Chapter 1: Harry?

It had finally been Arthur's turn to decide what the Weasley Family would be doing for their holiday, which is why the entire Weasley Clan, bar a few who would arrive later and the matriarch who was sorting the house they were staying at, were in exotic Cornwall. Despite his children's best efforts Mr Weasley had stood firm and refused to change his decision, he wanted to see muggle Britain, the large wizarding family was wandering around the town, truthfully they were a little lost and unsure of what they were doing, when one of the red heads saw a familiar raven coloured hair and flash of avada kedavra coloured eyes.

"Harry?" Percy called out, causing the eight adult Weasleys (Arthur, Percy, his wife, Fred and George, their wives and Ginny) to spin around to face the figure Percy was staring at, eyes locking with a terrified looking Ebony-haired man who had turned to see who called his name, his face quickly returning to a calm mask

"Harry, where have you been? We've been looking for you for four years" Fred finally said, the young man's eyes glanced around looking for an escape, seeing none he advanced on the group moving towards the only none red heads in the group, upon reaching the women he delicately wrap all three in hug, one after the other, he was more delicate with Angelina who was holding a very small baby

"Who's this little guy?" Harry said cooing to the baby

"This is Eric Gideon Weasley" Alicia said passing Eric to Harry, who gently took the baby and rocking him, lulling him to sleep "So how have you been?"

"We've been good, as you can tell Penny married Percy and had Walter, who is two. I married George and have a one year old Louis and Alicia married Fred and had Eric who is also one" Angelina informed Harry

"Harry?" The twins said in chorus, a slight hint of gloom in their voices

"You're really good with him" Penny mused aloud, looking at her sleeping nephew in Harry's arms

"Well, I kind of have to be with my own" he replied chuckling, all the Weasley family's jaws dropped at the revelation Harry had a kid "Just wait till they get to two, if you thought you got no sleep now, I haven't slept since my eldest turned two and he is six now"

"Sorry we are late Victor was being a pain" another red head said joining the group holding a struggling four year old in his arms

"Was not" the child, Victor, argued trying to free himself from his father's grip

" 'Arry is that you?" the red head's wife asked looking at the brunette

"Fleur" Harry smiled hugging the blonde; he had passed Eric back over to his mother

"Is ma petit chéri here?" Fleur asked happily, removing her squirming son from her husband's arms

"Who's your Petit Chéri" Ginny snarled glaring at the blonde

" 'Arry's daughter, of course" Fleur said smiling as Victor tried to hug Harry calling for his "unc 'Ry" who scooped him out of Fleur's arms

"You knew where Harry was?" Fred asked in disbelief

"And that he had a child, and you didn't tell us" George continued

"Of course I knew about my god-daughter, I also knew about his son. And I didn't realise you wanted to know, I was told there had been a fall out, so it never occurred to me to inform you" Fleur said her head tilted to the right slightly

"Fall out?" Bill asked his wife not noticing the hint of guilt on his sister's face

"He just stopped visiting or writing" Percy added, a buried memory trying to make its way to the surface in his mind

"Of course. I wasn't going to marry just to stay in contact with everyone" Harry said handing Victor back to Fleur and storming off. Leaving Ginny to reminisce about the last time she had seen one Harry James Potter


"Oh sweetheart" her mother had said squeezing the life out of the 18 year old girl "I can't believe you are finally getting married, we've been waiting for him to propose since you graduated last year"

"Let me see the ring" Hermione had begged from her seat across the table, resulting in Ginny flaunting the white gold band with a diamond surrounded by five small emeralds, she was sporting on her left hand

"Don't you think he's a bit of a cheapskate? He's one of the richest wizards in Europe and you get that measly ring, he's not worth it you ask me" Ron had said upon seeing the ring on his sister's hand. At that moment the door had been flung open revealing a cross…no a furious Harry

"Where did you get that? It was at Grimmauld Place" Harry demanded pointing to the ring

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have but when I saw the ring I was so happy, I mean I've been waiting for this since I graduated. You'll forgive me won't you?" she said batting her eyelashes towards Harry

"No. You stole my mother's wedding ring and told everyone I asked you to marry me" Harry said with an exasperated sigh

"How was I supposed to know that? Why was your mother's ring even there?" Ginny said refusing to remove the ring

"It was one of the things I collected from Godric's Hollow. Why would I even propose? Ginny. We. Are. Not. Dating. I am happily dating someone else" Harry said slumping against the doorframe. Ron stood up outraged

"What lies? You love Ginny" He yelled at the younger man

"I am gay, I have always like guys" Harry shouted back, causing Ginny to burst in to tears, and Hermione to move to comfort her

"How could you lead Ginny on like that? You disgust me, I want you out of my house" Molly screeched advancing on the man

"I wasn't leading her on, we never dated we hung out and she told everyone we were together. But if you want me out fine" Harry said storming over to Ginny prying his late mother's ring away from her and barging upstairs to collect his things. For a few moments all that could be heard was Ginny's crocodile tears

"Ginny he's just going through a phase, he'll realise you are perfect together and come crawling back. Just wait for him to get over his disgusting infatuation, once he's got some attention he'll be back" Hermione said in a soothing tone

"Yeah he's just rebelling cos he's finally free from you-know-who. He'll regret it after a week or two. He'll come back and you will be Lady Black. He doesn't know what is best for him" Ron agreed with his girlfriend. None of them saw Harry on the stairs listening to what his former friends thought about him, nor did they see him disapperate from the burrow as if the anti-apparation wards were not there.


"Harry is that you?" a soft voice called from another part of the house as Harry slammed the front door, a 5ft 8in woman, with black hair which was greying slightly, walked in with a smile on her face with a pile of clothes spilling from her arms

"What's wrong sweetie?" she asked concern appearing on her face, dropping the clothes on the table

"I saw them" He admitted a pained expression on his face

"Who?" She asked cautiously, moving towards the man

"The Weasley's" He said his pleading green eyes meeting her grey ones, calling for her maternal instincts to wrap him in a hug

"Oh, Harry. It's okay, it will always be okay, I will always protect my family" She said with a fierceness that would have scared him had he not known her, she was still a Black disinherited or not.

"Andi, what are they doing here it's a muggle town" he said leaning into her motherly embrace "I just hope they don't try to find me again, I don't think I could cope"

"They better not look for you after all they've done" she growled, as two young voices could be heard getting louder and louder from above their heads forcing them to separate

"Looks like I'm needed" Harry laughed to Andi before turning out to the hall yelling "You two better not be fighting"