A/N My first fanfic please be kind. And without further ado the story...

Leo's POV

"Fine Raph! The team's yours. I'm out of here!" I stormed off leaving my brothers standing there. A few minutes later I found a nice rooftop and started beating stuff did Raphael think he was?! 'Oh we would have caught Snakeweed if we did it my way.' Ugh. We would have caught Snakeweed if he hadn't argued with me so long. I've got all this pressure as leader to make sure that things go right and my brothers don't get hurt. So maybe now he'll see just how much 'fun' it is to be leader.

"Huh?" I had reached the edge of the rooftop and looked down at the city, looking so peaceful with no idea what me and my brothers protected it from each night.I heard a soft 'wump' behind me. I smiled and turned around. "Foot Clan? You just made my day." I attacked and took them out with ease."That wasn't too hard."I said,then another ninja attacked me and hit me with blinding knocked me down and took off their face mask. It wasn't a regular ninja,but a beautiful kunoichi. Then she pointed her sword at my throat and I swallowed. She smiled at me and said.

"My name's Kairi, see you around." She sheathed her sword and jumped off of me.

"Wait!" I called chasing after her." My name's Leonardo!"

"I know." She said and jumped off a fire escape leaving me standing there.


Later I walked into the Lair.

"Aww, look Leo's been crying! He missed us!" Michelangelo my youngest brother said while spinning on a chair.

"I was hit with blinding powder Mikey." I replied.

"Sure, ya big softie." Mikey said smiling, as I rolled my eyes.

"Have you figured out where Snakeweed's liar is yet?" I asked, glancing at the map Donnie had laid out in front of him on the table.

"Actually-" Donatelo began, before he was interrupted by Raphael.

"We're kinda on a need to now basis and guess what," He said poking his finger into my plasmon." You don't need to know." I snorted and left the room, slamming the lab door behind me.


A couple of hours later I was watching Space Heroes(Which in case you didn't know is the greatest Tv show ever.)when Master Splinter walked in and asked me where my brothers were.

A/N What do you think? Not too bad if I do say so myself. Please review!