I'm a horrible person, and it has nothing to do what I just wrote. IMPORTANT A/N AT THE BOTTOM. Prompt of a guest from chapter 13 where Jack brings a kangaroo to a meeting and it falls in love with Bunny. I tweaked it a little to add in more adorableness, hope you don't mind :D

The overall setting of the latest Guardian meeting was cozy. A large, cheerful fire was crackling to the left of the room, warming the room to just the right temperature to combat the bitter cold coming in through an open window on the opposite wall. The outside view the occupants of the room received from it was beautiful, a pristine landscape glittering with snow lit by the reflected rays of the first quarter moon. There were several beanbags of all colors surrounding a small glass table in the very center of the room, the top of which being covered with empty glasses of eggnog and a couple half-eaten cookies. But despite the relaxed atmosphere of the room and three of the beings inside it, one was not.

"He does this every time, North."

"And you complain about it every time, Bunny."

"It's annoying!"

"It's not like you have anywhere else to be. You don't have to worry about Easter for another eight or nine months."

"Tooth, stop defendin' the bugger."

"Just throwing it out there."

There was a sound of forming sand over the shortest member's head.

"Thank you, Sandy! What about North? Christmas is only three months away!"

"Do not drag me into this."

"Bunny, would you please stop pacing and sit down? I'm sure Jack'll be here any second."

Sandy smiled and patted a magenta-colored beanbag next to his. Bunny pulled a face in response, and chose the lime green one on the other side of him instead. Tooth smiled at him from across the table. North turned around and gave a muttered order to the yeti, who was staring out the window with confused look, behind him. The only sound was the wind rushing about the room (making Bunny shiver theatrically and move into the seat closest to the fire), said fire, and Tooth quietly giving orders to her mini-swarm of fairies.

Naturally, the silence lasted for about a minute before the whooshing sound of a portal opened up and Jack came tumbling out with a baby kangaroo.

"Hope you don't mind I borrowed one of your snow globes, North. I didn't want to freeze the little guy on the way here," He said, using his staff to pull himself up. He picked up the kangaroo, gave it a huge smile, then handed it to Bunny.

Everyone was silent for about three seconds before everything metaphorically exploded.

"Is no problem, but kangaroo?"

"Why did you bring a baby kangaroo with you, Sweet Tooth?"

Sandy couldn't even form a coherent picture he was laughing so hard, both from the situation itself and the looks of shock and amusement from most of his friends.


Jack put his hands in the air. "Whoa, whoa! Calm down, guys. What's the big deal? I'm not that late. And, Kangaroo, don't shout right into its ear. I think you're scaring him." He decided to ignore the death glare he was currently receiving from the giant rabbit.

Which kangaroo?, Sandy 'asked' with a huge smirk on his face. Jack got up and gave him a high-five while Bunny turned so red with anger they could see it through his fur. Even Tooth had to suppress her laughter. Normally, the Pooka would have throw both his boomerangs at Jack and Sandy. But since he currently had a baby kangaroo on his lap, all he could do was shoot them both with his mental laser eyes and take a deep breath. It did little to calm him down.

"I brought the kangaroo along because the zoo where I found it wasn't exactly the best caretaker, so I figured the next best thing to an actual kangaroo would be Bunny," Jack said with a cheeky smile. "Look, they're already bonding."

Any questions that they had vanished as they turned their heads to look at the pair, and sure enough the baby kangaroo was snuggling against Bunny's fur. Bunny himself was trying to stay mad, but was finding it increasingly difficult. If he was alone, he was pretty sure that he would be snuggling the little creature back. But he wasn't, so his arms were only holding it enough so that it didn't fall out of his lap and onto the hard floor. Even then, Tooth, North, and Sandy gave a little 'awwwwwww!' at the sight. Tooth's fairies had no such restraint and darted over to squeal right in his ear from the sheer adorableness of it all. Jack snickered from his perch, wiggling his eyebrows at Bunny.

"Yeah, yeah! Laugh it up, Frost!"

"Come on, Bunny! There are worse things than becoming mother of baby kangaroo," North said with a booming laugh. Unable to hold it in anymore, Jack joined in with Sandy and collapsed in a fit of hysterical laughter, tears falling from his eyes and crystallizing on the floor.

"M-mother?!" Bunny stuttered indignantly. He winced as said kangaroo shifted its weight and started looking around instead of cowering from the strange new sights and smells.

"How old is he, Jack?" Tooth asked.

"You know him better than me, Tooth," Jack casually pointed out. At her raised eyebrow, he laughed and said, "I dunno, almost a year old?"

Bunny was fuming. Gently, he set the red-furred animal on the ground and stood up, drawing his boomerangs and giving Jack a dark smile.

It would have been terrifying, had the kangaroo not knocked him over in its search for a pouch. At least Tooth had the decency to look a little worried when the SMACK! of his head hitting the floor filled the room. The joey crawled on top of Bunny's chest and got situated. The click of a camera followed soon after, along with Jack muttering something about sending him a copy to Sandy.

"Looks like it is staying there," North said, gesturing to the now dozing kangaroo. "Shall we start meeting?"

Bunny groaned.

I forgot how I used to format these, but then again it has been four plus months, hasn't it? Yikes. Don't get too comfortable with me updating this, though. I'm currently stuck on Because of the Fire, so this was a product of my writer's block there.

IMPORTANT: From now on, I'm just going to write down all your requests, throw them in a hat, and pick one randomly. I've already gone through each one and have a basic idea on what to do for each of them. That takes place immediately as well, counting this chapter. I'm sorry if it doesn't seem fair (Joker, you have every single right to hate my guts and I feel like such a horrible person so if there's anything you want me to write while you wait for your previous request, name it Dx It'll be my number one priority) but this way I can update (somewhat) faster. I promise that every request I have WILL BE WRITTEN! I'm sorry again if you don't agree with this, but the quality should improve and so will my updating schedule.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH HOW DID I REACH 100 ALREADY SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS IT MEANS A LOT TO ME *hugs all of you* I love you all in a completely platonic way.

Guest Reviewers:

Regality- Thank you :D Although, you would be the first to describe my mind that way xD

Pippalina- In my head, Jack doesn't need that much sleep. But when he does, he enters a hibernation-like state. I also believe that his body was frozen in time EXACTLY the way it was when Manny resurrected him. So he's pretty much a walking human Popsicle with a sluggish pulse :P His lips are blue because without him consciously taking in oxygen, there's none in his bloodstream. I don't know. I'm not a scientist. Sorry if the answer doesn't satisfy you, but thanks for reading it well enough to question behind it :D

Berlin- It's cool lol. Better then than never :P

Kittykittymeowm- Thank you :D AND FINALLY! I was put that description that way in case I wanted to use it for a later chapter, then completely forgot about it. The answer is yes. It's been added in the hat xD 'Dawwwwww I love kittens!