Hello awesome people!

A promised here is the sequel to "Secrets". If you haven't read that yet, I sugget you read it before reading this one or you'll be slightly confused at times. Anyway, special thanks to Hoosier65 for the beautiful prompt gor this story. Here we go!

Desclamer: I do not own NCIS: Los Angeles or any of its characters. They are the property of the creators of thjs wonderful TV show and CBS alone.

Sanibell Deeks was smiling hysterically as the song 'Walking on Sunshine' played in her car. Normally she would turn it off immediately on the fact that she completely hated this song. But there was something about it this time that made the song different, and she knew exactly what it was. Sunny was indeed walking on sunshine, and it really did feel good.

It had been exactly one month since she had started dating Agent G. Callen, her brother's coworker, and it was the happiest month of her life. Their first date was fantastic. They had gone out to eat pizza and then watched a movie. By the time she got home that night, they both already knew there would definitely be a second date and hopefully a third or even a fourth. Both Sunny and Callen had agreed to keep their relationship a secret until the right time. Sunny decided to do this mostly because of her brother.

Whenever she got a boyfriend, he never failed to give them 'the talk'. Not the "make sure you use protection" talk. But the "if you hurt my sister, you're a dead man" talk. She had been there the first time he gave 'the talk', and it even scared her. Sunny had to constantly remind him that she was the older one, and she should be the one making the threats.

A lot of times she acted very annoyed that he and his friend Ray always managed to scare off her boyfriends before the first date even started, but she was truly grateful that someone cared enough about her to threaten people on her behalf. The greatest thing about it was that he was always willing to carry out the threat if need be.

After 9th grade, it was almost impossible for her to get a boyfriend in the community, mostly because her younger brother and his best friend were basically the neighborhood 'troublemakers', and it was always her job to get the two out of trouble. As a child she had tried desperately to be normal despite what was going in at home, and she knew Marty tried too, but it was a lost case. Everyone in the neighborhood knew that the Brandel kids were nothing but trouble. But they also knew that if anyone messed with Sanibell Brandel, Marty Brandel, or Ray Martindale the rest would be coming after them.

Sunny was pulled from her distant memories by the sound of her four year old calling her from the backseat. "Mommy?" Callie said again.

"Yeah Honey?" Sunny answered.

"Are we there yet?"

"Yep, we're here." Sunny said just as she pulled into the parking lot of Callie's preschool. "Now Mommy might not be here to pick you up after school, so Nell might come pick you up okay?"

"Nelly!" The young girl shouted excitedly as Sunny picked her up out of her car seat.

"Yes Nelly, I want you to behave for her okay? I won't be coming home until late tonight, so maybe you might even get to stay the night." Sunny smiled at her. "But only if you're really good."

"I'll be super awesome Mommy, I promise!" She answered jumping up and down.

"Good, Mommy loves you!" She said excitedly as she hugged the girl before Callie ran off inside the building. As Sunny got back into the car, she thought to herself that her life couldn't get much better than it already was.

Half an hour later Sunny pulled into the parking lot of her new client's business office. She had a lot of work to get done for today, and she was determined to finish it so she could continue her newly awesome life.


Kensi walked into the bullpen ready to throttle her partner. All weekend he had failed to answer her calls, text messages, even emails, which worried her immensely. Upon entering she found his desk empty. His cup of pens, picture frames, and name tags were all still there, but all his personal stuff were missing, leading her to believe he hadn't come in yet.

Well hello there!" Callen said sarcastically since she failed to acknowledge his and Sam's presence.

"Hey... Um, have either of you heard from Deeks?" She asked worriedly.

"Nope, Sam?" Callen answered.

"Not since Friday. Why?" They both looked at her expectingly.

"He hasn't been answering any of my attempts to contact him at all. At first I thought it was one of his crazy jokes, but now I'm getting kind of worried.

"I'm sure he'll be in later Kens, don't sweat it." Callen said trying to comfort her a little.

Just then Hetty walked in with a defeated look on her face. "Mr. Deeks won't be in later, unfortunately against all my protesting, the LAPD called him in for an undercover assignment that they refused to share details about."

At that moment all three agents began to protest, but Hetty shut them up quickly. "I have already tried to get him back, my attempts were denied. Our hands are tied with this one, the only thing we can do is wait for him to come back and meet him with open arms when he does." With that Hetty walked out of the bullpen and back to her desk.

Kensi was beyond angry at the fact that her partner was undercover without a partner, and likely without any type of backup whatsoever. She was also angry at him for not contacting the team to inform them of him going back to the LAPD. They were partners and partners didn't keep secrets. But apparently they did, and big ones too. She could only hope that he was okay and would be back soon.

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