Sara had been kidnapped almost three days ago. She had been coming home from work when someone had smashed into the back of her car. When she had gotten out to see if the other person was okay, someone had grabbed her. She could still feel their hands on her arms, squeezing tightly when she struggled. She had screamed, but there wasn't anyone around to hear her. When they had shoved her into their car, she had hit her head and passed out. She had woken up in the warehouse she was currently in, her wrists tied to a hook in the wall. Her shoulders and arms were sore, her head was still pounding, and she was feeling nauseous. She had been alone for almost two days now, starving and thirsty. She was dehydrated too.
A loud banging sound caught Sara's attention. She looked up when she heard footsteps, and a man came into the room. He had a bag in his hand, but he put it down as he got closer. It was heavy, judging by the loud thump it made when it hit the floor. But Sara quickly shifted her attention to her captor when he got close and cut her loose.
"Stand up," her captor stated.
Sara stood on shaking legs. She hadn't been upright since she had exited her car. She stood still when she finally managed to get up, and stared defiantly into her captor's eyes. She was terrified, but refused to let him see that.
"Walk," he growled, holding a gun on her and pushing her towards the door.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Shut up."
Sara did as he said, feeling him press the barrel of the gun into her back. She swallowed when he led her into another room of the warehouse, this one soundproofed like a music recording studio. She had no doubt that he was planning on killing her, she just wanted to know why.
Nick and Greg were exhausted. They had been working non-stop since the team had found out that Sara was missing. Despite Russell telling them both to take breaks, neither wanted to rest until they found their friend. For Greg, it was simply out of friendship and loyalty that he kept searching, but for Nick, it was love for Sara pushing him to keep going. He wanted her back, safe, in his arms where he could protect her.
So far, the only evidence they had was a note from the kidnapper. In the note, it was stated that the team had just four days to find Sara before she was killed and dumped somewhere for them to find. No-one wanted to lose Sara, so everyone was working double time to find her. There had been no prints on the note either, so they had hit a dead end on the kidnapper's identity.
Russell had put Morgan and Finn on Sara's case files to find out if there were any grudges or perps that had been released recently. So far they hadn't found anything. Most of Sara's recent cases had been murders or high profile crimes, and the people that had been arrested were either in jail still or dead. Nick and Greg had been searching around looking for any leads. They had nothing either.
"Russell! I think we have something!" yelled Morgan from the layout room.
Nick and Greg were right behind Russell as they ran to the layout room.
"What have you got?" asked Russell.
"This case. It's one of the only cases that Sara worked this last month that wasn't high profile or a major crime. The other two are still in medium security prisons, but the suspect in this one, Jeffery Scorn, is out. He got out last week. When he was in prison, he told a security guard and another inmate that he was going to make the woman responsible for him being incarcerated pay. The testimony Sara gave was the key to him being sent to jail."
"Sara called the police to her place last Thursday after someone tried to break in. Police responded, found a rock near the window to the main bathroom. Sara let them dust for prints, and they found some partials that weren't enough to run. It was the same day that Scorn was released," said Finn, reading a report she had gotten from the police earlier that day.
"Where's Scorn now?" asked Russell.
"Detective Vartann is searching as we speak."
"Let's hope this is what we need to find Sara. How long is left?"
"One day," Nick said worriedly, like he didn't believe that they were going to get to her in time.
Vartann was so glad when he finally got results for his search. Jeffery Scorn wasn't too bright. Though he had turned off his phone, the GPS was still available, and they had been able to track it. They had a location- a warehouse in Henderson, just off the highway. He texted the location to Russell and then grabbed a couple of officers and headed to his car.
Sara was visibly shaken when she finally got turned around and shoved into a chair. She could now see that her captor was Jeffery Scorn, someone that she had been instrumental in putting away. She struggled again as she recalled the crime he had been accused of- sexual abuse.
"Stop squirming, or this will be more painful."
Sara was too scared to disobey him. She knew what he was capable of, and knew that he would do anything without fear. So she stopped moving. Scorn grinned as he strapped her to the chair, making sure the handcuffs were tight around her wrists. Then he proceeded to tighten a strap around her chest, keeping her in place for what he was planning. Once he was sure that she wasn't going to move or get free, Scorn pulled a small bag from under the chair and took out a syringe.
"Now, I won't use this on you if you tell me the truth. Understand?"
Sara nodded, eyeing the needle that was coming close to her arm.
"Good. Tell me what evidence the state has against me."
"What?" Sara asked in confusion. "You were already convicted and released."
"I have an appeal coming up. The prosecution wants me back in prison. So tell me what evidence they have."
Sara was lost. No-one had mentioned a re-trial to her, which must have meant that they had new evidence. "I don't know."
"Liar. One more chance before I give you this." He wiggled the needle in front of her.
"I swear I don't know. If there was a re-trial, I would have been called to testify again."
"I don't believe you." He stood and walked over to her. "I warned you." He stabbed the needle into her arm and watched her take a deep breath to stop from screaming.
"Now, again. What evidence do you have against me? And this time it will be the truth, because that injection contained sodium thiopental. I'm sure you know what that means."