Warning [!] Cursing bc Judar and an intensive mentioning of boku no pico stuffs. You have been warned. (Maybe I should change the rating into T or something. /scratches chin)

The room was dark except for the lights that were coming from the computer monitors that scattered around the area. A figure was sitting cross legged in front of one. A cartoon of fruit milk was in between their lips at they typed furiously on the keyboard.

A smirk found their lips as yet again another unfortunate soul got a taste of reality.

Man, seeing them fall in despair is the best!

"My website's getting famous even outside the academy ~ !" They chimmed in a sing song voice. They started clicking some random icons on their computer. Series of videos flashed on the screens as well as photos of different people.

They started to chortle in an evil manner as they saw their faces.

Oh ~ this is going to be fun.

Mwehuehuehuehuehue. Kekekeke.

"Yes, senpai likes you and I pity you. Senpai is going to be the death of you. Ó w Ò )"

This site was officially accurately weird and some strong forces of evil was behind it. Definitely.

The girl's brow furrowed in annoyance. She noticed that of course, Judar had been extremely clingy around her as of late. But that was not that bothered her the most. It was the fact that 'senpai likes her'.


It can't be.

Judar-senpai must not and will never like her.


Putting her hate aside.

Judar-senpai should like someone else.

Principal Sinbad for example! Ah yes! Senpai was the perfect uke! And among the masses of semes out there strolling and flaunting their bellows in the academy, the Principal himself was the perfect seme. She would like to believe the hate Judar was showing around the man was just frustration over the fact that Sinbad never looked his way. Judar-senpai was a himedere that was never a doubt. With his himedere attitude, he must be angry with the truth that his charm and fabulousness was not working on the principal.

That was what she would like to believe. That was what any hard core yaoi fan would believe. Not this, never this!

SinJu (Or that was what she would like to call the pair) was her ultimate OTPeeh. In fact, she shipped them so hard she even made them her muses in the yaoi manga that she was making.

She was the famous 'Mayonnaise senpai-sensei', a well known mangaka in the world of gayness of writhing and moaning. And so, the idea of one of her muses falling in 'like' with her was just ridiculous. It's like your own son falling in love with you, his mother. The thought made her gagged. She was and will never be a fan of that sort of incestious relationship.

With that thought, a plan crossed her mind.

She must make Judar stop liking her.

She had plan to anyway, but how?

What did even that pain in the butt brat of a senpai saw in her anyway? She pouted and crossed her arms. From what she recalls, she attended the academy after witnessing them perform 'Le meserables' on their spring festival. Right after she got in the club, Judar had started pestering her.

Which resulted to countless headache and practicing of dark magic and countless ploting of murders against the upperclassmen.

Was he unbelievable.

She came into a sudden halt upon noticing everyone was outside the club room, some looking scared that they were about to piss their own pants. The girl couldn't even surpressed the eyebrow that was threatening to rose.

"What's wrong?"
She asked as she neared them.

"It's Judar," Seres answered her before releasing a tired sigh. "He's at it again."


She flinched at the sound. Another loud sound of crashing and breaking of things was heard before the door was slammed open. Judar strode passed them looking all pissed and ready to murder someone. He was gritting his teeth and his hands were balled into fist.

"What the hell are you looking at?!" He snarled at them. The upperclassmen walked toward a cowering freshman and grabbed his collar. "I said... What. The. Hell. Are. You. Looking. At?!"

"E-ek! I-I'm so sorry s-senpai! I wasn't looking at you!"

"Knock it off, Judar. You're scaring him." Seres frowned at his behavior. This seemed to pissed the ravenette even more, the glare that he gave the girl was enough to make even the fiercest assasin cower in fear. Of course things took a sudden 360° change he saw who was behind the girl.

His expression suddenly lightened and she swore to ill illah that even his surrounding also did. His eyes sparkled excitedly and his lips broke into a wide grin. Judar looked like a child who finally saw his mother after a long time. [Name] had to literally take a step back at this.

"[Name]!" He exclaimed throwing (literally) the boy on some corner. "Where have you been? I was just about to look for you!"

"I-I... ugh... Was- eep!" She squeked as he stopped only few inches away from her. This person never cares about her so called 'personal space'. She then again took a step back from him, Judar wasn't quite happy with this but she cut him off even before he could speak. "I had to help Aladdin with something..." The way his brow twitched at the name was an obvious sign that he was not happy. "D-did you need something, senpai?"

