Rated M due Violence, blood, and SEX

Disclaimer: They are not mine, just the plot and the OCs.

I pranked you all folks, you thought that the last chapter was the End? Busted!

I would never let an open end such that one!

Prime departed to outer space searching for the creators and return the seed, will he succeed?

This Chapter will focus on TLK and how the things will end, will happen like Primus predicted to Joana.

I will say no more, read to discover!

Forgiveness and love.

It's been 4 years since Prime's departure, and things have changed ... for the worse, Joana has to hide because risks to be being captured by a military faction that hunts the Transformers to expel them off the Earth, Albertina is also on the run more with her daughter Inês, but has Magnus by her side to protect them.

Joana had to say goodbye to her job as an educator, to protect the children she loved, John was upset, but had to accept her resignation for the good of all, after all, both were great friends, and he learned from her that Prime was her husband, cost to accept but blessed her Union and praised her guts for a step like that.

Joana's family does their best to keep a low profile, and secretly give supplies to Yeager, Joana, and Albertina because they know that the Autobots are being hunted down like animals.

Lennox is working undercover in the military Faction called TRF that is hunting the Cybertronians, but in a secret report to his Military and to Joana, who is leading the Autobots at a safe distance.

Everything would change from the moment since Prime set foot again on Earth, and he brought something nefarious that would cause the destruction of the planet Earth.

Joana feels his arrival but feels that he is suffering a lot due to a malignant force that is trying to take care of his soul, but he fights against it.

Feels that he is being forced to do all that bad for the planet, herself see Cybertron in an orbit that is damaging Earth, more precisely to absorb its energy to rebuild itself.

A thought her mind invaded, "has begun!"

She tries to send positive feelings for his spark, memories of a not-too-distant past, she has to act as quickly as possible to avoid that the being who is controlling him don't do more damage in Prime.

The girl looks to the heavens praying to God to give her strength to what will happen, and that strength comes in the form of Albertina and Magnus who came to support it even with the cost of their freedom.

It is unknown that Yeager is on his way to England to fight that evil more Bumblebee and Cogman.

And that will take help of a noble English, Edmund Burton, 12th Count of Folgan, which belongs to an order that was in charge of keeping the staff of Merlin, the Witwiccans, also joined a young teacher who had been kidnapped by HotRod, Vivian Wembley that according to this noble She is a descendant of Merlin and she could handle the said bat.

And of course, he starts telling about Merlin and the history of the Transformers and the Knights of Cybertron and about the Round Table to the present day.

Later joins Izabella, 13-year-old teen to Autobot cause, protect the Earth and save Prime of himself.

The English Count also showed bravery, because in an act of great courage walks to death, goes to Stonehenge, hitting Megatron with a clean shot, and even makes Ricochet in the Decepticon's Leader armor, which leaves him in the bring of death with a clear shot with his plasma Cannon saying, "Worm."

When Cogman finds the Count dying, so he paid a tribute to him, saying that the Count had been a nice person and the best, since Cogman started to serve almost 12 centuries ago.

Elsewhere ...

Albertina feels that Joana also suffers, "are you OK?" The girl looks to her cousin with her hand on the chest, "I'm feeling Prime's suffering, he told me the name of the alleged Creator, Quintessa.

She's in control. " Albertina just says fearing the worse, "you gotta do something, Joana!" A sigh is heard, "Yes we have, but I don't know where it is!" Magnus intervenes, "Bee left me a message, they were looking for a mystical bat in a country called England!" Joana begins to think until remembers, "Contact Lennox, I need to go there." Magnus does exactly that, and receives a response, "Lennox set up for you right now, you can go with him, infiltrated on TRF, Lennox is also undercover in this force to watch over the Decepticons." Joana is willing to take the risk because it wants to take Prime from that hypnosis.

She begins planning a strategy since it wants everything so well organized, as well not getting caught by the TRF, and Albertina pays much attention to all the details of her cousin's plans.

