CHAPTER #28 ~ Havoc Class 101 & Wait! Summer?!

However, one thing she did not count on was Master Thoth catching on to her little game and with a sly smile coming over to Nella's desk, lean down and whisper into her ear, "Nice try, Miss Nella. But you're not getting out of trouble so easily this time. Meet Zeus and me in his throne room at 4:30 sharp." before turning away and heading towards the chalk board and shouting, "Now back to what we were talking about."

Nella knew she had officially lost this battle of wits.

During the next few minutes of class, Nella made some notes to make it seem like she was paying attention, but at the moment, she was more interesting in watching the doings of her fellow classmates.

Yui, she noticed, had a look of incredulity at the subject of the lesson. Her face was as clearly readable as a sign board, "As really, is this even necessary?" to which Nella found herself agreeing before turning her attention towards blondie number one, Apollon.

He was sweating bullets and looked in abject terror or disbelief as he muttered, "A curse! He is placing a curse on us?" to which Nella only smiled to herself and shock her head at his folly and ignorance and almost felt sorry for him, almost.

Moving on, Nella noticed Tsukito making fast notes but even from her chair she could see it was very crammed and close together. So much in fact, that she believed it would be next to impossible to read it.

Next, she turned her attention to blondie number two, Balder, but as she looked at Balder she noticed something or more someone else, Dionysus asleep on his desk. Seeing this, Nella knew it was a recipe for disaster in the making, even more so when she saw that all of Balder's attempts to wake the sleeping god of fertility were unsuccessful, began to fear the worse as Master Thoth's punishments for falling asleep in either his class or any of his lectures were, in short, not fun at all and not to be wished upon anyone. However, she decided not to help Balder even if she knew she should as she was already in enough trouble as it is and couldn't get into any more trouble even if it was to warn them both that talking in class let alone sleeping in class was a very bad idea. It might have been a bit of a cowardly reason, but she did have some respect for Master Thoth and also knew not to go too far in pushing ever his or Zeus' tempers. She had had to run a lot from Zeus' lightning bolts and had some slight burns or singed cloths to prove how close she had been to almost becoming a human light bulb.

No sooner had the thought of helping them run through her head than did her prediction come true. Balder, in his attempt to wake Dionysus, had fallen out of his chair and ended up on the floor. He did not go down quietly though; he went down with a shout of "Whoa!" as he did so. This in turn resulted in a domino effect.

First, Apollon jumped up out of his chair and shouted, "Bal-Bal?! Are you all right?" before rushing over to where Balder was on the floor. Apollon's shout in turn resulted in Dionysus waking up completely lost and confused as to what was happen and randomly asking, "Huh? What is this? Don't tell me a monster is attacking?" which Tsukito faithfully then wrote down. Dionysus' question resulted in all hell breaking loose as the spirit students started panicking and shouting "monster" and a while mumble jumble of other things followed suit. Havoc Class 101 had officially begun.

Indeed, the ruckus they were making caused Nella to cover her ears to block out some of it; however, she still managed to hear Yui saying, "Uh, wait! Guys please calm down!" Except no one heeded her or her cries and the ruckus would have gone on for who knows how long if it hadn't been for Master Thoth slamming his hands on his desk and glaring at everyone with a glare, which would have terrified a monster if there had been one, before he stormed out of the classroom with a frantic Yui chasing after him crying out, "Please wait, Master Thoth!" which he as usually totally ignored, and left the student body in a state of shock and utter terror or at least all except Nella of course. She was by now so used to it that it didn't even bother her anymore. Indeed, she found it interesting as it was the only time she had ever seen him show any form of emotion other than his strict, disciplinary, military self, which was a nice change as strange and bazaar as that may seem.

After a few minutes, the spirits as well as the remaining gods started to snap out of their shock and the once quiet room was soon filled with mindless chatter and an occasional laugh was heard as well. Ignoring them, Nella looked out of the window and noticed the weather changing moments before she hears the school bell toll and realized it was now summer.

"He didn't." Nella said out loud although more to herself than to those around her.

"He didn't what?" came the cheerful voice of none other than the troublemaker's son, Apollon. Nella decided to ignore his question as she wasn't really in the mood for talking. But that was not to be, as Apollon asked, "Flower? What did you mean?" when he got no reply from Nella.

Feeling like she was not going to get out of this as easily as she had hoped, Nella replied, "Oh, sorry. I was actually just thinking out loud." as she turned to face Apollon with a foolish grin plastered on her face. Seeing their confused faces, as the other gods had turned to look at her as well, Nella was forced to explain, "The he I was referring to is Zeus. Also, if none of you have noticed," Nella continued pointing to the window behind her where all the gods' eyes automatically and obediently followed, "he changed the weather from fall to summer. And if I am not mistaken, Yui will be coming in at any time to say–"

"Meeting in the school council room right now!" Yui ordered making all the students jump or have a mini heartache from the surprise of someone coming in so suddenly.

Upon hearing this, Nella said, "Okay. I guess that's my cue." as she got up, grabbed her school supplies, and headed to the classroom door at the back of the class only to be roughly grabbed by the collar of her school blazer by Yui who demanded, "Where do you think you're going?"

Nella nonchalantly replied, "Where do you think I'm going?" which caused Yui to momentarily falter before Nella continued in a somewhat cocky and matter-of-fact voice, "First to my room, then to the library to hang out with Anubis, my 4:30 meeting with Master Thoth and Zeus, and finally doing homework and having free time. Happy now?" Nella asked.

After a moment or two, Yui snapped out her stupor and made her grip on Nella's blazer even tighter before ordering, "Oh no, you're not. You're coming with me." as she dragged a protesting Nella out of the room before sticking her head back in and ordering, "Apollon. Balder. Tsukito. Dionysus. The school council room NOW!" causing the four gods to come some hurry out of the room in a clumsy and disorderly fashion and others to hurry out of the room in a more defined and reasonable manner as they followed the two human girls down the hallway to the school council room. . . . . . . .