So uh.. This is what? 3 – months later? _ Oh well, have a new chapter!
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters, though the idea of this story is mine. ;)

Chapter 6?
Natsu sat on top of the building he just recently scaled for a few hours, or maybe it was more than just a few. He didn't care, the night was beautiful - the sky was full of stars while the moon was big and bright, illuminating everything that rested below it.
Natsu felt lost, for lack of a better term. The thought of killing was just so... Insatiable; but he also felt guilty. Sure, he's killed a lot of men, women and children back when the war was still around but those were just orders, right? Wrong. Any normal person would've said no, or tried resisting – but not Natsu, he always felt a massive blood lust towards other humans.
'Maybe another war wouldn't be such a bad idea?'

He shook the thought, 'No. Not yet' these cities and people finally started to rebuild, It would be a shame to destroy something of little progress. 'Why destroy half, when you can destroy the entirety of it'.

He then jumped down from the building in search of a little release.

Back at the Guild:

Erza sat in front of the guild with her arms crossed, not amused by what played out in front of her. Everyone wanted Natsu out, to tell the Police he's a monster and to have him executed. Sure, Erza saw everything that Natsu has done – but she felt like giving up on him was a cowardly act.

A quiet girl, blonde and rather busty recently joined the guild after being released from her kidnappers basement along with a few other girls. Lucy spoke - "H – he did save our lives, he can't be that bad?"

The girls friend nudged her a bit and gave her a "be quiet look", Lucy shook her head. "I'm sure whatever he did could be overlooked?"

Everyone looked at Lucy with a faces of murderous intent, Lucy squealed and sat back down "I'm sorry, Its not my place to speak."

After some bickering and arguing amongst the crowd the Master decided to finally speak up "The Guild will not expel Natsu. He is too dangerous and can easily do more damage to the city if we just let him run around."

"SO WHY NOT KICK HIM OUT OF THE CITY!?" Cheers bellowed behind the statement.
The Master shook his head "Even if we did. He can climb the wall. Why can't some of you try making him your friend? Erza is the only one who's tried, and that's mainly cause of orders."

After a few more complaints and pointless arguing the chatter ceased and most of the crowd calmed down, until a younger man with dark black hair who wasn't wearing a shirt finally spoke up "Ok, so what do you expect us to do? Just become friends with a guy who can murder on a whim and not care?" (Doesn't that just sound lovely?)

"Well, yes. Exactly that, just show him the city. Help him adjust, we still don't know much of his past so maybe get close enough to find out a bit more? Maybe that's what he needs! I know Fairy Tail won't back down and let a fellow guild member crumble!" The Master shouted the last part, hoping to get some of the guild members to agree, sadly on a few did 'A few is better than none, I suppose. Dammit, I needa drink'
Master stepped down off the stage and waddled over to the bar where Mirajane was looking at the master with a more serious expression than usual. "Don't give me that look Mira."

"Why are you helping this boy so much?" Was all the bar maid asked.

"Because, I read about another child just like him. Its only a legend but it was written 5 years ago, the war was only over for 5 years and a boy about the same age as Natsu appeared, at first the boy seemed fine and happy - but was months went by he started becoming distant and unaware. Well, to make a long story short the village he was staying at was attacked by a few bandits, he killed the bandits and then turned on his own village. No rhyme or reason, just killed them al -"
"WHAT THE FUCK MASTER! Natsu will probably do the same things to us!" Mira shouted attracting all sorts of looks from her guild mates "Er, sorry."

"ANYWAYS, as I was saying.. Natsu hasn't become distant, or unaware and he seems really protective over certain people who are stuck in awful situations. The only reason he killed those thugs was because they had women captured and locked in a basement. See where I'm going with this?"

Mira just shooked her head "No, I don't." The Master face palmed and gulped down some of his beer "If we can just get him to be that protective over someone or something in the Guild, we may be able to keep his blood lust in check."

Mira sat and thought about everything that was told to her "So wait, why not just tell the Guild that? It would probably cause less problems?"

