Part 4: Caught

LOCATION: Outside a Tokyo Office Building

Saguru was sitting with Shiho at an outside table at a café across the street from where they could see Takahashi's car pull up in front of the building Ye-jun Kang was supposed to have an office space.

"Kudo, he's on-site," Saguru reported.

"What?!" Shinichi cried. "No, I'm not ready."

"Well, if you don't meet him right now in the lobby he's going to go to the building directory and look for the office number. Guys, we are not in the building directory," Saguru told them.

"And why aren't we in tha directory?" Heiji's voice growled.

"Oh, I don't know," Shiho said smoothly. "Maybe because they're fake offices."

"There's no elevator," Shinichi said, voice shaking a little in frustration.

Saguru sighed, getting to his feet. "All right, I'll cause a distraction. Kid, you have ten seconds to get Kudo to the lobby."

LOCATION: Office Building – Tenth Floor

Kid stuck his head out from the stairwell's door. "Kudo!"

Shinichi stopped pacing in front of the elevators and hurried over. "What's going on?"

"Put this on," Kid ordered, throwing him a harness.

"What's it for?" Shinichi frowned.

"Speed," Kid grinned, yanking Shinichi inside the stairwell just as Heiji slipped past them with a sign tucked under his arm, hurrying to install it.

LOCATION: Outside Office Building

Saguru slipped his retractable baton out from his coat. He normally kept it on him for self-defense reasons and was glad that he'd thought to bring it with him. He looked around, making sure that no one was paying any attention to him before he strode past a line of cars parked in front of the office building, smashing a window in one of them as he passed. The car's alarm went off.

"He stopped, but isn't coming to check things out," Shiho informed him from her vantage point at the café.

Saguru gritted his teeth and quickly broke a few more windows, setting off more alarms to attracting more attention.

"Good, he's stopped," Shiho reported.

With a sigh of relief, Saguru slipped out of sight and doubled back to rejoin Shiho at their café table.

LOCATION: Office Building – Stairwell

Kid had just finished hooking up the harness holding him and Kudo to the repel line. Shinichi nervously looked over the railing and saw the long drop just before Kid told him to stand up on the rail and over they went. Shinichi gasped, clinging to Kid as they descended rapidly, before slowing and hitting the ground. Shinichi's knees nearly buckled under the force and momentum in spite of the decrease in speed past the last couple of floors.

Shinichi trembled slightly as Kid unhooked and waved him off. He gave himself a shake and hurried out into the lobby where he spotted Takahashi looking at the directory display, trying to find K.C.E Inc.'s office.

"Takahashi-san!" he cried, diverting the man's attention from the search screen. "Our offices are on the tenth floor."

"I see," the man nodded, coming over to join him. "You, ah, are you alright?"

"Fine!" Shinichi said, plastering on a wide smile. "Just… excited. Come this way."

When they entered the elevator, Shinichi had finally regained his composure.

"One, thing, Takahashi-san," he said. "The gentleman bringing you this opportunity to work with our company, they'll expect some compensation. Not a bribe of course, you understand."

"A finder's fee of sorts," Takahashi mused.

"Exactly," Kudo smiled.

"I thought your job was to eliminate graft and stealing?"

"No. My job is to keep it manageable."

Takahashi chuckled.

When they reached the tenth floor, the sign that Heiji had just finished putting up moments ago greeted them. It read: "Korean Consumer Electronics Incorporated. Ye-jun Kang, Director" in Japanese, English and Korean.

Shinichi lead Takahashi into the office's main meeting room that was filled with Korean programmers, businessmen executives and officials.

"Good afternoon, Takahashi-san. We are honored by your presence," one of the men said.

"No, no. The honor is all mine. Getting on the ground floor of something like this is a wonderful opportunity," Takahashi said, bowing.

LOCATION: Outside Office Building

Kid had a little skip in his step and couldn't help grinning as he joined Saguru and Shiho at their café table. He slipped the bag containing his equipment underneath his seat.

"Nice job on the zip line," Saguru told him.

"Totally thought he was going to break a leg," Kid grinned, propping his feet up on the table. "Not bad for a first time."

Saguru and Shiho exchanged a glance. Poor Shinichi. It couldn't have been helped though. That was why Kid was there in the first place. He had been a last resort in case the elevators had been occupied. It was a good thing that Saguru thought ahead and had contingency plans. That, and it gave Kid something to do besides bother Heiji when the other was trying to get the offices spruced up and official looking.

"So what do you think?" Takahashi's voice asked over the comm.

