The young scientist eagerly awaited the test subject that was specifically assigned to him in his care. Donatello was a bit anxious considering that this subject was only designated to him for only medical care. It was an important task, simple but very important. He was very interested to have this subject in his lab. He wasn't new to the organization, but there were still eyes on him. Donatello was waiting for that one project that would get him into the higher ranks. He just had to be patient. He knew this was going to be a stepping stone.

The test subject was brought into his lab a little after seven. He was surprised to see it. Two of the guards pushed in the stretcher into the room, carrying a very thin male terrapin in. They set it on the bed then carefully rolled the body on to the mattress. Donatello could see the subject fully, his eyes curiously catching the thick blue collar around its neck and some markings. As the guards exited the room, Don wasted no time in checking over the being. The turtle looked young, just as him, with fair emerald skin stretched over bones that were very much visible.

He would have to check his vitals but first the chart on the subjects condition was to read first. As Donatello predicted, the subject was very young in age still even though his body was small. He was surprised to see that this being was an Alpha, a feral terrapin that was in controlled captivity in their state. They were often captured for many purposes, many were to be bred or used as slaves. Donatello knew that these untamed, uncivilized terrapin hold no differences to himself. They were practically alike except the barriers between intelligence and strength. These type of terrapin were very powerful.

This Alpha was just recently inseminated.

No wonder this one was designated into his care. Donatello placed the chart down on the bed and looked to the subject. He marveled over its body despite the scars and malnutrition. It was stunning. However, he found it odd that it was now going to be used into breeding purposes. He did not have the body for it at all. There must have been something about this terrapin that caught their eye specifically. If this Alpha successes in producing excellent offspring, Donatello knew that it would be constantly bred until it became useless.

"Let's see..where to start." Don gently placed his hand over the subject's knee, turning his leg a little to see some of the bruising. Since this creature was an Alpha it was expected to see it having such damaged skin. Ferals were ruthless and savages. They would eat their own kind without morals or regret. Or at least that's what Donatello was lead to believe. He was a little excited now. He was going to be studying one of the greatest links to their species as a whole.

He would first have to clean this terrapin up, and once it has woken, he would have to feed it. An IV would be good as well. Donatello ran his hand over the turtle's plastron, feeling the rough and splintered plating in wonder. He could only imagine what this Alpha had been through. Now it was gifted with offspring and for the next 2 months it was going to be pampered.

"Alright! Let's see those eyes.."

Just as the young scientist reached to his face, those striking black and red orbs snapped open. Donatello pulled away, memorized by those strange looking sets of eyes now glaring hard towards him. He should have felt a little afraid but Don was more amazed than fearful. The terrapin made a throaty growl that vibrated its chest. Yes, that was a warning but Donatello was not good at listening.

"Hey,'re okay." He wasn't sure if the Alpha could understand him. None of the feral terrapin understood their language. However, Donnie had studied intensely of their body language and behavior. The terrapin opened its mouth, revealing its fine pointed sets of teeth- yup, okay, he was going to attack if Don wasn't careful.

The scientist moved his hands away from the other turtle's body and took a small step back. That seemed to calm the turtle down a little but its eyes were still glued to the scientist. Donatello knew these terrapin were very strong, alert and agile. He didn't have any doubt that this Alpha would shred his skin and kill him in a matter of seconds. Donnie watched it move around, realizing that this Alpha was anything but a threat right now. The subject looked to be in pain as it tried to sit up but his arms trembled as he attempted to lift himself up. It could barely support its own weight. Donatello took note of its breathing and the display of wounds near its back and carapace. It was very weak and injured.

"Can't move around a lot, can you? You should let me check those out, big guy." Don offered with a smile though the subject didn't look at all interested. Donatello tried again and stepped back close to the bed. The growling got louder as he stuck out his hand, laying it on the Alpha's shoulder. Don was glad to see that it didn't try to bite him but it was very angered. It probably didn't have enough strength to try and fight him. It worked to Don's advantage to try and gain the terrapin's trust.