"No, cause we need just one who will TRULY get close to him and not get close to him for the hell of it. We need someone seriously willing to help him, and possibly all of our future. That boy is going to get me into a lot of trouble.." The Master shivered at the thought of having bills for repairs and other damages sent to him.

Back with Erza:
Erza was staring out of the window and at the sky, her mind wandering all over. From her ex – boyfriend Jellal to Natsu.. Who she wanted to help, but didn't even know where to begin. This wasn't a challenge Erza was going to lose, no. She would over come and help him, even if he didn't like it! "Alright! Lets this started" She shouted throwing her arm in the air as she headed outside to find the boy.

Deep in the city of Fiore;
"Did you hear what happened to Bosco and his men?" A hooded figure sat on top of a tree branch while looking down at a group of people.

One of the men chuckled "He was a pussy anyways, though. Ill miss the women he gave us" he sighed
"oh well, but what of the man who killed them?"
There was an eery silence.
"You mean.. Me?" A shadow jumped out of the ground, his pink hair and a toothy grin that would soon be a person no one would want to see.

The master of the group spoke first "You seem to like power, boy. I have a question for you, why not join us? I'm sure with our power and yours we'd be truly unstoppable." the master smirked reaching a hand out to the boy, that was the last time the master saw his hand as it fell to the ground with a fountain of blood spewing out the stub.

"Y – you little bastard! Kill him men!" the master almost screaming at this point as he was infuriated at the boy.
One by one, his men were slaughtered, blood rained down on the survivors as they tried running
"Where are you guys going? You think I'd let you escape?" Natsu let out a feral growl as he jumped towards those trying to run, the first one he grabbed was no older than 16, crying and begging for his life wasn't going to work.
"Why cry? Would you hesitate to kill someone?" Natsu asked while tilting his head

"Please, I do -.." Natsu was quick as he pulled the teens head clean of his body and tossed it at one of the men running, "You're next" he then leaped toward the straggler and shoved a claw in his back, grasping his spine and snapping it.

After he cleaned up the stragglers, and anyone else trying to run he walked back towards the master, "W – what are you?"
Natsu only answered with 'your demise' as he plunged a fist directly into the masters chest.

The morning after Natsu killed an entire guild.
"The Police are saying this is one of the worst cases of Guild related violence they have ever scene, multiple deaths and not a single survivor. Police are still looking for the men responsible for these actions."
Makarov let out a heavy sigh, Natsu is becoming uncontrollable, but if we kicked him out of the Guild, what would happen? The Master had a heavy heart as he finally decided to do something the entire Guild wanted, after what he did last night.. There was no turning back from what he's done, and the Master was to tell the Police of who it was.

Walking out of his office, he noticed someone lingering in the shadows.
"So.. I'm sure you know what I have to do now, Natsu."
The shadow grinned "Of course, and I don't think I'd want it any other way. Just remember, no one in your guild is safe."
"Is that a threat?"
The shadow laughed "A threat? You know as good as anyone that I don't threat. Ill kill everyone here, If that what it would take to prove that I ain't fucking around, Master."
Makarov shook his head "That wouldn't be necessary, you're free to leave. You are no longer bound to anyone in this guild. I just hope you know what you're doing, I'm sure your past was even worse than anyone here can imagine, but we've all had it rough. Life isn't supposed to be easy, Natsu." And with that the Master left, leaving behind a frowning Natsu ' Life isn't easy.' Ha, at least I can make it fun!

The Master walked his way downstairs towards the main lobby to see all his "children" laughing and enjoying themselves.
"Goodmorning, everyone! Mira can I get a beer?"
"Of course master." Mira smiled as she gave him a mug with his favorite alcoholic beverage.
"I have something to announce, and I'm sure you'll all be happy with decision. Natsu has been kicked out of the Guild, for good."

