The Boy Who Grew Up:

Too much Peter Pan and criticism on it oozedout in the form of a sort of Sherlock/Peter Pan cross over. Since all of this is happening in the world of Sherlock, and all of the characters are those of the show, I'm publishing this in the Sherlock archive.

What if the characters from Peter Pan cross over from Never Land into the world of Sherlock? They undergo physical changes, none of them have the exact appearance of the time they were in Never Land. Peter has grown up, and every one else has underwent drastic physical changes. No one has the same height or hair color or even ethnicity they used to have. Some characters manage to find and recognize each other. This is how some of those conversations might go.

This is a series of unrelated one-shots, and each Sherlock character is going to be a different Peter Pan character in the different chapter, though they might reappraise their roles at times.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Sherlock, nor those of Peter Pan. But this mixture here is mine!

AN: This chapter is for my sister's birthday. Happy birthday sis, I hope you like it! :D

Spring cleaning:

John was on a ladder trying to hang the curtains back in their place. Mrs. Hudson was out and Sherlock was somewhere in the flat, probably hiding away somewhere. The git was most likely laying low until the spring cleaning of the flat was over. He hasn't changed much since the time he was-

A loud crash came from somewhere around Sherlock's room. John nearly jumped out of his skin and turned around on the ladder to look at the direction the crash had come from. He lost his balance and fell off. He would have landed on his back of not for a pair of hands catching him under his arms and holding him in a precarious position with one foot still on the ladder. He was suspended midair.

"You do realize you can't fly anymore, don't you John?" his friend's baritone rumbled from above him, his face looking down at him upside down.

John tilted his head backwards and looked up at his flat-mate, "I still have happy thoughts, I just need to grab on to them." He said with a wry smile.

Sherlock cocked his head and regarded him for a moment, "So, you don't need help to right yourself?"

John got his dangling foot down on the ground, then looked ahead to determine the best way to untangle his other foot from the ladder. "I'm having difficulty to find one at the moment.

Sherlock helped him get upright so he could get his foot out more easily, "You always had that problem, even when you were a child."

"Nope, I blame that on the lack of a proper amount of fairy dust," John said while twisting his foot and finally getting it out and on solid ground, "Tinker Bell was stingy about her dust with me." John grumbled.

Sherlock frowned, "Was she really? I thought she might do such a thing with Harriet, she was the girl."

"Maybe it was for the same reason I ended up doing all the tasks in spring cleaning." John suggested.

Sherlock frowned at him in confusion. John fixed him with a stare, "Like I did back in Neverland when Harriet and I went there."

Sherlock raised his chin, realization flashing in his eyes. John raised his eyebrows in alarm, "Oh no! You didn't!"

"You were twins, you had the same haircut, it was very easy to confuse you!" Sherlock said frantically.

"My nighties were blue, Harry's were pink!"

"Exactly! That was what I based my assumption upon."

"What?" John was thoroughly confused, "Blue is the color for-"

"-Girls, you were wearing blue, therefore-"

John raised his hand and Sherlock stopped, "Sherlock, blue is the traditional and stereotypical color for boys."

"No, I distinctly remember, the shirt I was wearing when I flew away was pink. And before you say it, I am sure my sight for color is perfect."

John frowned, "When did you exactly fly away from your nursery that first time?"

"I don't know. Probably sometime in the nineteenth century. Why?"

John nodded, as if reaching an agreement with himself, "Alright, now I know where the problem is. Look, Sherlock, the traditional color for boys and girls has been reversed after the Victorian era."

Sherlock looked dumbstruck, "So…"

"Yeah, you need to update your database, mate!"

"In my defense, Harriet acted like a boy."

"That's why she goes by Harry now." John muttered.

"I guess your fighting skills should have been an indicator to your gender, John, but you took up the task of cleaning up the house. Usually the girls did that."

"What can I say? I was always a neat child, your house was a pig sty, and Harry would never pick up after herself, even if her life depended on it." John explained.

"You coped with the state of this flat pretty well when you first came here." Sherlock countered.

"I was discharged from the army and was living in a Spartan bed sit. I was sick of too neat at the time."

"Then why are you cleaning the flat now?"

"Because it's approaching the pig-sty state."

"Doesn't Mrs. Hudson usually prevent it from getting to that state?" Sherlock asked a little confused.

"It's the season for spring cleaning, genius!" John said with a huff, "She's busy with her own flat. Besides, she's our landlady, not our house keeper." He handed Sherlock a rag, "Now help me with the cleaning."

"You cleaned the whole house in Neverland in no time." Sherlock said disbelievingly.

"Yeah, well, this flat is a lot bigger than that house, and the notion of time was irrelevant in Neverland." John admonished him.

"But- you were doing the cleaning by your own just fine!" Sherlock whined.

John put his hands on his hips and cocked his head, "Sherlock, I'm your flat-mate, not your mother!"

In the novel, Peter returned every year , when he remembered, to take Wendy away to Neverland for spring cleaning, and for her to be his mother again for a short while. I read the bit about colors somewhere and I can't remember where it was...