"He's closing it up," Saguru said, listening as the meeting came to an end.

LOCATION: Office Building – Tenth Floor

"Yes, absolutely," the head Korean Businessman, Woo-jin Hwang, told Takahashi. "We can definitely repurpose those facilities."

"Great," Takahashi said.

"I believe we will be able to do a lot of business together, Takahashi-san."

Takahashi nodded, feeling good about this deal. It felt promising… almost too promising.

"About the… other matter," Kang spoke up, looking from Takahashi to Hwang.

"Of course," Hwang nodded, taking out an envelope.

Kang rose from his seat, took the envelope from Hwang and brought it to Takahashi. Takahashi opened it under the table and read the paper inside: ¥100,000,000.

"Is that agreeable?" Kang asked.

It was a lot of money. But the deal was good. He'd make a fortune with this venture. But it was almost too good to be true. Something wasn't right about all of this. Something wasn't adding up.

"Oh," he said, slipping the envelope into his suit jacked. "I think we can work something out."

"Excellent!" Kang said, clapping his hands together happily.

Takahashi shook hands with the men there, grinning and bowing. Oh, he was going to work something out all right. It was time that he looked into his new business partners more thoroughly than just a simple quick Internet search.

LOCATION: Outside Office Building

Shinichi watched with satisfaction as Takahashi got into his company car and drove away.

"We got him?"

Shinichi looked behind him and saw Saguru and the others.

"We own him," Shinichi smirked.

"Okay you lot, let's go," Saguru sighed. "We have a busy day tomorrow."

"This is going to work, right?" Heiji asked.

"I guarantee it," Saguru said, sharing a smirk with Shinichi.

Later that night…

LOCATION: Takahashi's Office

Takahashi was absolutely livid as he dragged his assistant and head programmer, Ranma Saotome, into his office with him.

"This is insane," Saotome was saying. "We are risking everything with this venture. We already took a chance hiring those-"

"Shh!" Takahashi hissed, motioning for the younger man to be quiet before pulling him down to look under his desk where there was a tiny device with a blinking red light. When he was sure that Saotome had seen the bug, they walked back out of the inner office and over to his secretary's desk. Miss Higurashi had already gone home for the night.

"What was that?" Saotome asked.

"It's a transmitter," Takahashi said, pursing his lips. "They've been listening to everything I've been saying."

"Who are "they"?"

"Who do you think?" Takahashi hissed, pulling out a picture of "Ye-Jun Kang" and Saguru Hakuba talking to each other. "Also, I've checked. There's no office for the Korean Consumer Electronics Incorporated company anywhere in the city. K.C.E. Inc. doesn't even exist. They've been hustling me and I know exactly what they are doing. Tomorrow, it stops. Get the Tokyo Metropolitan Police on the phone."

"Yes, sir," Saotome said, hurrying to do just that.

The Next Morning…

LOCATION: Microtech Offices

The final preparations for the shareholders meeting were in full swing. The catering company had arrived and was setting up tables for the event in the office's party room. Takahashi was satisfied with how things were progressing and he was ready for "Kang" and his "Korean businessmen." He felt pretty good, actually. Saotome, however, was still anxious.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Yes. They're pissed. I get that," Takahashi chuckled. "They want to make me pay. I mean, an opportunity like this, the same week as the shareholder's meeting. The bug, the fake offices, cash bribes, Koreans for goodness sake! Koreans! Who the hell do they think I am? Some dog they can just lead around? They're going to find out exactly how wrong they are."

The rest of Takahashi's morning went well. His team presented a modified version of the stolen project to his shareholders and they ate it up. Takahashi was on top of the world, shaking hands and being congratulated by top executives in the company, some of which had taken time out of their busy schedules to fly in from America for the presentation. Even Evan Mayson, CEO of Microtech was present.

"All I know is, today is a good day for you," one of Takahashi's biggest supporters on the board of directors said to him after the presentations were over and the catered lunch was well under way.

"It's a good day for all of us. Stock's gone up fifteen points since the announcement," Takahashi announced.

"Really? I'll pass the news around."

"You do that." Takahashi took a sip of a glass of champagne as he watched everyone mill about enjoying the food and drinks.

"Well, aren't you the cat that ate the canary?"

Takahashi turned around and there was Kang, with his team of businessmen standing a little ways back around their own table.

"Does it show?" Takahashi asked.

"You have a horrible poker-face."

"Guilty," Takahashi smiled. "Why don't we get this done?"

