Prologue: Graduation Day
Buffy had rarely seen the Sunnydale Memorial this busy, but then an exploding high school tended not to happen very often, and when it did it got people's attention. Doctor's and nurses scrambled to deal with burns, broken bones, blast injuries and, of course, the more familiar 'neck ruptures' of the few dozen or so people who streamed into the ER.
Buffy took some comfort in the fact that things could have been a lot worse. Big snake demon worse.
It was late evening, Buffy had left Xander, Willow, Oz and Cordelia as they all headed home after the battle. She had been quiet, listening to Xander and Cordy's gentle sniping- mainly about Xander's upcoming road trip slash spirit quest and Cordelia's sudden announcement that she was also leaving Sunnydale early, apparently L.A beckoned.
Buffy had been pleased that their attitude towards each other had softened since the prom; they were even having almost normal conversations. Oz and Willow had also been quiet, Oz because, well he was Oz and Willow because she said she was wiped from the battle and said she was sleepy.
"It's all that violence and strong language." Willow explained leaning into Oz, "I'm overwhelmed."
"Remind me not to stand next to you during the next mass battle, Will." Xander quipped, "'cause I wouldn't want you nodding off on me."
Cordelia agreed. "Plus you'd probably end up drooling on his shoulder. Yuck."
Willow shook her head. "It's too much adrenaline, is what it is. I blame my hyper evolved fight or flight response. I think next time I'll be away in a room somewhere, in charge of maps and stratagems. Ooh- and those little flags you push around with a stick. That always looks like fun."
"It's kind of scary that we're looking ahead to a 'next time', don't you think?" Xander said.
"Well, just because the high school's gone doesn't mean the Hellmouth is. I mean, if you could close the Hellmouth with explosives then I'm sure I would've read about it." Willow thought about it and then her eyes widened slightly "Unless we made it bigger..."
"Sshh...leave some thoughts for tomorrow," Oz said and kissed the side of her head.
Willow relaxed and leaned her head on Oz's shoulder.
"Well, just for the record, I'm glad I'm leaving this place," Cordelia remarked
"Me too," Xander responded, then from a pointed look from Cordelia. "I mean I'm glad I'm leaving as well, 'the welcome respite of the open road.'"
"But you're coming back, big mistake." Cordelia shook her head, "Plus, 'the open road'? I have it on good authority that if you head far enough inland you'll either be eaten alive or made somebody's wife. I've seen 'The Hills Have Eyes', that's why we have airports- so we don't have to drive cross country."
Xander made a dismissive gesture. "Ahh, that's just hillbilly prejudice, I'll be fine."
"Well, with your luck..." Cordy smirked, trailing off.
Xander pondered. "Say Buff, could I maybe have a long term loan of a crossbow and maybe one of your larger axes."
Buffy nodded her head. "Uh, sure. Wait, what? When did you see 'The Hills Have Eyes'?"
Cordelia rolled her eyes "Oh, blame Xander and his frequent video nights for that one, like I don't get enough blood and guts in real life."
Xander shrugged. "Just call me master of the cheap date."
Cordelia's eyes widened as she turned to Xander. "Did you just call me 'cheap'?"
"Um...You haven't by any chance got any weapons on you now, have you Buffy?"
Buffy had left them soon after that, promising to call in a day or so for one final get together at the Bronze before summer separated them. She'd then headed home and rang the hotel her Mom was staying at, telling her it was safe to return to evil ground zero, assuring her Mom that she was fine and that, yes, she actually had her diploma, though sadly no graduation photo.
After hanging up she took a long shower and then changed into fresh clothes, feeling too restless to go to bed despite her weariness. Buffy had then paced around the house a little while before snacking on some leftover lasagne from the fridge. Having little idea what to do with herself Buffy had then wandered outside, walking back through an oddly peaceful Sunnydale, seemingly aimlessly, hoping the fresh night air would relax her a little more and help her clear her head.
She thought about the long summer ahead of her, a summer without Angel; a life without Angel. It was hard to see her life ahead without him nearby, the past year had seemed all about her struggling with her feelings for him, until in the end he had been the one to end it.
And right before Prom as well, not the ideal end to a romance.
Without really realising how Buffy had ended up outside the hospital, a place of noise and frantic energy that had drawn her inside, it was only then that she consciously realised where she was headed.
She had walked through the hospital in a sort of daze, largely ignored by the buzzing hospital staff. Buffy quickly moved through the patients lounge and off down one of the corridors, heading unerringly to a specific room.
Faith's room.
Buffy went over to the bed gazed down at the fellow Slayer lying there, seemingly too small and fragile to ever be a threat to anyone. Bruised and pale, her slow, shallow breathing and the beeping machines by her bed the only real signs that Faith still clung to life. She looked younger now, the same age as Buffy really. And so vulnerable, not like the badass image she projected when she first arrived in town or like the killer she had later become.
The last time she had seen Faith had been the in the strange dream they'd shared with each other, oddly there had been no anger or hate between them, only acceptance and cryptic stuff. And maybe some regret.
Buffy is in Faith's apartment, windows still broken from the fight but otherwise different. Packing boxes lie everywhere stuffed with Faith's things.
A cat leaps onto Faith's bed. "Who's going to look after him?" Buffy senses Faith pass close by behind her; she knows this is a dream.
"It's a she, and aren't these things supposed to take of themselves?"
"A higher power guiding us?" Buffy asks.
"Pretty sure that's not what I meant." Faith walks through the apartment, her back towards Buffy.
"There's something I'm supposed to be doing."
Faith replies knowingly. "Well, yeah. Miles to go. Little Ms. Muffet counting down from 7-3-0"
"Great," Buffy said exasperated. "Riddles."
"Sorry," Faith replies over her shoulder "It's my head. A lot of new stuff." She stares at the broken window. "They're never gonna fix this, are they?"
"What about you?" Buffy asks.
Faith turns to her. "Scar tissue," she gestures to her face. "It fades. It all fades."
Buffy looks down to see the flash of a blade in her hand for a moment, and then it's gone.
"You want to know the deal? Human weakness. Never goes away. Even his."
Buffy mouth curls in a slight smile, her voice light. "This your mind or mine?"
Faith laughs. "Beats me," She walks forward as Buffy smiles. Faith continues "Getting towards that time."
Buffy looks at all the boxes scattered around. "How are you going to fit all this stuff?"
"Not gonna. It's yours." Faith stops in front of Buffy.
"I can't use all of this."
Faith looks into her eyes. "Just take what you need," she reaches up and touches Buffy's cheek, "You ready?"
Lots of regret, that's what Buffy herself, felt right now. Not anger or guilt exactly- well maybe some guilt, but in her head she knew Faith had forced this on both of them, bringing things to a head by trying to kill Angel. Still Buffy found herself missing Faith, or maybe just the memory of her smiling and stories, dancing and fighting. Those things Buffy found hard to forget.
"Isn't it crazy how slaying always makes you hungry and horny?"
"But you like him, right? When you think about him you get that good, down low tickle right?"
"Come on, we'll find a couple of studs, use 'em and discard 'em. That's always fun."
"We're Slayers, girlfriend. The Chosen Two."
"Want. Take. Have."
And through all those memories the swirling questions all beginning with 'what if?'
Buffy reached out and took Faith's hand in hers and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning forward slightly.
"He's dead," Buffy said, her voice sounding unnaturally loud in the quiet room. "The mayor that is, he got to ascend for, like, ten minutes before I blew up the school with him in it."
She sighed. "I don't know if you can hear me or even if you want to hear any of this, but I guess I owe you. I mean you did help me, so you should be pleased. But there are better ways to help, y'know. Such as, I don't know, not trying to kill my friends or my boyfriend. Or me. Especially me. A few less fights to the death would have been real swell of you."
Buffy shifted slightly on the bed. "If anyone saw me here they'd wonder what the hell I'm doing. Hell, I don't know what I'm doing- I'm not really known for chatting away with people who try and kill me." She paused, frowning, "Well, actually I am but that's not really the point. It's the betrayal –that's what gets me, the turning on friends and ranting on about us being better than everyone else. That's what spins my head; I just don't get it."
Buffy found herself toying with Faith's fingers "Anyway, I don't know if you're ever going to wake up, or if you had any change of heart or doubts about, y'know, going all evil. I hope you did. I hope I get the chance to tell you that I'm sorry and that I really wanted things to be different between us. For us to be...friends, maybe. I guess I could have handled things better as well, to begin with anyway."
Buffy blew out a breath and was surprised to find out she was a bit teary. She blinked them away "I just...I want a do-over. God, If I could just go back the beginning I would do so many things differently, we...we could be Slayers again, we could get things right between us. I wish that could happen."
Suddenly Buffy felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, along with a feeling of warm air and a slight exotic smell, like scented candles. She felt a presence near her, like there was a ghost or spirit nearby, only subtly different.
"DONE," a voice intoned, somehow both a whisper and a roaring command, full of power. Buffy's head spun as her world fell away...
Faith, Hope And Tricks (Part 1: So Last Year)
When Buffy came back to herself she was outside, in an alley, surrounded by her friends. Faith was there, smiling as she strutted over.
"S'Okay, I got it. You're Buffy, right?"
Right on cue a vampire rose up and grabbed her from behind, without even turning around Faith slams her head back into its face.
"I'm Faith."
'What the hell..?'
As Faith flings the vampire across the alley Oz says "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there's a new slayer in town."
Buffy just stared as Faith again delivered several brutally impressive blows to the vampire. Then, just like before, Faith then threw him to the ground before turning back to Buffy and grabbing the stake she was holding.
"Can I borrow that?"
She takes the stake and dusts the vampire; the whole fight had lasted seconds and been entirely one-sided. Faith turned back to Buffy and hands her back the stake.
"Thanks, B. Couldn't have done it without you."
And with that she walked by Buffy, who just stood there, still stunned.
'What the hell is going on?'
'OK, so this is clearly a dream- I fell asleep, that's it. My brain just waved a little white flag, gave up and now I'm lying on Faith's bed- No, I'm in a chair, happily drooling in a chair, in the hospital and a nurse is going to come in and wake me up very soon...'
As the others hurriedly followed Faith back up the alley to the Bronze Willow lingered with Buffy before putting a hand on her friend's shoulder.
"Um, Buffy, are you okay?" She asked tentatively.
Buffy snapped her head round "Uh, what...What just happened?"
Willow smiled, still a little wide-eyed from Faith's display. "Looks like a new, uh, slayer is in, well, y'know, town. And we should go and make nice, uh, and welcome her."
Buffy still felt light-headed and fuzzy. It certainly didn't feel like a dream to her, or smell like one- yeesh, hello garbage. Maybe this was all real, a second chance or something- when her brain decided to work again that is.
Buffy cleared her throat. "Uh, yeah, that was hardly me at my best, sparkling wit- wise, was it?"
Willow started walking with her back towards the club. "But on the upside no fight-to-the-death-misunderstanding like last time, so that's progress, as greetings go."
Buffy sighed and muttered to herself. "Believe me slayer fighting slayer is so last year..."
"The whole summer it was, like, the worst heat wave. So it's about a hundred and eighteen degrees and I'm sleeping without a stitch on. And all of a sudden, I hear this screaming from outside. So I go tearing out, stark nude, and this church bus has broke down, and there's these three vamps feasting on half the Baptists in South Boston. So I waste the vamps, and the preacher comes up, and he's hugging me like there's no tomorrow, when all of a sudden, the cops pull up and they arrested up both."
Xander was looking into the middle distance. "Wow, they should film that story and show it every Christmas."
This was all exactly how Buffy remembered it, all attention on Faith and her tales, Buffy's friends charmed and amused (well, not Cordelia, but still) and Faith happily chowing down on a muffin, all smiles, dimples and chocolate curls.
"God, I could eat a horse." Faith sighed "Isn't it crazy how slaying..."
'Oh not this again,' "Uh, what about that alligator you mentioned, y'know, from before." Buffy interrupted, surprising everyone, since she'd been fairly quiet up until then.
Faith smiled knowingly at Buffy before launching into the alligator story leaving Buffy free to wonder about her situation, which she was beginning to realise was just... entirely awesome. All the things she got wrong last time could be put right, things she could now see coming and prepare herself for; Kakistos, Angel returning, Mr. Trick and the Mayor, that stupid slayer death-trap birthday surprise the Watcher's Council set up. More importantly Faith was back to being a slayer, an ally, maybe even a friend.
'Yay me,' Buffy thought contentedly to herself.
"Was this also naked?" Xander was asking.
Faith smiled. "Well, the alligator was..."
Cordelia stares pointedly at her boyfriend. "Xander, find a new theme."
Willow seemed worried. "Did the alligator get hurt?"
Faith thought about it. "Only a little. Then it was dead."
"Oh no..." Willow pouted adorably and Oz put a hand on her leg as comfort.
"I tell ya, I never had more trouble than that damn vamp." Faith said, although this time round Buffy was sure she could see hints of the other issue that troubled Faith. Maybe this time she could get her fellow slayer to open up.
Faith looked at Buffy. "What about you? What was your toughest kill?"
The feel of a blade sliding into flesh, a pained gasp, a strained voice; 'You did it. You killed me.'
Buffy felt a chill at the image that flashed through her mind, she shifted uncomfortably. "Well, they're all tough I guess. "
Faith watched her, waiting as she sipping her drink.
Okay, I want her to open up- so time to try a little honesty, because before this year my out and out toughest 'kill' had been...
"Uh, there was one vampire, last year, his name was...Angel. He was...a friend, who turned on" Buffy stared down at her hands, not talking about Angel now. "Fighting someone you used, who fought by your side, that's tough."
Faith seemed thoughtful as she finished her drink but she also seemed curious about Xander and Willow's slightly stunned reactions to what Buffy had just said.
Thankfully Oz broke the silence. "Something occurring; uh, now you both kill vamps, and who could blame you." He looked to Faith, "But I'm wondering about your position on werewolves."
Faith seemed confused until Willow recovered and explained "Oz is a werewolf." She put a supportive hand on her boyfriend.
Faith seemed unconcerned "Hey, as long as you don't go scatchin' at me or humpin' my leg we're five-by-five, y'know."
Buffy smiled slightly at Faith's practicality. Faith's grin widened as she continued. "Those vamps though, they better get their asses to Defcon one, 'cause you and I are gonna have fun, y'know, watcher-less and fancy free."
Buffy decided to play along for now; she knew Faith was just putting on a front. "Watcher-less?"
Faith glanced around, a little puzzled "There's some big Watcher retreat thing in England,'s why I skipped out. Didn't your Watcher go too?"
Buffy shrugged a little "As far as I know Giles, that's my Watcher- Giles, is still in Sunnydale, maybe they lost his invite. We can see him tomorrow at school, see what's the what. You'll like Giles... I mean you probably will."
With that Buffy stood up and smiled at Faith. "Anyway, if you want we could get out of here and I'll give the five cent Sunnydale tour?"
It had seemed like a good idea at the time, ditching the Bronze to spend some one-on-one time with Faith, trying the whole 'friendly Buffy' thing this time around. The only problem was that for the few months previously Buffy had gotten used to thinking of Faith as the enemy, the whole 'helping the Mayor take over Sunnydale' had really sold her on that idea.
But here they were, rewound to the beginning, walking with Faith through the fourth cemetery of the evening like they were best buds. Morbid best buds to be sure but still paling around and there was a part of Buffy that just wouldn't relax and switch off, it tensed her up, seeming to expect 'double-agent Faith' or 'Psycho-torturer Faith' to suddenly pop up and take the wheel.
So she ended up feeling a little tense and awkward, and to compensate she had babbled almost continuously for the past twenty minutes.
"And here we have cemetery number four, the name of which is...well, I'm drawing a blank. But I, um, draw your attention the creepy amount of angelic child statues which are very creepy, and also to the stone benches around in case you would like to sit and linger near said creepy statues." Buffy gestured around at the pathetically familiar surroundings.
Faith sighed. "Guess you weren't kidding about the tour, huh?" She had her hands in her pockets and seemed restless.
"Uh, sorry, um, it's just I had a really, really long day." Buffy winced, "Am I a snorefest? I guess there aren't that many interesting things around here really."
Faith shrugged, looking around. "How many cemeteries you got in this town anyway?"
"A dozen or so, I think. Plus it has lots of churches; lots of praying and funerals in Sunnydale, owner of its very own Hellmouth." Buffy felt herself begin to relax a little.
'Facts; Just stick to facts for now. Facts are relaxing. Huh, that almost rhymed.'
Faith frowned. "So, what's a 'Hellmouth', 'cause it kinda sounds like a crappy dance club."
Buffy smiled. "I wish, nah, it's just a big, sucking magnet thing that draws bad stuff to it- demons, vamps, zombies- you name it. Plenty of work for the slayer." She changed the subject, "So, where are you from, I mean originally. It sounds like you've travelled a bit."
Faith shook her head. "Boston gal, born and raised, didn't travel anywhere until I got all chosen. Boston doesn't have a Hellmouth or whatever; just a whole mess o' vamps that need dusting. But, yeah me and my watcher did a couple of outings over the summer to places that needed some ass-kicking done. Then I hear all about the infamous Buff and when the chance came, couldn't pass it up."
Buffy wrinkled her nose. "Infamous? Me?"
Faith grinned and bumped her shoulder against Buffy's. "Yeah B; you. Hey, didn't you use a rocket-launcher one time?"
"Actually, yeah, it's a cool story that...I'll eventually get to finish some day. Look."
Buffy gestured ahead of them to a man stalking purposely between gravestones; he was wearing a dark, dirt-stained suit. The kind you would wear to a funeral, if you were the guy being buried at least. The vampire seemed to notice them at about the same time and angled through the cemetery towards them, speeding up slightly now that he'd spotted a meal.
Buffy pulled Xander's stake from her purse and offered it to Faith. "Do you...?"
Faith just grinned and held up her hands. "Nah, B, it's all yours."
Buffy frowned down at herself. "But I like this dress, you would think floral and grass stains go together but they really don't."
Faith hopped up on a gravestone, presumably to give herself a good view of what was about to happen.
