I guess everyone wants an epilogue, and I'm glad, because there are still some things that need to be tied up. So here it is...

Thank you to EVERYONE who has supported this story, I really appreciate every single favorite, follow, and review. Your support is what made this story get as far as it has, and I hope this epilogue is a satisfying gift for all the fansies who have stuck with me until the end!

"You knocked him out, Jack? With the crutch?"

"Yeah, yeah, it was an accident!"

"Why'd you have the crutch in the first place?"

"Trying to knock out Snyder, wasn't I? Trying to keep him from killing Crutchie!"

"And I left." It was a woman's voice, sounding devastated. "They pulled Violet in and I ran for it."

"Katherine, stop going on about that," Jack said. "You said you were going to come and get me. That's all you were thinking."

"But I left. They didn't even notice."

"Stop." A chair scraped against the floor. "You did your job. No one expected you to stay. We would have been glad if you had found us and told us what was happening. We was just a step ahead of you."

"But I—"

"Shh. I think he's waking up."

Oliver waited a moment before opening his eyes. He blinked at everyone gathered around his bed—the lower bunk of his bed in the Refuge. Crutchie and Violet were sitting together on a nearby bed. Davey and Les were standing at the foot of Oliver's bed. Jack had his arms wrapped around Katherine, who was sitting in a wooden chair.

"Hey, Oliver." Crutchie smiled warmly.

"Where is he?" Oliver suddenly whispered, glancing around the otherwise empty dormitory.

"Snyder? He's gone. Back in the slammer, maybe for good this time. The guards thought that it was him who knocked you out, so they called in some of their cronies and took him down. The governor filed a report; one thing led to another and now he's in jail where he belongs." Crutchie looked relieved to be able to share this news.

"For sure?" Oliver still looked a little worried.

This time, Jack responded, squeezing Katherine's shoulder. "For sure. And hey, sorry about hitting you with the crutch, kid. Guess I went a little overboard, you know, trying to save your life and all."

Oliver hesitated, looking stormy, but then grinned. "That's okay." He tried to sit up and grimaced, a hand flying to clutch his head. "Still kinda hurts, though," he muttered.

"Davey brought you some medicine for that," Crutchie said as Davey nodded and stepped forward with a little bottle and a spoon. "We had to wait until you woke up to give it to you though, otherwise you might never wake up."

Oliver looked warily at the bottle in Davey's hand. "Are you sure it's…"

Crutchie chuckled. "It's safe. If it makes you feel any better, I took some earlier, and I'm fine, ain't I?"

Oliver seemed calmer after that, and consented to take a spoonful of Davey's medicine. He nearly spit it out but managed to swallow, spluttering, "Disgusting."

"That medicine should start to help you right away," Davey said with a smile. "And it's a good thing, because Les has a surprise for you."

Oliver raised his eyebrows as Les walked up to him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wadded up grey cap. The older boy handed it to Oliver, who smoothed it out and froze. It was a newsboy cap.

"You still want to come over to the Lodging House? We'd really like it if you did." Les seemed sincere this time.

To everyone's great surprise, Oliver's eyes filled with tears. Les stepped back, looking nervous. The young boy tried to control his emotions, but his cheeks were wet when he finally choked out, "Yeah. I'd like that."

Les grinned and pounded him on the back. "Good, 'cause it's almost time to get selling for the day."

Oliver slowly settled the cap on his head, being careful of the huge bruise caused by Jack whacking him with the crutch. He swung his feet around and stood. Les grinned and put an arm around him. "Ready?"

Oliver looked around. Crutchie nodded encouragingly. Violet looked as if she wasn't sure Oliver should be going out so soon after waking up, but kept her lips pursed. Davey was smiling. Jack was biting his lip. Oliver met Katherine's eyes, and they both glared at each other. Jack laughed, seeing this. Some things would never change.

Finally Oliver looked up at Les, and managed a small smile. "Ready."

The two boys walked towards the door. Les still had an arm draped over Oliver's shoulders, and was beginning to tell him the rules and tactics of being a newsie. They had just reached the door when Oliver froze. Les glanced back at the others with a smirk, clearly knowing what was about to happen, and sure enough, Oliver dashed back over and threw himself into Crutchie's arms. The tears that had begun moments earlier began cascading down the boy's cheeks again. He buried his face in Crutchie's shirt.

"Does this mean I'm not in kid jail anymore?" he whispered.

Crutchie smiled. "Oliver, you never was. You was only at the Refuge. And besides, you'se free now."

Oliver sniffed. "Does this mean I'm never gonna see you again?"

Crutchie felt his own tears begin to prick at his eyes. "Course not. Come see me whenever you want, Oliver. I'm gonna miss you if you don't."

"Me too. I'm gonna miss you too."

Jack had snuck up behind them and wrapped his arms around both of them. "You better come see me and Katherine too, Oliver."

"Maybe," Oliver whispered. "Maybe you. Maybe not Katherine."

Jack laughed. "And you better wipe those tears, otherwise them newsies is gonna give you a name like Waterfall."

Oliver glared at him and swiped at his eyes. "I ain't a crybaby."

"Course you ain't. You'se the bravest kid I know."

Oliver looked stunned at the compliment. "Thanks," he muttered, gave Crutchie another fleeting hug, then ran back over to Les. Together, they left the room.

The remaining adults were silent for a moment. Violet kissed Crutchie gently on the cheek, their hands clasped together. Jack rubbed Crutchie's shoulder.

"He'll come around."

Crutchie nodded, still looking at the door through which young Oliver had disappeared. He set his jaw resolutely. "He already did. They always do."

The End! :')