"Now?" Kang asked, surprised. Ha. Not expecting that, were they? He had them.

"Yeah." Takahashi was ready to expose and end this ruse.

"You have the whole payment?" Kang asked.

"Absolutely. I think we should make the deal. I want to make the announcement, get even bigger headlines. I'll take them into a conference room away from all this. Go, lets do it."

"I'll be right back," Kang said, hurrying off and started talking with the "Koreans."

"Yes," Takahashi muttered to himself. "Lets get this over with."

When Kang returned, Takahashi lead them inside to one of Microtech's larger conference rooms.

"Gentlemen! Now everybody come in and relax. Make yourselves comfortable."

As the businessmen took their seats, their leader, Woo-jin Hwang, addressed Takahashi.

"I assume we all understand the terms of this agreement."

"Well I'll tell you, the exact terms of this agreement, are these," Takahashi said as he hit a button on the conference phone set and several officers from the Metropolitan Police Department entered the room.

"Metropolitan Police, don't move," an officer said.

"Are you all right?" the lead officer asked.

"Gentlemen." Takahashi nodded with a smile, crossing his arms, and waited for the officers to arrest the men in front of him. "Everything is perfectly…" He trailed off when two of the officers grabbed his arms and proceeded to arrest him. "Wait. What are you…? Wait a minute, let go of me! What are you looking at me for? The criminals are sitting right over there, look at them," he said, gesturing to the men sitting at his conference table. "Listen, I spoke with Ningyo Yuta-keibu. If you call him on the phone-"

"I'm Ningyo-keibu," the officer said, holding up his badge and credentials. "Takahashi Toubi-san, you are under arrest for soliciting a bribe from these Korean officials," the lead officer said.

"I'm not… I'm not soliciting- these aren't even real Koreans," Takahashi protested.

"Of course we are," Hwang frowned, pulling out his passport. The rest of his men did the same. They were representatives of a legitimate fledgling electronics company looking to expand their marketing and business.

"What? No, no…"

"Your man knew that when he contacted us last week," Hwang said.

"My… man? Kang?" Takahashi looked up, dread creeping into his veins when he realized that Kang was nowhere in the room. "Kang!" Oh shit. It had been a set up. "Um, Ningyo-keibu, Kang Ye-jun works for them."

"Ridiculous," said Hwang. "He contacted us on your behalf. He told us he worked directly under you."

"But… b-but he took me… He took me to their office," Takahashi spluttered.

"No," Hwang shook his head. "We do not have an office in this city."

"Exactly!" Takahashi said, pointing at the man. "Korean Consumer Electronics Incorporated doesn't."

"Korean…? We have never heard of such a company."

"Exactly! Exactly!" Takahashi crowed, relieved.

"We met him at your other office."

"My…? What?"


Heiji hurried away before the elevator doors opened. The sign he'd just put up said: Microtech. Head Executive: Takahashi Toubi. Assistant Head of Production: Kang Ye-jun.

Shinichi smiled, bowing before shaking hands with Hwang as they met just outside the office door. "I am Ye-jun Kang from Microtech, directly under Toubi Takahashi," he said in Korean. "Welcome. Why don't you head inside? Mr. Takahashi should be here soon and we can start."

Hwang nodded and headed into the office's meeting room. Shinichi shook hands and waved the other men inside the office.

"Kudo, he's on-site," Saguru reported just after the last man entered.



Takahashi paled, realizing just how screwed he was when he saw more officers file past the conference room.

"The shareholders!" he gasped. "The board members!"

Takahashi ran from the room back to the party where the shareholders, board members, and executives where mingling and enjoying their lunch. Police sirens could be heard from outside as more members of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police arrived and began to search the building and stop people from leaving. The guests stared, murmuring to themselves, wondering what was going on.

"No, no, no," Takahashi moaned before speaking up. Maybe he could still salvage this. "Uh, everybody, could I have your attention? It's just- it's just a permit problem."

"Takahashi-san? What's going on?" Evan Mayson asked.

"Mayson-san! I can explain," Takahashi stammered. Oh he was so fired.

"Anybody else here involved in the bribe?" Ningyo-keibu demanded as he entered the room after Takahashi.

"Bribe?" Mayson asked, narrowing his eyes.

"T-There's no bribe," Takahashi protested.

"I handed this man an envelope containing a cashier's check for ¥20,000,000," Hwang said angrily to the police.

"No, no, no," Takahashi said, shaking his head in denial. "Nobody… I wasn't handed any… I didn't… nobody handed…"


"About the… other matter," Shinichi spoke up, looking from Takahashi to Hwang.