Albertina just requests to her cousin, "I want to go with you." The Portuguese girl just says, ' no, you have to protect Inês. " The Portuense just says, "at least Magnus will go with you to protect you!" Joana embraces Albertina, "thank you." The other just says, "I will always be by your side." And give her a rosary, "you will have God beside you on this ordeal Joana!" Moments later both say goodbye, and Joana departs directly to the fate that awaits her.

The Earth is in great danger because powerful forces were triggered, due Nemesis Prime aka Optimus Prime actions, Megatron, his Decepticons and Quintessa, they want to rebuild Cybertron at the cost of Earth destruction.

Joana goes with Lennox in a submarine, able to follow Yeager and Bee, until a strange underwater fortress, but was actually a kind of ship.

It is inside of the same ship that Joana finds Optimus fully modified, it seems he's not himself, she tries to communicate with him through her bond, "my beloved, please stop you're not yourself!" Prime feels his Sparkmate tender voice answering, "my beloved I am not master of my body and my mind." She responds, "you're stronger than this fake creator, fight against it spell!" He only responds in great suffering, "I will ... try to." She just says, "remember the good times we were together, remember that you are the Sparkmate of a pure Lusitanian, which has a very rich ancestral heritage." With that, see what Prime is not master of his actions, because retrieves the scepter that Vivian has in her hands, saying it was Nemesis Prime.

Sees Prime's silhouette move away from there, going overseas, "he's Not there, we have to find him!" Joana grees with Yeager right away, "Yes, but it's under a strange spell, is being controlled by someone with very bad intentions." Where's question, "How do you know?!" She just puts her hand on the chest, "I feel his pain!" CADE just says, "I haven't lost faith in him, Joana." Then back to Bee, "remember your past in World War II, be ZB7, goes after Prime, he's not himself will destroy the Earth!" The scout loses his temper and goes after Prime.

However with Prime, is having an inner struggle, because he doesn't want to bend to Quintessa's will, but it's so hard because the strength of the villain is too strong, he remembers what Joana meant, the good times he had with her.

Remember how she sang Fado with a vibrant voice, children including Albertina's baby and the Christening party not to mention rampant sex that he and Joana had.

The fight is fierce, he wants to regain the control of his body again and destroy the enemy once and for all!

On the other hand, Bumblebee pursues Optimus and battles him, Joana and Cade are on their trail, shouting for Prime who apparently thinks he's doing the right thing, and the fight is fierce between the scout and Prime.

They are exchanging hateful words with each other, even Cade risk his life by Prime, Lennox holds Joana, "calm down girl, it's useless!" She is struggling, "Lennox get off me!" And get out of there going directly to the three figures who fight, until hears the real voice of Bee, "I'm Bumblebee, your oldest friend! Optimus I would give my life for you! " When Prime heard, get out of Quintessa's spell saying, "Bumblebee your voice... I not heard since the fall of Cybertron." And look around, "what have I done!" And drop the sword!

Moments later he was overthrown by Megatron and other Decepticons who took the scepter, saying hateful things to him leaving it to luck.

Optimus is at the mercy of other good Knights, he was tortured and Judged by his Crime against Earth, Joana cries to see her beloved being tortured and sentenced to death, she runs to save him.

Who saves him is Yeager that without knowing why, could stop Prime's execution due to a Mystical Amulet that had been delivered by a dying Knight days before, and that turns into a sword at the exact moment that Prime was going to be executed, saving his life!

Joana cries of joy listening to the words of regret from Prime to the race human and hears that Yeager has not lost faith in him.

From there Prime will fight for Earth's survival and could plan a strategy to save the planet who received him years earlier.

Enemy forces unite to fight a common enemy, the false creator, Quintessa, and from that moment on, a battle for Earth's survival takes place, as there are many retreats and advances, and heavy losses of human lives and Prime was furious, because he wants revenge, and defeat Quintessa henchmen with a single blow of his sword, and not only because there is a face to face what will happen.

Inside the Ignition Chamber.

