Hey I'm back with the real Ch.3 Hope you enjoy

I don't own Fairytail or any of it's characters, Trollshima does!:D

Normal Pov:

"-atsu! Natsu" Natsu woke up at hearing Happy's voice calling for him. "What is it Happy?" He yawned, stretching his arms. He looked around and his jaw dropped immediately knowing they weren't in Earth land anymore.

"I-it can't be were in Edolas...AGAIN?!" He exclaimed, a confused look on his face. "Hey where's that one person who sent us here!" Natsu asked looking around for the cloaked figure. Happy shrugged, as he flew around scanning the area. As he went back to Natsu he shook his head. "I can't find anyone." He reported, Natsu sighed, he looked around and finally spotted a town, and started walking towards it.

"Natsu! Where are you going?" Happy yelled after his friend. Natsu looked back at Happy, "To that town of course! Duh!" He said, looking at Happy as if he had just said the dumbest thing in the world. Happy sighed, "That's not what i meant, Natsu. I meant... I meant what are we looking for?" Happy explained, Natsu looked at his best friend finally understanding what he was saying.

"Well... Hopefully were going to find out why we're here...and get some food. I'm starving!" He answered as he groaned, feeling like he was dying of starvation. After a long walk of bickering they arrived at the town. As they looked at the numerous shops, and of course for something to eat, a cloaked person bumped into them. The figure fell onto the ground.

"Sorry about that." Natsu said, quickly apologizing. He reached out his hand to help the person up. The person rejected it and stood up and walked away. Blonde hair flew in the wind as the person ran away. "That person seems a lot like Lucy." Natsu whispered to Happy.




Happy Pov:

I need a smarter friend.

Normal Pov:

Happy smacked himself in the face with his paw. "NATSU! THAT WAS LUCY!" He yelled at the dense dragon slayer. Natsu eyes widened as the small exceed told him this. "Well what are we waiting for! Let's go get her!" He yelled as he smiled a toothy grin and they ran after her.

( Lucy Pov:)

Tears rolled down her face. " Out of all people, it had to be those two." She mumbled, slowly she looked up. She sat on a seat of a table of a broken down building. "I guess, I better get this over with." Slowly she raised a key that no one had ever seen before.

Lucy started chanting unintelligible words. The only words that some one would be able to make out were; "I, Lucy, the spirit of possession, helper to the king, close my possession contract on Aria Heartfillia!" After she said that, what looked like a black hole appeared under her, slowly she sank into the darkness, the depth of no existence, since once she entered, everyone in Earth land wouldn't remember who she was, and she wouldn't come back.

Tears fell from her eyes, soon she disappeared, leaving behind Edolas, and Earth Land never returning again.






But before the hole disappeared, a figure rose out of it, one with black hair and red eyes, she wore, everything Lucy normally wore, but black, her hair was let loose, trailing down her back, and stopping at her waist.

Aria Heartfillia.

End of Ch.3! Omg this was so hard to do, longest chapter i think! God next will be really long time for explanations! :P anyways see you later!By the way, Merry christmas, if i get 5 reviews by next chapter i will make sure lucy comes back... eventually:P BYEEE!