Lord Longinus

DISCLAIMER: I do not own High School DxD, nor do I make any profit from it.

[Ddraige speaking]


Pain like he had never felt before, an unimaginable pain in his abdomen. He felt as if he was being burnt from the inside out, but not by flames. It was speeding from its epicenter in his stomach and reaching to ever part of his body. Nothing he did seemed to relieve it, only making it worse.

Above him stood the treacherous bitch that had done it to him. Yumma Amano, an angel with black wings in an S&M outfit. It infuriated him, but also terrified him. He didn't know what to do, he was going to die. He knew that much, but he couldn't bring himself to accept it. He couldn't allow Amano to get away without vengeance. The more he thought about it, the greater his ire became. It soon reached a breaking point, and the pain fled from his mind. Standing, he charged at the angel, who had been gleefully watching him suffer. But he was quickly knocked down.

"Ha! You think you have any chance against me! A Fallen Angel! Your nothing but a pathetic human, Issei-Kun. Even with a sacred gear!" She laughed maniacally.

Coughing up blood, Issei tried his best to stay upright. "Sacred Gear? Why would I have one, I don't even know what that is!"

"You don't need to know. But hear this! The only one to blame is the God that gave it to you! Blame him!" With that Raynare gathered a massive ball of light and tossed it at Issei's now prone form, disintegrating him immediately. Issei Hyoudou was gone, nothing but ashes in his place.


Blinding white light shining into his eyes brought Issei out of his slumber. As he opened his eyes he saw endless white and the two figures standing in it. One was a giant red welsh dragon with green eyes. The second figure was a transparent old man, with long silver hair and a beard. The man wore white robes and simple sandals. Despite his apparent age, he held an aura of authority.

"Ugh... Where am I? I feel like I got hit by a bus." Were the first words out of the boys lips.

It was the man who answered. [You have every right to feel like that, it's not every day your body is destroyed and you survive. Honestly it only happened due to your special circumstance. As for your question. The best way to describe this place is as your soul.]

"So it wasn't all a dream then, I really got stabbed by that. . . that thing!" Issei spat the words with disgust.

[Unfortunately so. But there is an upside. While you were asleep we created a new body for you, you'll notice some changes at first but you'll get used to them.] Was the mans soft reply.

Shaking his head, Issei moved on. "So, who exactly are you too?"

A deep chuckling came from the dragons direction, and then it spoke. [I am the Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraige. I am the one who is sealed in your left arm as a sacred gear. The old man is Sanctus, the deceased Biblical God.]

". . ." Issei was at a complete loss for words. Never had he imagined that God was dead, nor that he would meet him.

For a few moments there was silence, and Issei regained his bearings. "So what are you here for? I don't really understand."

Sanctus took over once again. [We are here for two separate reasons. Ddraige because he is sealed within the Boosted Gear on your right arm, and he wishes for his partner to survive first contact with a mere Fallen. I am here because you are here. I am but a mere shadow of my former self, a residue left on the soul we share. You see, you are me reincarnated as a human. God cannot die permanently, so each time one dies a new one is chosen. Given the same power, but no control over it, and a shadow of the former to guide them.]

Again Issei could not form coherent words and fail to speak. So Sanctus continued. [The majority of your power will be sealed until you can control the fraction you have been given completely. Then the next fraction will be awarded, and the cycle continues until you have all your power returned. This applies only to raw power however, your abilities are all waiting to be used once you have some control. And the system I created in Heaven will work at full capacity as soon as you return to it and take control. Being God has no real obligations beyond powering the system and helping resolve any major conflicts the humans have. You'll notice that the greatest wars have all been fought during Gods absence.]

Still no words were coming from Issei and it was beginning to worry Sanctus, but he continued. [Finally you will take on the memories and knowledge of all previous Gods, there have only been three, so that you can maintain your image. No one but Michael knows there has been more than one God, so he will help you as well. Any questions?]

Finally Issei snapped out of his stupor and replied. "Only two. How can I contact you two again? And, can I go home now?"