The scientist reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe. "This will keep you relaxed so I can work on you, sound good? Don't give me that face you really have no choice." He rambled. He uncapped it quickly and injected it right into the subject's bicep. It didn't even flinch.

Don rubbed on its arm, trying to sooth it and calm it down. The relaxer would work in a few. The Alpha rested back down with a defeated huff. The relaxer quickly kicked in for it, allowing Don to get to work on cleaning him up. He would have to strap the terrapin down to the bed as a precaution. Even though the Alpha was calm now, he wasn't going to like it when the scientist scabbed and poked at his skin. Donatello grabbed the bed straps and anchored them over the subject's body. After that, he got to work.

Setting up an IV first was his priority. He hadn't forgotten that this turtle was in the early stages of gestation. Donatello had to make sure that this turtle's body was well fed and healthy. He could predict that the organization would want to take the babies for further testing and care. Don was definitely looking forward to that day.

It only took a 2 hours to finish up. The Alpha was getting a little aggressive from being strapped down for so long.

"Easy easy." Don muttered.

Those black menacing eyes and bright red iris' were stunning. Don could only imagine the strength of this feral terrapin when it is at full health.

– –

After being cleaned and fed, Donatello let the terrapin get some rest and some time alone without hands poking at him. He did his best to treat the subject with gentle care, he hoped that the Alpha wouldn't see him as a threat or an enemy. There was no telling considering that ferals were very unpredictable with their behavior. Donatello carefully watched from a distance at his desk. Some color blossomed in the terrapin's skin and cheeks. As well as some energy regained. The subject sat up several times, sniffing around and getting comfortable on the bed. It curled up into a tight ball like a cat and drifted off to sleep.

Donatello was very curious as to why this turtle was chosen to be a breeding subject. His body was too slim but there was something unique about him. There was no explanation as how the turtle was inseminated in the first place. Did it happen within the turtle's pack, was there another Alpha? Or maybe the organization had deliberately inseminated the turtle through their own intervention. It was puzzling.

"What a pretty face.."

Donatello set his chart down on his desk and decided to look more into this terrapin's story tomorrow. It was late. He took one last look at the sleeping creature on the bed before shutting off the lights and leaving for the night.

– –

The young scientist's mind was buzzing with ideas about his new responsibilities that he couldn't sleep. One of the subjects came to what to officially name the feral terrapin that was expecting. A few names ran in and out until he finally settled on 'Leonardo'. Don didn't feel happy with Leonardo just being a number in his chart or being labeled as a breeding subject. Even though it was a feral and primitive creature, Donatello saw a lot of intelligence.

Don had learned that the collars severed as a behavior control. He had the power to deliver a powerful shock with just a button at his desk. It was only for when Leonardo would misbehave or act aggressive towards him. The scientist thought it was a bit medieval but he didn't want to take a chance. Leonardo was tense whenever Don approached him. His eyes darted whenever Don made a move, always on alert and cautious. Don hoped that his subject would relax more and trust him. That would take some time and dedication.

"Hopefully, we can get along without you biting my face off. I don't think I even told you my name." He smiled, "I'm Donatello, a junior scientist." Of course, he wasn't expecting a response but he found that Leonardo was listening. Those large black eyes blinked.

"I hope you don't mind me giving you a name? If you have a name already, I'm sorry-"

The turtle suddenly yawned, showing his large sharp to the scientist.

"Am I boring you?" Don laughed.

The turtle didn't response, instead he laid back down and began to bit at the metal straps that were near his nose. He bit down on them and began tearing them.

"Noooo! No, don't do that!" Don shouted. Without thinking, he reached in and pulled the strap, trying to get it out of Leonardo's mouth. That was a very big mistake. Leonardo's eyes widen and went for Don's hand the moment it got near his beak. His teeth easily sunk into the other turtle's skin like hot butter and clamped down hard. Donatello held in a cry of pain, his eyes began to water.

