
Monsters: Day 9 pt 1

Dinis Spiro, District 12, 35 years old

His feet pounded down on the ground below as the beast chased him. The beast's warm, sticky breath clung to the sweat on his back. The sound of the beasts gnashing teeth and growls rippled fear through his body. The end was drawing near, he could feel it; whether that be death by beast, death by human, or survival. Either way, these games would soon be over.

He did not know which fate he feared the most.

As he ran, he almost did not notice the world changing around him; trees fell down beside him blocking paths. Rocks that had not been their seconds before suddenly appeared. How it was changing, he did not know, and he did not have the time to wonder.

His lungs felt as though they were about to collapse with every deep and quick breath he took. He had never ran so fast in his 35 years of life.

When a tree fell down before him, he did not have time to turn or stop and he went flying over the trunk, landing with a humph on the other side. Pain shredded through the left side of his body, causing him to let out a shout.

He looked up just as the beast approach, its bloody eyes staring into his soul with utter hatred. He let out a fear-ridden scream as the beast pounced over the trunk and on top of him, tearing into the skin on his shoulders with its sharp claws. The pain was like nothing he had ever felt before. It was a numbing, burning pain. It felt as though his entire arm had been ripped off and thrown away like a lump of meat.

As adrenaline overpowered, the pain subsided. Dinis kicked and punched at the beast in an attempt to escape, but the beast would not back of. Its teeth gnashed mere inches from his face, drowning him in drool. Finally, as Dinis kicked the beast right in the stomach, he was able to escape.

He stumbled to his feet and ran, leaving his pack behind but clutching onto his weapon like his life depended on it.

It probably did.

Geof Dragon, District 7, 19 years old

They were lost.

Suddenly the entire arena was the same. He could not tell tree from tree or hill from hill. He could not locate the castle or the stream or anything. He sighed and scratched his greasy head. They had left the Castle only two days prior, surely they could not have walked so far in such little time.

"Yep, I swear we were here like two seconds ago," Ray said as he caught up to the other boy.

Geof replied with a simple nod. He suddenly wished he had kept the tracker the Capitol had given him. It would have been useful in this situation.

Suddenly, a loud scream echoed the arena not far from where they stood.

Ray gulped. "I vote we walk away from that," he said, gesturing in the direction of the scream.


They began to walk just as a nearby tree broke began to break. Geof held out his hand to stop Ray from walking forward. The tree crumbled down infront of them with a loud bang, blocking their path. Geof narrowed his eyes and approached the trunk in confusion. It was almost as if someone had forced it to fall. It could not have been a coincidence, could it?

"Ok then, maybe not?"

Geof shook his head. "No it's ok." Geof clambered over the trunk and held out his hand to Ray.

Ray just rolled his eyes. "I got this thanks." He followed his ally and climbed over. Then, as if on cue, the next tree broke and toppled over, landing uncomfortably close to Geof. What was it with these trees? Had the Capitol made them suitably unsteady in order to squish every tribute that walked too close by?

"I think nature doesn't want us to go this way," Ray muttered.

"Somebody doesn't," Geof agreed. He looked around. "Well, we may as well comply," he said and began walking alongside the trees rather than trying to climb over. Luckily, they encountered no more falling down trees or branches.

"You don't think the Capitol did that do you?" Ray asked. He took another swig of water.

Geof pursed his lips together in thought. "Perhaps. I don't know how, but trees don't just fall like that." He then paused suddenly, causing Ray to almost walk into his back.

"What is it?" Ray asked.

In the distance, he could hear the sound of pounding feet, stronger than any mans. Alongside that pound was a fiercely low growl. Geof took out his weapon and prepared for the attack that came shortly after.

A large black, murderous, beast jumped into sight closely behind another tribute. Without word, both boys sprang into a sprint, running as fast as they could away from the tribute and beast. Geof's heartbeat quickened as he ran. He did not dare to look back, not even to his ally.

He just ran for his life.

Ray Manta, District 4, 16 years old

Ray was too weary. He could not keep up.

He let out a groan as he called for his ally to help, but Geof could not hear him, he was too far ahead.

He turned around to see Dinis closing up on him. He could see the fear in the man's eyes. Blood seeped from his shoulder, through to his shirt, leaving a trail of blood which undoubtedly attracted the beast even more. The man's face grew even more red as he picked up the pace, almost falling over his step. Ray picked up the pace also, but he could not run fast enough.

The pain came in a sweeping motion, entering his back and pushing through to his stomach, he looked down to see a sword plunged through his body.

A silent "sorry" echoed his cloudy mind as he watched the man race on infront of him.

"GEOF!" he screamed, knowing it would do nothing to help the situation, but it was all he could think to do in that moment.

He saw the blonde boy in the distance stop and turn, a look of shock flashing across his face. The next searing pain came to his shoulder.

It did not last for long as darkness quickly took over.