"Come on, B. I had my fun for the night, show me whatcha got. 'Sides, I gotta theory I wanna test out."
Buffy sighed and turned towards the vampire as he slowed and moved closer, his stance became more predator-like, his face was fully vamped out and split in an unpleasant grin.
"You look tasty, little girl," he growled, spreading his arms out a little in case she tried to flee.
Buffy smirked. "Um, are you sure you want those to be your last words? Because, no offence, but they were kind of 'serial killer cliché'. Plus, 'little girl'- I'm like 18."
Faith spoke up from behind her. "Well its dark and y'are kinda short."
"Can we have a little less commentary from the spectators, please?"
The vampire seemed puzzled until he noticed Buffy raise her right hand- the one holding the stake.
"You're not the Slayer, are you?" He sounded a little worried.
Buffy nodded. "Y'see those last words- much better, also a lot more common amongst your kind."
With that she struck; a quick left jab to his face followed by a stronger right cross, ducking under a slow counter from the vampire before slamming a knee into his ribs that sent him stumbling back.
Growling the vampire bracing himself against a tombstone and lashed out with a foot. Buffy sidestepped, grabbed the leg and sweeping his other out from under him, quickly stepping backwards as he landed heavily on the grass.
With a roar the vampire launched himself up from the ground at her, forcing Buffy back with a flurry of blows that she managed to fend off. Gaining a little space Buffy smashed a left jab under his chin before launching a powerful kick at the creature's chest, and as he again staggered she spun in close and sank the stake into his chest.
"Crap." He grimaced as he was dusted.
Buffy relaxed and put the stake away. "Not too shabby- she said humbly."
She turned to Faith as the other slayer hopped down. "And I'm not short; other people are just...freakishly tall. That's right, they're freaks."
Faith just stared at her, looking her up and a down a little before smiling and nodding. "I knew it. I knew you felt it too, look atcha' all loosened up- you get off on it same as me."
Buffy rolled her eyes as she turned away. 'Oh this again,'
"Right, of course- it was a nice; a nice, relaxing fight for my life. You know me so well."
"Hey, all I did was look. See, ever since the club you've been wicked tense- all pent up. Now you're relaxed and 'satisfied'. Plus, back at the club you knew what I was gonna say to your buds, that's why you interrupted me, 'cause you don't want 'em t'know."
Buffy shook her head. "You're way off base. I'm not hungry or...I am so not the other."
"Hungry and horny? How didja know that's what I was gonna say unless you're feelin' it." Faith's smile widened, showing off her dimples.
'Damn it, that's what I get for getting a head of myself.'
Buffy blushed a little despite herself and was glad it was too dark for Faith to see. "Y'know I suddenly realise that I have school tomorrow and we really should be getting you home so you can't annoy me anymore."
With that Buffy stalked off towards the direction of Faith's motel although she was soon joined by the dark-haired girl.
Faith whispered to Buffy slyly. "'s cool, B. Trust me your secret's safe, I ain't gonna rat on you."
Well, when it came to Faith Buffy had to admit this to herself- she sure was doing things differently so far.
"...Lovely spot, very serene. They have horseback riding, hiking and punting and lectures and discussions, "Giles was talking wistfully, obviously picturing the place in his mind. "It's a great honour to be invited. Or so I'm told." He finished, not quite hiding the bitterness in his voice.
Buffy was standing in the library with Faith, Xander and Willow both perched on the table nearby as Giles reminisced.
"Ah, it's boring. Way too stuffy for a guy like you."
Buffy smirked as she said. "Um, maybe I should introduce him again. Faith, this is Giles."
Faith smiled as she looked him over. "I seen him. If I'd known they came that young and cute I'd've requested a transfer.
'Oh, hearing that again really doesn't get any easier.' "Okay, raise your hand if 'ew'".
Xander partly raised his hand, Willow just smiled and Giles tried not to look flustered. "Well, um, uh, leaving aside my...youth and beauty I'd say it was rather fortuitous that Faith arrived when she did." He walked over and grabbed a nearby newspaper.
"Aha!" They all looked at Willow. "Sorry, I just meant, Aha! There's a big evil brewin'. You'll never be bored here Faith. 'Cause this is Sunnydale, home of the big, brewin' evil."
Faith nodded. "Yeah, B gave me the lowdown last night; big, bad Hellmouth."
"Yes, well, I'm not sure how big an evil it is but, uh, two people have disappeared from the Sunset Ridge district." He handed the paper to Buffy.
"Aha!" Xander said, and then looked at Willow, "Fun."
Buffy scanned the article, aware of Faith leaning in close to read over her shoulder. She cleared her throat and glanced back at Faith. "We should get on this, uh; if you're free tonight we could patrol together."
She looked over at Giles. "But later than normal, I promised Mom I'd be home for dinner.
Giles nodded as she turned back to Faith. "You should come over after school, I'm pretty sure my Mom will want to meet you, she's kinda curious about slayer stuff. Plus we can eat, and then kill things; those are two things I'm pretty sure you like doing."
Faith grinned. "Good at 'em too, I'm in."
Buffy returned the smile; the whole 'Project: Faith' was going pretty well considering her little slip-up last night, just as long as she didn't get ahead of herself.
Buffy jumped a little as Willow cleared she throat. "Um, Buffy, don't you have that health science make-up."
"Uh, yeah I aced it; I mean I will ace it. I had a dream...where I aced it." Buffy finished awkwardly.
Willow hopped off the table. "Here's hoping it was a prophecy dream, huh." Then she turned to Faith. "You can hang out with us while she's testing. You wanna?"
Xander grabbed his bag off the table and joined her. "Say yes and, uh, bring your stories."
Buffy sighed as they rushed off. "You guys go. I'm good here. I'll just sit..."
Faith shot her a look of sympathy. "Okay...later". She gestured at Giles, "We will talk weapons." Faith then turned and followed after Willow and Xander.
When they were alone Giles sat on the edge of the table next to Buffy. "This, um, new girl seems to have a lot of zest."
Buffy smirked at him. "Just because she said you were a hottie."
Giles blushed before quickly moving on. "I-I've been having a little problem with the, uh, binding spell for Acathla. I'm lacking the, the requisite details to perform it correctly. Now, physical location. Acathla was facing south?"
Buffy remembered this, last year after Angel's return Willow had had told her that there was no 'binding spell', it was just Giles's way to try and get her to open up. Kinda sweet really, in a stuffy, British way."
Buffy cleared her throat, "Uh, Okay, there was Acathla," She gestured to a spot on the table. "And there was me, and Angel was in the middle, then." She made a gesture with her finger, "Sword."
Giles seemed puzzled. "Yes, you see that's what I thought, but..."
Buffy interrupted him. "That's not all...Angel was cured. Willow's spell worked and... And he was Angel again. Only, he didn't remember anything that had happened. But it was too late, Acathla was waking up and I had to..."
Giles took off his glasses and regarded her with sympathy. "I'm so very sorry Buffy, it must've been..."
Buffy stood up and sighed. "Don't worry about me; I spent the whole summer dealing with it. Now I've dealt I just want to put it behind me, and I also desperately need to study." She picked up her books and headed out. "Good luck with the spell."
Giles looked a little startled as he watched her leave.
Buffy skipped down the steps to where she knew her friends were, pleased that she had remembered most of the stuff from the year before. It left her wondering if she could get better scores on her SATS this time round, now she knew which questions would come up. This reliving things over again had all kinds of perks.
"Well, I'm two for two for makeup tests." Then, realising that her friends weren't paying her any attention," And we're looking at what?"
Faith and Scott Hope were chatting by the water fountain, getting along pretty well.
'Wow, I'd actually completely forgotten about Scott Hope.'
"Does anyone believe that is her actual hair colour?" Cordelia remarked snidely before moving away.
Willow was a little friendlier. "I haven't seen him laugh like that. Hey, maybe Faith and Scott could hit it off." She saw Buffy frowning. "I mean, if you were done with him. N-Not that you used him," She finished quickly.
Buffy shrugged. "'m not really interested in Scott anymore Will, I mean he looks all dependable and...nice, but maybe he's the type that goes and dumps you right before Homecoming and then goes with somebody else five seconds later. So really there could be a risk factor..."
Then she noticed the shared look between Xander and Willow. "Why am I seeing a look? There shouldn't be a look."
Willow gave her a sympathetic look. "You really do need to find the fun, B." Buffy gave her a disbelieving look. "...uffy."
"What do I have to do? I have fun. I have big fun." Buffy muttered to herself as she walked over to Scott and Faith. "Hey."
"Hey, B."
Scott smiled at her. "Hey, Buffy, Faith has been telling me tall tales."
"She's a funny one." She took a hold of Faith's arm, "And leaving. You are still coming over right?"
"Sure, wouldn't miss it."
"Well, bye," Scott said, disappointed.
"Yeah, bye." Faith sent him a smile as Buffy led her away, "He's a cutie. Is he seeing anybody?"
Buffy shook her head. "Not me, that's for sure. He had his chance."
"So you're a slayer, too." Joyce said as she heaps food onto Faith's plate, "Isn't that interesting. Do you like it?"
"God, I love it!"
Buffy gestured at her own plate. "Uh, Mom? Could you pass the..."
Joyce waved her away. "Just a second honey," she said, her attention still focused on Faith. "You know Buffy never talks that way, why do you love it?"
Buffy sighed and helped herself to some fries.
"Well, when I'm fighting, the whole world goes away and I only know one thing; that I'm gonna win and they're gonna lose," Faith stabbed her food with her fork. "I like that feeling."
"Sure beats that dead feeling you get when they win and you lose," Buffy teased, although the joke seemed to fall a little flat.
Faith smirked at her as she ate. "I don't let that kinda negative thinkin' in, y'know."
Joyce nodded understandingly. "Right, right, that could get you hurt. Buffy can be awfully negative sometimes." She tapped the table lightly as she told Buffy, "See, honey, you've gotta fight that."
"I'll work on it," Buffy said dryly. She guessed that this was the price for telling your Mom you were the slayer; work tips.
"Oh, Faith, can I get you another soft drink?"
Faith smiled. "Oh, you bet. Thanks."
Joyce turned and left with Faith's glass.
Faith glanced at Buffy as she ate. "She's really cool, huh?"
Buffy smiled a little sadly, remembering from last time that Faith didn't seem to have a relationship with her own Mom. "Um, best Mom ever. Excuse me."
Faith frowned as Buffy hurried into the kitchen
Joyce was getting some soda out of the fridge as Buffy entered. "I like this girl, Buffy."
Buffy glanced down at the island as her fingers drew patterns nervously on the surface. "Good. I mean I like her too, it's just..." She wasn't sure if her Mom was gonna like her suggestion her not.
"What is it, honey?"
"Well, it's just that she's staying in the really seedy motel at the edge of town..."
Joyce looked surprised. "You want her to stay here with us?"
"I know it's sudden, but slaying is a tough biz if you don't have a support network...friends. It can be lonely and I just thought she could use the, um, again I use the word support."
"And have you talked to Faith about this?"
"No, no, not yet...and not right away either, but maybe in about a week?" Buffy put on her best winning smile.
"Well, I suppose if it's okay with her, I don't see a problem. We do have a spare room."
Buffy moved around the kitchen to hug her Mom. "Thanks Mom, this is gonna be great."
Returning her hug Joyce said. "It's the least I could do if she's helping keep my daughter safe."
Buffy sighed contentedly as she strolled down the alley with Faith, she'd actually missed this; patrolling with Faith, which was distinctly more pleasant than punching Faith in the face, or getting punched by Faith really. Fighting with her before Gwen Post arrived or when they fought those sword wielding dudes, Buffy had loved the way they could be so in synch with each other. She'd never had that, not even when she patrolled with Angel
Buffy remembered the energy that seemed to roll off of the other girl, the way she fought and the way she revelled in her power. Part of Buffy had always envied Faith and how she embraced her calling, but now all she hoped was that she could help the other girl find a balance in her life; to find something besides the slaying.
Faith looked around. "Didn't we, um, do this street already?"
"Vamps have a tendency to hit a street even after you've been there. Being evil they tend to lack for manners."
Faith shrugged and looked straight ahead. "Mm. You have been doing this the longest."
Buffy looked at her sideways, a little cautiously. "I guess..."
"Yeah. Maybe a little too long."
Buffy got a little irritated. She was actually trying to be friendly this time. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing." Faith said, although a little uneasily.
Buffy sensed that the other girl regretted saying anything. "Am I not...Did I do something?"
"I'm five-by-five, B, Living entirely large. Actually wondering about your problem."
"I'm fine," Buffy insisted. "I'm going completely problem-free nowadays, I'm clean."
"It's just... you're wound kinda tight. Maybe it's about last night or maybe you think I'm steppin' on your toes by comin' to your town."
Buffy stopped and put her hand on Faith's shoulder. "Faith, I've got no problem with you being here, y'know. I'm actually pretty happy that you're here. It's hard to explain..."
"Well if it's not me then what? 'Cause obviously something in your bottle needs uncorking." Faith shrugged. "It is the Angel thing?"
Buffy rolled her eyes. "No, the Angel thing, it was a while ago and I'm okay now, it's just that my friends have a hard time believing me."
Faith stuffed her hands in her pockets. "But the other night, you acted all upset," Something dawned on her and her eyes widened. "You weren't talkin' 'bout him were you? When you said it was tough, fighting someone you reckoned was a friend..."
Buffy took a deep breath and looked into Faith's eyes, seeing the concern there and wanting to tell her the truth, to trust her. But before she could get her answer out she heard multiple growls as a number of vampires rushed them from the dark.
'Oh, thank God.'
Buffy pointed over Faith's shoulder. "Right now, I wanna just fight them. Come on."
Faith, Hope And Tricks (Part 2: Kicking Ass And Kissing Toast)
Time seemed to slow, Buffy moved to the side and forward to give Faith room to move, her muscles tensing as she watched the vampires stalk closer. It was instinct, they were vampires, she was the slayer, and while she might not love the fighting quite as much as Faith at the moment, this she was always sure of; fighting, slaying, winning. There was no uncertainty or confusion or mixed up memories to go along with the violence and now she was glad for that clarity.
Instinctively Buffy ducked a wild swing from the first vamp that came at her and spun to roundhouse kick a second, she then jabbed backwards to smash the first one under the chin before Faith wrenched it of it's feet from behind and threw it against the wall. Buffy pulled out her stake but before she could close on her downed opponent a third vamp smashed her across the back with a pipe, sending her tumbling.
Buffy gasped as she scrambled to recover her stake and shrug off the lancing pain across her shoulders; ducking a second swing from the pipe-wielding vamp she pounded him twice in the face before grabbing his shoulder and flipping him to the ground. As she readied to stake him another vamp caught her wrist and drew her backwards into his grasp.
"For Kakistos we live...For Kakistos, you die." It growled as it bared its teeth against her neck. His two friends we picking themselves up from the ground as Faith proceeded to soundly beat hers to a pulp, shouting at it as she did so.
"YOU...CAN'T... TOUCH...ME!"
'Oh, this is familiar!'
Buffy brought her head back fast against her assailant, stunning him and snapping his head back, before bracing against him and kicking off with both feet to send another one hurtling backwards as she fell to the ground. Then freeing her wrist she drove her stake down and back, dusting the prone vampire under her before scrambling to her feet.
The third vamp, this one with a bad pony tail, drove her back with a few of punishing body blows, driving her back towards a stack of pallets. Buffy blocked, countered with two fierce jabs before ducking and sweeping his legs out from under him. One quick staking later and she was left watching the back of the last vamp as he fled.
Buffy looked on as Faith continued to beat her vamp into sloppy joes. "Okay, someone needs to break this up. Faith!"
She hauled the other slayer of her beaten opponent. "Faith, enough. You won okay, he cried uncle!"
Buffy turned to quickly stake him, leaving them alone.
"You okay?" Buffy asked, deciding not to jump all over Faith this time, more flies with honey and all that.
Faith was a little out of breath. "Yeah, just got caught up in the moment is all."
Buffy nodded cautiously. "Well, one of those guys could easily have had a shot at your back, you gotta be more careful."
"I can handle myself," Faith said defensively.
Buffy held up her hands. "That's not in question; really, you were pounding that guy like he owed you money or something."
Faith relaxed a little and smirked. "Gee, I hope doin' violence to vampires doesn't upset you, it's kinda in the job description."
Buffy smiled at the jibe. "Well, while you were getting all slap-happy I just dusted two." She held up two fingers as she looked around. "Ooh, and the newcomer lags behind..."
"Night's still young. I'm just getting warmed up."
"Good to know, but I'm more concerned about these guys. One of them said something while he was trying to bite me." Buffy looked at Faith and said flatly. "The name Kakistos mean anything to you."
Faith's entire demeanour changed, her smirk dissolved from her face and her eyes widened with fear. "Kakistos." She said, her voice carrying a tremor.
Buffy tried to sound as supportive and concerned as she could. "Faith, what's wrong? Who's this Kakistos guy?"
"Kakistos," Faith said again, running a hand through her hair. "H-he's a vamp, biggest son of a bitch you've ever...I tried to..."
Buffy reached out her hand. "Faith, its okay, but you need to tell me what happened."
Faith shook her head and turned away frantically. "What I need to do is get gone, the sooner the better."
Buffy grabbed her hand. "Faith, what really happened to your watcher? Is she...Did he kill her?"
Faith seemed to freeze, her face turned back to look at Buffy, she looked as terrified and as young as Buffy had remembered. "They don't have a word for what he did to her. I was there...I saw, what he was gonna do to me. I tried to stop him but I couldn't. So I ran..."
Buffy looked into her eyes. "Listen Faith, you didn't do anything wrong, okay. If you hadn't run, you'd be dead too. Now do the math, one vamp, two of us, we stick together we'll be fine.
Buffy continued to hold Faith's hand as she led her away. "Come on, I know where we need to go."
"Buffy?" Giles peered around his apartment door having just put on his glasses. "Is something the matter?"
Buffy was still holding onto the other slayer, who had remained pale and shaken on their way over. "Sorry for the lateitude but we have trouble of the serious kind."