"Nnfff!" He knew panicking and trying to pull his hand out would only worsen it. Leonardo was waiting for the struggle, his eyes were shot in a sudden excitement for tasting blood and seeing prey weakened. However, Don remained still despite his agony. "O-okay, okay. It''s a-a-alright. I'm okay. "Don reassured himself. He took a deep breath. " teeth."

Leonardo didn't even blink as he stared at the tall turtle. He was confused and suddenly grew a little anxious with Don acting so calmly. He tested Don, biting in and moving his head around. It was painful but Don kept his cool. Eventually, his jaw loosened. He released Donatello much to his relief. He quickly recoiled his injured hand to his chest and wrapped it with his shirt. The bite marks were deep and they stung terribly. The important part was to not show weakness, ferals saw that as an opportunity. And they were not shy at cannibalism. Donatello could easily reach to the small remote to shock Leonardo but he resisted. Overall, he didn't want to hurt the feral.

Instead of trying to attack again, Leonardo moved away from him, crawling down from the bed to get away from Don. He looked like a dog who knew he had done bad and was now hiding under the bed frame.

"I'm so stupid.." Don stumbled back to sit down on the desk chair and began to tend to his injury. "Stupid stupid stupid stupid..not even a full day and I already did something only a rookie would do..."

Leonardo listened carefully, his eyes were still wide as he watched Donatello clean up his hand. There was a lot of blood. Don applied some medicine to the wounds. It was all he could do right now. If anyone found out that a test subject seriously injured a worker or civilian they would be killed on the spot. Donatello did not want that to happen. It wasn't Leonardo's fault. He was acting on his predator instincts and possibly was encouraged to attack due to his protective demeanor. Don was going to hide this for now. He wrapped it up in thick tape and let it rest on his lap.

"Stupid..I'm stupid. That was totally my stupid self- let me just put my hand right by its teeth! Nothing bad will happen! Stupid.." He cursed wildly.

He was too busy setting the bandage up to realize Leonardo had crept out from his hiding spot. The feral sprang up to pounce on top of his desk, alarming the scientist into a heart attack. Don yelped.


D..did he just..

Don's mouth hung open. "Did you just..? Was..?"

Leonardo sat down on top of Don's desk, staring at him with a more calm manner. His head was tilted to the side. The feral had just spoken. The words sounded clear as day, he had repeated the word perfectly.

"Amazing.." Don said in utter astonishment, he smiled. He couldn't believe it. "Can you say it again?" He asked. He looked to Leonardo with a hope gaze but the turtle merely stared at him in confusion.

No. What was he thinking? He had lost a lot of blood, there was no way that the feral could have spoken. It wasn't impossible but happened so quick. Don was sure that he was hallucinating.

"Maybe say something more appropriate..?" Don offered, "Like your name but more easy- Leo. Leo..Leo."

He repeated the name over and over to the other. However, Leonardo was no longer paying attention this time. He took interest on a black pen that had rolled by his foot. Leonardo made a soft chirp as curiosity struck again. Those sharp teeth appeared once more to bite down on the pen and chew.

"Okay..maybe some other time?" Don sighed. His hand was really starting to bother him. He cradled it securely to his chest. There were some spots of blood seeping through the bandages but it wasn't anything to worry. He knew he had much worse injuries before. The sound of hacking and coughing alarmed him until he saw Leonardo's mouth covered in black ink and his tongue. He had managed to break open his plastic pen, ink spilling everywhere on the desk and coating the poor terrapin's mouth.

Leonardo quickly leaped off the desk and tried getting the ink off his face by rubbing his mouth on the floor. Don couldn't help but snicker. It was a hilarious moment. There was also a little satisfaction into knowing that Leonardo probably learned his lesson about biting into things he shouldn't...including his hand.

"Come here, you goof ball." Don beckoned for the turtle to sit in front of him so he could help. However, Leonardo made a low growl as if the feral was blaming him in the first place. He had smeared the ink to his cheek, making him look even more ridiculous. Poor thing. Donatello carefully rested his injured hand on his lap and opened his drawer up to grab a towel. He had no water by him but he was sure Leonardo wouldn't mind a little spit. "Leo, come on.." Don tried again.

