Olivia couldn't help the smile playing on her lips as she felt Remus wrap his arms around her waist. He placed a kiss at the base of her neck where he hair was pulled up into a bun. "Good morning, beautiful. Whatever you are cooking, it smells delightful." He said, moving away from the stove and his wife- fixing himself a cup of coffee.

"Full English breakfast- as per request." She replied, stirring the pan full of scrambling eggs. "Slice tomatoes for me?" She requested, turning around and listening for the sound of the floo from the living room.

"Shouldn't I be waiting for Ben and Nick? Minerva said she'd send them home first thing..." He tried to get out of cutting the vegetables.

"I don't see why you didn't just bring them home with you yesterday." She scolded.

"Nick had quidditch practice." He explained, as if this answered everything.

"Tomatoes, Professor." She repeated. Remus gimiced. He hated them, the smell and the taste. However, Hope loved them and this breakfast was about her.

"The boys are here..." Remus said, moving toward the kitchen door. Olivia shook her head.

"No. Tomatoes. You do them better- and I need to threaten them into submission anyway." Remus chuckled at this, knowing full well how hard both Olivia and Hermione had worked in preparation for this day, and how inclined to shenanigans that his younger children were- specifically when around the Black and potter boys. Remus' chuckled turned into a full laugh as he listened to Olivia fussing over both Benjamin and Nicholas, and then heard their feet tramping up the stairs toward their bedrooms. The boys were fifteen and eleven- and living up to every expectation their marauding father left for them.

"They better not cause Hope in trouble today." Olivia said, pushing the hair back that fell into her eyes.

"I cannot imagine they'd do so..." Remus said with a grin. Olivia swatted at him playfully. "Why on Earth would anyone think your sons would cause trouble, Remus Lupin?" He was not given any time to answer before they both cringed at the sound of a very annoyed Hope shouting.

"MOTHER!" She called, and Olivia hid her face in Remus' chest.

"Hide me." She pleaded, but Remus only smirked.

"She'll be right up, sweetheart." He called toward the ceiling. Olivia cut her eyes at the wizard, but let it slide as she headed out of the kitchen. There was too much to do and too much to focus on to waste time hiding from the girl. Remus moved to the stove and took over breakfast preparations. He was suddenly wondering why he'd given his blessing to allow this day- and had realized that this was the last morning that his daughter would take breakfast as a Lupin.

Hermione felt like she hadn't slept in days, seeing to the details that needed taking care of. Breakfast had been made- and all children accounted for and fed. Now was just the matter of getting Sirius out of bed in order to get everything on the road. "Selma, go up and wake your father. If I do it, I'll kill him." But Sirius' voice from the stairwell cut her off.

"Such an undertaking would be highly ambitious of you." He said, coming into the room, swatting her bum as he passed.

"Gross." Atticus groaned from the table where's been sitting with his head down. "Get a room." Sirius, who had missed Hermione's warning face, spun around on his heels.

"Plan to after you two leave." He said, gesturing to Selma. Selma was only thirteen, and usually overly annoyed with her twenty-two year old brother. But today was a good fix for it. She grimaced at her father's comment and left the room, returning a moment later with a note.

"Note came, from Aunt Liv, for you, Dad." She said, handing it over. Sirius raised an eyebrow, but opened the note and laughed almost automatically.

"Death threat to behave today." He informed his family between chuckles. "As if I'd ever consider causing trouble." He said, sipping at the coffee Hermione had sat before him.

"Please stop talking before lightening strikes my kitchen." Hermione said, kissing Sirius' cheek as she walked by. "Selma and I have to get to helping over at Remus and Olivia's soon, and he and the boys will be over here shortly after. Please, please, Sirius. Be good." She said, moving to walk away when Sirius grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him, and then down into his lap. "What?" she, touching the tip of her nose to his.

"About that room..." He said, but she pulled away, sparking a hearty laugh from the black hair wizard. He went back to talking to Atticus, who had once again laid his head on the table with a 'thump'.

Olivia felt tears start to slide down her face before she even knew what hit her. From the seat behind her, Ginny Potter reached forward and handed her a tissue. She used it briefly before gently wiping Remus' cheek also, causing him to look over and give a brief- breathy laugh before nodding toward the other side of the room, where Sirius was doing far less well with his emotions, and Hermione was rubbing small, comforting circles on his back. Olivia smiled over Remus' shoulder to Hermione, who grinned a watery smile back. Then all four returned their attention to the front of the room where Kingsley was just finishing his speech.

"And so- I need you both to repeat after me. 'Atticus, you first." Kingsley turned a bit to be face to face with the young wizard. "I, Atticus Charlus Black, take thee, Hope Sirina Lupin to be my magically bonded wife..."

"I, Atticus Charlus Black, take thee, Hope Sirina Lupin to be my magically bonded wife..." He said with a smile, through his shaking voice.

"In sickness, and in health, in strength and in failure..." Kingsley continued. A tear trailed down Hope's face, but Remus quickly flicked his wand and the mascara trail vanished from his daughter's face. Again, Atticus repeated the words as Kingsley said them. Until it came down to the end. "This I promise you." Kingsley said, and paused, waiting for Atticus to finish the phrase. Instead, a grin spread across his face that made him look just a bit too much like his father for anyone's comfort.

"This, babe, I solemnly swear to you..." He said, getting a giggle from everyone in the crowd that understood the joke.

"So-" Hope said, as he new husband twirled her out across the dance floor to a rather upbeat song. "I heard James tell Ben that you were being a bit of a slug this morning..." She laughed at the face of absolute denial that came across his face. "And Selma. She said you looked miserable."

"I was er- a bit hung over..." He admitted. "And terrified. Do you know how many times your mother has threatened us all, making sure no one would try to pull anything?" He ask, nodding over to where Olivia stood huddled together with his own mother and Molly Weasley.

"That was probably mostly for my brother's benefit. You know how they can be..." She reminded him, though he didn't need reminding. Since the beginning of his romantic relationship with Hope three years ago, her brothers had made him a target where he used to be an ally. Atticus swung Hope into a low dip.

"So, princess, was your wedding to your liking?" He ask in a mocking tone, which caused Hope to roll her eyes in a way that let Olivia shine through in her.

"Our wedding." She said, smiling, "Was perfect." She stood up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Have I told you how incredible you look in the past twenty minutes?" He ask as the song ended. Hope shook her head, and Atticus placed a fallen curl behind her ear. He was closing in for another kiss when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Ben and Nick sprinting away from the cake, closely trailed by James Potter. "We should move... Now." He said, tugging Hope by the hand.

"What-Why?" She ask, but didn't have to wait for an answer as a loud 'pop' sounded through the hall and icing splattered the wall. "Oh Merlin..." She whispered, but then her face grew hot and red. "If I find them..." She said storming off. Atticus laughed as he trailed after his new wife, who was storming after the boys and tripping over her dresses train as she went.

"Are you not going after them?" Sirius ask Olivia, as he came and propped up beside of her and Hermione.

"No." She shook her head and giggled. "I figure they've earned whatever she dished out. And they'll look back on this fondly." She replied as Remus tugged her away.

"Music mustn't be wasted." He said, pulling her out onto the dance floor. Sirius and Hermione were close behind, along with Harry and Ginny. And they knew all was well.

You have all been fantastic. Thank you for reading this through to the end. I hope everyone enjoyed the story. Be sure to check out my new one which is also Hermione/Sirius called Misplaced. And be sure to leave reviews of the ending. Thank you all for reading!