A short time later they were sitting on Giles' couch with hot tea in front of them as Buffy continued to explain. "There's a new vampire in town, goes by the name Kakistos. I'm guessing he's the one responsible for the disappearances. We ran into some of his lackeys, who are thankfully no longer with us. But this vamp- he killed Faith's watcher."
Faith flinched and looked up guiltily at Giles, her face still pale. "'m sorry."
Giles seemed shocked. "Oh, Good lord, you mean he followed you here?"
Faith just nodded, failure seeming to weigh on her slumped shoulders.
Giles nodded thoughtfully. "I have heard of this Kakistos. In Greek the name means the worst of the worst. But it also refers to a vampire so old that his hands and feet are cloven."
Buffy thought about it. "Like how the Master got all 'bat-face' after being around for so long?"
Giles nodded. "Precisely. I also suspect that like the Master he will have, well, a cult following."
Buffy leaned forward and caught Faith's eye. "And we've already taken out some of his guys, okay?"
Faith looked like she was trying to compose herself and gave Buffy a determined nod.
Giles brow furrowed. "I think you should both retire for the rest of the evening, get some rest. We can start researching this fellow in the morning. Faith," his expression changed to one of compassion. "I'm so sorry about your Watcher, Faith. From what I've heard she was a truly remarkable woman."
Faith held Giles' gaze, her mouth contorting like she was trying to say something, but eventually she ducked her eyes and nodded in agreement.
Buffy and Faith got up and left Giles apartment, Faith hugging herself and Buffy casting a grateful look at Giles; he had handled that well.
Outside his place Buffy spoke up. "Hey, you can come back to my house, if you want?"
Faith snapped her head round. "I'm not gonna rabbit on you, B. You don't hafta' keep an eye on me or whatever."
Buffy shook her head. "That wasn't what I was thinking, Faith. I was thinking safety, y'know. Motels aren't homes; if they find you, the vamps can come in any time they want."
Faith sneered at her before turning away. "Well, I don't need a babysitter, I can look after myself. Been doin' it all my life, anyhow."
Buffy bit down her rising anger, she knew that Faith was just scared and lashing out. Buffy thought about how frightened the Master had got her.
"Faith, I know you can take care of yourself. But I also know that everybody needs help, okay. That's why I let my friends help, because I know I can't do this job alone. And I don't think anybody should have to."
Faith was still turned away. "Yeah, well I ain't you," Her voice was softer now.
Buffy looked at Faith, staring at the back of her head and wondering what she was thinking, caught somewhere between exasperated and desperate; Buffy wanted to reach out but the words wouldn't come.
So she thought back to what she knew about Faith; no friends, a loner but maybe not by choice, no family that gave a damn, no supportive mom like Buffy herself had, now no watcher; somebody who had plucked her off the streets, given her a purpose, and probably treated her with more respect and affection than anybody had for a long time.
Buffy reached out and put a hand on Faith's shoulder, feeling her tense muscles underneath.
"No, I'm not you, but I am a slayer, just like you- the only other one in the world, right? That's why you came here looking for me, and since then you've been telling me how alike we are. And, I don't know, maybe you have a point; maybe there are things I can learn from you. God knows I've screwed up enough times, I probably need some pointers...But it can go both ways, Faith, we can learn from each other. "
Buffy took her hand away a little awkwardly. "Which in slayer terms has gotta be a pretty unique sitch, right? 'Cause usually a slayer is way too dead to offer any advice."
She saw Faith relax her posture and turn around, favouring Buffy with a little lop-sided smirk. "So whatcha gonna teach me, Twinkie?"
Buffy smiled in return. "Lots of things, like, for example, how 'B'is an acceptable nickname, but being named after a yellow snack cake, not so much."
Faith grinned a little before faltering and her expression became more serious. "Listen, thanks for the offer but I'll be okay for tonight. Reckon it'll take a while for them to find out where I'm holed up."
Buffy thought back to her internal timeline, she remembered the vamps coming to Faith's place the night after the brawl in the alley, no reason to think that would change.
"Okay, if you're sure. But tomorrow come to the school, things won't be so hectic for me so we can hang out while we plan or strategize...and my god, maybe I do need to find the fun."
Faith laughed at that. "See ya later, B." And with that she took off for her place leaving Buffy alone with the night.
Buffy didn't sleep well that night; her mind seemed too busy with all the connotations of what was happening in her life. She had changed things, used her knowledge to actually alter what had happened from what it was, what she remembered.
And now she knew how.
It had taken her long enough, thinking back to the hospital with Faith, through her tearful regrets and ramblings to what exactly she had said. She had wished, she had asked for that second chance and someone or something had answered her.
Buffy's knowledge of wishes was fairly sparse, since she knew of two things that granted wishes; vengeance demons and leprechauns, and leprechauns weren't even real.
And this really didn't seem like a vengeance thing either, maybe if Faith had made the wish, but she'd been pretty quiet- a coma would do that to you.
So what did that leave? A sorcerer? Maybe a faerie like the ones in children's stories? Rumplesomething, did he grant wishes?
Could be a genie? No, there hadn't been a lamp there or anything. Buffy sighed; she was so large with the not knowing. Maybe Giles would know; maybe she could casually slip it into conversation? Or research it herself? Or ask Willow?
It worried her; from her experience things like this came with a price, but what kind of price? Maybe things get worse? Or one of her friends gets hurt this time round? Or worse somebody dies.
As sleep finally overcame her she decided to deal with it after Kakistos, one thing at a time.
Buffy walked into the library, after pretty much sleepwalking through class, and was pleased to see Faith was there, sitting cross-legged on the desk idly playing with a stake. Willow and Xander were there as well, laughing at something Faith said, and Buffy spotting Giles rooting around behind the counter.
"Hi guys," Buffy greeted. "Don't tell me, more tales of wacky slayer hi-jinks?"
Willow grinned. "Actually we were mocking the fashion disasters that Faith saw when she arrived here this morning."
Faith shook her head. "Never seen so many bright colours on one person 'fore, like a clown exploded near 'em or something."
Xander nodded. "Hence the wackiness. Don't worry Buff, we're not gonna tell her all the embarrassing tales about you. Unless you, y'know, don't pay us."
"I'll take my chances, thanks."
Giles stepped back to the counter, a stack of books in his arms. "Ah, Buffy there you are. I think I have an idea of where we can begin our research."
"Right, Khaki trousers guy, I remember. I'm here and alert, ready to study." She put a hand over her mouth as she yawned.
Giles looked up from the books he was flicking through. "Did you sleep alright?"
Buffy shook her head. "I'm fine really, just been kinda busy up here." She tapped behind her ear.
Xander regarded her sympathetically for a moment. "Does somebody need some sugar?"
"That sounds nice." Then Buffy frowned a little, "As long as you're talking about candy bars and not the whole kissing thing."
Xander laughed nervously. "Um, the first one, really, I'll just go get some study fuel."
Xander left the library and Buffy slumped into one of the chairs, tilting her head to look at Faith.
"So how was your night, any trouble?"
"Five-by-five, B, just like I said it'd be. Seems like I slept better too, looking at you."
Buffy stifled another yawn. "So, you've been here since this morning?" She looked around at the books scattered across the table, a few resting open near Faith, "Researching?"
Faith made a face. "Not exactly my speed, B. Giles was showing me the weapons and I told him more about Kakistos, what I know anyways."
"Giles says that all vampires who get that old tend to develop some kind of special ability," Willow added. "We've just got to find out what."
Faith scowled down at the table. "Well, his head ain't axe-proof, that's for damn sure. I made him even more butt-ugly than he was before."
Buffy thought about it. "So, we're not going to bump into him out patrolling. That probably means he'll only act when his people know where you are." She turned to look at Giles, "I say we stake out Faith's place tonight, loaded with weapons. And when they arrive we ambush them."
Giles, chewing on his glasses as he read, looked up. "Are you quite sure they'll do such a thing? It seems more likely they'll try and ambush you whilst patrolling again."
Buffy nodded. "Yeah, but I bet this Kakistos guy has a serious mad-on for Faith after what she did. And I'm also betting he's not going to be waiting patiently for his guys to fetch and carry. As soon as he thinks he knows where you are he'll come in force."
Faith smiled grimly and nodded. "Instead he finds us loaded for bear."
"That's my brilliant plan."
"Oh, dear." Giles murmured.
Buffy frowned. "We don't like my brilliant plan?"
Giles looked up. "No, I...I mean that's not what I was commenting on. I've just found a rather grim 16th century account of a battle that Kakistos was involved in, outside Santiago."
Buffy raised her eyebrows. "San Diego?"
Giles gave a long suffering sigh. "Santiago de Campostela, a famous religious site in Northern Spain."
"I'm guessing it went badly for the other guys." Willow replied sadly.
"It says here that his 'breast could not be penetrated with arrow nor with spear', um, that he couldn't be staked. At least not by any normal means."
"Was he wearing armour?" Willow asked. "Because isn't that like cheating."
Giles shook his head. "No, uh, according to this description it's far more likely that, given his age his bones may have, uh, changed somehow."
Buffy didn't like the sound of that. "Changed how."
Giles carried the book over to the table and seemed to be trying to cross-reference something. "Most likely a fused sternum, where the spaces between the ribs would be replaced with more bone and the ribcage itself may also warp."
'And I thought I was just having an off day.'
He turned to Faith with an open book. "Was his body shape anything like that? Barrel-chested?"
Faith flinched and glanced away. "Pretty much, yeah."
Giles set the book down and sighed. "It is, well, a fairly rare vampiric trait brought on by extreme old age. And given that it was evidenced in the sixteenth century..."
"Then he's probably much older, got it." Buffy finished as she straightened up, "Still, with the two of us, I still think we're looking at one very old pile of dust come night-time.
A couple more hours of research later with no new helpful data Buffy was getting restless, one look at Faith showed that she felt the same way. Faith hadn't really looked at any books, instead spending her time packing up a collection of crossbows, stakes, and holy water, as well as a couple of axes into a large canvas bag.
"All set?" Buffy asked as she closed a particularly boring tome.
"Everything a girl needs to get her slay on," Faith patted the bag. "I'm thinkin' I'll take off for the motel, get changed before the sun goes down."
Buffy stood and grabbed her bag. "We'll both go; I'm being zero help here. It's all 'stakes are a big waste of time' over and over."
Willow looked concerned. "Be careful."
Buffy gave a reassuring smile to her as Giles came out of his office. "Buffy, if I could have a moment."
Buffy nodded to Faith. "I'll catch up." She walked over to Giles, "So what's up?"
"Just to tell you that I've informed the Council of the situation here, and they approved my request, Faith is to stay here indefinitely, I'm to look after the both of you until a new watcher is found." Giles removed his glasses and began to clean them. "How do you think she's doing?"
"She's dealing, but I don't think she'll be okay until she kills this guy and gets some closure."
Giles nodded in sympathy. "Well I just wanted to say you're being remarkably supportive. I know you have some issues of your own to work out as well."
"It's a relief actually, focusing on someone else's problems for a change." Buffy shrugged, "Besides, if she's going to be here for a while then I should at least get to know her."
"Agreed. Oh and Buffy, be careful tonight, this is a particularly dangerous vampire you'll be facing."
"Aren't I always careful?" Buffy said walking towards the double doors. "Besides Faith'll probably just shove a support beam through his chest and that'll be that."
Buffy stepped through the doors and almost ran into Scott. "Oh, uh, sorry. Were... you waiting for me?"
Scott smiled nervously. "Hi and yes I was."
Buffy smiled awkwardly. "Listen Scott I really have to be..."
"I know, be somewhere else. Think of this as my last ditch effort, I realise that one more will qualify as stalking." He paused to catch his breath, "I've given a lot of thought, some might say too much thought, to how I might be a part of your life. It begins with conversation, we all know this. Maybe over a cup of coffee, maybe at the Buster Keaton festival- playing on State Street all this weekend..."
'Buster Keaton, Yeesh...'
Buffy sighed. "Listen Scott, you're sweet and all but I'm not really...interested in dating any guy right now. I just, I'm in a really weird place right now and I'm taking a break from the whole guy scene, so, um, sorry and I really have to..."
Buffy left hurriedly leaving a puzzled Scott behind.
Buffy made it to Faith's motel with the sun hanging low over Sunnydale, climbing up the steps she knocked on the door.
Buffy heard movement from inside and then the door opened, Faith stood there dressed only in a short, tight, red t-shirt and black panties, her hair was still wet from the shower and she was holding a stake in one hand.
Buffy smiled. "You remember what I said about vamps and no manners, they rarely knock. Also it's daytime."
Faith shrugged as she left the door open and went over to her bed. "Yeah, well you could've been the manager hitting me up for some cash."
"And you thought you'd stake him."
Faith gave her a look. "The way he's been lookin' at me, thought I'd give him a little show." She gestured to herself, "Get him to lay off about the rent."
Buffy hesitated. "I could help out with that..."
Faith shook her head as she sat on the bed and pulled on her leather pants. "Not a charity case, B. I'll figure somethin' out."
Buffy looked around the room as Faith finished getting dressed. She'd forgotten how grim it was here, the kind of place you'd stay only if you had nowhere else to go. She decided she wasn't going to let Faith stay here again, that's for sure, charity or not.
Faith caught her looking. "You like it so much, I'm pretty sure I could get you a sweet deal for the one next door."
Buffy reddened a little. "Sorry, but, uh, at least you've space, lots of space. And a bath, that probably helps with the, um, bathing and all."
Faith stood and picked up the bag. "C'mon Blondie," she smirked. "Let's get this over with, and then, if your real good maybe I'll let you use the bath later."
They didn't walk far from the motel, across the street through a small car park to a patch of waste ground where they decided to wait. Buffy turned and saw they had a decent view of the whole street, even with night closing in they should be able to see anyone lurking about.
"Won't be long now, he's pretty close."
Faith crouched to load one of the crossbows. "How do you know?"
'Oh, because he chased us to his lair from right about over there...'
"Um, well, it's the poor side of town, right? Lots of abandoned buildings to hole up in during the day, makes sense they'll have a nest nearby."
Buffy had actually tried to remember the exact location of Kakistos's nest from memory, but it had been so confusing that night, the vampires had chased the both of them all over the place before leading them there.
"Locked and loaded," Faith said handing a crossbow to Buffy. "You a good shot?"
Buffy nodded. "I do alright, what about you?"
Faith grinned proudly. "Oh yeah, Diana said I was a natural dead shot."
Buffy looked at her. "Diana was your Watcher, right?"
Faith's grin faded. "Yeah, she...she was alright, y'know."
Buffy nodded in sympathy. "If you ever want to talk..."
"Right now I mainly wanna kill things, but, uh, thanks." Faith stuffed a couple of stakes in her denim jacket and picked up an axe before looking at the both of them. "If anyone saw us like this..."
"I wouldn't worry; the people who live here tend to ignore the weird and the unexplained."
Faith raised her eyebrows, "And chicks walking about with battleaxes?"
"Um, we'll say were taking them to an antiques be cleaned or valued or something."
"You sure the cops are gonna buy that?"
Buffy smiled. "Sunnydale cops? Probably."
Buffy then held up her hand as she saw movement on the street, a quiet figure shifting through the shadows heading straight for Faith's motel room. The figure moved up the stairs and paused before moving over to the window, peering in at empty space.
Faith moved a little closer. "Perv or Vamp, which d'ya think?"
Buffy followed the figure as he suddenly turned and leapt over the railing to the ground. "Our survey says vampire."
Before either of the slayers could move closer the figure waved a hand over to a car idling a half a block down the street, a limousine by the look of things.
The limo moved a little up the street, stopping again outside the motel; waiting.
Faith tensed up. "That's him. I know it, I feel him."
In the street light Buffy saw the spotter for the first time as he leaned down to talk to the passenger, she recognised him as the vampire from the other night- the one that ran from them.
Buffy nodded. "There's a familiar face, looks like he came back for a second date."
As suddenly as it had appeared the limo drove off down the street leaving the vampire alone outside the motel.
"Looks like we're only dusting the one tonight." Faith said raising her crossbow.
Buffy held up her hand. "Or we get him to tell us where their nest is..."
Faith nodded as she and Buffy moved stealthily towards the motel, but when they got within twenty feet the vampire, seeming to sense he was being watched, turned and spotted Buffy as she stepped out onto the pavement.
The vampire shifted on his haunches before suddenly turning and running towards the back of the motel, Buffy cursed and began to give chase as Faith again raised her crossbow.
"Faith, no!"
Faith ignored her and fired at the fleeing vampire as he was about to climb up onto a car and leap to the roof of a building, instead though he tumbled to ground letting out a strangled cry. The two slayers ran over to his prone form and in the illumination of the motel sign Buffy saw that a bolt had neatly skewered the vamp's thigh, which he was now clutching in pain.
Buffy looked wide-eyed at Faith. "Nice shot."
Faith grinned, pleased with herself. "Stick around, maybe I'll teach you."
Buffy shook her head as she squatted down next to the vamp. "Say, don't I know you? Isn't that nice, running into old friends, it happens so rarely in my line of work. So, now that we're all caught up, where are you staying in town? Please be exact."
The vampire grimaced in pain. "For Kakistos we live..."
Faith stomped on his leg and the vampire cried out in pain. "Tell us something new."
The vampire grinned around his pain. "You are nothing to us slayer, nothing. I followed you last night, heard you talk, you're terrified. Little girl lost without her Watcher, and now your friends' too."
'Giles, he followed us to Giles' place...'
"Oh, no..." Buffy stood up and backed away from him, her mind whirling from the fact that she might just have gotten her Watcher killed. The vampire laughed again before Faith slammed a stake into his chest.
"We've gotta move, B, you know a shortcut?"
Buffy shook her head. "What?"
"A shortcut to Giles, cut through the alleys or something."
Buffy simply turned on her heels and ran as fast as she could, hoping that Faith could keep up and praying that they weren't too late.
Buffy made it to the end of Giles' street in pretty much record time, in time enough to see the limousine pull up in front of Giles place and stop. Doors swiftly opened and figures climbed out, Buffy counted five, with one big enough to count for another three.
