If I go too long without writing something unabashedly pure fluff I'll explode, so apologies to anyone who was looking for action or plot.

And thank you to everyone who voiced their keyboard spasms, which I'll take as a positive. All any author wants to hear is they've made someone's day!

"I see... Death."


"So much destruction. You've been in the eye of the storm your entire life, surrounded by it."


"But... Great change! You're the chosen one, who makes the bright horizon even a possibility. I could have told you that in your crib, but you are meant to do so many great things."


Sumia stopped adjusting her daughter's palm in the campfire light to glance at her. Insects chanted into the cool spring night, owl hooting softly from the edge of the forest they camped at. The rest of the world was amazing to experience, but nothing came close to returning home to Ylisse. The soft grass, rolling hills, and night sky made everywhere else just seem foreign.

But Lucina had noticed little of that. Sumia always noted her daughter's appreciation for every little thing they took for granted in their lives, but lately Lucina had been distracted, acting strange. The sound of her laugh startled Sumia the first time she heard it, and it had only become more frequent since. It was good, but shortly followed by her face straightening and looking guilty that such a sound of mirth escaped her. Her focus also seemed to wane of late, Sumia finding her performing a routine task for several minutes after completion. She'd blame fatigue but her daughter even seemed more rested of late – and motherly instincts guessed the true culprit. In a final culmination of the weirdness she'd been asked for one of her petal readings.

She was happy to do so, but knew from Cynthia Lucina put little stock in them. Even now the girl stared into the fire with the air of waiting for an opera to be over.


The girl looked up, realizing they'd spent the last minute in silence. Sumia smiled, pulling a strand of Lucina's hair out of place.

"Why don't you tell me what's on your mind?"

Lucina blinked and sat back, fixing the strand with her free hand.

"I've been unable to concentrate of late. I fear my state of mind is impeding my duties as father's advisor."

"Your state of mind being..."

Lucina opened her mouth and closed it. Sumia couldn't restrain a small smile.


Lucina nodded.

"What with?"

Lucina licked her lips, glancing around and leaning in again. A faint blush told her Lucina knew exactly what with but the girl only gave a half-shrug. Most of camp had retired save night patrols and the light coming from the command tent where Chrom and Frederick deciphered their tactician's untidy scrawl and diagrams of arrows. If there was a time Sumia would draw it out, it would be now.

"Are you... Worried about someone?"

Lucina shook her head slowly.

"But they never seem far from my thoughts. When I try to focus on something else they keep resurfacing."

Sumia smiled at her daughter's legitimate confusion. It wasn't fun to go through, and no one was around to tell her daughter about this part of life in the time she came from. But Sumia's chest swelled that she finally had an opportunity to offer parental advice.

"Do you think about them when you're trying to sleep? And your heart pounds when you see them, and you get scared but happy when they sit next to you?"

Lucina nodded, looking intently at her mother now it was clear she had some insight on her condition. Sumia plucked a few petals, inspired by a memory.

"If I had daughters... I told myself I would give them love fortunes when they were old enough." Sumia smiled to herself, and looked up to see Lucina watching her intently. 'Of course. She'd know that.' The girl noticed her mother's expression and made a poor attempt at hiding her interest.

"Would you like one?"

Lucina took too long to consider, finally nodding.

Sumia tilted her hand towards the firelight so she could read.

"Hm... Oh my... Yes, I see!"

She looked up to see Lucina smile fondly.

"You are an extremely lucky woman, Lucina. For all your hardships, the gods have blessed you with a companionship few in this world have ever experienced. You've already met, and your friendship has been blossoming into something far greater over the last year. You've been through so much together, and together you'll go through so much more than either could manage alone. You've lost... And that makes you reluctant to admit your feelings. But you already care very deeply for this man, he's taught you what it means to have a life. And he cares just as much for you! His passion is what drives him to work so hard, push himself to the limits, and draft in impossibly illegible font that keeps my husband from his cot until dawn."

Lucina had been staring, enraptured by her mother's reading, until the last words sunk in and turned her face crimson. She stammered uncharacteristic "ums" and "errs" as her eyes traveled the ground, finding the petals scattered. Her hand was held by both of Sumia's, mother smiling at her knowingly. She glanced to the petals too and shrugged.

"Some futures don't need a fortune to be seen."

"You..." Lucina took a deep breath, allowing her mother's calm to settle her, "...How did you know? That father was the one?"