Judar's scowl was evident but he smirked nonetheless. "The scripts." He crossed his arms on his chest and emited this diva aura which she hates the most for it meant nothing good. "I don't like it, rewrite it again."


She gaped at him.

Did she heard it right?

Do it again?

Rewrite it again?

"W-wait..." She resisted the urge to rub her temple, the vein between it was starting to trob painfully. "I think I heard it wrong... Did you said I have to rewrite the entire script?"

"Yes. Have you gone deaf, peasant?"


"It's horrible. I feel nothing between the hero and heroine. The prince is a skank, a good-for-nothing little imbecile that I would gladly bury alive more than anything else. And the heroine? What the hell is wrong with that slut? She's basically collecting those with d-" Judar kept on blabbing but [Name] couldn't even comprehend it anymore. All these insults were taking and giving her headache and there was one thing that was clear; Judar is a douche bag. Period. "So that's why you have to-"



Series of gasps was heard from those who were around. For once, the cute kouhai who probably had the longest temper of all, [Name], snapped. Even Judar was stunned by this sudden outburst.

And what did she called him? SHE MAN?! WTF?!

"I had enough of you and you being a complete female dog! Rewrite it? Why should I?! It's not even my job! It's yours! I'm one of the actresses here for the love of god! I joined this club to act! Not become a lacky of a freaking uke who can't even get over the fact that his seme refused to notice him-"

"What the fu-"

"Shut up! Who told you to speak! Shut your freaking mouth before I sew it close myself! You selfish little ingrate! I never remembered about being told that I was born to become your freaking servant! And for once! DON'T CALL ME A PEASANT! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE RICH THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO LOOK DOWN ON ME OR ANYONE ELSE! SO GO AND REWRITE IT YOURSELF BECAUSE I'M FREAKING DONE! I QUIT!" (translated as; go die in a hole.)

Huff. Huff.

Man... That actually felt... good. She thought.

Meanwhile everyone was still in shock, hardly believing what just happened. Somebody actually told him off. Somebody actually snapped at him. Somebody actually spoke of all the pent up frustration that they had towards the ravenette.

And so...

That was the start of how everyone saw [Name] as an angel and a savior.

She cold not careless on the other hand for she was so very done. She had enough of everything and with one final 'huff' she turned around and left.

She will take care of her resignation letter tomorrow, for now. She wanted to rest.

"Ju-judar-sama! Please calm down, oh no! Please put that vase down your mother jus- Ah!"



Frustrated screams.

It was then followed by the bookshelves tumbling down. He was mad! Damn, he was probably in his worst mad state in his entire life. His servants were cowering in the corner praying that he will not thought of releasing some nuclear bombs on some unfortunate country. Judar's anger issues were getting out of hand.

Still not satisfied with what he had done, he took a candle holder and slam it to one of the glass windows. The loud crashing sound that it made echoed throughout the vicinity. But it was not enough! Nothing was ever enough!

How dare that stupid girl mock him! How dare she humiliate him in front of those worthless beings such as her! And why the hell was he so frustrated with the fact that she thinks he's gay?! He could get all the girls that he wanted for all he care. Girls who are much better than her!
Girls with class, not someone of the lower caste who would rather watch two men doing lewd stuffs all day than be with him!

But why was he so- URG! He let out a loud scream (which sounded more like a lions angry roar to his servants).

An innocent doll caught him from the corner of his eyes, it was his cousin's Kougyoku. She probably left it when she visited once. He huffed and went toward it. Grabbing it, he slammed the poor thing on the ground and stepped on it over and over again with much vigor. Snarling angrily as it's face broke into pieces.

Da hell care about that old hags feelings?! It's her fault for being too careless of her own stuffs.

Satisfied... Almost... With what he had done, he kicked it with force making it fly straight out the broken window.

He snorted. Judar let his eyes roam the premises and noted how he had done quite a splended job. And yet he was still not satisfied much to his dismay.

It was no use. Might as well left if that was the case. With nothing much in thought, he left their manor like nothing happened and decided to see what those lowly peasants were doing.

The hell was he even doing?

He growled as he hid behind a post. What is he doing you might ask? Well, dearest Judar was currently stalking [Name] and Aladdin. Yes, his beloved was walking side by side with that uncute twerp that very moment. And that had hit a nerve. He never intended to do this at first, like his real reason was just to walk around to cool off until he saw them.

Okay, who the hell was he kidding. He left his manor because he wanted to see [Name].

Oh look.

Aladdin hugged her!

That freaking TWERP HUGGED HER!

H-how dare he? He will skin him alive! Skin him and feed his remains to some wild animals!