Buffy paused briefly to raise her crossbow and shoot into the group before discarding it and pulling her stake. She saw one vampire, a blonde woman, reel away in pain and the others turn there attention towards her.
With a grunt she dived at the group, lashing out a foot at one before backhanding another, sending him sliding over the car. Grabbing a surprised vampire by the jacket, she threw him face first into the car window of the limo before pounding a stake into his back. As he was dusted the female vamp managed to jerk out her crossbow bolt and the vampire Buffy had just kicked whirled to face her.
Buffy recognised him as Mr. Trick, right-hand vamp for hire. This year would go a whole lot easier if she could stake him right now.
"Slayer," He grinned as he circled her. "I believe this dance is mine."
He lashed out fast, catching her in the side with his leg before grabbing her and slamming her against the car. Buffy squirmed against his strength; leaning backwards she suddenly twisted and lashed out, catching him in the chest with a well-placed elbow before flipping him over her shoulder.
"Guess what, the music stopped." Buffy drove her stake at him but he quickly rolled away and back to his feet.
"But the beat goes on." He finished, but then stepped back.
Buffy turned around just in time to see a large clawed fist lash her across the face, sending her to the ground.
'Ow... he hits hard,'
"Mr. Trick, fetch the gasoline and burn the Watcher out. We are wasting time here." Kakistos rumbled.
Buffy flipped to her feet. "Actually this is a good cardio workout for me."
With that she launched a couple of kicks at the huge vampire, hammering her foot into his side, which still felt like she was kicking a tree. She punched him in the gut again before ducking a slicing forearm and driving her stake into his chest.
Kakistos laughed, grabbed her wrist and twisted it, making her release the stake. He then effortlessly threw Buffy around and slammed her hard against the car, grinning as she tumbled to the ground.
"I guess you need a bigger stake, slayer."
Buffy looked up as Kakistos loomed over her, and then suddenly she saw Faith standing on the roof of the limousine, axe raised above her head with both hands.
Faith snarled. "Motherfucker," as she swung the axe downwards and to the side with all her strength, like she was felling a tree. The blade struck Kakistos's neck as he was turning to look and then there was no head on his massive body, there was just a thunk noise as something bounced off the hood of the car. Kakistos fell to the ground and exploded into dust.
Faith seemed to sag with relief as she climbed to the ground and helped Buffy to her feet.
Buffy looked around for Mr. Trick but, of course, he was gone. She then turned to the brunette.
Buffy smiled. "Potty-mouth."
Faith shrugged. "Seemed like the thing to say, oh, and you're welcome."
"Well I was just keeping him busy while you caught up."
"Didn't know little legs could move that fast." Faith nodded at the house. "You're Watcher okay?"
Buffy sighed with relief. "Probably still asleep. C'mon, I'll say thanks by buying you dinner, you hungry?"
"I can't believe you got all that in your mouth?" Buffy gaped across the booth at the other girl, "So what happened? Bitten by a radioactive Anaconda? Taught some strange technique by a circus freak? What?"
Faith, her cheeks stretched out by food, merely smiled and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. She set down the remains of her second massive cheeseburger of the night and reached for her milkshake, managing to poke the straw between her lips as she chewed.
Buffy just shook her head and bit into her chicken salad sandwich daintily, which she was quite steadily demolishing; unlike Faith she wasn't trying to be set some kind of record.
The diner they were in was quiet, a nice little retro place with a few couples talking in low murmurs and relaxed waitresses tending tables; a lot nicer than the one she had worked at in LA. And a hell of a lot nicer than the one she'd gone to with Faith the first time around, but unsurprisingly Giles lived in a much nicer neighbourhood than a bunch of smelly vamps.
They'd sat down half an hour ago in exhausted silence before ordering, and then Buffy had used the payphone outside to call a slightly tired and grouchy Giles and tell him that Kakistos was so much dust. She had gotten back to find Faith ordering two double cheeseburgers, fries and a shake; she'd then asked Buffy what she was having.
"Man, you are such a chick. 'Can I have low-fat mayo, please.'?" Faith shook her head after the waitress had left.
"I'm watching my figure," Buffy grumbled. "Just because I don't eat like a pig."
"What can I say, I'm a gal who likes to indulge her appetites," Faith grinned widely showing Buffy her cute dimples, she'd rarely seen the brunette so relaxed. Like Buffy had told Giles, all Faith needed was closure and now it seemed a weight had been lifted.
Buffy pouted. "Besides, I'm treating myself to dessert after. Modern medicine has for too long ignored the healing power of ice cream."
Faith grinned. "This girl just can't be tamed. Seriously B, do you have any vices?"
Buffy counted things off on her fingers. "Let's see; Shopping, shoes, more shopping, ice skating shows, ooh and did I mention shopping?"
"You are so vanilla..."
"Well, maybe I don't sleep in the nude or wrestle alligators,"
Faith leaned forward and looked into her eyes. "Well maybe it's time you started; guarantee you'll have more fun."
Buffy stared right back. "Well maybe I will," then she frowned. "The first one anyway, I don't think we have any alligators in Sunnydale. Maybe the zoo, but I can't break in there. I just couldn't cross that line."
Faith, seemingly busily trying to imagine something, smirked. "What line's that?"
"The 'something a drunken frat guy might do' line. I have my pride."
They bantered like that until food arrived and then Buffy had watched in amazement as Faith devoured her meal with relish, sucking her fingers and making quiet murmurs of enjoyment.
Buffy dabbed hers lips with a napkin as she looked on. "Also, are you always this loud?"
Faith licked her lips. "Y'know, you keep pitching me all these suggestive questions, I might just make you blush."
Buffy raised her eyebrows. "I think you'll find I'm harder to shock than you think."
"Okay then," Faith leaned forward with a sly smile, her voice getting low and husky. "You ever notice how food tastes so much better after a good slay, it's like that with the sex as well- I swear doesn't take too much for a guy to get me off afterwards, and I come pretty hard too. Hell, everything's better, I think it's all that energy, y'know? Doesn't just go away, it just buzzes under your skin, making you feel so alive you feel as though you can do anything. Have anybody."
Faith leaned back smiling. "You ever notice that?"
Buffy, suddenly feeling a little hot, just shook her head. ", never noticed that."
Faith gave her a look like she knew she was lying but then just shrugged. "Whatever. So, you want dessert?"
Afterwards, as they walked back through Sunnydale Buffy was deep in thought, wondering about tonight and the unintended consequences that had put Giles in danger.
She decided that maybe she should closer to the script, do most of the things she remembered doing- like dating Scott Hope. If she didn't date him then maybe there would be some unforeseen consequence, like he could go out on one of the nights when they had been dating and end up getting hurt, or killed or even vamped.
But if she dated him, which hadn't been a bad thing after all, she could then change only the bad things that were going to happen.
"B? Buffy?"
Buffy blinked and looked at Faith. "Huh? I mean...I'm listening."
"Yeah, listening to the sounds on whatever planet you were on just now. Everything okay?"
Buffy smiled at Faith's concerned look. "I'm just thinking that I might give Scott Hope another chance."
Buffy thought she saw a flicker of disappointment on Faith's face before it broke into a smile. "You gonna go and look him up right now?"
Buffy giggled. "Ew, no. I mean, at school tomorrow." She looked sideways at the other slayer, "Unless, if you like him, y'know, you could date him. I wouldn't mind really."
Faith shrugged. "Nah, it's cool. I don't really 'date' anyways."
Buffy saw Faith's motel in the distance so she slowed to a stop. "Um, listen I don't really know how to say this, or even if it will make you feel better, so I'm just going to say it okay?"
Faith stood with an expectant look on her face. "What's up?"
"Giles, um, wasn't my first Watcher," Buffy said quietly. "In L.A, when I was first called...chosen, there was this guy called Merrick, he's the one who started...teaching me or whatever. I wasn't really the best student, not very focused or brave really. I kind of gave him a lot of attitude."
"What happened?" Faith's voice was soft.
"There was a vampire, a real Anne Rice freak- Lothos I think his name was. Anyway he came at my watcher and I wasn't ready...I couldn't protect him. Merrick told me to run and then... he killed himself before Lothos could turn him into a vampire."
"Jeez, that's rough."
"I felt guilty for a long time after that, like I'd let him down or something. But, I don't think I did, not really. Slayers fight and Watchers help how they can; but the point is that the Watchers almost always outlast their slayer; they get to see them die. So the longer I live, I think, the prouder Merrick would be of me, of what he helped me to be. And tonight... I think you made Diana really proud, doing what you did."
Faith looked at Buffy for what seemed like a long time. Her eyes, dark in the moonlight, seemed sad and solemn, like she was remembering something. Then she gently took Buffy hand and squeezed it. For a moment Buffy didn't know what the other slayer was going to do and then suddenly Faith leaned into her, Buffy felt Faith's breath against her cheek, and then her soft lips pressing there for a moment before she pulled away.
"Thanks, B. G'night." She left Buffy standing on the sidewalk.
Buffy watched the other girl leave, her heart thumping a little from both the kiss and what she had told Faith, what she had wanted to tell her for the longest time. There was no guilt in screwing up, because everyone does it, but if you were very lucky you got a second chance to do things right.
Beauty And The Beasts (Part 1: Girl Talk, Boy Trouble)
"Faith Lehane," Buffy thought about it. "I like it. It fits."
Faith shrugged. "It's a name, B. I don't really think too much about it."
The two slayers were walking side by side through the cemetery, the night was clear and the moon was full. Buffy thought it was kind of romantic, even if she was strolling about looking for vampires. With a girl. Buffy just had to use her imagination a little.
It had been a week since the two slayers had dealt with Kakistos and since then had been patrolling together for a few hours almost every night. Buffy was determined to get to know Faith a little better, between staking the undead that is.
"Is that Irish? It sounds kind of Irish."
"Well, there is a whole lot of Irish in Boston, you know. It's kinda known for it." Faith looked at her and grinned.
'Well, that's another 'thing I didn't know about Faith that I should've known the first time round' ticked off the list.'
"Well my full name is Buffy Anne Summers." Buffy replied. "It's like my Mom just knew I was gonna be a cheerleader."
"You were a cheerleader?"
"Is that your question?"
Faith shook her head and lapsed into silence as she thought about what to say. Buffy's brilliant plan to get to know Faith more, and also break up the boredom, was a game of Q and A.
So far she'd found out that Faith liked baseball, specifically she was a Red Sox fan (no surprise there), loved gory horror movies (yuck), hated musicals (Buffy agreed in principal since she hadn't seen one she'd liked) and if she had to eat one food for the rest of her life it would've been popcorn (cookies!). All vital information, Buffy thought.
"Hey, you ever catch kids doing the diddy out here?" Faith asked. Her questions tended to be more sex-related than Buffy's.
"Nah. There's a smooch spot up by the woods. That's usually where kids go."
"Yeah? I bet you and Scott have been up there kickin' the gear shifts."
Buffy gave her a sidelong glance. "Hardly. We've only been on two dates. I don't move that fast."
Faith smirked knowingly as she toyed with her stake. "But you like him, right? When you think about him you get that good, low down tickle."
"I don't know...he's okay I guess." Buffy twirled one of her pigtails. "It's just, he's normal – very actually, and I'm not sure I'm ready to seriously date again. Don't suppose you'd have any advice you'd care to share."
"I get it, the whole secret ID thing, it kinda screws things up. You're thinking how a normal guy fits into all that crazy shit, or if it's even possible. Personally, it looks like you're overthinkin' things, y'know. Just go with what feels good, forget about the rest."
Buffy was impressed. "That made a sort of sense, don't dwell or over think. Live in the moment."
Faith smiled in mock admiration. "Man, B. You make me sound so smart."
"Okay, sorry- didn't mean to patronize. Anyway, it was my turn to ask a question. Um, okay, what's the first thing you look for in a guy?"
Faith's smile widened into a grin. "Gotta say I like a guy with rhythm, I meet someone in a club who can keep up with me while dancin' then maybe he knows his way round a little horizontal two-step, y'know?"
Buffy frowned at that. "So what, no conversation, no witty jokes, no finding out if you have anything in common?"
Faith smirked. "Nope, not an issue. A cute smile, a nice butt and stamina- the only things I'm interested in. Look B, when are y'gonna learn, nine times out of ten, a guy wants one thing from a girl. And I don't care how sensitive they act, their all just in it for the chase."
Buffy was a little taken aback, even though she though she knew Faith's view of relationships pretty well. "Gee, that's nice and depressing. How did you get so cynical?"
"Not cynical. Realistic. Every guy who sees a girl like you or me," Faith's gaze drifted down Buffy's form to emphasise what she was saying. "Guaranteed there's one on his mind; wild, animal sex as soon as possible. Rest is just talk."
"Yeah? What about Oz or Xander, they don't think like that."
Faith raised her eyebrows. "You see the way Xander was checkin' me out? Besides high school ain't the real world. Sooner you learn that the better off you'll be. Believe me."
Buffy sighed. Faith's world view had a way of profoundly depressing her. How could a seventeen year old have the same thought process as a bitter old spinster? Faith's trust issues probably had trust issues.
Faith looked around. "Place looks dead tonight. And not the fun walkin' around type of dead either."
Buffy agreed. "A whole lot of no fun for Buffy."
"B, when you start referin' to yourself in the third person even I know that's a bad sign, so what's up?"
Buffy glanced at the other girl. "Nothing...It's just, what you said about people, guys, it seems way too grim to me. I don't think you can be happy with that outlook. Y'know, maybe it's just Boston guys, like that Matt Damon character- I never liked him- kinda shifty."
Faith shrugged expansively. "Hey, I'm five-by-five here, B. You're the one who doesn't seem to be having any fun." Faith stepped in a little closer. "Is it Scotty- hasn't he been pulling you into the janitor's closet and giving you the old…"
With that Faith made her trademark grunting noise that made Buffy simutaneously blush and roll her eyes.
"I told you I don't…"
"Have any speed other than 'good girl', I got it." Faith was now walking backwards in front of Buffy as she talked, she then looked a little uncomfortable for a moment. "Is it, y'know, the whole Angel thing?"
Buffy looked at the ground, Faith seemed to have forgotten her moment of insight about Buffy's state of mind when they had first met, and Buffy was fine with that- she didn't even begin to know how to explain this whole screwed up situation to anyone, never mind Faith.
"Angel...the Angel-y part of my life, it's over now. I have to accept that he won't be coming back. It was great while it lasted." Buffy saw Faith's sceptical look, "It was, Faith. Being with him...I loved him more than anything, and I know he loved me. Even with the bad stuff- pain, heartbreak, so much crying that I regularly had to hydrate myself, I'm still glad it happened."
Faith cocked her head like Buffy had just suddenly started speaking Spanish, and then shook her head. "Whatever. Point is you're movin' on right. I don't see the prob."
"No problem, let's just forget it, okay. You're happy then I'm happy." Buffy thought about it and smiled. "It's nice, actually. Talking to someone about Angel, everyone else- there's a history there, they wouldn't understand and I wouldn't feel comfy with it. So thanks."
Faith gave her a cocky smirk. "Y'know me Buffy, built for comfort."
"And speed, apparently." Buffy snarked.
"I can't help it if I know what guys want."
"And so modest too..."
"I don't think that's true. That every guy is in it for the chase." Willow commented, seemingly a little nervous.
Buffy nodded. "I know it's an awful generalisation, she had a few bad experiences maybe?"
Suddenly at the top of the stairs they were interrupted by a shout. "Hey, Buffy! Wait up!"
Scott moved over to them quickly, Buffy rolled her eyes good-naturedly towards Willow who made an aww face at Oz, who in turn remained typically neutral.
He stood next to her. "Hey. That's pretty much why I stopped you. Hey."
Buffy shook her head like he was a nut, but she was pleased. Smiling she said, "Hey Scott."
Following up behind Scott were his two friends Pete and Debbie, Buffy remembered them from last 'year' and had vowed to herself to keep an eye on Pete as best she could.
Debbie and Oz obviously knew each other and launched into a conversation about Jazz band, Buffy tuned them out a little, remembering that last night had been a wolf moon for Oz. So somebody had already got hurt because of Pete- a James or Jim or John something. Buffy felt pretty terrible for not remembering anything about the poor guy so that she could've saved him but she'd been overtaken by everything else last time.
"We didn't miss flowers did we?" Scott was asking her, a little anxiously.
"Uh, not as far as I know. We're still pre-posy." 'That reminds me.'
She checked her watch. "Ooh, I've got Mr. Platt today,"
Debbie brushed her hair back and made a face. "Mr. Platt, the school counsellor?"
"Yep. I've need to convince him I'm chock full of sanity so I can stay in school."
Scott looked thoughtful. "Sane. Okay. Topics to avoid- the little men that live in your teeth... Your compulsion to paint circus clowns..."
Buffy looked solemn. "But if God keeps telling me to kill- it just seems snotty not too, you know?"
Scott smiled. "You'll do fine."
Debbie gave Buffy a warning look. "Platt creeps me out. I would totally quit going, but I'm flunking senior bio and my teacher says I have 'success issues'."
Buffy flicked her gaze over to Pete who had remained quiet throughout- obviously he had his own issues with Debbie getting some help. This time she'd make sure she'd stop him before he hurt Mr. Platt.
Buffy broke in. "I've gotta run." She turned to Scott and gave him a quick kiss. "See you."
Buffy, Willow and Oz separated from the others and headed down the hallway, Buffy quickly noticed Willow was giving her a sappy smile.
Willow giggled. "Oh nothing, just you and Scott- kissing at school."
"Not a big deal. We've kissed before."
The redhead nodded. "But that was in the dark, alone. A school kiss is different- a whole 'nother deal. Its statement-y, it says 'hey peers, we're smooching'.
Buffy frowned. "You think it was too much. Too fast, I'm going too fast. Ooh, damn that Faith and her cajoling- she says I'm going too slowly."
Willow looked at her with an unreadable expression. "You talked to Faith about Scott?"
"No, about relationships in general. Will, she is the voice of experience when it comes to guys- in fact she's like a hard-bitten veteran with a thousand yard stare, but still. I'd just thought I'd get her input." Buffy glanced at her watch again. "Crap. Anyway, catch you later."
