Sorry I haven't been updating for a little while there was Christmas stuff, other things, and I just uh well this is embarrassing but I just didn't really have much of an idea for the story but rest assured I spent copious amount of time thinking about it so worry not! ANYWAYS on with the story.

"Well?" "What are you waiting for!" Snotlout demanded while still looking up at Hiccup who was still on top of the building looking at Snotlout, checking him over to make sure he had a good understanding and what he could expect from him. He gazed over the rest of the crowd checking that no one was planning on attacking him when he jumped down. However will looking through the crowd he saw a girl with blond hair that he knew all too well. She looked…As if she were broken on the verge of giving up on everything even life. Hiccup wondered what had happened to her but decide against approaching her until later that night.

Hiccup then turned back to Snotlout and spoke, "Of course my apologies but why not fight in the arena. That way we have an appropriate setting for your humiliation?" Hiccup smirked at the laughs that were given at both Hiccups accusation and others that someone as small as Hiccup could possibly 'humiliate' Snotlout.

"Fine then I will beat you until your blood sprays everywhere!"

"If you insist." Hiccup replied sounding almost bored with the mere concept of talking to Snotlout let alone fight him. They walked to the arena, the news quickly spread that a 'toothpick' had challenged Snotlout. The whole entirety of Berk was around and even crawling on top of the arena just to get a glimpse of the fight, for they feared it would end quickly due to how small Hiccup was.

"Last chance to back out. I wont think of you any less of a person if you back out now. Hiccup lied deceivingly. He was however very confused as he thought he should have been fighting his dad but he noticed that he was nowhere to be found. "Alright" Hiccup thought, "I could either win this fast and show my ability to take out opponents quickly or I could slowly take it and hurt his pride." Hiccup mused on these thoughts while staring at Snotlout ahead of him who was being armored by others.

"Pride." Hiccup finally said under his breath that no one around heard him. Hiccup stepped up in the ring and pulled a handle of a sword but it did not have a blade. "I am ready to begin."

Snotlout glanced down at Hiccup's 'weapon' and began to bust out laughing. "That is your weapon?" He asked between fits of laughter and soon everyone was laughing at Hiccups sword. There was one who was not and she was still staring at the masked figure in the ring certain that it had to be Hiccup. "Please." Astrid pleaded under breath as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Alright I guess I won't even start with it." Hiccup finally said putting the sword back into its hilt. This shocked everyone but Astrid and Snotlout. Snotlout was very happy at how he was being guaranteed a win here. Astrid was losing it she was certain he was going to die while fighting with just his hands.

Snotlout had enough with the masked mans attitude and started rushing him with his axe held high above his head while Hiccup remained still with the composure of a bored person waiting in line. Snotlout was just two feet from Hiccup when he started swinging down to cleave him in half. But Hiccup saw his chance. He stepped to the right as soon as Snotlout would have hit him and tripped Snotlout, grabbing his other free hand and twisting it snapping it out of place. Snotlout gasped at the sudden pain.

"So fast." He though as he was then kicked in the back and sent into the ground. Snotlout twisted around to stand back up looking at Hiccup with nothing but rage for being tossed like he was nothing but a child.

"If you won't take me seriously I won't take you." Hiccup said scolding the antics of a full on charge even if it worked on dragons it would never work on him. Much to Hiccups dismay though all he did was anger and cloud the thoughts of Snotlout who charged fully at him swinging crazily.

Hiccup was just dogging expertly, weaving in and through each swing getting closer to Snotlout. Hiccup was then a foot away from Snotlout and sent a few small jabs to his ribs then one to the throat and finishing with an uppercut. Snotlout was then caught snoring on the ground.

"You may be good in strength but if your mind is not sharper than your weapon you will fall quickly against a better foe." Hiccup said then proceeded to address the whole crowd. "I think I have proven myself enough to fight with you all. I will be back in the morning or not at all." He yelled then walked out and away from the ring, as the majority of the people couldn't move shocked at how fast he took out one of their best warriors. One girl however started to tail the strange masked man and followed him out of the town.


Astrid was still following the man but just as she was about to make her move to speak out to him he disappeared. After searching for him for a few minutes she began to lose hope and started breaking down. She fell to her knees crying at how she lost her only chance to see him alone. She stayed there crying and couldn't get the motivation to move or do anything, helpless.

"Beautiful girls like you shouldn't have to cry at anything." A voice called out to her. Astrid's head soon looked up in an instant scanning the area around her for the voice. Her view was clouded when a upside-down face appeared right in front of hers. "Milady." Hiccup said behind his mask.