"Oh, I knew from the moment I was a recruit and saw him in the castle. I was the worst when we trained in the yard, always looking to the balconies or windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Imagine my surprise when he recruited me for his personal guard, invited me to picnics..." She shook her head, "But it doesn't matter how I knew. Every great love is unique, and only you'll know when yours is true."

"But... How will I know?" Lucina repeated with a frown. Sumia only chuckled.

"Anyone who pretends to know that is a fool... But when it's been over a year and you still find yourself awake at night, thinking about him, missing him from three tents away... It's a good sign." Sumia stood with a sigh, brushing her tunic clean, "The best way to clear your mind: tell him. Be brave, chest up, shoulders back, and pretend there's even the slightest chance he doesn't feel the same way. It'll make you endearing."

Lucina stared as Sumia helped her up, embracing her numbly.

"And with that I'm going to bed. Goodnight Lucina."

"Just... Tell him." Lucina echoed as if her mother had grown a second head.

"And remember the pretending part."

"It can't be that simple."

"Contrary to popular belief, true love is quite simple." Sumia smiled, squeezing her shoulders once and making for her tent.

Lucina wandered slowly back to her own tent, thinking about everything her mother said. She wanted to take a walk to process it all but knew she'd spend some time lying awake in her cot, so it would be best to get started on that now to ensure she'd be rested for tomorrow. She undid her boots, slipping into her sleeping tunic and sitting on her cot.

Just tell him. She scoffed, scratching her forehead. That's advice he himself would give. Keep it simple. So why hadn't he said anything yet? She felt a pang of guilt, knowing he still suffered from his own nightmares. She had the luxury of worrying about other things now, he was still trying to make it through the night.

Lucina had just extinguished the lantern in her tent for the night when someone called for her.

"Lucina, do you have a minute?"

She stood, moving to the flap and pulling it aside to see her father with an expression of sympathy.

"Robin, he's..." He shook his head hopelessly.

Lucina watched him for a moment. It wasn't the first time Chrom came to her at odd hours, but she was usually better at knowing when Robin needed her. She thought he'd be okay today. She nodded, stooping to pluck her boots and sit at the edge of her cot. Chrom leaned against the tent flap, allowing enough light from outside for her to see. He sighed.

"I fear I've said something to anger him. He refuses to talk to me whenever I bring it up. I just hear him thrashing about and I worry..."

"It's not you." She said shaking her head.

"I didn't mean to keep you from sleep, but I know you two rely on each other..." He prodded tentatively, "He opens up more to you than anyone else. I didn't know if you wanted to talk and... Be there for him."

She smiled, reminded how close Robin's and Chrom's friendship was, "You sound like a concerned lover."

"Oh no. I would never dream of putting myself between you two."

Her gaze snapped up from her boot to catch his knowing grin.

"We– I'm, we're not–!" She stammered, staring as his smile widened. He rolled his eyes.

"Then you're the last person who hasn't seen it. You haven't noticed the way he looks at you? Like you're the most precious thing in the world to him."

"I'm s-sure you're mistaken." She muttered, rising. She loved her father dearly but this wasn't a conversation she was ready to have with him about his best friend.

"Right. Well this 'mistaken' father wishes his visually-impaired daughter a good night, and hopes she will be able to help her platonic friend get some sleep."

He grinned as she approached, giving her a one-armed hug.

"I may be twenty years too late in saying this, but you've grown up so fast."

"Perhaps my child-self will take longer."

"I hope so." He laughed, closing the tent behind her and bidding goodnight again before making for the command tent to finalize tomorrow's march with Frederick.

Lucina strode past the other tents towards the one at the end, allowing the ambiance of the night to settle her nerves. He usually came to her tent when she asked him to, never presuming his warm presence desired. Privately she wished she could fall asleep beside him every night, an eternal ward against bad dreams and the cold. He admitted sleeping better when they were together, but it was only when she made the request. That would have to change.

Crickets continued to chirp, owl reminding them it was still there somewhere in the woods. It was a peaceful night. But not for Robin, she heard as a thump came from the tent just ahead.

She didn't pass anyone on the way here, not that she would have much explaining to do if she did. She'd gotten over the sidelong grins and pointed nods whenever she and Robin were seen returning from a walk, eating meals together, drafting plans late into the night. She didn't deny that she cared more for him than any other person, she just wished she had the courage to tell him.