"Of course," Hwang nodded, taking out an envelope from his suit jacket.

Shinichi took the envelope with Hwang 's check and switched it with one that had been prepared before the meeting and handed that one to Takahashi while he pocketed the one with the check.


"This will look a lot better for you if you did not deposit that check. Do you still have it?" Ningyo-keibu asked.

"I didn't get a check!" Takahashi protested.

"Sir, we have people searching the lab, seizing the files and computers," announced an officer to Inspector Ningyo.

"Good job," Ningyo said.

"What? No! Ningyo-keibu! You can't do that! You can't take my computer."

"This company is American and only allowed to have a headquarters based here because our Japanese government allows it. There are very serious rules regarding contact and negotiation with foreign executives outside of legal corporate channels while here in Japan. Your American Patriot Act applies here, sir. I can take whatever I want if I have reason to, and what do you know? I do. But if it means so much, I can just asked your CEO. Mayson-san, do you mind if I search the premise to clear up this matter?"

"…Of course not," the American replied. What else could he say? This whole thing was becoming one big mess. If there was illegal activity going on in one of his foreign offices he wanted to know about it. Scandals like this didn't go over well if they were made public – which this was with the news crews present – and it would look even worse if Mayson refused to let the police investigate.

"Okay, that's getting a little aggressive. I'm sorry," Takahashi said, trying to save face. "Hwang-san, this is Mayson Evan-san. Sir, these gentlemen are from Korea. Everybody just take it easy, relax, and I'll be back in a bit and explain everything."

"Takahashi-san, where are you going?" Mayson demanded. "Takahashi-san!"

Over the next few hours, officers from the TMP went in and out of Microtech's office confiscating computers and paperwork. Takahashi and his team were tracked down and contained in separate offices under watch after the team had been caught shredding documents and trying to get rid of the evidence relating to the stolen Niindento game console plans.

LOCATION: Unfinished Office

Rumiko Doumine stood waiting by the window in an empty office in the building across the street from Niindento HQ that was in the middle of being renovated when Saguru approached her. It was ironically the same room that Saguru had run the opp. to steal the game console plans from Niindento at the beginning of this whole mess.

"I came alone," she said.

"Yes, I know," Saguru nodded. "Thank you, Doumine-san. Now I understand that your research was completely wiped out. I have complete copies right here on these hard drives along with absolute proof that they were on Microtech computers. That should be good for a couple of lawsuits, right?"

"I'll drop the investigation on all parties involved with the original theft," Doumine promised.

"That seems fair," Saguru shrugged. "You get your property back."

"Agreed. No charges. Nothing on you, or your people."

Saguru nodded, handing the hard drive over to the businesswoman and walked away.

"Don't you want money?" she asked.

"This particular project has a different revenue stream," Saguru told her, never looking back as he exited the room and the building to meet up with the others.

LOCATION: Takahashi's Office

Police officers were still looking through everything he and his team had ever worked on by late afternoon while Takahashi watched the news.

"In a massive sell-off sparked by multiple investigations on Microtech's offices in Japan, the stock has plummeted thirty-three percent before trading was halted," a reporter was saying on screen.

While Takahashi's mind whirled wondering how things had gone so terribly wrong, his phone rang. He didn't feel like talking to anyone, but the call could have been important so he answered before it could go to voice mail.


"You should have just paid us."

Takahashi stiffened, sitting up in his chair. He knew that voice. Saguru Hakuba.

"You! But I found the transmitter," he spluttered.

"Oh, you found the transmitter with the blinking light, yeah. We wanted you to figure some of it out. Then we just gave you what you were expecting."

"I am Takahashi Toubi," Takahashi said angrily. "I am going to beat this."

"Aren't you forgetting about the bribe?"

"Who cares? You can't prove anything. I didn't get any money," Takahashi said, but that was when an officer opened the safe behind his desk and said "Bingo," as he took out stacks of cash. Takahashi stared at the sight in bewilderment. That hadn't been there before. "…How?"

"Now, it doesn't account for all of it. Kudo kept a little to buy a truly impressive number of mystery novels. You see, if a company's stock price falls ten, fifteen percent in one day and you see it coming, you sell short and make a lot of money. If it's going to fall thirty percent you can make shattering amounts of money. We didn't need the police to show up and take you to jail. We just needed them to show up and take boxes out of your office, all day long in front of TV cameras and news reporters, scaring your investors and American bosses. You going to jail is just a bonus. I wouldn't say anything to the police about us, by the way. Next time we won't be so nice."