"Take it off." Astrid said in almost a whisper.

"Woah hold on there I think you should take me out to dinner first, I mean you are beautiful but lets slow down to introductions first here. Hiccup said knowing full well what she meant but was trying to avoid it.

"Stop avoiding it, the mask off now."

Hiccup was reluctant but he decided that if he owed anyone his face more it was Astrid. Hiccup unfastened his helmet and was about to take it off "Are you sure you are ready for this?" she answered him with a firm nod. He then continued to take his helmet off and Astrid was dying in anticipation.

As Hiccup finally lifted his helmet over his head and set it down he looked back at Astrid who had new tears coming down her face as she pounced on him burying her face into his chest sobbing and refused to let go. Hiccup didn't stop her nor did he want her to stop. Hiccup then began to twirl her hair in his right hand as he scratched her back softly. "It's okay, I am here for you now just let it all out." Hiccup said calmly.

They stayed like that for a little while longer until Astrid's breathing slowed down and her sobs stopped.

"What or who made you like this?"

"It was Snotlout he saw us when you left and started blackmailing me to do terrible things for him or else I would have to be exiled he lied about the story of when you left to your dad he said you died. I couldn't speak up or else it would exile me and I would never be able to find you again."

Hiccup was enraged at this and was upset that he didn't kill Snotlout when he could have. "Did he rape you?"

"No not yet, he said I would be his last prize after he finished with the rest of the girls that wanted him." Astrid said gripping Hiccups hand in hers.

"Sleep with me tonight." Hiccup said.

"I thought you just said you wanted dinner." Astrid said punching Hiccup in the arm.

"Ow!" Hiccup said brushing his arm even though the punch didn't hurt at all

"Grow up you baby."


"I can't believe that you aren't still frightened by him." Hiccup said while looking at Toothless who looked very, very upset with Hiccup.

"Well you are the one who taught me that dragons aren't what we thought that they were so that is why I stopped fighting them and started staying inside on the raids."

"That's great! Where is my dad is he gone somewhere?"

"Your dad fell into a great depression after he was told you died he hardly leaves the house…"

"Snotlout needs to die." Hiccup said his voice void of emotion even though it was quite the opposite inside Hiccup was angry, sad, scared, and couldn't make sense of why any human would do this.

"After the attack on the nest. You all need him he may be a terrible person but he is needed in the fight." Astrid said truthfully.

"What person like him deserves to live longer?" Hiccup asked surprised that Astrid would want to keep him alive.

They both kept talking long through the night and they both talked about what happened after Hiccup left Berk. Astrid couldn't help but get lost in Hiccups eyes at such power but compassion they held, and would often find herself not talking for a while until Hiccup would bring her back to reality.

They went to bed having to sleep next to each other for warmth during the long and cold night that enveloped Berk signaling that the ice would set in soon. Astrid didn't car though because she finally felt safe and happy. She finally was able to see her Hiccup again even if he wasn't hers… yet.


"You need to listen to me!" Hiccup yelled in the large meeting room that was un naturally full. "I can go to the nest and destroy it. I know where it is!" Suddenly the room got quiet "This is your last chance until winter is over to get rid of the raids."

"What are we waiting for? TO THE BOATS!" Some random person said.

"Well that was easier than expected." Hiccup shrugged

Little did Hiccup know that his fight with Snotlout carried more weight than any meeting talk could match. Thus the whole village would be with him. Still Hiccup had not seen his dad since coming to Berk but was happy that his dad couldn't be hurt in the fight.

"Okay now to go back to camp and prepare myself, but first." Hiccup grabbed a random Viking

"I have to go prepare my own equipment I will be back soon."

"Aye I will tell the others!" he said oddly too enthusiastic.


"Toothless remember the plan? You swim under water with the boats and then when we get there keep put of sight until I find you. Then we take out the queen. You ready for this bud?" Hiccup said while turning to see Toothless rolling over and over in dragon nip. "Useless reptile." Hiccup droned.


"Let's set sail for the nest." Hiccup said to the head captain.

In the same ship Snotlout was staring at Hiccup evilly. He called in his small group of followers. "If you have the chance…kill him." He whispered to the group who all looked to agree with Snotlout.

"We will see how long you can evade us for… Hiccup." Snotlout said under his breath so no one could hear.

Boom! Can I get a round of applause? No? Okay slow clap? No? Anyways leave a review and I love you alls butts!