Just tell him.

Because telling him would mean admitting it, and the thought that someone else now resided in her heart was a terrifying prospect in the world she came from. And admitting it now would make the pain that much worse when the time came to return home. He was comfortable, and she didn't want her departure to mean losing more than that. More than a dear friend. More than the man she loved.

The thought's magnitude hit her mid-step. She did, didn't she. And now she recognized it she couldn't ignore it. Telling him now and leaving when the time came would be cruel, but not telling him... Allowing him to think she never loved him... Would it be worse? Could she live with herself in either circumstance, was a better question.

Lucina took a deep breath, expression stern. She would take a note out of his book and do what felt right when the time came, but right now he needed her. She pushed the tent flap aside, seeing him sitting up in his cot across the room. He ran a hand over his face when he saw her.

"Sorry, I think I dropped a book or something..."

She crossed the tent wordlessly, standing before him to take his head and hold it to her stomach.

"You never ask me to stay when you need it."

"They're just dreams." He murmured, arms coming around her waist.

"That doesn't mean you must face them alone."

He nodded, inhaling deeply and looking up at her. He shrugged as he did when he knew she was right.

"Stay." Robin invited, arms squeezing. She played with his hair, pretending to give it thought. "Please."

Lucina pushed him back to the cot with a smile that assured him there was no danger of her leaving. She untangled the sheets, undid her boots and slipped in beside him. They watched each other from either end of a pillow.

"May I join you?"

She smiled, realizing how much had changed between them since then. Or maybe how little.

"Your company is always welcome, Lucina."

"Still don't want to talk about it?"

Robin thought for a moment and shook his head, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm awake now. But you're here... Did you miss me? Or were you..." He trailed off with a frown but she shook her head.

"No... Father heard you in your sleep and asked that I check on you."

He blinked, waking up a bit more.

"Wearing that?"

Lucina looked down to her sleeping tunic. It did seem a strange thing to wear on a night visit. Another sign of how close they'd become, she realized with a smile.

"I could have dressed, brought this over, undressed and changed back." She listed, implying the hassle.

"I wouldn't have minded that."

She caught his joking smile and blushed at the idea, reaching forward to press a hand to his face in mock anger and divert attention from her embarrassment. When his came up defensively she pulled it down to his side, her other hesitating halfway to his face. Instead it reached forward to touch his chest, her smile faltering.

"I wish I could help you the way you help me." She spoke quietly, moving forward to depress the pillow between them and see him fully.

He smiled, using his free hand to stroke her cheek with gentle fingers. She felt a rush from his fingertips at the thought that she alone saw him this tender. It made her chest hurt, exciting her, testing her bravery, his next words bolstering her courage.

"You do. But we don't share a bed every night."

He looked down and realized his hand was still in hers. He casually made to remove it only to have her grip tighten.

She didn't know what she was doing, the most she'd dared in the past were accidental brushes, lingering strokes, but something about being here, now, felt right. She did love him, and decided he had to know that.

"We should."

He flushed at the boldness of her words and action. He often said it was such that endeared her to him, though he was the one left blushing. Their fingers slowly entwined and he heard her breath catch.

"...I would like that." He muttered, staring at their intimate fingers. It wasn't something friends did, and though it was a fool who pretended they were simply still friends, it wasn't a leap he was expecting to make tonight. "If you would have me."

"I would have you." She breathed, whole body tense in anticipation for what came next.

His eyes met her searching gaze, anxious, inviting. He moved closer, not wanting to blink – not wanting to miss any sign he was misinterpreting something. He could feel the grip on his hand tighten and halted. Was that a hesitation? Was he pushing himself on her? Lucina wasn't so passive, she'd say something. Or maybe something else gave her pause...

He felt her free hand on his tunic and glanced down. It took a handful of cloth and tugged slightly. He looked up in time to see Lucina close the remaining distance between them as their lips met.

It wasn't the surge of electricity she was expecting as others described – no exhilarating jolt of energy. Rather, a sense of ease washed over her like a quieting wave spreading through her body. She felt her shoulders relax, surrender to the feeling of warmth and contentment. Like all the worries of self-doubt were being cast off, reassuring her this was where she was meant to be – she'd made the right choice, found where she belonged.

His other arm came around her back, pulling her into him as their long overdue kiss deepened. Both were inexperienced but the motions came naturally, heads tilting to explore their partners more fully.