"The Two o'clock, Buffy Summers."
Buffy entered the office and quickly took a seat. Platt was turned away, finishing a cigarette.
Buffy looked round the room, smiling at the memory of it all. "Buffy Summers, reporting for sanity."
Platt turned around in his chair, his expression warm and amiable. "If I didn't know better I'd swear you sound pleased to be here."
Buffy watched as he stubbed out the remains of his cigarette into an ashtray and then put the ashtray in his desk drawer. He then extracted a can of air freshener and sprayed the air a bit.
Buffy smiled at what he was doing. "So, you smoke and you swear. And what kind of example are you trying to set Mr. Guidance counsellor?"
Platt gestured vaguely at the wall where he had framed plaques. "See, I have my credentials. Listen Buffy, you may have your doubts about this whole process and that's okay. But I think what you need is a trained, not-to-crazy professional who you can talk to and will always give you honest opinion. Which I offer."
Buffy's smile widened, she remembered why she liked this guy so much. "Okay. Well, you probably know that I ran away. My Mom and I had a big, intense fight and...I bailed, I guess I couldn't deal. But I'm back...obviously, and I'm moving on, I even met someone new. I'm all kinds of good."
Platt moved around the desk, leaned on it and looked at her intently. "All good things. But still- it feels like you're bringing me in at the end of the movie."
Buffy shrugged, deciding to take the question a bit more seriously. "Okay, well I was dating this guy. It ended badly. And that's why I freaked."
"So tell me about this guy. The bad-ending guy."
Buffy looked at her hands. "He was my first... I loved him. But then he changed. Actually he broke my heart and left me. And, I guess, part of me wonders if I'll ever really love like that again. Or, if I can even let myself."
Platt nodded sympathetically. "You know- lots of people lose themselves in love. There's no shame in it, Buffy. Hey, they write songs about it. The thing is- you can't stay lost. Sooner or later you have to get back to yourself." He paused. "Still, it sounds like you are trying- this moving on to someone new?"
Buffy smiled at the thought. "Yeah, Faith makes me feel better." 'Oh God what did I just say.'
Platt raised his eyebrows slightly. "Faith is a...girl, I'm guessing."
Buffy was sure had face had caught fire. "Um...N-no, what I meant was Faith is a friend, a new friend. Not a romance friend. I mean I have a romance friend, his name is Scott and he's very nice and obviously a boy, not that I had him checked or anything, but it's just he looks like a boy and Faith looks very much like a girl, y'know?"
Platt nodded. "So you just got the two of them...mixed up, is that right?"
"Right, you bet. It was a slip. Two new people in my life and, I'm just not used to saying their names, so- I'm guessing a crossed wire. Not an actual crossed wire in the brain- like a mental thing." Buffy was almost impressed at how her ability to make simple sentences had simply vanished.
Platt pulled a notebook over a made a note in it. Then smiled at her. "Are you done?"
Buffy laughed weakly. "So, I'm guessing that's you pencilling me in for tomorrow?"
Buffy walked into the library, still thinking about her slip. Faith did make her feel better- but not in a romance way. Just helping her made Buffy feel good about herself...and Faith. Stupid counsellors and their stupid confusing questions.
Then she stopped as she noticed Giles, Willow, Oz, Xander and Cordelia sitting round looking glum.
"I'm afraid to ask."
Cordelia piped up. "Oz ate someone last night."
Willow looked stricken. "He did not!"
Xander jumped to Oz's defence. "Oz does not eat people. It's more like werewolf play. You know- I bat you around a little bit, like a cat toy. I have harmless wolf-fun. Is it Oz's fault that, you know, side effect, people get cut to ribbons and then..."
Buffy frowned. "Not helping, Xander."
Giles was calmer, although even he sounded worried. "Oz may have out of his cage last night."
Oz's usual unflabbable-ness was strained. "Or there's another werewolf roaming the woods."
Giles scratched his forehead. "Perhaps. Or perhaps it was something else entirely."
'Oh, don't worry guys- it's just my new boyfriend's best buddy on a rampage. What are the odds, huh?'
Buffy walked towards them sounding confident. "Look, guys, its okay. We'll work together and we'll figure this out. I mean, Oz was in the cage this morning, right? That probably means it was someone else. A vampire or an animal, maybe even a person." She looked at Oz. "We look at everything before we jump to any conclusions."
She looked at Giles. "Who was the guy?"
"Um, Jeff Walken, he was a student here."
"Jeff..." Buffy had been pretty far from guessing the actual name, but still.
Giles looked at her a little concerned. "You knew him?"
"Only a little, from last year."
Giles nodded. "Well, uh, anyway, Buffy- you should patrol the woods. The rest of you check out the morgue."
"Right, we can check if it's a werewolf kill or not," Willow tried to sound positive. Then she looked concerned, "But what about Oz?"
Giles thought for a moment. "Um, well I have some research materials at home that I need to look at but, uh, we could ask Faith to watch over him."
"Oh, you're having a slayer watch me. It's good we're not over-reacting." Oz, freaking, got up to go leave but Willow hurried after him and put a hand on his shoulder.
Oz turned to her. "Okay. You know that thing where you bail in the middle of an upsetting conversation? I have to do that. It's kinda dramatic, I know but sometimes it's a necessary guy thing."
Willow nodded in understanding. "I know. And I want you too. Do the guy thing- but..." She gestured at the clock, which showed it was close to sunset.
Buffy watched as they both walked over to the cage, seeing Oz's frustration and Willow's worry made her more determined that there wouldn't be anymore people hurt, she just had to figure out how.
She looked at Giles. "I'll swing by Faith's and tell her what's up before going out, then I'll see if we can find another suspect."
Giles looked out the window at the approaching night. "I hope we do."
Willow turned away from the cage looking like she was going to be sick. Buffy walked over to her and put a hand on her arm. "It's going to be alright. We'll find the bad guy and stop them, trust me."
Willow nodded like she wasn't really listening. "I need to get all burglar-y, find out who did this."
Buffy let her leave with Xander and Cordelia in tow. Sometimes knowing the truth and been unable to tell anybody was just no fun at all. She sighed- other things that were no fun included hunting the woods for an animalistic Angel-shaped person and then chaining him up in a nearby mansion.
Buffy was sure nobody else had trouble like this with their ex.
Faith smiled as she opened the door. "Hey, B. You're a little early for patrol, just gimme a sec."
Buffy walked in and as Faith turned away she found herself looking over the other girl, in a totally not checking her out kind of way. Faith was dressed in black boots, a tight black t-shirt and a short denim skirt.
'Wait, Faith owns a skirt?'
Faith looked good, Buffy could admit that, with her taste in clothes and makeup, tattoo and long dark hair Faith had the 'bad girl' appeal that Buffy knew a lot of guys went crazy for. Maybe some girls too, for all she knew. But not Buffy. After all, this girl had at one time held a knife to her throat after threatening to torture her. Admittedly she had then kissed Buffy on the forehead, which made her the only girl to do that since Hemery High. And even then those had been friend kisses on the cheek not big, sloppy evil kisses.
And of course there had been the other Faith kiss. The sweet, shy kiss from last week that Buffy didn't want to think about because it was confusing.
Because Buffy had felt something from that kiss, her heart had sped up and her skin had flushed. Like it had been a romantic kiss and not a 'thank you' kiss, and Faith hadn't mentioned it again anyway which meant Buffy should just forget about it as well.
At the moment Buffy was thinking that therapy was damaging to her mental health.
Putting on a denim jacket that matched her outfit Faith caught Buffy staring. "What?"
"Nothing," Buffy managed not to splutter, since she'd been doing that a lot earlier today. "You, um, look nice." She figured Not-evil Faith deserved a compliment.
Faith flicked her hair away from her jacket. "Figure I'd hit the Bronze a little later after we finish up."
"Actually, um, you might have to change your dance plans. I need a favour. Someone from the school got killed last night- looks like an animal attack, maybe even a werewolf." Buffy sat on Faith's bed. "The others are doing research- looking at the body and stuff, so I was wondering if you could watch Oz tonight; make sure he stays in his cage. I know it's not fun- but it is important."
Faith frowned and scratched the back of her head. "I guess I could. What're you gonna be doing?"
"I'll poke out in the woods to see if anything else is roaming about."
Faith crossed her arms. "Well, y'see, t'me that seems a bit more fun. Why can't I do that?"
Buffy rolled her eyes. "Because I know the woods, and I've hunted werewolves before. Look, if I get done early I'll come and relieve you, okay."
Faith smirked. "Always on the lookout for a little release."
Buffy reddened a little. "I said relieve. Relieve."
Faith's smirk widened into a cocky grin. "You're so easy, B." Faith then started collecting a few items to take with her, including a walkman and some tapes.
Buffy cleared her throat. "Actually, there's something else I wanted to ask you." She found herself nervously fiddling with the bedspread.
"If it's for me to stop teasin' you Buffy, sorry -no chance."
"No, it's just, um, would you like to come and stay at my house for a while?" Buffy looked at the other girl, trying to gauge her reaction.
Faith wrinkled her nose. "What -like a sleepover?"
Buffy nodded. "Sort of like a sleepover...except it would be for more than one night, and you would, um, move all your stuff from here into a room at my house."
Faith scowled suspiciously. "What for?"
Buffy stood up and moved around nervously. "Lots of reasons, like I wouldn't have to walk over here all the time, and also, when we patrol we would start and finish in the same place. That would probably save a lot of time, right?"
Faith shook her head. "Look, Buffy..."
"And you would get free food. My Mom cooks, which you probably remember, and there's always leftovers for a hungry slayer- my mom has no portion control." Buffy smiled at Faith, "Plus I'd pretty much love to have you. Um, have you over. At my house. As in the location. My Mom too."
Faith expression had changed from puzzled to pissed and now she just looked bemused. "Look, if your mom's worried about me or something just tell her to chill, okay. I'm a slayer."
Buffy nodded. "Exactly. You're a slayer who fights evil for a living, and I also consider you my friend. Those are two very good reasons for you not to stay in this crap-tastic place any longer. Faith, just think about it okay?"
Faith softened. "Alright, I guess I'll think about it."
Buffy beamed at the brunette. "Okay, I've got to run. Good luck with the Oz-watch."
'Maybe if I'd thought this through a little bit more I would have brought along some sort of Angel-catching device, like a net. Or a club. Or both. Anything to make this easier.'
Buffy walked through the undergrowth, which was just as spooky as she remembered, trying to mentally prepare herself for Angel.
Angel -back in her life, ready to start the whole doomed love cycle all over again. Brooding, Thoughtful Angel and Concerned, Sensitive Angel, not to mention Sweaty, Half-Naked Angel- can't forget him after all.
"Here, Angel." She called softly, straining to listen for rustles in the undergrowth. "C'mon, I haven't got all night. Can we please get this over with..."
Buffy stopped as she heard a noise in the bushes, something moving through them that was larger than the usual night critter. She saw a flash of movement, a pale shoulder illuminated in the moonlight for a moment and then gone. Buffy gave chase instantly, bursting through greenery and knocking a few branches aside as she entered a small clearing.
Event though she was prepared Angel's speed caught her off guard, slamming into her as she turned towards him. Buffy fell sprawling in the dirt, the growling figure running past a little before stopping to look back. She saw Angel, his face snarling and savage and his mouth smeared with blood. His body was caked with dirt and scratched and his skin was red in places like he'd been sunburnt.
Buffy flipped to her feet, ignoring the knotted feeling in her stomach from seeing him again. She knew that Angel was in there somewhere, traumatised and in pain, and she could reach him. Even if she had to kick his ass to do it.
Angel ran at her again snarling, Buffy backed up and dropped backwards, timing it to stick a foot upwards that caught Angel in the chest and launched him over her head- sending him flying into a nearby tree. Buffy then rolled so she was next to him, smacking him in the face and then trying to pin him to the ground. With a roar he threw her off and leapt after her, Buffy managed to grab his outstretched arms and flip him over her shoulder, then she twisted to kick Angel in the face. Another solid punch later and the vampire lay comatose, overcome with pain.
Buffy stared at him for a moment, letting her thoughts slow and settle. Angel was here and she had to decide what to do. Who did she tell? Giles? Willow? Faith? Secrecy wasn't the answer- she knew that, the others deserved to know. Blowing out a breath she decided to secure him first then think about it.
Later, at the mansion she managed to get Angel manacled to one of the wrought iron fixtures that dotted the walls, she picked a studier one than last time, it was more important now that he didn't end up running around any time soon.
As Angel came to Buffy quickly wiped some of the blood off his mouth with a tissue and stepped well back. "Angel? Um, I hope I didn't hit you to hard- you didn't leave me a lot of choice."
Angel seemed to shy away from her voice, growling under his breath.
"Can you understand me? I know you're in there somewhere..." Buffy resisted the urge to reach out and touch him. She glanced at the charred silhouette on the floor of the mansion, Angel's return back into the world etched in stone.
"So, did those pants survive Hell with you or did you mug some poor homeless guy for them?" Buffy hoped that Angel remembered how she joked in times of stress because this- this was a doozy of a time. Unfortunately all he seemed to be doing now was remaining hunched over, his body tense and ready to attack if she came near.
Buffy backed away from him slowly. "I'll come back...I promise."
Buffy entered the library to see Faith, in front of Oz's cage, dancing away to her music. She felt the anxiety in her gut melt a little seeing the other slayer; at least here she knew what she was doing.
Buffy walked carefully over to the brunette and tapped her on the shoulder, Faith spun round and Buffy managed to catch her arm before in smacked her in the face.
"Buffy! Jeez, you scared me. Um, sorry I almost..." Faith took her headphones off and shrugged apologetically.
"That's okay- I saw it coming this time."
"Nothing. Anyway I figured I'd give you the rest of the night off, just like I promised."
"Cool. I was goin' nuts here anyway. No luck on patrol, huh?"
Buffy tensed up a little. 'Here goes.' "Actually, yeah, I found something pretty important- but I need to do research." Buffy gestured around the library. "I want to be able to give Giles and the others some real answers in the morning, y'know."
Faith nodded. "Right, so, where do we start?"
"Um, you want to help? I thought you couldn't wait to get out of here?" Buffy was surprised- she thought Faith was allergic to books.
"I was going crazy being here alone, doing nothing. If this is so important and y'want some company, I'll stick around."
Buffy smiled, she knew that Faith would rather be out slaying things, it was sweet she was offering to do something not fun to help out. "Okay, well I, um, need to research into demon dimensions and also wish-granting entities. Which do you want?"
Faith made a face like she was already regretting her decision. "The wish one, I guess. Is that like genies and monkey's paws and stuff?"
'Ooh, monkey's paw- hadn't thought of that one...' "And stuff. I'll look through Giles card catalogue, you get some stuff from the snack machine, okay?"
Faith grinned. "Good idea, I'm starved." She walked out of the library quickly.
Buffy started researching, she already knew that researching Angel was a waste of time but she could use the whole thing as a cover to look at wishes, and maybe alternate realities while she's at it. Find out what was happening to her, and if any bad stuff came along with it.
She'd already collected a small stack of books to look through and was sitting at the top of the steps when Faith walked in, arms full of snack food and a few cans of soda.
"Delivery." She said dumping them out in front of Buffy.
Buffy gaped. "Faith, how much did you spend? There's like twenty bucks worth here."
"Yeah, well, since this is all in the line of duty I might've, relieved the machine of all this tasty, world-saving fuel." Faith did her best innocent smile, which was surprisingly good.
Buffy sighed. "You mean you broke the machine and stole all the candy?"
"Way I figure it- I'm just robbing that Snyder guy you all hate so much." Off Buffy's look. "C'mon, at least I paid for the sodas."
Buffy shrugged. "Fine, fine. If we get caught I'll just deny all knowledge of this terrible crime. Ooh, Three Musketeers, gimme."
Buffy must have nodded off at some point because the next thing she knew she woke up in a chair, a book draped across her lap. Light was streaming through the windows and Giles was standing next to her sipping a cup of coffee.
He picked up one of the books she'd been looking at. "Good morning."
Buffy tried to shake off the sleep. "Um, hey..."
"'Exploring Demon Dimensions', 'Mysteries of Acathla', 'Von Gretz Guide To Alternate Realities'." Giles raised a quizzical eyebrow at Buffy.
"Long night. Very long night, actually." Buffy stood up and looked around; spotting Faith slumped over the table, surrounded by books.
'Huh, I figured she would've gone home after I fell asleep.'
"Buffy...?" Giles looked across at the still sleeping slayer. "Well, whatever's going on it must've been serious if you persuaded Faith to partake in research."
Buffy glanced nervously at Giles, hoping she was doing the right thing. "She volunteered, actually. And it is- um, serious. Really, it's grade A, code red serious."
"Would you care to elaborate?" Giles asked dryly.
"It's about Angel."
Buffy saw her Watcher's jaw tense a little; his eyes shifted away. "Oh?"
Both of them turned at the sound of a low groan, Faith sat up slowly and wiped her chin with her hand. She looked at them both bleary eyed. "Uhh...Mornin'."
"Hey," Buffy said, and then turned to Giles. "I had a dream- recently, where I wished Angel, um, that is my Angel not the soulless, evil version. That he would come back. And then the wish came brought up some questions."
Giles nodded. "It must have been some dream. I didn't even know you knew what a card index was for."
Buffy nodded, her breathing felt kind of shaky. 'Here goes,' "That's not all- last night while patrolling...I saw him."
Giles looked concerned. "Buffy, it's understandable that you would see- glimpses of someone you thought..."
Buffy interrupted. "No, I didn't just see him, Giles. I fought with him. Beat him up and dumped him in the mansion."
Giles' eyes widened. "Angel's returned." He started pacing and took his glasses off- always a bad sign. "That' isn't possible, Buffy."
Faith looked on frowning as she sleepily tried to follow the conversation. "What's up?"
Buffy went after Giles. "Angel wasn't himself- he was all savage, like an animal. I couldn't get anything out of him so I went looking here for answers – anything I could think of."
"Wait a sec; this is Angel- as in your psycho vampire-ex?" Faith said in disbelief.
