Hi guys, I'm new to This fan-fiction sight so please don't be to harsh on me. This Fan-fiction is for Kamisama Hajimemashita, ( I do not own it sadly) It was inspired by Kono-Hana-Hime Story, Its not her story but it is Inspired by hers. I hope you like it...

"Mom!" Nanami screamed jerking out of her sleep from the terror that still haunted her. Your probably wondering who Nanami is. She is just a highschool girl with troubles like everybody else, but something has been bothering her since she was fifth-teen. It was the car wreck that took her mother away and injured her. She only had minor injuries, while her mother took a hard blow to the head. They were in the hospital at the same time but in different parts. Nanami missed her mother while nurses surrounded her and took her blood, checked her vitals, and helped her with her leg; It That had gotten cut by flying glass. She had begged for her mother through her fever but got no answer and when she woke up, Her mother had passed away, Alone and quietly. Her father didn't come and that made Nanami hate him. Hate him for not showing his concern. When she got home he was drunk and passed out on the couch, Nothing would get him out of the mess that he had gotten himself into. Her mother was gone and in the ground, Something that was payed for by a stranger.

The brown headed girl with honey brown eyes sat still for a few moments, grasping the blanket in her hands. She was panting as if the fire from the car was still surrounding her and engulfing her mother. Nanami felt sick and grimced. Everthing was past the hope she wanted; All the hope she had believed in was gone and trailing away in the wind. The girl tried to control her breathing and stay still for a few moments but nothing happened. Her heart was racing and the room was hot and musky. She looked around and rolled her eyes when she saw that her father was no-where in sight. It figured; He never was home.

Nanami got up and pulled on her boots, She didn't need to get dressed, she wore her clothes to bed. The girl walked out the door and shivered at the cool crisp air. It was chilly but she needed to get her mind off of her nightmares. She was going to walk around; Maybe to the park or something. Walking down the apartments steps; she made her way towards the park. It was a starry night and there was a breeze blowing. She knew she wasn't supossed to be walking to much. The glass that was stuck in her leg wasn't exactly removed all the way. She stopped and winced at a sudden twinge of pain and decided it was best to sit down. Once sitting silence overtook the area. Of course it suddenly came to mind about weirdo's and possible perverts but her leg decided against the motion of walking back home. Thats when it got strange.

"Pardon Ma'am, Would you be related to Gwen Momozeno?"

Nanami froze and turned around quickly, " Huh?" She looked at a guy with blond hair walking towards her. She froze but nodded in response. Who this guy was she didn't know but he seemed nice enough...

"Yes, I'm her daughter."

The mans face lit up brightly, " AH! So Gwen has a daughter? That's wonderful! I'm Mikage.." He thrust his hand out to shake Nanami's.

"Um... My mother had a daughter, She passed away two years ago. Nanami is my name." She shook the mans hand.

His face dropped from its glorious shine and he slowly sat beside the girl, " I see. I'm terribly sorry for your lose. May I ask what happened?"

The girl tensed, she did mind, But she wasn't going to be rude, " Car wreck."

He nodded slowly.

"How did you know my mother, Mr. Mikage?"

He smiled again, " She and I knew each other in highschool, We were pranksters and..." He paused and laughed a bit, " We dated for a while."

Nanami froze in shock. She didn't know her mother would date someone who actulty looked like they had some sense in their head. Her father was clueless to everything, and that meant everything.

Mikage froze, " Where's your father dearest child?"

'Dearest Child? Really?'

"Um He's somewhere. Like always. Probably having some fun or something."

He nodded with concern and it was evident by the distortion on his face that he didn't believe her story at all in the likely, " Well...Gwen and I were wonderful friends SO, If you ever need anything, Call me!" he smiled.

"Here's my number, Now if you hear the name Tomoe, Don't worry. Its a name thats well know at my home." He chuckled more to himself than to her and handed her the slip of paper, then he got up and stretched.

