as well as the three guardians.

"My mother died years ago, why are you here?"

"I recently received a letter written by her telling me about you and I had to come see you for myself. My full name is Adrian Ivashkov and the letter stated you were in fact my daughter" and that was when my own daughter punched me in the face, the guardians restrained her but didn't hurt her, which I was grateful for.

I didn't hold the punch against her, in fact I had no idea how this meeting would play out but she had noticed us watching her and it sped things up.

I look back on that summer with Ashleigh Monroe and I don't regret it, at the time it was just a bit of fun but now I look back, knowing what became of that summer and she was in fact my best mistake as well and now I have this unknown daughter in the world and I had no idea how she would accept the world she should have grown up in if the situation was better.

A/N: So I have had this story stuck in my head the last few days, I haven't the Bloodlines Series so I have gone back and reread Vampire Academy before starting Bloodlines. Ever since I read Frostbite where Adrian first came in I've had it stuck in my head. I don't own Vampire Academy, only the names and people you don't recognise