"Congratulations Ms. and Mr. Sawamura you're son has been delivered safetly" the nurse smiled as she took the newborn into her arms
"Thank you for your help" he smiled as he squeezed his wife's hand
"No problem how are you feeling, Ms. Sawamura?" the nurse asked as she handed the newborn to the father to name
"I-AH!" she let out a scream and with another push another baby was born
"Ms. and Mr. Sawamura it seems that you have a son that likes playing hide & seek" the nurse gasped as she picked up the other newborn, he was smaller but otherwise he looked just like his brother
"I see" Ms. Sawamura smiled
"What are we going to name them?" Eiichiro(Sawamura's dad) asked his wife smiling widely
"The older can be Sawamura Natsu and the younger can be Sawamura Eijun. What do you think?" she asked smiling as she looked at the two babies in the bundles
"I think it's a great idea, honey!" the husband smiled as he hugged her
"Okay so Sawamura Natsu for the older one and Sawamura Eijun for the younger right?" the nurse smiled as the couple nodded after she wrote down the names she left.
"IS HE BORN YET? IS HE?" the door was slammed opened and there stood 2 men
"Kataoka, Lumini (Loom-mie-nie)" Chris greeted smiling as he held 2 bundles
"Two? Twins? Oh my lord!" Lumini exclaimed smiling "Which one is our god-son?" Lumini asked as he took one into his arms
"The older one Sawamura Natsu" Eiichiro smiled as he hugged Kataoka
"Great! Who's the younger one?" Lumini asked
"The younger is Sawamura Eijun" Eiichiro replied "and he will b-Kaoru(Sawamura's mother)?" Eiichiro asked
"My sister's god-son" Kaoru smiled
"Okay if you are sure" Eiichiro and Kataoka shrugged. Neither liked Rei too much but they deal with her since she was Lumini and Kaoru's sister and the fact that she wasn't all that bad...most of the time
"Rei!" kaoru and Lumini called out
"Kaoru! Lumini! I am sorry I am late I had a game" Rei smiled as she made her way to her sister and brother
"It's okay Rei and this is Sawamura Natsu and Eijun" Kaoru smiled as she gestured for Eiichiro to show Rei her nephews
"Two? I thought you were only carrying one?" Rei asked
"Well it seems like Eijun likes hide&seek" Eiichiro laughed
"He's your god-son" Kaoru smiled softly
"Really?" Rei asked
"Yes" Kaoru smiled
"I don't kno-"
"I don't like you and you don't like me…but you would be the best god-mother to Eijun. You may not be the most honest or greates but you are the best god-mother I can recommend to Eijun" eiichiro paused "And you do know praising you is taking a lot of my pride"Kataoka nodded
"Thank you both and you too, Kaoru" Rei smiled as she scooped the little bundle into her arms
"Now why don't you say we pack up and go home?" Lumini asked with a smile on his face
"I agree" the rest of the adults agreed as they packed their things and headed home
I'm gonna have alot of fun writing this! :)