Leonardo had backed himself into a corner with such a scowl. He wasn't interested whatsoever.

"I hate to lure you like an animal but.."

Food got to the feral like a hungry dog would go to bacon. Terrapin's had a love for strawberries similar to catnip would be to felines. The sweet aroma of the berry was strong to Don as well when he brought a few out from under his desk. These were a plan B. As soon as the scientist opened the box the heaven like scent easily caught to Leonardo.

For the first time Donatello ever witness, the feral had stood up on two feet. Its thin legs hoisted himself up, unsteady and trembling but still determined. Ferals hardly walked on twos. All he had to do was wave a few berries for his attention.

As the excitement came quick it also faded when he realized just how large Leo was like this. Even though his body was thinned, he had a large chest with a firm frame. His carapace was wide, beautiful..

Leonardo had moved back to the desk and sat up on it once more. His eyes trained hungrily on the strawberry in Don's hand. For a second, the scientist felt like he was with another terrapin, not a feral one. Their bodies were different but at the same time, they weren't. Ferals had a more powerful built, stronger muscles and bones. They were the unchanged link between his own people..them. Donatello felt like he was seeing these types of bodies for the first time ever. They were really alike.

He was snapped from his thoughts when he realized that he had an impatient feral right in front of him. Leonardo had been chirping loudly and growling for his attention. His eyes were shot, excited for food of course. It didn't take much it seemed. Don smiled and let Leo picked a berry from his hand.

"Only a few, don't get too crazy...and don't bite me again." Don would hope that he could use this as a reward system to help Leo learn language. That would definitely be amazing.

Don watched as Leo swallow down the entire berry with one gulp. His eyes seemed to light up in happiness, a small smile spread on the feral. Strawberries were also excellent natural vitamins for pregnancies but too much could make the body sick.

"If you want another you're going to have to listen to me." Don said, "Think you can exercise patience?" He chuckled. Leonardo looked to him with a confused look, his eyes darted to the strawberry then to Donatello. He shifted around excitedly as the scientist placed the tub down on the desk. Before he moved away from it, he put his hand out in front of Leo's nose. "No." He said firmly.

Leonardo seemed to understand instantly. He only made one move to get them before the command had been given firmly. The feral looked upset and perplexed. Don could tell that he was giving an internal battle with himself if he should obey or not. Surprisingly, Leo listened. The feral sat down with his legs out and dangling over the edge of the desk. It was rather adorable. Donatello quickly used the time to clean the ink around Leo's mouth very carefully. The last thing he wanted was to get bit on the other hand.

Don chuckled, "There you go. Thank you for listening, Leo." He said.

The feral looked to Donatello with hooded eye lids as the scientist rubbed the ink off of his skin. Leonardo seemed to go completely slack in Don's hold as he cleaned under his chin. Don was sure that Leo was enjoying this, probably guessing it was only petting or praising instead of cleaning. Whatever made the feral less bitey was okay with him. He was glad that they were getting along through some bribery and gentle scratching. It was actually really amusing. After a few more strokes, Leo began to nuzzle into Donatello's hand, purring loudly and trying to nip gently at his fingers. Don had hesitated but the bite wasn't aggressive, it didn't even hurt so he allowed Leo to do whatever. His breath smelled of strawberries as he leaned closer to nuzzle.

"Haha. I'm glad we are getting along now. I hope this means you'll be more careful with me."

Leo responded by licking his palm with his wet sandpaper like tongue. Yup, that definitely felt odd but Donatello was grateful. He grabbed one last berry from the tub and let Leo quickly gulp it down like he did the first one. He put away the rest then focused back on Leo. He was such a fascinating character. Leonardo was very intelligent, all of the ferals were in their special way. Don hated to degrade them just because they knew little about them. They weren't brutes but in the eyes of the modern people, these were animals. It was far from the truth.

Leo gave a final lick on Donatello's hand before climbing down the table and getting back into bed. This time before leaving, Don tucked the feral in wished him good rest.