Nunc ad Mortem
End in Death NOW!
The train ride was calm and soothing, with the death eater kids no longer on the train.
The teachers already in the castle worried as they waited for the train to come in to Hogsmead station.
The sorting was a quiet affair with only one new student in Slytherin house.
During this time Voldemort was still floating in the form of a wraith in Albania, he was feeling weaker by the day. The soul anchors holding him could no longer be felt. Voldemort need to return to England, something was very wrong.
The first days of classes were, uneventful.
Ginny Weasley was following the Potters at every opportunity Harry was not amused. The stalker was not doing or saying anything, but was looking at his wife with death glares constantly.
Merlin was watching all this drama play out in the castle, with mirth in his heart. He had seen Arthur go through similar things in Camelot. His lessons then began on thwarting such things. It took a few months, but by the Yule holiday, Ginny and a few others had been discouraged from the stalking. With the Diary, destroyed Ginny Weasley was now on her own path to make good choices and it looked like a brighter future for her.
Hogwarts was also brightening in ways Harry couldn't even begin to fathom. The animosity between houses was all but destroyed. Friends were being made across house lines, the school felt lighter and more fun. There were the occasional pranks but they were all in good fun and no one felt bullied any longer. One of the few bad eggs left was Ronald Weasley. He was totally ostracized. The boy was so far behind in his studies he was held back and was redoing his first year. The boy was angry with everyone, blaming everyone but himself for his failures.
Draco Malfoy was still at school but had learned to keep his head down and his mouth shut. With his parents gone and the ministry now slowly changing and becoming a truly representative body, the old bigotry was slowly being pushed out. The blood purists were still there, but their influence was greatly diminished and falling fast.
Draco was attempting to see where he would be in this new reality.
Training was going well for Harry and Hermione, with Neville Longbottom joining in not long after the beginning of the year. Merlin Helped Neville construct his own wand and staff, it was then that Neville's true talents began to shine through. His magical strength was close to rivaling Harry's. Mock duels between the two wound up being hour long battles that came to a draw most times. Harry was extremely proud of his friend.
The second year with out the basilisk attacking the school went by with out incident. It was as close to what Harry would ever think of as a normal year.