Hey, guys! I set out to write a smutty KageHina one shot, and it turned into this!

1. Leftovers and the Dirty Uniform

"Kageyama!" There it was. That same, cheery call that he heard every single day, the voice that made him look up from the road ahead. "Wait up!"

The dark-haired boy stopped in his tracks, twisting his neck around to search for that same stupidly happy grin that always followed. That was the one.

Hinata was charging up the gentle slope, tennis shoes he hadn't bothered changing out of kicking dust up everywhere. His little legs carried him up to Kageyama's eye level, which left his feet slightly further up the hill than his teammate's.

"You never wait for me!" The redhead blew an exasperated breath out his nose, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You take too long to change," Kageyama shrugged, running his eyes from Hinata's messy hair, to his half-zipped bag with a pants leg sticking out, to his sloppily tied sports shoes, then back up to his hopelessly optimistic hazelnut eyes reflecting the summery sun that still refused to dip below the horizon. "And if I never wait, shouldn't you be used to it by now?"

"Shouldn't you have learned to wait by now?" Hinata retorted with his hands on his hips, turning to fall into his place next to the taller boy as he resumed his commute home.

"That makes no sense whatsoever," Kageyama rolled his eyes, but Hinata didn't seem quite flustered enough. "Dumbass." That was better.

"Rude!" Hinata punched his side lightly, but he shooed his hand away like it was a pest. "And to think, I was going to invite you to dinner!"

"Why would I want to come to your house for dinner? Your room is a pig's sty and your family is too much like you." The setter scoffed, shoving his hands into his pants pockets and acting like he didn't hope the offer still stood. Hinata's mother may have been overly-affectionate and talkative, but she was a really good cook, and sometimes he got tired of microwave dinners while his parents worked late.

"Because my mom went up to her sister's for the weekend and took Natsu," Hinata paused for a moment. "The fridge is full of leftovers and she left me some pizza money."

Kageyama glanced down to Hinata's knowing smirk. The spiker knew that he wouldn't be able to resist his trap.

"Fine, I guess if you're so scared of a weekend without your mommy, I'll have to keep you company, huh?" Hinata's triumphant grin sliced through the hasty insult in a second.

"You can sleep over if you want, too!"

By the time they had reached Hinata's front door, the sun had finally begun to set and a chill was settling in. Kageyama urged Hinata to fumble with his house keys quicker, waited a moment, then shoved him aside and turned the key in the lock himself.

"Thanks, Kageyama!"

"Did you bring me to help you open your front door, too?" He snorted softly.

"No, of course not!" Hinata scoffed at the accusation and stole his keys back, shooting a short-lived glare into Kageyama's own. The setter's expression teetered on the line of bored and malicious, eyes narrowed at the shorter boy, as if to warn the cheesy comeback in his throat to come no further. The redhead took a deep swallow and pushed the door open without another word.

After reheating more than enough plastic containers of Hinata's mom's food in the microwave, Kageyama thought for a moment that this really wasn't all that different from what he would have done at his own house, but then Hinata shoved a forkful of lukewarm leftover in his face and he realized that he had definitely made the right decision.

"It's good, right?" The redhead slipped his utensil back out of his friend's mouth and stabbed it back into his food, then onto his own tongue. Kageyama held back a shudder at all of the Hinata-germs he had just ingested and nodded, pretending to listen as the boy popped the silverware drawer closed using his hip and rattled on into an explanation of what his mom had done to the recipe, what homework he had (not) been doing that night, the hilarious story his little sister had recounted, and hey, are you gonna eat that?

"Kageyama, are you listening to me?"

"Hm?" The brunette looked up from the half-empty dish he had been preoccupied with and nodded. "Yeah, what about Natsu?"

"You were not!" Hinata pouted and wrestled his fork into Kageyama's food, pulling it out when his hand was slapped away. "I get a penalty bite!"

"Penalty?" Kageyama rolled his eyes and nudged the redhead's hand away when he dove back in for more. "The way you eat, I'd expect you to be taller."

"Kageyama, that was a cheap shot! I'll have you know that I've grown a whole two centimeters since the beginning of the year!" He announced proudly through a mouthful of half-chewed food, raising his fork in the air triumphantly and lowering it into Kageyama's food fast enough to steal a third bite.

"You have not."

"Have too!" Angry chunks spewed forth from Hinata's lips and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Prove it."

"I will!" He tossed his dishes onto the counter and bolted up the stairs two at a time. Kageyama could hear him stomping around, rifling through his mess of a room, he was pretty sure he heard him trip and fall once or twice. A loud battle cry could be heard as the boy slid back down with a crumpled ball of an ugly green fabric in his hands.

"This doesn't even fit anymore!" Hinata shook the ball vigorously to unfurl his wrinkled junior high volleyball uniform shirt, dislodging the shorts in the process.

The clothes looked like they had been buried at the back of his hellish closet, dingy and disgusting. Kageyama was doubtful they had been washed since that one match.

"Are you sure?" He smirked. Hinata was definitely prideful enough to put on that nasty thing and prove his point. There might even be mold growing in it, he thought.

"Absolutely! Look!" He tossed the shirt to the floor and reached down to pull the one he was wearing off.

"Knew it," Kageyama muttered smugly under his breath and averted his eyes slightly. He could still see Hinata struggling to tug his shirt up over his head, getting it caught in that terribly messy mop of carrot he called hair. With a flourish, the shirt was discarded and the smelly uniform picked back up, then forced back over his head in the same fashion. Once it was down over his stomach, it was easy to see that it did, indeed, still fit for the most part.

Hinata looked up, visibly frustrated, as he searched for Kageyama's mocking grin. It was waiting for him back in the kitchen.

"Doesn't fit, huh?" He tried to keep his features cold and uninterested-looking, but a snicker fought its way from his throat and Hinata's face caught fire, an embarrassing pink washing over his skin.

"Not the shirt, I mean! It was loose when I got it!" He slapped his hands over the foresty 1 on his chest as if doing so could mask his blunder. He snatched the matching pair of shorts from the ground and tore into his pants, fumbling with his belt buckle, fingers shaking as he loosened and shed his pants without shame. Kageyama groaned and looked to the wall, by now accustomed to Hinata's lack of modesty.

"There! Told you!"

Kageyama lazily returned his eyes to Hinata, running them up from his crumpled clothes on the floor to his now-bare legs, over his shirt in desperate need of a wash and iron, to his prideful eyes.


Non-romancey beginning, I guess. I'll try to update soon, please review! This is my first time writing for Haikyuu! and I'd really appreciate some feedback! -Slurry