She broke the kiss to rest her forehead on his, catching her breath and letting go of his shirt.

"You think too much." She whispered, explaining herself through a deep blush.

He grinned in relief that he hadn't been horribly mistaken – she did favor him. His own heart soared at the thought. He knew their time together had fostered an affection for her that far outstripped friendship. Her importance to him was beyond words, and having the feelings returned... It turned his mind into a pristine golden-red sky with a single dark horizon.


She felt the arm around her tighten and opened her eyes to see his gaze on her, full of the look she'd dreaded to see, and knew he wasn't talking about tonight.


"Robin... I can't..." She couldn't have regretted the kiss if she tried, but seeing the look in his eyes now was hurting her.

"Then I'm coming with you."


The mere prospect of having a future with him, in this world or the next, brought a happiness to mind she didn't know existed. But she wasn't from his time, nor he hers. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"I can't alter the past like this. You and I weren't supposed to... Be together."

"And look how the world turned out because of it."

She held fast against his humor, trying to keep her face stoic. She sat up, unable to make a rebuttal.

"What did you think would happen, Lucina?"

"I don't know–..."

"You could come into my life, make me fall helplessly in love with you and then you just... Walk out?"

Her heart throbbed and she stared at the corner of the tent. She looked back at him.

He licked his lips uncertainly before nodding. Too late to pretend he didn't say it now. He sat up and took a deep breath.

"I love you, Lucina. More than anything or anyone in this world, I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He confessed as moisture built around her eyes. Words she didn't know she needed to hear yet still feared returning.

"Why are you so afraid of believing that?"

"Because..." Realization dawned on her and the first tear slid down one cheek, "I've never lived in a world where things ended happily... And some part of me fears one day Grima will take you from me, too."

She let herself be pulled into him, resting in the crook of his neck as her shoulders heaved. She didn't cry often. Ever, really. But the emotional turmoil of the last five minutes was getting the better of her and she allowed it. Here, in Robin's shoulder, everything seemed okay. They were silent for a minute before he spoke.

"You've spent your whole life surviving. Growing up fast, holding together what was left of humanity, protecting yourself and the people around you... I think it's time the world gave you something in return. What do you want, Lucina?" His voice became strained, "I can't promise I won't try to change your mind, but I will respect your choice. Whatever you choose, I'll do my best to help make it happen. What do you want for your life?"

They were quiet for another minute as she considered the difference.

What she wanted. She'd only ever wanted what her duty required. The prospect of wanting something simply because she desired it felt... Selfish. Like happiness was something reserved for people through glass windows. She had no stake in it – her role was to ensure they never had to know what was on the other side of that glass. She never had the choice before now.

But with Robin she did. She too could have a life full of laughter, warmth, love, children... The very idea made her heart ache with happiness. Like when Robin held her in his arms as he did now. She could spend the rest of her life with him. Was it so simple as deciding?

Contrary to popular belief, true love is quite simple.

"I want... To be with you."

She didn't think the words. She didn't know where they came from, but as they formed on her lips she knew they were true. Another weight she didn't know she carried lifted from her shoulders as a tear fell and a choked laugh bubbled from her throat.

"I want to stay with you, Robin... Because I love you."

Her arms wounded around him as he exhaled a held breath.

"I've never heard sweeter words." He chuckled in relief, kissing her hair and guiding them back to the cot.

She dried her cheek and sniffed, looking up at him with a growing smile. She wanted this, and now it was hers. Going back to her time wasn't her duty or responsibility, it was her running. Shielding herself from the potential pain of loss, like she'd done her whole life. But that wasn't what she wanted anymore. She was ready to begin living, with Robin.

"The new world we're making every time we're victorious over Grima's forces, that's the world where things will end happily." He promised her, holding her tightly to him.

"A world of good dreams." She murmured, leaning forward to press her lips to his again.

"The only kind I have with you." He whispered when they broke.

She turned over, putting her back to him and pulling his arm over her. He drew closer, flush with her back as he readjusted the covers. He caught the scent of her hair and smiled, squeezing her gently. She meshed their fingers in response as the crickets outside sang into the night.

The nightmares never came for either of them again. They slept with dreams too full about the other, their lives, the world they were building. They didn't know what the future held, but they knew they could face it together. The fabric of time itself had been crossed so they could find one another – and few trials could hold a candle to that flame.

Merry Holidays!