"She's introvert", thought Sasuke, while he was seeing his daughter playing, a few meters from him, on the sandbox of the playground. He was sitting on a bench, his mind travelling while Sarada was building castles with the buckets and shovels her grandparents gave her, few days ago.

Sakura was worried with their daughter, and the things his wife said were trapped on his mind. He knew the girl was not sociable, and he was afraid she would grow lonely. Sasuke was always leaving the village to complete missions, and sometimes, he spent weeks far from home. As soon Sarada entered the Ninja Academy, Sakura would return to her work, on Konoha's hospital. His wife insisted on taking their daughter to play with Naruto's son, but Sarada always returned home complaining about how noisy Boruto's game were.

— You know, mama — Sarada said, one day, when she was building blocks — I prefer calm games. I can hear Weasel better this way.

— Weasel? — Sakura's expression was confused. — Who is he?

— He's my friend. He said you can't see him.

And on that night, Sasuke heard Sakura's story. His wife came to the conclusion that their daughter was so lonely and out of place, that she created an imaginary friend, in order to fulfill her lack of fellows made of flesh and bone.

Lost in his thoughts, Sasuke took few seconds to notice Sarada, standing next to him. She was probably tired, or hungry, and wanting to go home. She was looking at him, with her expressive onyx eyes, her coral glasses contrasting against her porcelain skin.

— Papa — she said, capturing his attention. — Weasel asked me to leave you a message.

Sasuke was curious. He was looking at his daughter, with a half-smile on his lips. Well, if his little girl was feeling happy with hers Imaginary Friend, Sasuke would not complain. When he was a child, he would carry his plush dinosaur everywhere with him, constantly talking to it.

— He said, — Sarada started — that he'll be always with us.

Sasuke froze when he saw her index and middle finger against his forehead, poking him; a gesture his brother used repeatedly in the past, meaning more than a simple "I'm sorry". The silent "I love you" from Uchiha Itachi..

And in that moment, Sasuke remembered the meaning of Itachi's name was Weasel.

Oh, hi.

So, I wrote this fanfic right before the manga's ending, and I'm really sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, since english's not my mother language. I've even asked a friend to read it, and he couldn't find any mistake. Well, hope you guys like the story ^_^