Buffy glared at Faith. "Not now Faith, okay?" She turned to Giles, "Look I know you're freaked, I am too. But I chained him up so he can't go anywhere. Plus its daytime, which means we're totally safe."
Giles turned to Buffy. "Could he be responsible for the attack two nights ago?"
Buffy shook her head. "I don't know. I don't think so, I mean, he had blood on his mouth- I, uh, got a sample." Buffy fished the bloody tissue out of her pocket. "Willow should analyse it, but I'm guessing its animal blood."
Giles took it from Buffy and made a visible effort to calm down. "You say he's secured? You're positive?"
"Manacles plus iron fixtures equals secure, I made sure Giles, I promise."
Giles nodded again and put a comforting hand on Buffy's shoulder. "You did the right thing in telling me, Buffy. But we need to look into this immediately, you understand."
Faith stepped forward. "Uh, someone wanna fill me in here? I thought you wasted this guy already."
Buffy nodded and headed down the stairs towards the other girl. "I ran him through with a sword and sent him to a hell dimension- I figured that was as good as."
Giles was thinking. "I don't believe there's any record of someone returning from a demon dimension once the 'gate' is closed. I can't imagine how it would happen or why. From what I, um, have read the dimension accessed by Acathla it suggests a world of, brutal torment. And time moves differently there."
Buffy nodded. "I remember. He would've been down there along time."
"Hundreds of years most likely. Buffy, I must warn you not to..." Giles seemed to hesitate, "It would take somebody of extraordinary will and character to survive that level of suffering and retain any semblance of self. Most likely he would be a monster."
Faith looked grim. "So killing him would be like putting him out of his misery or somethin'?"
Buffy looked stunned. "Which we are not doing. I'm not going to just off him if there's even a chance..."
"Hey, I know you've got the warm fuzzies for the guy, B- but bottom line, he's still a vampire."
Buffy regarded Faith coldly. "With a soul, Faith. As in humanity, something you might want to look up."
Faith glared at her. "I was up half the night lookin' shit up for you- if I'd known what for I might not've bothered."
"Hmn, I wonder why I didn't tell you."
Giles snapped at them. "That's enough! Both of you." He hesitantly stepped between them. "Faith, your points are well taken but this situation, as Buffy has pointed out, is more complicated than it appears. Angel has, um, acted as both ally and enemy in the past. If he is the latter then no doubt you will be needed."
Faith was still glaring hotly at Buffy but she seemed to un- tense at Giles words. "Damn right I will," she muttered.
He turned to Buffy and seemed to take extra effort to say what he said next. "If there is a chance of reaching Angel, Buffy, then you are almost certainly the one able to do it. If he can be reached or redeemed somehow...nobody will do anything to harm him, I assure you."
Suddenly another voice piped up from behind them, Willow sounded alarmed. "Harming who? There's harm now?"
Buffy looked over at Willow and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Will, we're not talking about Oz."
Willow walked over to them holding a box of donuts. "Then why all the tension? And why this early?" She looked round at the books scattered about as well as candy wrappers. "Did you guys have a research party without me?" Willow failed to hide the tinge of hurt from her voice.
Faith looked pointedly at Giles. "You gonna tell her or what? That Buffy's ex-meat did the killing and Oz's getting the blame."
Buffy hissed. "Damn it, Faith! Wait, my ex-what?"
Willow was so startled she almost dropped her box. "Angel...Angel's back, h-how did that...And the spell, Giles said the spell worked. That I did it right."
Buffy went over to Willow. "Will, we don't know anything yet. Angel came back from a hell dimension, um, somehow and we don't know if he did anything. But he's chained up at the mansion all the same, okay? We're safe."
Willow nodded in relief, and then gave Buffy a pained look of sympathy. "God, Buffy, are you okay? I mean, of course your not and that's fine. Not fine but, um, understandable so I'm here for you. Whatever you need."
"Everything alright?" Oz stepped out of the cage, having just finished buttoning his shirt. He came over close to Willow, concerned at her worried expression.
Buffy looked to Faith. "Go on, you want to blurt it out in the worst way, go ahead."
Faith sneered at her. "Screw this." With that she turned and strode out of the library.
"Buffy..." Giles sighed at her. "You could try to be a bit more accommodating; I know this must distressing for you..."
Buffy sat down in the chair Faith had been using. "I am being accommodating. I'm a four-star hotel of accommodation. But you saw her, Giles- it's not like she was being helpful."
Giles agreed. "Faith is, um, blunt I think would be the word. But if you recall it took all of us a little while to get used to the very idea of a vampire being, well, friendly."
Buffy slouched on the desk and pouted. "So you're saying I should be all mature and be the bigger slayer?"
"Precisely," Giles turned to Willow. "Did you gather anything pertinent at the morgue?"
Willow shook her head. "It wasn't conclusive, a-a lot of tissue damage to the, um, body. I'll know more after I do hair and fibre tests. See if anything taken from the body is wolf-y." She turned to Buffy. "It didn't look drained of blood or anything, the body I mean."
Buffy smiled at her. "Thanks Will. But let's worry about Angel when we've cleared Oz."
Oz, who'd been listening intently, smiled slightly. "Strange morning so far."
Buffy couldn't help but agree, but biting the bullet had been the right thing to do. She just hadn't expected Faith's reaction which had been pretty aggressive and insensitive. Just what was her problem? Buffy had tried to be upfront about what Angel means- had meant to her, she'd told Faith, had tried not to get all defensive or avoid-y. But still the other slayer had been pissed and now Buffy and Faith had had their first fight.
Buffy frowned down at the yellow pad Faith had used for writing notes, her handwriting was a little scrawl –y and oddly childlike and it looked like she'd copied a couple of passages straight from a book. Buffy's eyes drifted down the page, past words like 'Solomon', 'Twilight', and 'Book of Wisdom' to the lower half, where Faith had obviously given up on research and just doodled a cartoon.
The drawing took up about the last third of the page; to one side was a figure drawn curled up in a ball, obviously asleep- from the pig-tails and pleated skirt Buffy guessed it was supposed to be her, her head resting on what appeared to be cheerleading pompoms. In the centre of the page there was a cartoon vampire- two triangular teeth and a widow's peak like the Count from Sesame Street. He was in the process of being decapitated by a fierce-looking brunette, clad in black pants and halter top wielding a sword. Over on the right two figures peered over a bush, from the expressions Buffy could tell they were supposed to be Cordelia (her eyes looked annoyed) and Xander (his were bugged out in surprise). Beside the bush looking out at the battle was another cartoon girl, her haircut resembling Willow's, who was cuddling a happy, panting dog dressed in a t-shirt. Written on the t-shirt were the words 'I like dingoes- they're tasty'.
Buffy smiled at the comic tableau, feeling an odd tightness in her chest as she did so. The drawing was pretty good, like something Buffy would see in the funny pages. She had no idea Faith could even do anything like this. And it wasn't just the style of art either, the whole scene was so...goofy and innocent and completely un-Faith like.
'I really don't know her at all.'
"Hey, what are you looking at?" Willow came over bearing donuts.
"Just this," Buffy held up the drawing.
Willow smiled. "Hey, that's pretty good- Oz as a cartoon dog. I didn't know you could draw?"
"I didn't. Faith did. She's got some talent."Buffy examined the picture again, before noting the look of concern on Willow's face. "I said I was fine, Will."
"I know that. I do, it's just you went through so much getting over Angel. And now he's back, it must be awful." Willow slid the box of donuts across the table towards Buffy. "Here, comfort food. I watched them make these myself- so they should be extra tasty."
Buffy shook her head. "Thanks, but me and Faith gorged on too much sugar last night, my stomach feels all oogey."
"So...did you guys have fun..?" Willow looked like she wanted to say more but Oz came over.
"Hey, so new bad stuff last night, Giles is pretty sure." Oz regarded Buffy for a moment. "That's good for both of us."
Buffy gave a quick smile. "It really is. But I'm starting to think that this wasn't a random killing, this being the Hellmouth and all. Maybe we should be looking at people who knew, other people I mean."
"You mean like somebody else at school?" Willow wondered.
Buffy stood up and moved beside Willow. "Just call me a wacky optimist but after last night I think we're all due for a break." She and Willow headed out of the library to see students start to fill the halls in preparation for class.
"Maybe I could get a note," Willow said plaintively. "Something that excuses me from class until that break you mentions comes along."
"C'mon, just get to class and before you know it you'll get swept up in that knowledge stuff all the kids are into nowadays."
Willow sighed. "Academic excellence does sooth my thoughts. Like a balm for my brain."
Buffy frowned. "Is that what Giles means when he says 'that's a barmy idea'?"
"I think that's English for crazy."
"I here I thought crazy was English for crazy."
"Speaking of crazy, are you seeing Platt again?" Willow couldn't resist a grin.
"Well gee, thanks. And yes, I'm seeing him at lunch for more deep conversation. It is the burden I must bear."
Willow patted her arm as she peeled off for class." Well, good luck with the Buffy-burden, hee."
Beauty And The Beasts: Part 2 (Truly, Madly, Creepy)
Fifteen minutes before lunch began Buffy opened the door to Platt's office and quickly stepped inside. "Hey."
Platt sat at his desk looking somewhat nonplussed as he put down his mug of coffee. "Miss Summers, I'm sorry, I didn't here you knock- probably because you didn't." He smiled genially. "I though our appointment was for two o'clock?"
"Sorry, I know. I just needed to see you a couple of hours early, that's all." Buffy smiled apologetically as she moved around the office.
Platt leaned back. "Would there be a reason for this?"
Buffy had spent the morning trying to think of excuses for coming to Mr. Platt's early, and more importantly excuses to linger until Pete tried to make his move.
She hadn't been particularly successful.
So Buffy decided to improvise. "A prank!"
"Excuse me?"
"Someone- I don't know who, is planned to prank you, big time. At lunch, which is now, and I thought I would, um, be here to warn you- which I've now done."
Mr Platt sighed, although he was still smiling. "There is no prank."
Buffy shook her head. "You're right, there is no prank. But...I do need, um, advice." 'Maybe this will work,'
"I have a friend who, well I had a fight with her- and I can't figure why she reacted the way she did. I was hoping you could help."
"Well, Buffy usually I'd be happy to help but, can't this wait a couple of hours?"
"Um, well- she's here, now. And I don't want to be all avoid-y with her; I just want to make up with her."
Platt seemed to think about it. "Okay, so what was this fight about?"
"Um, my friend and I have been kind of hanging out a lot, she's new in town and we've been talking about stuff, relationship stuff." Buffy was partly wondering what she was doing but it meant she was staying in Platt's office, which was the main thing. Besides maybe he could give some insight.
"This new friend, would this be Faith?"
Buffy felt her face warm a little but pressed on. "Yes, um, anyway we get on okay- plenty in common. I even talked to her about my old boyfriend, and she seemed sympathetic. And the other day I was talking about him..."
Buffy thought about how to phrase the next part. "Well, I was saying nice things about him and suddenly she gets all angry and moody with me- saying I should just, um, cut him out of my life and move on completely. She was really cold and I got mad at her and...then she stormed off."
"I see. Did this Faith know your boyfriend- had they met?"
"Not yet, um, I mean no, never." Buffy tried to forget how Faith had tried to kill Angel –twice, or when she tried to seduce him, or when they made out right in front of Buffy. All bad memories.
"Buffy, are you alright? You look a little upset."
Buffy nodded. "Fine. The fight was pretty harsh, that's all."
Platt got up and sat nearer to Buffy, perching on the desk. "Well, assuming all of what you've told me is true; I would say that it sounds like Faith is jealous."
Buffy frowned at that. "No, I told you, Faith and A-my boyfriend haven't ever met."
"That's not exactly what I meant. She could be jealous of the relationship you've had with this guy- that all depends on her personal history. More likely is that she just doesn't like you talking about being happy with this guy. She could be jealous of him."
"But that makes even less sense, unless..." Buffy paused as the wheels turned in her head.
Platt smiled slightly. "Don't get me wrong Buffy; I wasn't suggesting jealousy in a romantic sense, necessarily. Perhaps this friend of yours finds the time you spend together precious and wants you to be happy just being with her." Suddenly he looked up expectantly at a noise.
Buffy twisted in her seat to see the office door handle turning slowly before the door itself opened. Buffy saw Pete move into the room and then stop suddenly when he saw the two of them looking at him. Buffy tensed in the chair, ready to act if Pete decided to turn all angry and vein-y
"Um, hey." Pete said quietly, looking tense as his eyes darted from Mr. Platt to Buffy and then around the room.
"The universal student greeting," Mr. Platt smiled, although his eyes registered concern. "Can I help you with something- as you can see I'm a little busy here."
Pete smiled nervously, his face showing rigid tension. "Ah, my girlfriend Debbie- she said she might've left her bag her the other day. I offered to, um, fetch it for her."
"Right, you must be Pete. Debbie mentioned you in passing, but I didn't see her leave a bag around here." Although he was friendly enough Buffy heard an edge in Mr. Platt's voice; she guessed he didn't like Pete much.
Pete shrugged a little. "Well, sorry. Debbie's always getting things mixed up. I'll leave you alone." After an awkward pause he turned and left the room.
Platt gazed at the door for a moment before shaking his head slightly and looking to Buffy. "Now, where were we?"
Buffy stood up quickly. "Actually, I think I should go, I've bothered you enough. But thanks, you've really given me a lot to think about. I'll be back at two."
"I tell you what; how about you concentrate on keeping hold of that friend of yours, not skipping class and eating. Say at lunch time- which is when most of us like to eat." With that Platt turned away, fishing a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket. "We'll pick this up tomorrow- two o'clock."
Buffy hurried over to the door. "Um, yeah, Thanks again. Bye." Stepping quickly out into the corridor she saw a glimpse of Pete as he hurried down the hallway.
Buffy took off after him, ducking around a couple of distracted students coming out of class, before stepping out in front of Pete. "Hey there."
Pete frowned at her, seemingly agitated. "Buffy. What's up?"
Buffy pretended to think. "What's up? Hmm, well, I was thinking- how about you stay away from Mr. Platt for one thing, how does that grab you?"
Pete's eyes widened as he looked warily at her. "What are you talking about? - I was just..."
"I know what you were going to do, and trust me, if you go near Platt again it'll end badly for you." Buffy kept her voice low and cold. Pete's face had become incredulous.
"Are you...did you just threaten me?"
Buffy leaned a little closer and smiled at him. Her smile didn't reach her eyes. "You might want to ask around about me before you poke fun. When you do, you'll find out that I don't tend to start fights, I do end them though. I'm a known troublemaker, really. It's actually kind of fun. Y'see, the reason I'm seeing Mr Platt is that he's trying to talk me out of any future violent episodes, and you better hope he succeeds." Buffy leaned back and nodded in satisfaction. "Okay, you can go now."
Pete gave her a look like she was crazy, stepped around her and headed quickly towards the cafeteria. Hopefully, Buffy threatening him would make him hesitate before acting any time soon; she just needed till the end of the day after all. And if he did so, it was more likely he would come after her. And she'd be ready for him.
Buffy looked at her watch, figuring she had enough time to grab a snack and then head over to Faith's. Mr Platt's insight had been pretty helpful, maybe Faith thought Angel would threaten their friendship, come between them somehow. The other possibility...Buffy couldn't really deal with that right now, pushing that to the back of her mind would be the safest thing for the moment.
Sometimes denial is a girl's best friend.
Buffy hesitated in front of Faith's door, she felt queasy- and not just because she'd had jello for lunch, which was entirely acceptable dietary-wise. Unless the only other things you'd had in the past twenty- four were chocolate and soda- then you were in risk of a sugar high, which wasn't the best idea when coaxing a potentially hostile slayer back to school.
Buffy calmed her nerves and shook her head out of rambling thoughts as knocked on the door. "Faith, it's me. Um, Buffy that is."
She slowly tried the handle and found it unlocked, letting out a steady breath she opened the door.
Faith was there sitting on the bed, dressed in leopard print pants and a tight black tee, reading a comic book a little too intently. She glanced up casually as Buffy entered but didn't say anything, just stared at her with an unreadable expression.
"Like I said, it's me."
Faith shrugged. "Yeah, I heard you."
Silence stretched between them, Buffy had hoped to get some clues as to how to act from Faith herself but she wasn't giving anything away.
Buffy sighed. "So, I guess I handled things badly."
Faith didn't say anything, just stared at something fascinating on the bedspread.
Buffy had been here before, awkward conversations with Faith were nothing new. It was just Buffy had always handled them badly, usually saying the wrong thing or not saying anything at all because she was afraid of saying the wrong thing.
'Well as Xander somewhat wisely once said, "Fear is the mind killer," -I can do this.'
Buffy came forward and sat tentatively on the edge of Faith's bed which got the brunette's attention.
"Look, Faith I'm sorry, okay." Buffy looked at her plaintively, "I'd just found out that a guy I thought was...gone forever just popped up out of nowhere and was all, 'ggrrrr'. I freaked out a little and I lost my temper."
Faith looked at Buffy warily. "You're... apologising to me."
"Trying to," Buffy shrugged helplessly. "How am I doing?"
"I was hoping for more like marks out of ten, y'know..."
"No, Buffy. Why are you apologising?" Faith frowned and looked down at the bed again. "I...lost it, 'kay. I was the one being a bitch and not carin' about what you were goin' through. That stuff with Angel...must've been tough, I mean from what you told me." Faith met Buffy's eyes. "You don't have to apologise, I know I blew it."
"No, Faith. You didn't blow it. Believe me I've seen more extreme reactions from my friends when it comes to Angel. Y'know Xander- goofy, funny Xander, nothing gets him riled up like the subject of Angel." Buffy smiled. "He and I have had a few bust-ups in the past, but we get over it- friends fight and make up. So...can we make up already?"
Faith hesitated for a moment before shrugging. "Sure, if you wanna."
Buffy stood up, relieved. "Great. Listen, I've got to get back to school. I was hoping you would come along with, we'll be having a meeting in the library, see if we can't figure things out." Buffy paused. "Wait, if you didn't think I was going to apologise, why did you think I came over?"
