Cory Matthews had it all. A beautiful wife, two great kids, and his best friend, Shawn Hunter. He could not imagine a better life. His kids were older, both in school. He and his wife both had successful careers. Cory never expected the conversation that was about to unfold. His wife, Topanga, cornered him in their bedroom, as he dressed for work one morning.

"Cory, I'm pregnant."

Cory froze, his pants dropped to his ankles. "You're….?!"

"I took four tests."

"How could this happen?!"

"Well, remember a few weeks ago when we-"

"I know that! Topanga, I thought we were done having kids?!"

"I thought we were done, too, but…surprise!"

"Are you sure? Maybe the tests are wrong."

"Four tests, Cory. Four. I've been pregnant twice before. I know the signs. I haven't had it confirmed with the doctor yet, but I would bet money on it at this point."

Cory sighed. He then smiled as he remembered back to the day their first child, Riley, was born. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. "When is your doctor appointment?"

"In one hour. I'm going over there as soon as you take the kids to school. I don't want them to know anything…..not yet….."

Cory nodded. Topanga proceeded to start the kids' day as usual, making them breakfast and packing their school lunches. Riley was 13, and her younger brother, Auggie, was 6.

"Auggie baby, come on, breakfast is ready!" Topanga announced.

Auggie walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. "Is it morning?!"

"Hunny, what happened?! Didn't you sleep last night?"

"I tried, but there were monsters under my bed."

Topanga giggled. "Auggie," replied Cory, "We've been over this before, buddy, daddy got rid of all of the monsters in your room."

"You forgot one! His name is Fred."

"I'll give Fred his eviction orders tonight."

Topanga smiled, watching as her husband continued to interact with their children.

Cory soon kissed her goodbye. He headed off to his classroom to begin his day. He was a 7th grade history teacher. He enjoyed working with the students in the school.

Topanga's suspicions were soon confirmed by the doctor, using a simple blood test. She immediately picked up her phone and called her husband. When Cory saw who was calling, he excused himself from his classroom.


"I'm pregnant."

Cory gave himself a few moments to process everything.

"We will have a new baby in June."

"Well….it'll be summer….at least I'll be off for a few months…"

Topanga sighed, "I'm going to have to take a few months off, too."

Topanga was a lawyer. She specialized in civil cases. She operated her own law firm.

"Should we tell the kids tonight?" Cory questioned.

"Let's take them out for dinner, to their favorite place."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, Cory."

With that, Cory hung up the phone, and proceeded back to his class.

How will the kids react?