"Well, I'm going home now dear, Tell me if you need anything!" He turned and waved over his shoulder as he trudged away.

Nanami tilted her head to the side in confusion then her gaze dropped to the piece of paper in her hands. 'What a strange man...'

"What are you doing!?" Nanami ran into her apartment kicking and screaming at men with black suits and sunglasses. They were moving her things to the street and throwing books out the windows, they even broke her mothers old Music box. They paid no attention to the kicking and screaming girl and threw her against a wall.

"STOP IT! STOP IT!" Tears rolled down her cheeks as they crashed windows and tore sheets. When the men had enough of her crying they turned and shoved a piece of paper in her face proclaiming that the house she stood in was no longer hers. Nanami narrowed hers eyes and looked at the name. It was signed in a sloppy way meaning that her father was drunk when he signed the house away. She knew her father was a drunken, gambling idiot, but she didn't know that he would give the apartment away. It was clear as day that she was no longer wanted so she nodded slowly, trying to get over her shock.

"Pack up a bag and get out!" They turned and kept on with their charade.

Nanami stuffed things into a small bag and tried to hold back her tears. It hurt, To be kicked out of the place she grew up in, but that was life. 'But then again she wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for her no good father.'

Soon she was walking around with no money, no home and no warmth. Plus her leg was starting to hurt. Nanami stopped and looked up into the sky. The stars were shining as if it was beautiful to be out on the streets. She looked around and noticed how close to a bus stop she was, And then... She saw a pay-phone. The one thing she didn't think was still around. Nanami pulled out the slip of paper that was so graciously given to her by that man. Finding a quarter she rushed in and dialed the number.

Tomoe grunted when he saw his father walking up the walk way in a hurry. He was late, as always, but he didn't seem to mind. If only he knew how much it irritated the teen to see his father wearing taky clothes, running, and laughing up the drive way. Tomoe sighed and took a long sip of his tea.


The teen rolled his eyes and turned around deciding it was the best to ignore the giddy man.

"TOMOE!" Mikage screamed as he got closer.

Tomoe's shoulders sagged and he glared at his father, " What has gotten you into such a fit? Has your day been unfair to you?"

His father chuckled and ruffled his hair, annoying him to a large extint, " I met an old friend, thats all. Enough about me, How was your day at school?"

Tomoe grunted and looked away. His dad didn't exactly get how much Tomoe hated that building. It was like a state prison full of teachers that thought you were dumb if you didn't understand anything. Plus being alone was always on his list. Ever since Mikage's wife left him for some idiot of a dentist Tomoe closed himself to people. The teen was two years old and trusted his adoptive mother with all that a child could trust a person with. Even with his little secrets, like his favorite teddy-bear, ( Not that he had one...) But she left. She cheated and laughed at the divorce and all that time Tomoe wondered why he even got adopted by his father. Being the only child in the orphanage that wouldn't go with anybody; Maybe it was the fear of being alone like he was then, but when Mikage sat beside him and showed him pictures of the house and he even wrapped a warm coat around him; promising that whatever happened, they would be together. That was the moment that he felt like he could trust him, even with the littlest things. So even though Mikage seemed goofy and out of the water; He was the only one who knew Tomoe the best.

"School was the same as always."

His father pouted and then patted his sons shoulder, " Don't worry about it!"

"Who said I was worrying about school?" Tomoe growled.

"Oh someones cranky-" Mikage suddenly was cut off by the houses phone. Tomoe furrowed his brow and looked at it, ignoring it completely. He wasn't touching it, he was going to his room. To be alone.

"Hello?" Mikage's voice sounded joyful but then it dropped to a whisper as if he was hiding his Oh so secret conversation. Tomoe leaned against the door frame and looked at his father.

"What is it?"

Mikage put the phone up and looked at Tomoe, " Could you pick a friend up for me Tomoe?"

The white haired boy cocked his head to the side a bit confused as to what was going on,"What?"

There you guys go, Now I will say something. I will update even if you don't read it. I like writing this story! :)