Megatron and Prime face each other, but is defeated by the Autobot leader who is thirsty for revenge, with a sharp kick Megatron fall into the abyss, the scepter is recovered by Vivian, and Optimus faces Quintessa saying, "get out of our planet Quintessa!" And hit it with the sword, and she yells at him, "TRAITOR!" And throws beams of energy. disabling Prime briefly.

Optimus Prime see Bumblebee, saying to the villain, "says Hello, my friend Bumblebee." The Scout hit it and it disappears. Bumblebee says only in jokes, "I sting like a bee!"

Outside the Chamber, the Autobots fight under Joana's and Lennox's command and manage to defeat the other Decepticons.

And it's not just Earth that was saved, Cybertron was too, and Prime manages an Alliance between Humans and Cybertronians so that the two planets could be reconstructed, both Planets are united forever.

The NEST is back in full swing and all returned to the base including Albertina, nobody was pursued by military factions that wanted power and money, now they all work for a common cause, the reconstruction of Earth and Cybertron

Joana also returned to her previous life back again in the kindergarten, John received her with open arms, as well as all colleagues, because they missed her so much.

But she's not well, feels that Prime doesn't want to face her because of his actions, and that has to be solved as soon as possible.

She's in her house, in her terrace watching the night sky, seeing Cybertron alongside the moon but also the constellations of stars.

Was drinking a cup of tea thing she likes to do because it relaxes her a lot, is so distracted that doesn't notice Prime's the arrival to her home.

Optimus shrinks and opens the door, and go straight to the terrace where he finds the Portuguese girl, so he goes facing her, kneeling grabbing the girl's waist, and leans his head in Joana's flat abdomen, starting to cry, "Forgive me." The girl is very comoved and tears roll by your face, "my beloved dry those tears." And caresses his finials, "Shhh, I know what you're going through." And continues to caress him, "arise my love!" He gets up embracing Joana, "I'm sorry for everything I've done, I was destroying the planet that I call home and you!"

Joana look him in the eye, "Who am I to judge? I don't have that right, my beloved!

You don't know how much I had suffered in see you that way, prisoner of the will of another. "

Optimus cries so much, that Joana cries with him and caress him again, it lasts a good while, "hush, hush, lay it all out, I'm here!" He is hanging on to her cry all that had been accumulated during all that time.

Joana feels all that suffering, was disappearing and wipes his tears, "are you better?" Optimus looks at the Lusa girl, nodding, but she remembers him, while looks in his blue eyes, "remember who I am and I will always be on your side to help you fight the ordeals, good and bad."

Optimus doesn't know what to say hearing, "you fought against the forces that captured you, costing yours and my suffering." Optimus just says, "I had people who don't lose faith in me and you led the way when I was lost.

Was your Alma Lusa that kept my spark in the right place, didn't let Quintessa have the control of my Spark. " The Portuguese girl gets pleased saying, "Primus was right, our love came out stronger after all of this, and we will continue working on it." And puts her hand where Prime's spark is, "our bond grew stronger." And only notes, "Yeager saved your life, he's the one who gave you the chance to fight against this evil." Optimus close his eyes, "it was thanks to him, I could come back to you."

She sits in a chair, followed by Prime that sits by her side, holding her hand, watching the signs of fatigue, "I caused this." Joana just says, "don't worry, you're with me now, and we will work together in this great project.

I will always be at your side to guide you. " Then smiles looking at the horizon, "my beloved there is nothing to forgive, your actions saved us all!" But he holds her hand lowering his head, "I didn't want you to see my dark side." She puts a finger on his lips, "Shhh, each of us has a dark side, don't beat yourself up!" Then adds, "I love you Prime, our love is stronger than all this!" A weight was lifted off Prime's shoulders.

He kisses her with passion, and the same is reciprocated and involved in caresses and he just says, "we will love each other, like the first time!" He continues to kiss her, lying her on the terrace floor, "make love to me my beloved!" And slowly takes her clothes off enjoying every moment to touch the body of the girl, and he's avid because it's been a long time that didn't touch her.

Want to feel every detail of it, each scar, mark, and he trails her body with kisses and caresses, wants to make it last these moments, he gives himself to her like never did.