There was a moment of silence before cheers erupted "Finally!" "Its about time" "Lets have a party!"
Everyone was extremely happy, besides Erza of course.
Erza made her way towards the master but before she could say anything the doors to the guild we're ripped wide open, the master expected it to be Natsu, but instead it was someone else he had no desire to see. "To what do we owe the pleasure.. Hades?"
There was no answer, as a group of mages (?) ran into the guild behind Hades.
"Makarov, your Guild mate has done something unforgivable. As a Dark Guild even we have boundaries, but to send one of your own to slaughter those men!? UNFORGIVABLE!"
Hades let his dark magic pour out of his body.

"Wait, before we have a fight and probably destroy half the city, let me just say the man who was in charge of those killings had no tie to this Guild. He was exiled from Fairy Tail earlier today, we are not responsible for his actions. If you so choose to continue on with this nonsense, I will not forgive you for bursting in here threatening my children." The Master started growing and emitting a bright white light "DO NOT LOOK DOWN ON US HADES!" Makarov then launched a pure white ball of energy towards Hades who just dodged the attack. "Kill them all!" Hades announced while charging towards Makarov..

Meanwhile outside of Fairy Tail.

Natsu sat upon a building not to far from his former Guild hall.
"Goodluck Fairy Tail."


Back at Fairy Tail.

Erza was using her extremely good swordsmanship to hold back 4 of Hades lackeys before fully over powering them, the man to her right, Grey wasn't having the best of luck as his opponent would constantly turn to water and dodge his attacks, Mira had to refuse to fight as she helped the injured.
Fairy Tail was slowly losing ground as Hades men kept coming, that's when Hades finally let his greatest guild member into the fight – Gajeel RedFox, an Iron Dragon slayer. He was almost as sick and twisted as Natsu as he took battered Fairy Tail members and continued to beat them, he showed little to no remorse. Romeo, a younger boy of Fairy Tail decided to try and stand up to Gajeel, of course that failed as Gajeel launched a massive Iron pillar towards the boys face, shattering his nose and knocking him unconscious, before he could finish Romeo off, Gajeel was interrupted by Erza who immediately went on the defensive against Gajeels attacks.
"Oo the mighty Titania, this will be fun" Gajeel cracked his neck as he continued his barrage of attacks.
The Master noticing how badly he was losing had no choice but to call for a retreat, abandoning his Guild hall, but the Guild Hall was completely surrounded by Hades men
Hades let out small chuckle " Do you actually think I'd let you little Faires escape?"
"Hades, please. You don't have to do this."
"Oh, but I do. The women will be slaves, traded in the underground, the rest can work for us or die."
Erza spit up some blood "Like hell we'll ever give up to you, I'll fight till I die."

"Of course, Titania we can arrange that for you."
With that being said Hades unleashed a torrent of dark magic towards Erza, piercing her stomach, she immediately coughed up blood and fell to the ground.

"Oh how the mighty fall, am I right Makarov!?" He let out a dark and sinister laugh as he stomped on Erza's chest.
"Get off her!" A few of the Guild mates ran towards Erza in an attempt to stop Hades but was stopped almost instantly by Gajeel and Juvia.

"We surrender. Just please, let us treat Erza!" The master was pleading, on hands and knees.
"The battle is ours boys!" Hades was quick to announce that he was bringing every member of Fairy Tail back to his Guild hall, so they could make even better examples of them.
Of course the Police would've liked to stop all this from happening, but they knew Guild influences and as much as they'd like to arrest every single one of Hades guild members, they couldn't.

No one would rescue Fairy Tail.
Or so everyone thought.

6 months after the defeat of Fairy Tail.

Most of the Fairy Tail members were turned into slaves while others would take jobs for Hades.

Erza, Lucy, Mirajane, Wendy, Cana, Evergreen, Grey, Elfman, and Romeo. We're all unlucky slaves, who were stuck doing whatever their masters wanted. A few members of FT were able to escape and seek shelter elsewhere while doing whatever they could to free those still stuck in Hade's Guild.

Outside the wall of Fiore.
Natsu rested against the massive wall that separated Fiore and the baron wasteland.
This is boring.. He thought to himself, the pinkette never heard about Fairy Tail again after Hades attacked them, Natsu was sure they could handle Hades and his men, ' I mean.. They have Erza, Laxus and Mystogan.. They should be able to handle it just fine.'