Faith smirked. "I dunno- round two, maybe." She then looked down and hesitated. "Or just that you changed your mind about the whole 'becoming roomies' sitch, something like that."
Buffy shook her head. "Nope, Looking forward too it. That is when you inevitably cave in to peer-pressure and accept."
"What peer- pressure is that?"
"My whining and pouting, of course. As an only child I'm very used to getting what I want."
Faith grinned widely. "And you want me, is that it, B?"
'Oh, I walked into that one...'
Buffy blushed and turned away. "Very funny, now come on- we've got to get back. People, other than you, might be in danger of a severe pummelling."
Buffy heard Faith's throaty laugh as she exited the room, embarrassed but glad- after all flirty Faith was a little easier to deal with than grumpy Faith.
The two of them having walked to school in a fairly comfortable silence, Faith giving Buffy a couple of knowing looks that Buffy chose to ignore, as well as giving flirty looks to a couple of cute college students hanging round the Espresso Pump.
But Buffy knew right away that something was wrong when she entered the library with Faith in tow and saw a worried looking Giles talking with Xander and Willow. He seemed to be in the midst of discussing something unpleasant.
Buffy's stomach flip-flopped. "Guys, is there a problem?"
Xander gave her a queasy look but didn't answer. Giles turned to them. "There's been another victim- a student here at school. Xander found him in the boy's bathroom after lunch."
"Then I saw my lunch, again." Xander said glumly, "Macaroni surprise isn't so pleasant the second time."
"Who was it?" Buffy's mind whirled. Instead of Mr. Platt Pete had just gone and killed somebody else.
"Ah, Lee Ruskins. He was viciously attacked. I believe the charming phrase the coroner used when describing the poor boy was 'pureed'. And as I was just explaining it seems the boy had been dead about an hour or so."
Faith looked at Buffy with a slight smile. "Which means this guy was killed during the day, so Angel's off the hook."
"For this one anyway," Xander had obviously been informed of Angel's return.
Willow tried but failed to keep the happiness out of her voice. "Oz is too, I mean it's horrible but not like 'someone we know did this' horrible, y'know."
Giles looked at the clock. "Speaking of which, shouldn't he be here by now? The sun sets at five-thirty."
Buffy walked further into the library to find a seat next to Xander. "I'm sure he'll be here soon, we need to figure out what these two victims had in common."
Faith hoped up on the counter. "Missing internal organs?"
Buffy made a face. "Something else, apart from their barf-worthy deaths."
Giles took off his glasses. "Yes, why would they in particular be targeted by what is clearly a depraved, sadistic animal?"
"Present," Oz said as he arrived. "What did I miss?"
Willow smiled as she got up and pushed past Giles to hug Oz. "It's not you! I mean it's a 'kill in the day' monster, one hundred percent for sure."
Oz's relief was obvious. "Okay."
Giles gave them a moment. "Yes, well celebrating aside for a moment we still have two victims- Jeff Walken and Lee Ruskins."
Xander sat up in his seat. "Well this being Sunnydale High it could be pretty much anybody. Could be the lunch lady."
Willow smiled at him. "You're just bitter about the macaroni surprise."
Buffy waited for them to hopefully come to the same conclusion as last time, assuming Pete didn't attack a random student- that would make her feel even worse than she did already.
Oz spoke up. "Debbie." They all looked at him. "Victim one; Jeff? He was in Jazz band with her. They used to horse around."
Faith frowned as she stretched. "They were screwing?"
'Well that comment is a lot more telling this time round.'
Xander smiled. "Yeah, Oz, did the two of them share a forbidden love?"
Oz paused. "I don't think so. But he hid her music comp book once."
Xander nodded. "He was so clearly into her."
"What about the other guy- Lee?" Buffy asked Oz.
"Lee and Debbie were always friendly; I saw them joking around at lunch."
Buffy spoke up. "Mr. Platt. I was in his office just before lunch- asking his advice. And Pete snuck in there maybe he going to try something. Whatever it was it set my slayer sense off."
Oz's brain was ticking over. "Add this and stir. I just saw Debbie a minute ago- sporting a nasty black eye."
Xander thought about it. "So it is an evil boyfriend. What are the odds?"
Giles spoke urgently. "We should find them both immediately."
Oz gestured to the door. "Debbie was in the quad a minute ago."
Buffy stood up and jumped in as the others got up to go Giles could speak; she knew Pete was coming here to attack Oz within the next half-hour or so. The trick was to convince her friends of the fact. "Okay, hang on guys; let's think this through before we go running off. Obviously Pete's going after people who get too close to Debbie, like he's insanely jealous or something."
"Emphasis on the insane part," Xander commented.
"So maybe someone should stay and keep an eye on Oz, just in case. I mean, what if Pete saw them both together? Oz could be the next target."
Willow seemed torn. "But Buffy, Debbie could be in trouble..."
Buffy nodded. "I know Will- I think someone should stay here just in case."
"A wise precaution Buffy. Very well, Faith, you stay here and keep an eye out. Xander- you and I will team, Willow, you stick with Buffy.
Oz chimed in. "I'll- go lock myself in the cage."
Buffy hesitated. "Faith, be careful. Pete's pretty dangerous."
"So am I, B- don't sweat it," Faith said confidently.
Willow followed Buffy out of the library. "Where are we going?" asked Willow, wondering at Buffy's urgency.
Buffy answered without looking back. "Where do you go if you want to cover up a black eye? I'm thinking the girl's locker room."
They found Debbie in no time, gently dabbing at her face, trying to cover up her bruise with makeup.
Buffy walked across to her, hoping that this time maybe she could get through to Debbie, get her to realise that her love for Pete was pretty much...doomed. Buffy could relate to that.
"It's tricky covering a fresh shiner like that," Buffy said, crossing her arms, her voice concerned but determined. "You know what works?"
Debbie looked at her in the mirror. "What?"
"Don't get hit."
Debbie didn't respond, just started gathering her things.
Buffy moved across to her. "Debbie, we know what's going on. We know Pete's hurting you and he's hurting other people."
Debbie looked at Buffy in shock, and then shook her head as she stammered. "You don't understand. It-it's not his fault. He's not himself when he get's like this."
"How does Pete get? I thought those students were killed by an animal?" Willow asked.
Buffy nodded understandingly, still staring at Debbie. "Pete's not like other guys, is he Debbie. Sometimes he changes, sometimes he gets mean- and when he does he blames you. He's even got you believing it."
Debbie panicked. "I've got to go. Leave me alone." She moved towards the door but Buffy stepped in her path.
"Debbie we haven't got time for this, if you say Pete isn't himself- fine. But you need help and so does he."
Debbie tried to glare forcefully at the other two girls. "Well, I-I didn't ask for your help."
Willow almost rolled her eyes. "Well, when are you going to? I mean, if Pete kills you, it'll pretty much be too late."
Buffy reached forward and grabbed Debbie's arm and dragged her to the mirror. "Look. Look at yourself, and tell me you don't need help. What's going on isn't your fault Debbie- but the more it goes on, the more people who die while you play out your grim, little fantasy- then it will be your fault."
Debbie shook her head again. "He's going to change. He promised..."
Willow looked on sympathetically. "We can help, okay? Just tell us where he is, and we can help him."
Debbie looked at Buffy. "He...he has a lab, a space where he mixes things, here at school."
Buffy squeezed the other girls arm in sympathy then turned to Willow. "I know where that is- stay with Debbie, okay?"
Willow nodded and went over to Debbie, who was now crying quietly. Buffy left the locker room and headed towards the library to check in with Faith, then maybe intercept Pete and try and talk him down. It was a long shot but as long as Debbie was safe Buffy thought it could be worth a try. Still, a student was dead who hadn't died the first time around- that was on Buffy. She thought she could put Pete off Mr. Platt and somebody else had paid the price.
On second thought maybe she would talk Pete down after she'd kicked his ass all over the place.
Buffy's thoughts were interrupted by a crashing sound from down the hall- the library. Cursing inwardly she started to run, spotting Giles and Xander up ahead as they hesitated for a moment in front of the library doors.
"Help Faith!" She shouted as she closed the distance. Giles burst into the library as Xander waited for Buffy.
"Where's Will?" Xander asked.
"She's with Debbie." Buffy answered simply as she entered through the doors.
The library was in disarray, the central study table had been smashed to pieces and part of the banister had been broken off. Pete was on top of Faith in the centre of the wreckage, his clawed hands trying to find purchase on the slayer's throat as she struggled to free herself. Oz, now in wolf form, snarled from inside his cage.
"Grab the dart gun!" Buffy called to Giles even as he started to make his way round the other side of the counter.
With a cry of frustration Faith managed to knock Pete's clawed hands away before snapping her head up into his face for a vicious headbutt and then kicking him away. Faith nimbly flipped to her feet as the Pete monster regained his footing; she glanced at her arm- noticed that there were scratches on it and grimaced.
"Dude, you scratched me," Faith sneered at him. "Way to fight like a chick, what's next- ya gonna pull my hair."
With an incoherent roar Pete leapt at her, taking a right cross to the face as he did so. He shrugged it off and tried to claw Faith's eyes out. She ducked and kneed him in the crotch before pounding her fist into his side as he slumped to one knee. Buffy guessed that the low blow had done that.
Giles adjusted the rifle as he came up behind the counter as Faith turned to Buffy with a grin. "Relax, B. I got this."
Almost as soon as she had said that Pete lurched forward and seized Faith around the waist, with a murderous roar he picked her up whilst simultaneously spinning her around before throwing her. Faith sailed through the air, her ass hitting and then sliding across the counter top to collide with Giles, sending them both down in a heap.
Buffy sighed. "Well, I'm not much of a spectator anyway..." She ran straight at a startled Pete, sending a stinging jab into his discoloured, vein-y face- knocking him backwards.
"Tonight on 'When Chicks Hit Back'..." Quipped Xander from behind Buffy as her roundhouse kick sent Pete tumbling against the steps.
A somewhat more wary Pete retreated up the stairs as Buffy followed him. He growled at her, "Bitch!" before grabbing a nearby bookcase and tried to pull it on top of her. Buffy, expecting such a move, ducked backwards as the furniture crashed down and then jumped over the wreckage to drive a foot into Pete's mid-section.
Pete stumbled against the far wall, his hand seizing Buffy's ankle, before twisting it and throwing her onto her back. Then he was on her snarling, seemingly angrier than ever before, backhanding her across the face twice before she managed to block his forearm.
"Whore! Bitch! I'll kill you!" He cried as her tried to pull his arm from her.
Buffy struggled under him. "You seriously need to find better pick-up lines."
Suddenly Pete was knocked off of Buffy- a large book slamming into the side of his head.
"Y'might wanna try reading more- I hear it helps." Faith said with a grim smile before again smacking a stunned Pete across the face with the thick book she was wielding.
Faith stepped over the other slayer and knocked Pete against another bookshelf, dropping the book to free her hands, she threw herself against him. Her fists pounding into his body as she cut loose.
'Pete the rage monster meets Faith the angry slayer.'
As Buffy scrambled to her feet she saw Pete manage to barely push Faith away before turning and fleeing through the stacks towards the back of the library, but suddenly he stopped and quivered. Pete's hands reaching up to clutch at his chest before he collapsed forward and slumped to the floor- revealing Xander standing there with the tranquilizer gun.
"For the record, my dreams of me being in the library stacks with two girls- not usually so terrifying." Xander said as he nervously reloaded the rifle.
Buffy smiled as she gingerly checked her jaw wasn't swollen. "Thanks for the assist, Xand. Is Giles okay?"
"Fine, just a little dazed from Faith landing on him. Got him kinda flustered."
Faith frowned at that. "Yeah, well Captain Steroid here got lucky is all. I had him till he started scratchin' at me." Faith started towards the unconscious form still intent on dishing out some punishment.
Buffy caught her shoulder. "We got him, Faith. Hitting him some more would just be petty...really satisfying but petty." Buffy glanced at the other girls forearm. "C'mon, you're hurt, let's get you seen to."
Faith muttered that it was nothing but still followed Buffy out of the stacks as Xander fired another dart into Pete.
As Buffy helped Faith over some wrecked shelving she commented. "Oh, and this in no way validates your insane theory about all guys being wild, animal people deep down inside."
Faith just smirked. "It's like I keep tellin' you, B. All men are beasts- some just make better pets, is all."
Giles had just finished adjusting his glasses as they came down the stairs. "What happened?"
Buffy gestured behind her to the stacks. "Xander went all safari and bagged himself a Pete."
"After we kicked that ass," Faith added.
"Well that's a relief," Giles glanced around. "And what about Debbie?"
"Willow's with her, she's safe but upset- which is way better than dead. All's left is the cleanup, and I'm not sticking around for that."
"Same here, B and I did the heavy lifting; you guys bring the cops or whatever." She grinned at Buffy, "What about diner food again, this time I'll buy- promise."
Buffy smiled a little awkwardly. "Actually...I remembered I should probably, uh, check on Angel. See what kind of condition he's in. Bring him some blood."
Faith's grin faded a little forlornly but she nodded. "Sure, you gotta go keep an eye on him, I get it."
Giles cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Uh, Buffy, you will of course be careful. And please do tell me if his condition changes or...worsens."
"Absolutely. I'll keep you guys updated." With that she turned and left, feeling a little guilty as she did so. Even though she didn't really want to be doing this, talking to Angel- her Angel, was going to be difficult enough for her. Buffy had to be strong and realise that no matter what she felt for Angel there was no future for the both of them together. He had told her that before Prom and she couldn't think of a reason anything would change this time.
Buffy sighed to herself as she walked through the school grounds, all which of course meant a fairly lonely school year romance- wise. If she could shake off all the distractions maybe she could make a go of it with Scott, even though he didn't fill her with intense romantic feelings he was still...nice.
'Nice. He should be perfect boyfriend material, but nooo I have to be picky and difficult and lust after a brooding, gorgeous...'
Buffy shook her head; she needed more time to think things through. At least everybody knew about Angel- she could talk it over with Willow tomorrow maybe, best not to bring it up with Faith or Xander though.
"Hey, Buffy." Buffy turned to see Xander jogging over to catch up. "Wait up."
Buffy rolled her eyes. "Go home Xander, you don't have to...check up on me for Giles or anything. I'll be fine."
Xander held up his hands as he approached. "Whoa, not the issue hear, okay. I just thought...Look- I know I'm not Mr. Objective when it comes to Angel but you shouldn't have to go through this alone. Especially after last year you need support- friend support, and for the record Willow sent me out, she has to watch Oz but you know Will, she worries- as concerned friends should."
"Still, you don't have to..."
"Want to, Buffy. I know it was...kind of a big deal telling us he was alive after everything that happened. You could've lied and not told us and had to go through all this alone, but here you are- not alone. You've got me."
Buffy smiled at that. "I thought about lying, I really did. But I trust you guys, thanks Xander." Buffy paused and frowned a little. "Just bear in mind that Angel has been through a lot- literally a hell of a lot and he was a little...a lot scary. So if you hung back a bit..."
"I won't be brutally attacked? Gotcha." Xander seemed to consider something. "Um, Buffy, if Angel just got out of Hell...He isn't naked is he."
Buffy actually found herself giggling. "Don't worry Xand, he's wearing pants."
Xander grinned and bobbed his head as they walked together. "Good. 'Cause I'll only go so far for our friendship..."
Buffy looked at her friend. "I hope Cordelia knows how lucky she is."
Xander thought about it. "Well, she probably does Buffy, after all she's beautiful, rich, and popular- and have you seen her car..."
Buffy touched his arm. "You know what I mean."
Xander nodded bashfully before changing the subject. "So what kind of pants do they wear in hell anyway, suede? Bell-bottoms? Big checked clown pants?"
Buffy looked at her friend like he was crazy. "Um, Not unless Angel was in evil seventies circus hell. Besides I know for a fact you own checked clown pants."
"Exactly. But if they wore them in hell then that would make them cooler, right?"
Homecoming Part 1 (The Dumped And The Dead)
With a heavy thud the vampire crashed against the side of the mausoleum and slid to the ground. Buffy turned to the startled co-ed girl who was now clutching her bleeding neck.
"You, you can run on home. My ex and I have something to discuss. Go on, shoo." Buffy pointed in the opposite direction and groggily the young woman took off into the night.
The vampire jumped to his feet and whirled around to face her. "That...was rude." He said as he brushed off his jacket, a dated beige eyesore with too wide shoulder pads and rolled up sleeves.
'This guys fashion sense died along with him.'
Buffy shrugged as she stepped closer. "Yeah, well so is biting people. For the record no means no, hysterical screaming also means no."
The vampires face twisted into a leering grin. "I would've been gentle. Not now though."
Buffy smiled and pulled a stake from her jacket. "Don't worry- it's not my first time."
With a snarl the vampire ran at her, Buffy dodged a couple of clumsy attempts to grab her before spinning and elbowing the vamp in the face. He backed off, a little puzzled, before turning around to deliver a roundhouse kick that hit nothing but thin air. Buffy rose from a ducking crouch and gave a heavy backhand to his face followed by a couple of jabs to his chest that sent him flailing backwards. Buffy blocked a clumsy right hook before spinning and connecting with her own, more successful kick.
The vampire sailed over a tombstone, landing heavily and scattering some flowers on the other side. He rolled to his feet slowly as Buffy moved closer.
"See what I did there- I just did what you tried to do to me, only I didn't suck at it."
The vampire grimaced through his floppy fringe. "Slayer."
Buffy smirked. "What gave me away, it was the hair wasn't it? Or maybe the stake? Or maybe it was because I was throwing around like a sack of potatoes. You vamps really have to work on your deductive reasoning."
The vampire looked confused as he backed away. "Everyone knows the slayer is some skanky brunette who wears leather pants."
"Hey, I've been here way longer than her- maybe if you hadn't fallen asleep in the eighties you would've gotten your facts straight." Buffy strode forward and angrily slammed her stake into his chest.
"And she's not a skank!" Too late, he was dust.
"Thanks for that, B."