Laughing at Issei, Sanctus replied. [Just concentrate on your left hand being filled with power, then about us. You'll see. And yes, you can go home. You've had a very long day. We'll talk more tomorrow.]

With those words everything flashed brightly then disappeared. Issei drifted off into unconsciousness.

Issei woke too something squishy under his head. It was probably the comfiest pillows he had ever felt. But something was off about it. It was warm and was moving up and down, almost as if it was breathing. Wait. . . It was breathing. It wasn't a pillow, it was a woman's chest! Slowly opening his eyes, Issei rose up only to find himself in a rather compromising position. He was naked in bed with a beautiful woman, a woman named Rias Gremory.

Shaking himself out of his shock, Issei looked around he was in a large room with a giant four poster bed along the wall, the furniture was all elegant and had an old feel to it. Looking out a window, Issei could see Kuoh Academy. That meant this was probably the old school building. But why was he here, and why couldn't he remember anything that had happened. Concentrating, Issei struggled to recollect the past few hours. Slowly the fog lifted and it all hit him. He was killed, but was saved by Ddraige and Sanctus.

Looking down at his new body, Issei could easily spot the differences. Were before his body was slightly athletic, now it was fully chiseled and finely tuned. He could also see his skin was much more pale. But that was beside the point, right now he needed to figure out why he was here. He obviously was still a virgin, he would have remembered that. So why was he in bed with Rias, what was her connection to all this?

Then he realized something, his usual perverseness was gone and while he still excited about seeing a naked woman, he wasn't totally freaking out. He was acting much more like a normal person. But he quickly dismissed it as a side effect of last nights events.

Throwing the covers off himself and Rias, Issei studied the prone form beneath him. She truly was a beautiful woman. With natural crimson hair, pale skin, bluish-green eyes, large but firm breasts, a perfect ass and killer hips. She was the image of beauty. Breaking from that chain of thought, Issei decided to speak to Sanctus before waking the girl.

Concentrating on filling his left hand with power, he noticed a glow around his arm. Out of nowhere a crimson gauntlet appeared on his hand, then it expanded twice. When it finished it covered his entire left arm from the shoulder down. Green jewels were imbedded on top of the hand, on the forearm and on the shoulder. The fingers were like draconian claws, sharper than razors and harder than steel. In his head he could hear both Ddraige and Sanctus having a quiet conversation.

"Good morning Ddraige, Sanctus."

[Morning partner, sleep well?] Ddraige chuckled at his implied meaning.

"Very well, actually. Thanks for asking."

[Good morning Issei, I'm glad your feeling well.] Spoke Sanctus politely.

"Yes, well I just wanted to thank both of you. We hardly know each other and you've done so much to help me. Anyway I have to get moving, things won't do themselves." With that he abruptly broke the mental connection and returned to reality.

Beside him Rias was beginning to stir and that meant he should probably wake her. So he shook her gently by the shoulder.

Soon she opened her eye and look up surprised at Issei. "You look different."

Issei smiled slightly. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was."

"So, not that i mind or anything, but why are we in your bed naked? I'm sure we didn't have any 'fun' last night."

Grimacing slightly, Rias spoke somberly. "It a bit complicated, but last night I found you half dead and I was trying to heal you. . . By sleeping in the nude and channeling you my power."

Chuckling slightly at her loss for words, Issei relieved her worry. "Don't worry I know all about the supernatural, so don't worry. And thanks for helping me, most people would have walked on past."

Blushing slightly, Rias stuttered a reply. "Th. . Thank you."

"Anyway, what faction are you from? And who are you really?"

At that Rias blush disappeared and a smirk formed on her face. "I am Rias Gremory, Heiress of the Gremory Clan and a High Class Devil."

"Devil huh? Oh well, makes no difference to me. You seem to be nice enough. So tell me, what is someone like you doing here on Earth? I'd have thought you'd be in the Underworld." So began a long string of conversation covering all topics imaginable, from school to politics to personal affairs. Both seemed to naturally trust the other and simply opened up and spilled the secrets only a select few others knew of. Being completely naked and practically in each other's arms not fazing them at all.


A/n: Thanks for reading, please review. Constructive criticism welcome.