Little Tsu: Ok, this is gonna be a quick chap, but it pretty much hints towards somethin' pretty big with Blizzard Rush.

Ch: 3

It was the fifth night of her stay in Ponyville. Blizzard Rush had met and even befriended her cousin's friends, who were actually quite the odd bunch really. They definately all had their quirks and sometimes she actually wondered how they were all such close friends since all their personalities clashed in certain areas. Still though, she couldn't help but be grateful that she had made such good and loyal friends that had her back. It made her feel a bit less guilty over the fact that she had been unable to remain at her side and watch over her despite being only a tiny bit older than the cyan mare.

As she wandered the streets of Ponyville though, she sighed contently as she enjoyed the way the area became so bathed in moonlight. It really just made everything so peaceful and the fact that everypony was inside for the night, it made it even moreso. However, as she decided it was getting late enough, she made a shift in movement to begin making her way back to the cloud home she was living in during her visit.

Well,...that's what she had intended on doing anyways.

However, something had caught her eye that moved within the shadows of an alley, causing her to suddenly halt in her hoofsteps. Her muscles tense and her wings twitched at her sides in anticipation; readying herself to flee if it was anything too dangerous for her to handle. It was then that the movement in the shadows stepped out of the alley and her bright teal eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. She honestly hadn't expected such a visit...

Stepping slowly towards her was an older alicorn stallion. His dark amethyst coat shimmered intensely in the moon's light just as his blood red mane and tail did that was styled in a similar manner to Soarin's except his mane also had strands that fell into his face on the left side; his piercing ice blue eyes baring into one's very soul, it seemed like, if you were to lock gazes with him. Upon his flank were three crimson colored music notes that was styled in a way that looked like the notes themselves were actually bleeding. Halting a few feet from the mare, the alicorn shifted on his black hooves more dominantly as his wild tail flicked behind himself. "Good evening Blizzard Rush...I do so hope that your visit in this...quaint little Ponyville has been enjoyable so far. After all,...I would hate to know that my dear companion was not having any fun during one of the times I permitted her away from my side..."

Blushing faintly at the smooth, alluring tone that the stallion constantly spoke in when he wasn't angered, she fidgeted faintly on her hooves before nodding her head slightly in confirmation. "Of course I have Prince Nocturne. I hadn' seen my cousin in quite a while so I've quite enjoyed seein' her and catchin' up."

"Oh? Catching up, you say?" Chuckling in amusement at this, he took another step forwards to close the distance a bit more between himself and the mare in front of him. "Surely you haven't really 'caught up' on things...After all, what would your dear younger cousin think if she were to find out the truth on who you really are? That her once loving, innocent older sister figure had become the guardian and right hoof to myself?"

Turning her head to the side a bit to break eye contact for the first time in quite a while, Blizzard Rush's eyes softened almost ashamedly. It wasn't that she was ashamed of what she had become nor that she was Prince Nocturne's most trusted and loyal ally. Oh no...She doubted she could ever regret that. What she was ashamed of was that she had actually lied to Rainbow Dash about where she lived and what her job was. "No...I told her that I still lived in Los Pegasus and was a weather pony there."

At hearing this, the alicorn barely contained his laughter as he grinned to show his pearly whites, but in doing so, he actually revealed two sharp fangs at the top and two at the bottom. "Oh my dear sweet mare...You are quite the actress towards these unsuspecting ponies. You even have that Twilight Sparkle utterly fooled and she's the precious favored student of that noble hearted Princess Celestia." At this point, he couldn't help but go from amusement in his tone to a disgusted, spiteful growl when he said the Princess' name. He truly despised Celestia and her little sister Luna. They were both a great thorn in his side and it was because of them and the Elements of Harmony that he had yet been able to accomplish his goals in taking over all of Equestria.

"Um...My Prince?"

Blinking slightly as he came out of his haunting thoughts, his icy gaze landed upon the younger mare as she seemed to show faint concern for him. He truly did hate pity and his followers knew this as did his Dark Knights. However, Blizzard Rush was a completely different pony. She was someone very special and the only one that he allowed to get close to him for unlike the others that loyally followed him without hesitation back at the Dusk Empire where he ruled, the only pony he was loyal to in return was the mare standing before him now. She was the only pony he cared about; none of the others truly mattered since they could easily be replaced with other ponies in his eyes. Blizzard Rush was the only one that was irreplacable.

Sighing softly as he thought all of this, he finally closed the last little bit of gap between himself and the quite a bit smaller pegasus as he lowered his head and nuzzled the side of her face and mane gently. He never showed his soft side to anypony else. Only she deserved to witness that he even had such a side that was beyond cruelty and darkness. "I need to fade out now Blizzard. I sense one of my knights nearing the throne room and I need my consciousness focused solely on there for now." Pulling back as he raised his head back up, he saw that her eyes had closed gently at the very rare show of affection he had given her. Chuckling softly in amusement towards this, he watched her open her eyes once again to gaze up at him with unwavering loyalty. "You needn't worry my dear. I shall visit you again soon enough. In the meantime, keep up with your mission here. After all,'s not often that I give you a mission that could possibly become long term since I usually loath you being away from my side for long periods of time...It makes me incapable of making sure you remain safe and unharmed despite fully knowing what you are truly capable of..."

