Once again I'd like to thank ya'll for
sticking around with me!
I've appreciated every single one of your reviews
& favorites/follows!
I may consider revisiting this story in the
(probably near) future to continue following
Bellamy and Clarke's developing relationship,
so keep an eye out!
It took years to convince Clarke to start a family. She did stick around with Bellamy and now, as they approach their tenth year on Earth he has finally convinced her. It hasn't been an easy road, and they've tried and had losses but Bellamy is still hopeful of a possible baby in the near future.
"I don't want to anymore, Bellamy," Clarke says, her voice strained and tired. "I can't just… it's too hard." He knows what she means; each loss has taken a toll on him as well. Everyone else in their small village has already started expanding their families. Octavia and Lincoln now have a boy, Spencer, Jasper and Maya had a set of twins six months ago and even Monty is expecting with his girlfriend.
"One more time, please, Clarke. If we can't I'll stop bothering you to try. I promise."
"You don't get it, do you? These haven't been flukes, Bell. It's me, okay? I can't carry them. I can't lose another one." They've lost three, the last one had stuck around for much longer and Clarke had even started to show before the miscarriage. She had been so excited, sure that that meant this one was going to stick, but in the end it hadn't.
Now she sits at the table that Bellamy and Miller had built and presses her fingers against her temples. Every time Bellamy brings this up it just pushes all of the pain back to the surface. It doesn't help that she is the one doing all of the check-ups and deliveries of the babies already in camp, but Clarke realizes that she can't take her disappointment and growing jealousy out on the others. Instead, Bellamy seems to get the brunt of it.
"Just drop it," she says sharply as she stands and leaves the room. When they'd finally decided to stay here, instead of crossing the sea, they built a tiny village just inside the tree line. So far, they'd had no problems and haven't even seen many people come through this way. There are a few different tribes of Grounders that have passed through, but they mostly left the 100 (there are exactly 100 of them again) alone and only stopped to trade goods with them.
The houses they built were remarkable, considering. Some of them were larger and held more rooms than others, but Clarke and Bellamy's was a modest size with two separate bedrooms, a "kitchen" and a dining area. Only one room was furnished, the other lay empty and was only a reminder of the baby they had hoped for and were unable to have. Clarke keeps that door closed.
The first time Clarke feels the life inside her stir should bring on a moment of awe and excitement, instead it just brings terror. Bellamy soothes her fears.
"This one is going to stick, I just know it. This one's a fighter," he tells her, placing his dark, calloused hand over her swollen abdomen. "I wonder if it's a boy or girl. Do you have any gut feeling either way?" He looks up at her and his excitement is so plain on his face that it makes Clarke ache.
"No," she says shortly. She refuses to get attached to this baby. Not until he or she is in her arms; alive and healthy.
Bellamy wipes the sweat from her neck as her face contorts in pain.
"You got this, Clarke," he murmurs into her ear. She is facing him, hands on his shoulder and bent over, leaning her head on his chest for support. "You're doing great," he repeats for the tenth time. Bellamy runs his hands down her back, putting pressure in the places that Lincoln had shown him. Bellamy wasn't so sure that putting pressure on her back would help with the contractions the way that Lincoln and Octavia claims it does, but for the brief time he is pressing on her she seems to relax ever so slightly, so he continues.
They were out for a walk along the beach when her contractions had started and so they had tried to make their way back to camp, unfortunately they were about an hour away and had only made it half way when Clarke could no longer walk through the contractions. (Octavia had told them not to leave this close to Clarke's due date, but the princess had insisted.) So they stopped, and here Bellamy was again, once more delivering a baby and terrified out of his mind. He can see the village just over the next hill and he wishes that someone would look their way, see them and help him get Clarke back to the medical hut.
He turns his attention back to his partner and she is gritting her teeth and bearing down through another contraction.
When the baby finally comes, Clarke reaching down and catching it (catching her), Bellamy is overwhelmed. They ease down onto the blanket they had brought with them and he looks down at his newborn baby girl. She is looking up at him through squinted eyes and a scrunched up, red face. And she is beautiful. Her head is covered in dark, thick hair and she opens her mouth and lets out a wail that could send the birds flying from the trees. Bellamy puts an arm around Clarke as she brings the baby up closer to her.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart," Clarke croons, the baby stops crying immediately and her eyes search for the source of the sound, recognizing her mother's voice.
"Newborns can't see that far; put your face closer to hers." Clarke gives him a strange look, but does what he says and repeats what she had said. Their daughter blinks a couple of times and her eyes lock onto Clarke's before she lets out a huge yawn and closes her dark blue eyes.
Bellamy watches as his almost one year old daughter, Adeline, waddles over the sand towards the water. Clarke is hovering nearby, as she always is, to make sure the toddler doesn't fall into the water.
He had been right about her, Clarke is an amazing mother. She is gentle and loving, and Adeline glows with the love that her mother and father give to her. After they had her, their rainbow baby, they decided not to worry about trying for another. Bellamy had once told Clarke that he would love a large family, but now, as he watches the two women in his life he couldn't imagine anything else.
He could never be happier than he is in this moment.