Alright! I've deleted the previous A/N 'cause that was forever ago and you don't care anyway. I just want you to know that the chapters do get better (this is really just the pilot chapter) and more in character. Let's not to forget to add longer. I'm not editing the actual chapter (again, anyway xD) because the whole reason of joining fanfiction was to see how I've improved in writing since starting.

UPDATE! I lied. Here's the real chapter. Two weeks later. Hehe whoops. IDOROTG

Jack wasn't quite sure what feeling to focus on. The happiness that came with finally being believed in, the pain everywhere that told him, "Hey! You just fought with Pitch and won!", the guilt that had been threatening to swallow him alive when Sandy had 'died' and there was nothing he could do, the sadness that came with the fact that his only family was dead and he hadn't even been able to say goodbye, or the little dark thought in the back of his head that told him he was only being used and they would throw him away soon. He wasn't quite sure, so he focused on all of them. He was good at that, multitasking. For example, he was currently watching Burgess fade out of sight while keeping an eye on the others. He still didn't trust them, and he was pretty sure the favor was returned (Bunny most defiantly didn't trust him, Jack knew this for sure).

Even though he was worn out to the point of barely being able to focus, he couldn't sit still. He started fidgeting with his staff, twirling it in the air and nearly hitting Bunny with it several times. Not that he cared. Their relationship was one of "I tolerate you, not like you." Sandy was watching out of the corner of his eye while Tooth hurled questions at him, making sure he was OK. North was driving, but even he could hear the annoyed grunt of the over-grown rabbit each time Jack's staff almost smacked him in the face. He was surprised Bunny hadn't said anything about it yet.

Eventually, Jack stopped with the staff twirling and turned to talking. He had more than a few (hundred) questions that needed to be answered.

"So what now?" He decided to start with the first and foremost.

The others stopped what they were doing and turned to him. They glanced at each other. A light bulb appeared over Sandy's head, followed by him dying (to which everyone winced), then a calendar showing days passing by, then a person talking. How about you tell me what happened after I was put out of commission? Sandy was surprising nonchalant about his quote on quote 'death'. That didn't mean the others weren't. This was clearly a sore topic, because Jack froze, Bunny's eyes bugged out, Tooth's lips mashed together to form a straight line, and North quietly chuckled nervously. North being quite? Whatever had happened had clearly been bad.

"Maybe another time, Sandy." The silence was tense as they remembered what had gone on in that time. Then it was broken as North added on with his usual booming voice back: "For now, we celebrate! We defeated Boogeyman once again!" They couldn't agree more. This time the silence was a comfortable silence. It stayed this way for the rest of the way back to the Pole, broken only by Bunny's occasional sound of distress each time the sleigh hit an air current. Bunny blamed Jack for those.

And it appears! Hehe, I'm such a procrastinator. Whatever! It's here now. Challenge accepted, mission accomplished. There was a first version to this, but it sucked. BIG TIME. Hope you liked, and tell me what you thought! I currently have no beta reader, so any mistakes in this thing are my fault. Reviews are always welcome with open arms and cookies!