A/n: this is dedicated to my Chey-Bear who helps me with my stories because she is amazing. Love you:) and this isn't meant to be a too serious series so I'm gonna try to be a little funny. If you don't find any of this funny then it'd probably noybthr fic for you.
Chapter one
"Now that the sorting has finished we are gathered here today to welcome back all the student from the previous years and the newcomers we hope are eager to begin learning." Dumbledore began his speech and explained the rules as he did every year." As some of you expected, the seven years have gone by and it is time for the arrival of the Inquisitor once again. She is a highly respected ally to the wizarding world and has been head of the famed Inquisition since the Dragon Age and helped we wizards and witches be free from circles of Magi so we may practice our gifts freely from Templar scrutiny. For those who do not know, every seven years she arrives to host a grand ball for the whole school and keeps a watchful eye on any potential recruits. She will arrive tommo.."
He was going to continue but a short, hooded figure sprinted from the door to the Headmaster and held out a letter.
" I bring news from Her Worship." the scout said." She has decided to arrive earlier than was planned. She wishes to see him sooner."
Dumbledor nodded.
"Of course, tell Lady Lavallen we welcome her at the earliest convenience."
With a nod from the scout, she turned and ran back out the door, only waiting till she was out of site to take off her hood and nod to her guards as she slipped off the baggy clothes she had over her usual robes.
"It seems the Inquisitor will be gracing us with an early arrival."
Almost immediately the doors to the great hall opened and in walked a short, red headed elf wearing odd robes and tattoos on her face. She walked gracefully and confident with a large staff secured on her back. Behind her came four soldier. They all walked towards the Headmaster as he stood politely.
"I'v read about her. Hermione whispered to Harry." She's what used to be called a "Dalish" elf. She was sent to spy on the conclave that was to stop the Mage Rebellion in Harvestmerr 33:9. A corrupted magister of Tevinter sacrificed Divine Justinia and Ruby Levallen interrupted the ritual which caused the explosion. They say she was the only survivor. She walked out of the fade."
"The Fade?" he asked a little too loud and gained a smile and wink from the Inquisitor as she walked by.
"The Fade is where you go when you dream. The dimension where spirits and demons reside waiting to help witches and wizards or possess them and gain entry into our world." Hermione replied." I read about it in a book written by a Dwarf; Arcanist Dagna. She's was amazing. Dwarves are cut off from the fade so they don't dream. She wrote about working for the Inquisition too."
"Is there anything you don't know?" Ron asked sarcastically.
"There are many things I do not know." she replied, ignoring his tone." and there are many things I do know. There's nothing wrong with that. Knowledge is power."
"And power is survival." The Inquisitor spoke over her shoulder to the three.
"Andaran atish'an, My dear you look as beautiful as you did 300 years ago." Dumbledore.
"Anethera, old friend. She smiled." You say that every time I visit."
The two leaned over the table to hug and began to introduce her to the new professors.
"Thiach uanui a naneth lín le hamma." came a deep voice in a formal tone.
"Ah, Professor Snape." She smiled warmly." You say such sweet things. Mítho orch!"
The two nodded at each other and ended the conversation briefly, as they always did every time they crossed paths.
After the introduction she was given a seat at the end by Professor Snape. Her guards were sent away. Many kept their eyes on the new guest and how calm she was around Snape. Even the professors were wary of such civility between the two.
They had no idea Ruby was having a hard time keeping in her laughter because of the man.
This is not exactly Tolkien elven but it is based off Tolkien and Dalish
Anethera- Dalish greeting
You're ugly and your mother dresses you. ~ Thiach uanui a naneth lín le hamma.
Go kiss an orc! ~ Mítho orch!