Nodding her head lightly in understanding, Blizzard Rush still couldn't help but feel a bit at a loss when Prince Nocturne informed her that he had to fade out. She had already begun to miss him and even though they weren't together romantically, she held a deep care for the alicorn stallion before her and she knew the feeling was mutual. "Undestood Prince Nocturne. I'll keep to my mission here and gain everypony's trust. Once accomplished, I'll set into motions with the next phase of your plan and slowly destroy their defenses so that ya can come in with the Dusk Army and take down the Princesses once and for all."

"Good good...I know you won't let me down Blizzard, but I do have one last thing I must know...Will you beable to bring down the Elements of Harmony despite knowing that the Element of Loyalty is your very own cousin, Rainbow Dash?"

The ice blue mare seemed to hesitate on this for a moment, but he knew that it wasn't because her loyalty with him wavored. He understood that it was due to the fact that she still held care for the cyan pegasus. It was only natural after all since her cousin had been one of the two closest to her as far as family went when they were still just fillies; the other being her older brother. It was when she spoke though, that a fanged smirk appeared onto his features. "Yes...Dash may be my cousin and I admit that I will always love her, loyalty to you comes first and foremost. Disappointin' you and losin' your trust and own loyalty would be worse than my betrayel towards any of my family..."

Nodding his head once towards this slightly in a silent manner that told her he was pleased with her answer, he lowered his head once more and rested his forehead against her own, though he was careful of his slightly curved backwards black horn. "Good luck then my dear...I shall see you again soon..." And with that...Prince Nocturne's form vanished.

Watching as he vanished into sparkles of dust that faded away before it hit the ground, Blizzard Rush sighed softly as she closed her eyes gently and turned around as she extended her wings; taking to the night sky as she headed to her cousin's home to get some rest.

{Dusk Empire}

Focusing his full consciousness once again in his real body, rather than his copy as well, Nocturne's eyes slowly opened as an echoing knock sounded off at the large double doors that was at the entrance to his throne. It was then that a black stallion with dark silver armor on his torse and a matching helmet appeared through the doors as they opened with the use of his magic when his curved horn glowed faintly to allow entrance. His stark white wild mane and tail stood out like a becon and the faint showings of his cutie mark, a spiraling light silver cloud, was seen on his flank. "What is it Storm Cloud? You don't usually pay me a visit so late in the evening..."

Coming to a halt at the base of the throne, Storm Cloud lowered his front half towards the floor in a bow as his aquamarine eyes gently closed. When he rose back up though, his eyes opened once again as he spoke. "My apologies sire, but I had wished to ask you about Blizzard Rush and how she's currently doing with her mission in Ponyville. Not that I hold any doubts in neither your decision nor her capabilities to succeed, but I wish you could've let me accompany her..."

"Storm Cloud, I understand your concern, but you can't always keep her around to protect her. She has her own duties and is more than capable of completing them without fail." He then lifted his head as Nocturne allowed an almost arrogant look to grace his features while he gazed down at the pegasus before him. "After all,...I doubt you would wish for your own little sister to believe that you don't think she can handle this mission on her own till the time is right for us to join her..."

The black stallion tensed up faintly at this and his aqua eyes seemed to have widened faintly in panic at the thought of his little sister thinking he didn't trust nor believe in her. Just the image of her look of disappointment appearing in his mind caused him to roughly shake his head as his eyes clenched shut to clear the image from his mind. "No sire...I would never wish upon my sister such emotions. Please forgive me Prince Nocturne."

"Calm yourself Storm Cloud. I know you simply worry as an older brother rightly should. However, I would like for you to put more faith into Blizzard Rush. She may be younger than you and myself by a few years, but she is just as skilled and capable in a way that is beyond her years." Nocturne then lifted a hoof and waved the pegasus off in an almost lazy fashion. "Now be off. Return to your quarters and get some rest. Your mind is in no condition for guard duty right now. I will have Flareblitz take your place for the remainder of the night."

"Yes sire. Goodnight then." Storm Cloud then turned around and made his way out of the throne room to get some rest.

Watching his knight leave the massive room and the double doors close behind him, the alicorn closed his icy eyes as he chuckled softly to himself. Everything was going accordingly thus far on Blizzard Rush's side and at this rate, all of Equestria would become rightfully his soon enough. And then, perhaps,...he would have his loyal little right hoof rule with him at his side...

To be continued

Little Tsu: Had ta place this up immediately after the 2nd chapt cause this one was pretty important. Two other OCs have made their appearance, but they're both important to the plot & story itself. Prince Nocturne, especially. Now the question is folks, will Blizzard Rush remain ultimately loyal ta Prince Nocturne & remain at his side or will Thunderlane beable ta sway her by winnin' her heart, thus makin' her betray Prince Nocturne in the end?