"Bye bye, Big sister [Name]! I'll see you tomorrow!" The boy waved enthusiastically at her before running towards the direction of his house or more like their skyscraper. Deym Burgis [1].

"Bye bye." She giggled while waving. Judar saw her nod slightly before continuing her walk back home. The fact that she looked rather contented pissed him even further. Does this meant that midget is better than him?! There's no way in hell!

Judar squinted his eyes in anger. All this stalking was getting him worked up. It was so unlike him. He huffed at the thought deciding that this were all just useless and finally going home. But then something miraculous happened. The moment that he stepped out from his post was then [Name] looked behind her and saw him.

He froze the instant.

[Name] looked quite shock to see him around this area of the city. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth hung agape. "J-judar-senpai?!" She finally managed to stutter in disbelief. "W-what are you doing here?! Were you just- !" Cue dramatic gasping topped with a horrified expression. "W-were you stalking Aladdin?!"


"J-j-just now- Oh my god senpai! How could you! You freaking shotacon you! Aladdin's just with the same year level as me but he's still a kid, senpai! You can't and is still not allowed to taint him!"

He felt his eye twitch in annoyance.

"And you're even doing this without Principal Sinbad's consent?! You two timing bastar-"

"For the love of every gods out there will you just shut up?!" He hissed in between gritted teeth as he covered her mouth with his hand. Even him was astonished with how fast he had managed to get to her from his spot. But this stupid girl's delusion seriously needs to stop.

[Name] on the other hand felt her breath hitched. She wasn't sure if Judar even noticed this but he was so freaking close. For the second time, she got a better look of him. And she noted that he was still as gorgeous as ever. Like how could he be so? On normal occasions, her pride would be hurt. How can a man be prettier than she was?! But this wasn't normal. That was what she realized. The way her heart paltipated inside her chest was not normal. And heck! The way she had started to think that very moment how Judar was even more handsome than before was so very not normal. Damn. The hell is happening.

But the object of her ogling did not noticed this and looked rather pleased that she shut her trap. He let out a breath then finally removing his hand. "You need to stop your delusion sooner than later or you'll regret it." He murmured before he took her hand into his and dragged her north. Towards her humble home.

... He... Took her hand... And intertwined it with his.

Cue. Inwardly gasping.

W-wait! Isn't this the same as what that Ushio had told her?! That HHWW (holding hands while walking) shesh?! W-weren't you supposed to only do this with your lover? And oh my ill illah! His hand was soft... So soft... Like how a princess' hand should.

She gulped.

Her breathing went ragged and the way her heart was hammering inside her chest was making her dizzy. It wasn't even helping that this minty and fresh scent that drifted toward her was making her drunk. What on earth was this feeling?

And.. Was not she angry at him earlier that day? She should reprimand him for just even holding her hand and breaking into her personal space yet again. She should yank her hand away and scold him but no words came out from her mouth. She couldn't even think straight anymore. All her mind was processing was the fact this King of all Jerk looked quite attractive for no reason.


No no no no no. This can't be. This can't be! She and will never be, in any form, attracted to this type of a person. Right? Right?!

She tilted her head to his direction and OMG. She swear. She really swear, that, he, Judar, someone whom she had hated from day two to the present was sparkling in her eyes.

Oh dear. She was screwed. Like so so screwed.

Whatever happened to making him 'unlike' her?


She snapped out of her trance as he spoke. They were now standing in front of her house. Hands still intertwined. She didn't even noticed it!

"Staring at the door will not grant us access. Open it now. I'm thirsty." His bossy attitude was still there much to her dismay. She frowned then her eyes landed on their hands. It was then reality had started kicking in and she yanked it away.

"I-I know that... And why are you even here anyway..." She murmured as she took the key in her skirt's pocket. She opened the door to let his majesty in before he died of heat stroke as he told her. As if that'll happen considering that it was spring and far as she know nobody had died of heat stroke during this season.

"I'm here for the script. I told you didn't I? Do it again."

She frowned.

"I thought I had already quitted the club and it's not even my job."

But Judar ignored her and proceeded walking upstairs, she followed fort. I thought you were thristy, [Name] sighed tiredly. She had hoped that the ravenette was not planning something hideous inside her house. "Where's your room?" She nearly choked at the question. But like how he was earlier, he didn't waited for her response and opened the first door that he saw.

Judar froze.

Then he closed the door again. This time he face her with a blank look. She only raised an eyebrow and went toward the room, opening it. "This is my room." She said.

Thought so.