The line clicked, signaling that he'd been hung up on and Takahashi stared helplessly at the TV where the news anchor was still talking about how much trouble his branch of the company was in. Being fired was the least of his worries.

"Who was that?" the officer in charge of watching him asked.

"Nobody," Takahashi sighed.

LOCATION: A Park in Central Tokyo

Shiho was handing everyone an envelope enclosed with a check. They all gasped and stared at the millions, almost trillions, of yen written out to them.

"Wha..? Oh my," Shinichi cried, hand flying up to his chest as if he might have a heart attack.

"Job well- whoa!" Saguru breathed when he accepted and saw the amount printed on his check.

"There was an overlap in the London stock market," Shiho said smugly. "Valuation carried over to NASDAQ and… I'm just very good at what I do."

"This… is the score," Kid said in awe. "The score."

"Somebody kiss this woman so I don't have ta," Heiji grinned.

"Don't you dare," Shiho glared when Kid made a move to do just that. "So… I guess this means we're out. This is retirement money. This is… go legit and buy an island money."

"Yeah…" Saguru nodded, shaking himself out of his surprise. "Pleasure working with you all."

"Yeah," Heiji nodded, looking away. "No encores… right?"

"I… already forgot your names," Kid said in a weak parody of what was said back when they'd stolen the plans a couple weeks ago from Niindento.

Shinichi smiled sadly at them all, before looking to Saguru. Saguru glanced that them all one last time, cleared his throat, and walked away. The rest of the gang followed his example, all of them heading off in different directions. Saguru hadn't gotten far, however, when Kid came back and caught up to him.

"You, know, I've never had that cool a time on a job," the thief rambled.

"It's a walk-away, Kid," Saguru sighed.

"Yeah, well… I have focus issues, and you kept me right on track," Kid said.

"Kid, you hardly ever listen to anyone," Saguru was saying when Shiho suddenly appeared on his other side.

"You know," she said, "I'm really good at one thing-"

"Miyano-san," Saguru sighed.

"-only one thing, that's it, but you, you know other things and-and I can't just stop going my one thing, can't retire…"

"Ya know what I think?" came Heiji's voice from behind them all.

"Not really," Saguru groaned.

"How long 'til ya fall apart again?" Heiji asked.

"Oh, I'm touched," Saguru said sarcastically.

"Well, a guy like you can't be out of tha game. That's why ya were a wreck. Ya need the chase," Heiji said pointedly and damn him if he wasn't right about that.

"Yeah, well, I'll manage," Saguru said, trying to shake them off his tail when his phone rang. "Yeah?"

There was no answer, but there didn't have to be. Saguru groaned as he looked ahead on the path he'd taken out of the park and saw Shinichi sitting on a nearby bench, his phone open in hand. The line on Saguru's clicked off when Shinichi hung up. Saguru sighed, putting his phone away as the grifter got up and joined them.

"You pick the jobs," Shinichi told him.

"My job is helping people. I help find bad guys," was Saguru's protest.

"So go find some bad guys. Bad guys have money."

Saguru gave his old friend and long-standing rival a hard look.

"Listen you guys, I'm not even staying in Japan. I still technically live in London and have a timeshare in New York and a few other places in America and Europe. I travel a lot."

"Oh! The Big Apple! Japan was getting boring anyway," Kid squealed with glee. "Road trip!"

"I travel where the jobs are anyway," Heiji shrugged.

"I've never left Japan," Shiho stated. "Never even left the greater Tokyo area as a matter of fact. This would be a great opportunity to get out and see the world."

"See? We're all in," Shinichi said. "If you'll have us. What do you say, Hakuba? White Horse… White Knight… Will you be our Black King?"

One month later…

LOCATION: Residential Home in London

An older couple was sitting on a couch in their living room. The woman was crying.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, as her husband wrapped his arm around her.

"Please, take your time," Shinichi said, reaching out and resting a hand over hers.

"She-she was seventeen," the woman sobbed.

"I know," Shinichi said soothingly.

"They killed her," the woman cried angrily. "They said it was an accident, but that company killed her. I want them hurt!"

"W-we can't pay you," her husband said, looking nervous, staring at the men and woman sitting in his living room dressed in suits. There was nothing about them that said government, but they definitely looked professional.

"We work on an alternative revenue stream," Shinichi told them.

"I don't understand," the man admitted, looking confused. "The judge said that we couldn't appeal. What are you going to do?"