Geof Dragon, District 7, 19 years old

He stood at the top of the hill and watched as the beast tore his ally to pieces, gouging him as if he was only food.

His throat suddenly became hoarse and his eyes shifted to the ground. He allowed the other man to run past for now.

He could not blame the man for what he did. He would have done the same in that situation, but it still left a panging sorrow in his chest.

He let out a frustrated scream. He hated that he had come to feel things. It had made things all the worse. He wished he was the emotionless statue he used to be. It would have made the whole situation so much easier.

Once the beast was happy with the mess it had made of Ray's body, it looked up at Geof with those evil beady eyes and Geof just looked back, motionless. For a moment, Geof thought that he would become the beasts next target, but instead, it seemed to become distracted by another sound in the distance.

It looked at Geof one last time before turning on its heal and sprinting away.

Geof fell to his knees and let out a deep sigh.

Fuck this shit.

Dinis Spiro, 35 years old, District 12

As he reached a clearing, he collasped in a heap and let out a cry.

Every inch of his body was in agony, and to top it all of, he had just selfishly killed a young boy.

He did not know how old Ray was, but he could not have been older than eighteen. At the time, it seemed like the only logical thing to do: Distract the beast with fresh blood and eascape. It had worked, but now as the emotion and guilt hit him, he could see so many other ways he could have escaped. Then again, the boy had to do die any way if he was to survive.

Survival seemed like an unlikley option for him as he lay their in pain, but he would not give up fighting until he was dead in a ditch.

Maxwell Arthur, 31 years old, District 10

Maxwell had managed to find a tree strudy enough to climb.

He stayed there in hiding as he watched the other man collapse. He was hoping that he would bleed out and die on his own accord so he would not have to kill another human being. He did not think he could stand killing much longer.

He surveyed the arena, he could see the top of Geof's blone hair among the trees to the left, and he could see the crying man below. The only person he had lost track of was Boe and unfortunatley, Boe was his main concern.

He let out a sigh and began to climb down. Everyone was dead: Volten, Giselle, Alec, Nicklaus, Brey, Gail, Arrow, Luca, Ilaria, all of them. He had whitnessed so many of those murders and was the cause of three. Now, it was just the four of them left. How many more would he have to kill?

He jumped down onto the leaves below and took out his weapon.

"Hello monkey Max."

It was Boe's voice. He had come to know it so well. That voice had haunted him as he slept for it was the guilt of killing so many of his friends that gave him nightmares at night.

"I thought we could end our little feud here, without those two being involved."

"Sounds like a smart idea." Maxwell turned to face, Boe. His face held more anger than he had ever seen before. As far as he was aware, he had never had someone hate him as much as that man hated him in that moment. His face was red, his jaw was tense, and his hands clutched a small knife he must have found along the way.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I hope you understand that I did what I did to survive, just as I assume you have killed to survive."

Boe nodded. "I know. It's just unfortunate that you killed my brother. So, I hope you understand that I can't let you win."

Maxwell nodded. "Of course."

They did not waste much more time. Boe attacked with the knife which Maxwell quickly blocked with his own weapon, sending out a clang of metal on metal. That same clang continued as the two men fought, each sending their own attacks and then each blocking the others. Finally, Boe managed to stab Maxwells arm, forcing him to disarm as a stinging pain shot through him. Boe pushed him up against the tree, spitting in his face.

Maxwell began to shake. He had been so brave for so long and refused to show much fear, but he was truly afraid. He always had been, ever since they first entered the arena. His eyes glassed over with tears.

"I have a son."

But Boe did not seem to care.

He sliced the knife across Maxwell's throat, and was left to drown on his own blood.

Boe Redhul

"You're forgiven," Boe said, holding back his own tears. He could not afford to allow Maxwell to guilt him into mercy, for Boe had his own reasons to return home.

Arrow had left a pregnant wife, a wife that Boe loved with all his heart. He owed it to his brother to return home to them, to look after them as if they were his own.

He waited until Maxwell's cannon sounded, before pulling himself together and walking out into the clearing. He spotted Geof among the trees, carefully watching the two of them.

Dinis had made it to his feet, but it was clear he was unarmed and frightened. He knew that Dinis would be an easy kill. He could not fight back.

"Come out kid," Boe shouted. "Let's make this shit fair."

Geof stepped out without question, readily holding up his weapon.

"Looks like it's just us three left at the party."

No one laughed. No one else spoke. They just stared at each other, waiting for someone else to move.

"I suppose we should give them the party they asked for."

Boe was the first to move.

The games were coming to an end, but the main war had only just begun.

5th- Ray Manta- Killed by Dinis Spiro

4th- Maxwell Arthur- Killed by Boe Redhul

A/N- Okay, so the last two chapters aren't as good as I'd want them to be, buuut, give a girl a break, it's been two years since I did this, I'm just giving it an actual ending.

So, final three next. Geof, Dinis, and Boe. Who will win?

Leave a review if you want. I like my reviews haha.