He shook his head violently 'why the fuck do I care anyways?'
That's when Natsu finally drifted into a deep sleep...

A massive void, All that he saw was darkness.
"How do you like your powers, Natsu?" An extremely dark and cold voice spoke up from the void.
"It seems you're ready to fight for something yet again, no?" Another voice spoke up, this one a bit more warm.. I remember this voice. 'Igneel?'
"Haha, so you remember boy! Good. It seems your powers are progressing rather well, tell me. What angers you, boy?"

'Besides remember my past? Nothing.'
"Are you sure? You've had a good amount of thought towards that Fairy Tail crowd."

Natsu woke up panting.. 'pft, I don't care about those people.'
That's when he remembered how hard Erza tried to get close to him, no matter how much of an asshole he was..

FINE! He shouted in anger as he slowly got up and made the climb up the wall.

He would never let rescuing Fairy Tail down, he was disgusted with the thought of saving them.. 'Ill just kill everyone, hmm'
He walked towards the Guild hall of Hades, bringing his hood up over his head as he walked inside the dull building.
"Who the fuck are you?" One of the members grabbed Natsu by the scruff of his shirt, leaning dangerously close to Natsu's face.
Natsu threw his hands in front of his body "I mean no trouble, I was just looking for a guild to join."
The member raised an eye brow, "Oh, are you a mage?" The pinkette nodded.
"Good, wait here then Ill fetch the master." With that the member turned on his heel and walked towards the back of the Guild.

Natsu finally got a good look of everyone in the Guild, what really pissed him off was seeing Erza. She had shackles around her arms, legs, and neck. While members of Hades Guild beat her and used her as a foot rest.

A very dark and immense power was leaking off of Natsu, as he tried holding it back.
A moment or so later Hades emerged from the back of the Guild, kicking a few of the Fairy Tail members as he walked passed them.
"So, I heard you wanna join my Guild. You'll have to pass a test and defeat a few of my members."

"Oh, that's it? How about I defeat everyone, including you." Natsu lowered his hood his pink hair was noticed by the Fairy Tail members..
"N – Natsu?" Erza was beyond stupefied along with some of the other members.

"You truly think you can defeat me boy!?"
"Yes." Before Hades could retaliate Natsu snuck into the floor boards and appeared behind Hades, Hades was quick to react as he unleashed a torrent of his magic towards him, only scratching Natsu as he started to laugh "And the Guild I was in was defeated by you!?" Natsu started to laugh, before lowering his head allowing his bangs to cover his eyes, when his eyes were fully visable they were but a void of nothingness, Natsu looked almost lifeless.

The pinkette let out a small sigh before saying "you're dead." as he rushed towards hades and disappeared then re appearing while fully engulfed in dark, black flames. The heat was so intense it was pushing the members of the Hades Guild back.
He lunged at Hades again this time blasting through Hades dark magic and grabbing him by the head and kicking him back into the wall, he gave Hades no time as he rushed towards him again, this time launching a fury of flame towards him, incinerating everything was touched by it, but before Hades could be hit by the flame Gajeel jumped down and pulled him away
Phew.. That was close Hades thought.

"And you though this would be easy!" Hades let out a chuckle "Dont come into my guild and threaten me!"
"Pft, my main goal is just you, but if you prefer to have your members all die. That's fine by me"
Natsu quickly launched himself towards a few of Hades Guild member, killing all of them, Gajeel, Juvia and Hades all tried interrupting but couldn't get past the immense heat. Natsu threw the lifeless bodies at Gajeel and Juvia before running full steam towards Hades, but this time used his magic to create a black hole infront and behind him. "Its over" Natsu said quietly.
The two black holes started pulling Hades in, his body was being ripped apart slowly, the immense pressure finally pulled to the point where Hades snapped.

Alright, this is the last chapter. I need to think of a better story, I really suck with storylines and such. Sorry all.