"People like that," Saguru spoke up, "corporations like that, they have all the money, they have all the power, and they use it to make people like you go away. Right now you are suffering under an enormous weight. We provide… Leverage."


And that was The Gamer Job! So what did you guys think?

I love both the Detective Conan and Magic Kaitou series, and Leverage is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. After watching a marathon of Leverage episodes with my dad when we discovered that the show had been added to Netflix Instant, I got to wondering what the show would be like if it stared the Gosho Boys. I spent a good while pondering who would fit what role. The only real obvious choice for me was Heiji Hattori as the Hitter, Eliot Spenser's role. Kid/Kaito was another no-brainer to take the place of Parker's Thief, but Kid would have also made a good Grifter with of his talent for disguises. But because everyone on the show gets to play grifter roles on most jobs, I decided that Kid would be the Thief. That left the Hacker, Mastermind, and Grifter positions open. For a while I thought about having Kid serve a duel role combining the Thief and Grifter positions, and put Hakuba in the Hacker role and cast Shinichi as the Mastermind.

But then I got this brilliant idea when I came across this post for Gosho's 5 teen geniuses, which included Shiho Miyano with the four Gosho boys. I loved the idea of including her, so I cast Shiho Miyano in the role of the Hacker. Considering her role as a scientist in Detective Conan, I thought casting her as a computer genius made sense. That left me with Hakuba and Shinichi to battle it out for the last two main positions. For a long time I thought I would cast Shinichi as the Mastermind because he is the main character of DC. But then I really got to thinking about Nate Ford's character and not just his position on team and the show as the Mastermind.

Now while both Shinichi and Saguru are detectives in DCMK canon, and strive to find the truth behind criminal motives and seek justice for those who have been wronged, my reason for casting Shinichi as the Grifter, has a lot to do with all of the lying and pretending Shinichi does in DC as Conan. If you think about it, it makes great sense to cast Shinichi as the Grifter considering the fact that his mother is an actress and that he's sure to have learned a lot from her. Shinichi is very cunning and manipulative, perfect for the role of a Grifter.

And as for why I cast Hakuba as the leader/Mastermind, it was NOT just because he's my favorite Gosho Boy. In the Leverage Show, Nate Ford is often referred to as a White Knight turned Black King. Hakuba means White Horse in Japanese. A horse head represents the knight piece in chess. So ergo in my mind, white horse = white knight = honest man-Nathan Ford character parallel. Also, Hakuba is often ragged on for being so straight-laced and by the book by Kid fans, so it made sense to me for Hakuba to be the honest man turned criminal Mastermind.

So did you like this? Should I continue and write another one of these? I hope you all enjoyed reading this and all the little "Easter Eggs" I scattered throughout the story. Did you catch them all? See if you did!

Easter Eggs:
1. The Blue Parrot Bar – The bar Saguru is drinking in at the beginning of chapter 1, is a reference to the Blue Parrot billiards parlor owned by Konosuke Jii in Magic Kaitou.
2. Keiko Momoi – (chapter 1) is a friend and classmate of Aoko Nakamori, Kaito Kuroba and Saguru Hakuba in the Magic Kaito series. In this story she was one of the friends he was visiting in Japan.
3. Niindento – Nintendo.
4. Microtech – Microsoft.
5. "Kid dived off the roof, unable to resist a "Ya Hoo!" as he jumped," – (chapter 1) Kid's little "Ya Hoo!" was a reference to Nintendo's Mario character.
6. Toyama-keibu – (chapter 2) The alias that Heiji uses on the phone at the hospital is reference to Kazuha Toyama and her father who is a high-ranking cop in Detective Conan.
7. Tokyo Spirits – (chapter 3) A soccer/football team in Detective Conan that Shinichi Kudo follows.
8. Chapter 3 gaming console mentions: H-Box – X-box; Saga – Sega; GameStation – PlayStation; Vii – Wii; Dance-Dance – Dance-Dance-Revolution (DDR); Band Hero – Guitar Hero
9. Stardollar – Starbucks Coffee
10. Rumiko Takahashi references – Toubi Takahashi and Rumiko Doumine's names; Kagome Higurashi – a main character from InuYasha; Ranma Saotome – main title character from Ranma ½; Yuta Ningyo – a reference to Rumiko Takahashi's Mermaid (Ningyo) Saga, who's main character was an immortal man called Yuta.
11. Super Saiyan and Kaio-ken – (chapter 3) Dragon Ball Z references