Hello everyone. For those of you who still follow this story, thank you for sticking around for so long despite it's agonizingly long hiatus. I know that it has been a very, very long time since I had last updated TNC, but I can assure you all that this story is anything but abandoned.

After reading through the story, I've felt that it's time for it to get a slight overhaul before I continue it. The plot itself will largely remain the same, as I still know what I want to do with the story, but my writing skills have improved drastically since I first started TNC, and I have been going through each chapter, tweaking and fixing grammar as I go. It's been a long and grueling process due to college being my priority, but I'm getting it done.

Due to the recent coronavirus outbreak, I am now stuck at home with six classes that are now completely online. It's a hassle to deal with, as I learn better in the classroom, but it also leaves me with huge windows of free time that I'm not sure what to do with. So, with this double edged sword, I feel it's time for me to sit down and dive back into my creative writing, starting with a swift update to TNC's content completely.

I hope that everyone out there is staying safe, washing your hands, and being aware. TNC shall continue right where it left off very soon, and I hope that those of you still around are as excited to jump back into Deambert's adventure as I am. :)

Much love,