But what room?! More like the gates of hell!

FUDGE brownies. The wallpapers were posters! Poster of men and men couple that if not naked were in some really compromising position. On the table was some Gundam Action figures that were arranged to look like they were kissing each other and some were in positions that you wouldn't wanna know. It wasn't only gundams! He also saw a figure inside the glass shelf. Woody from Toy Story with a perverted expression on his face while being on top of this blue haired boy wearing a basketball jersey.

He suddenly had this strong urge to ran as fast as he can away from this place.


His eyes snapped to the owner of the voice. Despite with all of this, she still looked lovely. Not that he'd tell her that or anything. "What's wrong?" She asked.

He had to look away. "N-nothing. Anyway. Let's get started and- H-hey! Where are you going?!" Panic started to eat him up as he saw her making her way to the stairs.

"Going to get something to drink. Weren't you complaining about being thirsty earlier?"

"I-I was, yeah! But argh- I'm coming with you." He growled under his breath and went ahead of the kitchen.

What if that room was alive and eat him? There was no way he will allow that those were the last things that he'll see when he dies.

A moment of Judar claiming her house as his later, they found themselves sprawled on the living room's floor. Judar had quoted that "He'd rather die than be inside her room for more than a minute", huh that doesn't sound so bad if you'd asked her. Maybe one of these days she will lock him inside for an hour or two.

Judar was sprawled out on the floor and watching Sumomomo while she, was scribbling endlessly on a notebook. She don't even remember how, but the ravenette managed to persuade her to redo the entire script and cancel her plan on quitting the club. Oh, the things you'll do for love-

Wait what?!

She sighed. "Judar-senpai," She started. "What kind of story you really want me to make?" Curiosity got the best of her and she was already tired. From the start of her 'redoing' , Judar had rejected all the storylines that she had suggest and sooner than later she was afraid that she would start crying out of frustration.

Judar looked up from the television and eyed her. "Something." He blankly muttered before diverting his eyes back into his show.

Cue, vein popping.

"Judar..." She growled, throwing all the honorifics straight out the window. Judar perked up at what he heard. This seemed to please the ravenette as he smirked and stood up, proceeding on sitting beside her. She scowled at him, wanting to start a fight but she knows that it will be futile. So instead of doing so she just closed her eyes. Inhaled a breath. Breath in breath out. Don't lose control. Be patient. It's a virtue-



Her eyes shot open. Judar was smirking and before she could comprehend what the hell happened, he had leaned again and connected their lips in one swift motion.

Her breath hitched. She couldn't move. She couldn't even think. All she could comprehend were those beautiful red orbs boring straight into hers and the softness that she felt on her lips.

He was kissing her.

H-he... Was... H-he was...

"What's wrong, [Name]? You're red." He commented once he parted. That stupid smirk was on his lips and oh god, she was still unable to move. Even when Judar cupped her cheek with his palm. She still couldn't move. Even for the third time that he leaned, muttering a "You are so freaking strange. But hell I want you. And there's nothing that I wanted that I never had. Your mine, and mine alone." before kissing her again. She couldn't move. All she could do was close her eyes and savor the moment.

How did asking for what he wanted for the script turned into this? Stupid author and her randomness.

But much as she hates him. There was something that she was sure off. The softness that she felt on her lips and the sweet taste of peaches in her mouth was a reminder of a reality that she got into.

She was now officially his. And she wasn't even sure if that was a good thing.

Look at the bright side tho. Judar had finally stopped slacking and made the script himself.

And by ill illah. He was amazing.

Still... She was screwed. God help us all.

EW THEY KISSED! /slapped

Are peaches even sweet? LOL. I don't know, never had any. /cough

Ugh. I messed up. This was really messy like woah but okay. lol Umm. Maybe I should stop writing at 3 in the morning. Like da fuq did I just wrote. Like OMG. /sobs

Still I needed this break tho. I've had enough of Algebra and his shesh. I am so done.

Word meaning;

Burgis means 'Rich Kid', more like an urban language or a slang haha. Sorry, that was really random LOL.

And shout out to Mitsuyuki-Hime who said "Lol, I bet so many readers are heartbroken and angry at themselves now" Regarding Ja'far's entry.

Sobs. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to reader-san, I'm so sorry for being random and forgetting to put a warning beforehand. /kowtows

I swear, I'm sorry.

I have to go now. Bc homeworks. See ya next time.

© Magi - Shinobo Ohtaka

Lastly, I'm not a native English speaker. I sincerely apologize for whatever error that you saw and will still see. /bows