Everything is done not with the feeling of lust but of pure love and sharing, and both are taking advantage of it, and do it under the starry sky, and Joana also wants to feel every detail of Prime and also indulges him.

"My beloved, you don't know how you leave me happy to share it all with me." Prime smiled, " Also I, my love."

Shortly after Prime enters in Joana with all love, the sex is full of real feelings, not to mention the pleasure obtained, which is immense, and the bodies of both touch to each other and feeling with the passion.

Is so intense that the positions are swapped and Joana mounts Prime while he caresses, "you are my true love, my beloved and I won't betray the Earth again!" Joana smiled while moans of pleasure and then kiss him with all the passion, of course, they merged their heart/spark obtaining more pleasure.

The peak reaches both simultaneously, and the Prime seed fills Joana's womb, and the Portuguese girl falls on top of him, fatigued, "wow ..." He kisses her forehead with all the love. " Thanks for everything, my beloved, I will always cherish and respect you. " She just says, "I Also my beloved." She feels the Prime body, knows he doesn't want anything to lose not to mention that the preliminary and intense sex revitalized the girl's body, who received more nanites and energy.

Both are fatigued, and Prime suggestively rubs her hair, but note that she is tired, "Rest my beloved, all this left us tired!" He covers it with a blanket that was there, he wants to cover the nakedness of his Sparkmate, who is falling asleep under the starry sky.

Upstairs, in the Heavenly Kingdom, are some souls watching the couple.

"I'm glad it ended well." Primus says that look at Jazz and Gracinda, who replies, "of course it finished Mech!" Primus is in awe about the nickname that Joana's great-grandmother gave him, "be careful Gracinda, Primus ..." The deity gave a laugh to Jazz, "don't get angry about it, I like the way of being of Gracinda!" The Portuguese woman only responds, "I am anyway, but I respect him, Primus made everything possible." Then look at the sleeping couple, "They deserve to be together." And imagine with a smirk, "and I bet Prime made her moan of pleasure with his enormous phallus!" That statement was worth a laugh both of Primus as Jazz.

Jazz just asks, "How did Joana get the strength to overcome this ordeal?" Primus look at Gracinda, "it was true love and. .." She complete, "and our Alma Lusa, that gave her a great inner strength." Primus adds, "not to mention, the good times spent together forever!"

A question is asked, "and Barricade?! I know the Quintessa revived him! " Primus only says, "Now it's up to him, despite having contributed to the cause of Quintessa deserves a second chance!" Gracinda has to agree with the Cybertronian deity.

"Now those two will work on the reconstruction of Cybertron and Earth, and love will be stronger." Gracinda agrees with Primus.

The three continue watching the couple who sleep under the starry sky, with a smile on their lips, they know that both will be each other's support in the future.

Meanwhile of the realm of the living...

Joana awakens caressing Prime, who also wakes up, kiss him saying, "I love you so much, my beloved!" Optimus kiss her tenderly, saying, "I too, my beloved!" Joana straddles Optimus, "You were amazing, it's been so long without having you, how about taking some days off? We will rent a cabin in a forest or island." Prime look at her, "You know we have much to do." She caresses him, " I know, love but we must compensate for all this." Optimus asks," And your work?" She explains, " I will talk with John and he will give me some days." Optimus says with a smirk, "Oh my beloved, I will take advantage of those days, and make you moan of pleasure!" She smirks, "How about now?" He noticed that she is tired, but smirks," Don't tempt me, my love!" He kisses her with love and passion, "But right now you need to rest." She asks Prime, "May I sleep on top of you?" He nods, "Yes, I love to feel your body on mine." She kisses him on the forehead, while Prime covers her again with the blanket, caressing her hair.

Both asleep in no time, Joana on top of Prime, under the starry sky, listening to the night sounds, they are with a smile in their lips, with hope in the future, which is full of surprises!

Phew... almost 4 years writing this story, full of ups and downs.

Now it's the end.

But their life will be full of adventures and I will write a couple of OneShots about Joana and Prime.

See ya folks!

I appreciate constructive feedback, thanks!