Buffy spun around to see Faith casually leaning against a tree, wearing said leather pants, a tight black t-shirt and denim jacket. "Nice to know you're not bad-mouthing me behind my back."
"Faith, um, hey." 'Brilliant opening line.' "I, uh, came by the motel earlier, but you weren't there. How've you been?"
Faith shrugged easily. "Five-by-Five, y'know."
"Well, clearly you've been busy. Starting to get a rep as one badass slayer, so, that's good..." Buffy brushed some vamp dust off her jacket before she walked over and picked up her handbag. "You not being around so much I was getting kind of worried."
Faith ducked the implied question as she pushed off the tree and walked over. "Since when do you patrol with makeup on standby?" She gestured to Buffy's bag.
"Actually I'm not patrolling, that was just random slayage, but I'll probably do a sweep later on. Uh, I'm going to meet the gang at the Bronze. That's why I'm came by earlier, I thought maybe we could hang out."
Faith seemed a little surprised. "Uh, sure, whatever- I'll tag along. Things are pretty quiet out here anyway."
Buffy smiled, grateful the other girl had accepted. Things had been strained between them recently and that was very much down to Buffy being all avoid-y. Of course, Faith had been a little distant since Angel's return a little over a week ago, not turning up at the school as much and patrolling without Buffy a few times, but otherwise she'd been herself.
Buffy had been preoccupied with Angel, giving Giles regular updates on said vampire as well as trying to comfort Scott- whose best friend was now in jail. Add to that the intense dreams that had plagued Buffy almost every night this week she had been both pre and post-occupied, which didn't really sound like a word but it was- it meant extra-busy.
And the subject of those dreams was the slayer standing next to her. Faith 'the slayer all vamps fear' Lehane.
They weren't even technically dreams, they were just memories. Very vivid memories every time Buffy closed her eyes to doze. Memories of the night Allen Finch died, of Buffy and Faith's frequent arguments after that, of the fight at the docks, Angel and Faith kissing, midnight school hostages exchanges. All those bad memories resurfacing were shaking Buffy's new and improved view of Faith, and she didn't like it.
Buffy was coming to really value their friendship, feeling the burden of slaying easing when the other girl was around, liking the easy banter they shared and this past week she had found herself missing Faith for than she expected.
She just wished her subconscious would shut up and go back to dreaming about nice things like cheese or ice-skating or Matthew McConaughey, though not at the same time, except that one time...
"Hey, Buffy, you're spacing again."
Buffy blushed a little. "Sorry, I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment, with everything. I would happily settle for being just being whelmed."
She started walking with Faith along side her. "So, what've you been up too? Chasing college guys? Or demons? Or demonic college guys?"
"Been around," Faith said simply. 'Certainly a font of vagueness.' "How are things with Scotty boy and Angel? You two timing 'em- trying to dirty up your image?"
"Oh, no way." Buffy said emphatically, "Angel is just… a guy I'm helping out. With blood- bringing blood to help him. Nothing dirty there- just gross. Scott and I are okay, I guess."
Actually Buffy wasn't really sure about her and Scott, she wasn't trying to push him but things really had slowed to a crawl relationship-wise. They really hadn't gotten past the 'really nice kiss' phase, Buffy wasn't sure how to get passed that to the 'long makeout session' phase, which led to frustrated Buffy. Stiil tonight Scott would be at the Bronze so they could get all couple-y and she could work her wiles- if she had any wiles. She should definatly invest in some wiles.
Buffy suddenly remembered. "Ooh, but the homecoming dance is coming up, hopefully Scott will ask me. I already got the tickets." She felt a little anxiety over the upcoming dance what with the getting dumped and then hunted, but as Giles said 'forewarned is…forewarned' or something. It didn't matter anyway because she could see it all coming this time and ambush the ambushers…and still have time to party, with a little help.
"I, uh, got an extra ticket, in case you wanted to go."
That pleased and surprised look appeared on Faith's face again. "I dunno, never been to a school dance before."
Buffy smiled at the other girl's expression. "It's a bit lame, but you get dressed up, dance a little, eat some crappy food and someone usually spikes the punch. But it is fun- there was even vague talk of a limo, this one wouldn't have vampires riding in it though."
Buffy remembered the last homecoming when Scott had dumped her and Faith had offered to go instead, being a good friend.
'Or maybe, according to Mr. Platt's theory, she was asking me to the dance- like a date, a date with a girl. Which is just…confusing.'
"So can I get a yes or no, are you too cool for school, um, dances?"
Faith nodded. "Sure, but just to warn ya, I'll probably be the one spiking the punch." Then she stopped and looked a little unsure. "Your buds gonna be okay with it?"
Buffy was puzzled. "With you spiking the punch? They probably wouldn't care, all Cordelia is concerned with is being crowned 'Homecoming Queen'. This, by the way is an entirely lame title that anyone can get if they were bothered about what shallow people thought. I speak from experience when I say 'Class Protector' is way better. "
"Nah, I mean about me, y'know, horning in on the party."
"Are you kidding me, it'll be great. Willow and I can bet if you're actually going to wear a dress or not."
Faith lightly punched her arm. "Hey, I can be stylin', okay. I'll think of something that won't show you up."
The two slayers entered the Bronze and Buffy immediately spotted her friends grouped at the bar.
"I'm gonna get a drink, you want?" Faith asked.
"Great, thanks. I'll go and say hi." Buffy walked over, seeing Cordelia, Willow, Xander and Oz. Smiling she put her bag down on the counter and slid next to Willow. "Hey, guys. Where's Scott?"
Xander craned his neck. "Boogying on the dance floor last time I checked. He got a little antsy when you were late."
Buffy shrugged off her jacket. "Late on account of slaying- vamp dressed like a young Micheal J. Fox was giving a girl a lethal hickey."
Willow snickered. "I bet the quips wrote themselves with that one."
Buffy nodded. "It was too easy- I felt cheap."
Cordelia spoke up. "Speaking of expenses we should get a limo, for the dance."
Xander looked worried. "A limo. A big, expensive limo?"
Willow smiled. "That sounds like fun. And it is our last Homecoming dance; maybe we should make a big deal of it."
"You wanna talk fun? Public bus- you meet the fun-est people. Back me up here Oz."
Oz thought about it. "Well, if it's a dollar issue we could all take my van..."
Cordelia seemed vaguely horrified by that idea. "A van? The homecoming Queen does not come to the dance in a van."
Buffy rolled her eyes. "You've won it already, huh?"
Xander smiled before Cordelia glared at him. "Uh, of course she'll be elected. We have her campaign all planned out."
Buffy held up her hand. "Okay, you have my unwavering support. For the limo as well, I kinda told Faith we would."
Willow raised her eyebrows. "Faith's coming to the dance? I didn't think she'd want to go to a school dance. Wouldn't she think it was, uh, lame or something?"
Buffy glanced down the bar. "Ask her yourself- she's getting me a drink."
"She's here?" Willow frowned, "Well, I guess, that would mean seven of us going. If we could split the cost..."
Buffy sighed as she looked out at the dance floor trying to spot Scott. "It might help if my boyfriend got around to asking me."
Cordelia was surprised. "What's the deal? How come Scott hasn't asked you yet?"
Buffy shrugged as Willow looked sympathetic. "Well, maybe he's nervous- like he thinks that you'll laugh in his face. Not that you would!" She quickly added.
Xander smirked. "Actually hoping that Buffy'd get me to do it, I've been practising. With all my years of rejection experience I can get the inflection just right."
Buffy pouted a little. "I don't know why he'd think that, I've been super supportive recently, especially if you factor in...other things."
"Ah, the ex-factor. Tell me is Angel wearing shirts yet, 'cause that would be a sure sign of progress."
"Not here, Xander, okay." Buffy didn't like to mention Angel anywhere except the library, where she kept things short, simple and as platonic sounding as possible when she told Giles.
Willow looked concerned. "Is everything...?"
Buffy shook her head. "I didn't come here tonight to talk about, um, complex stuff. I came out to hang with my friends and have a good time."
"This should help," Faith said putting a plastic cup down in front on her, the contents smelled like beer.
Willow's eyes almost popped out. "Is that...that's illegal. Buffy, she's being illegal."
Faith smirked. "Relax Red, it's a beer. Gals like Buffy can handle a little lubrication to loosen up."
Cordelia smiled knowingly. "Yeah, it's not like Buffy's hasn't had alcohol before, I took her to this frat party last year- she drank so much she passed out."
"I was drugged!" Squeaked Buffy, "By evil snake-demon worshipping frat boys." She peered dubiously into her drink.
Faith sipped from her own cup and grinned at Buffy's discomfort. "You've been holding out on me, B. Partying at keggers an' all."
"Sounds like I'm missing something interesting," Scott said as he stepped round Faith to squeeze in by Buffy. "You were at a party?"
Buffy stuttered trying to think of a lie. "Um, a b-boring adult party, with my Mom and a few friends- of hers. Which is why I was late and, um, just because there was alcohol Faith thinks it was a crazy orgy or something, w-which it was not!"
Scott smiled. "Okay. So, the homecoming dance? Is it cheesy or not? Should we go?"
"Oh, I'm in, that is if you are?" Buffy nodded, "I mean it sounds fun, cheesy or not."
"Well, it won't be orgy-kegger fun but we could laugh ironically at all the cheesiness." Buffy watched over Scott's shoulder as Faith rolled her eyes.
"I'm gonna go do some actual dancing, who's in?" Faith slid her empty cup onto the bar and looked at everyone.
"We're..." Xander stood up but was forced down again by Cordelia, "...good here, thanks."
Buffy nodded. "I'm in," Pleased Scott had finally asked her to the dance and feeling a little reckless she drank her beer down in one, ignoring the gross taste of it and got off her seat. "Bleeaach!"
She looked at Scott a little sheepishly. "Sorry about that, do you wanna dance?"
"I think I'll sit this one out," Scott leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips. "That's about all the alcohol I can stand- I'm a lightweight."
Buffy was about to reply but Faith tugged on her arm and dragged her towards the dance floor. "Bye!"
Buffy felt the beer settle in her stomach and spread warmth through her arms and chest. Her head was already feeling the buzz.
As they made it through the crowd she pulled her hand from Faith's grip and scowled at her. "Do you put something in my drink?"
"Yep, it's called a boiler-maker. Beer with a couple of shots of whiskey, rocket-fuel, B."
With a grin Faith danced away from her, eying a cute guy standing near the stage, leaving Buffy to wonder how Faith had managed to get served a couple of lethal cocktails. They were cocktails right? When you mix drinks together to make other drinks, isn't that a cocktail? She should be able to handle one little cocktail drink.
Buffy relaxed and let the music wash over her as she slowly began to move, letting herself loosen and sway fluidly back and forth. Closing her eyes she put her hands on her body, already the alcohol was making her feel a little more sinuous and sexy- maybe she could tempt Scott out on to the dance floor.
'See, I can be all wily.'
A few moments later Buffy felt another body press up behind her, glancing back she saw Faith smile at her and sweep her hands over Buffy's hips, her breasts up against Buffy's back and her hips pressed against Buffy's ass.
"You wanna give Scotty a show?" She murmured into Buffy's ear, her soft warm breath tickling her neck. Buffy shivered at the sensation, her mind, settled in a warm fuzziness, seemed to hesitant vaguely at Faith's suggestion before giving a mental shrug. The alcohol and the warm feel of Faith's body made the internal debate a short one.
Faith swayed Buffy's hips back and forth in time to the rhythm of the music, taking the blonde's silence as assent, her hips grinding determinedly against Buffy's backside.
Buffy sighed softly as Faith slid a hand around to her stomach, fingernails scraping under her blouse to find hot skin and trembling stomach muscles. She undulated against the brunette, feeling all those complex questions that had plagued her dreams submerged in warm, alluring heat. Her own hands, almost with a will of their own, travelled upwards and back to tangle in the brunette's hair.
'This is so...wrong.' But right here, on the dance floor, Buffy felt the exhilaration build as all those unpleasant memories dissipate like mist, all that mattered was that sensation, the powerful, reckless feeling of being caught in Faith's orbit- the same reaction she'd felt when dancing with her before, and was glad to be feeling again.
As the tempo of the song increased Buffy tilted her head back, her body seemed to feel languorous and buzzing with energy simultaneously. Faith's hands strayed lower to the top of her jeans and then a little lower, Buffy jerked her hips at the touch as she continued to move against Faith, the warmth that had spread throughout her body seemed to be concentrating and drifting lower down. Buffy turned her head slightly; lips parted, and felt breath against her mouth.
"We should probably..." She murmured.
"...Stop." Faith finished before sliding away from her, smiling sexily and a little out of breath. Buffy came to her senses, her head still feeling fuzzy and her skin tingling. God, she'd almost kissed...
"You better get back to your boy," Faith said, her eyes dark and wide with amusement and maybe something else. "And don't be thinkin' of me when you're makin' out." Faith flashed her dimpled grin before making to dance with another eager guy.
Buffy looked off the dance floor to her friends who were watching her with various degrees of shock, she giggled at their expressions before making her way carefully off the dance floor. Her friends then politely pretended that they hadn't been staring the whole time and looked elsewhere.
Except one. "Was that your new sexy dance?" Cordelia asked tartly, her eyebrow rose.
Buffy ignored her and went straight to Scott, her arms sliding round him as she kissed him lightly on the lips. "Hey."
Scott gave her a slightly wide-eyed look. "You, um, seemed to be having fun."
"You like?" She asked playfully, if a dance wasn't on the cards maybe they could find a quiet corner booth...
"Um, actually I just realised I have to get up early tomorrow...and it is kind of late." He gave Buffy a strained apologetic look. "But, I'm excited about the dance." He gently pulled away from Buffy and turned to leave.
"Uh, okay. Bye." Buffy pouted as her boyfriend pretty much ran for the hills, she thought the dance would've done something. Something good, not the 'deer in the headlights' reaction she had gotten.
Willow cleared her throat. "I'm sure he's just tired, Buffy- like he said."
"Yeah, he's gotta fit in all those cold showers before morning." Xander said, his face a little red with embarrassment.
Buffy rubbed her forehead in exasperation, what was it with guys? Either you were 'distracted' all the time so they dumped you, or you were all attentive and pushed and they got scared and ran off. She needed smoochies already.
" I was just trying to get him in the mood for...stuff, we've been moving real slowly for a week now and I thought I'd try and get, um, a reaction." Buffy felt her good buzz fading into annoyance. Boys!
"Well maybe giving Faith a lapdance wasn't the best thing." Cordelia commented.
"I wasn't...! It was her idea, with the drink and the dancing. I was manipulated!" Buffy whined.
Xander nodded. "I'm on your side Buff, most guys don't really object to two girls getting, um, heh, physical on the dance floor." Xander looked at Buffy, "Listen, just forget him and come drown your sorrows- drown them with soda obviously."
"Thanks guys but I think I need some fresh air, clear my head. Sorry." Feeling embarrassed Buffy grabbed her stuff hurriedly and headed out, she had other people to see tonight.
The night air had done a great job of clearing her head, that and her slayer metabolism meant that by the time Buffy arrived at Angel's mansion she was feeling a lot more focused. Which was good, Angel tended to cloud her head at the best of times and tonight she really had to stay and explain the situation to him.
Everyone had been relieved when Buffy, and Xander, had confirmed that Angel wasn't a savage killer anymore- that he had recognised her. They even claimed to be pleased about it but Buffy thought that was really more for her benefit than anything else. They were still understandably wary of the whole situation and preferred to think of Angel as 'Buffy's problem'.
Buffy sighed and again wondered at the complete lack of normal problems in her life, skittish boyfriends, broody vampire ex-boyfriends, ex-enemies who are now friends; it all seemed so confusing most of the time.
Still, now wasn't the moment for lots of introspection, Buffy had a hungry vampire to feed. She made her way through the overgrown garden to the French windows, pausing to self-consciously touch her hair when suddenly the curtains were thrown back. Angel, as agitated as he'd been all the other times she had visited, stepped back from her.
"It's just me," Buffy said, stepping inside she offered the brown she'd gotten from the butcher to Angel. "Here."
Angel gently took the proffered bag and turned away. Buffy glanced around, taking in the fireplace and cold stone walls as she tried to think of what to say- should she handle things the same as last time or tell him everything, that there could be nothing between them because he had wanted it that way.
She decided to start simple. "How are you feeling?"
"It hurts...less." Angel put down the blood on a nearby table and looked at Buffy, he seemed lost.
Buffy walked over to the fireplace. "That's good, that you're getting better. I'll help all I can, but you really need to eat something." She gestured to the bag she'd brought.
"Later," Angel looked at her intently. "How long was I..?"
"A few months."
Angel looked away disbelievingly. "Months..."
"And I've told the others that you're back, Giles and, um, everyone. They're giving you some space."
Still not looking directly at her, Angel's face contorted in anguish. "God...Giles."
"They...We all want you to get better, but things are different now. I'm a senior, a-and I'm really trying harder in school. And I'm seeing somebody."
That got his attention, his gaze snapped back to her, his eyes intense. Buffy saw hurt there and jealousy but then Angel seemed to clamp down of his emotions. He took a moment to take it in before nodding, maybe that meant he understood - Buffy hoped so.
"It's not what you and I...but it's new and it's nice. I'm happier now, for the first time since..." Buffy trailed off, not wanting to finish. Their shared night together had been one of the best nights of her life followed by months of pain and torment she couldn't have imagined, she didn't like to linger there.
"Angel I just wanted to say I'm sorry, um, about the whole sending you to hell thing." Buffy said, realising she had never really talked to him about what happened the first time.
Angel shrugged slightly. "I'm back Buffy, that's all that matters. And it's much more than I deserve. Does anyone know how I..."
"Came back? No, Giles is working on it though. I asked him to, but if I'm honest I'm just really glad your here."
Angel looked at her, his lips curled up slightly in what was his version of a smile. His eyes were as intense as ever and the longing there stirred something inside Buffy that she hoped would stay quiet. "I missed you...but you should go, don't come here unless you have to." With that he turned away and picked up his bag. Buffy, still a little shaken, left hurriedly.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore."
Buffy just stared at Scott, she felt a little lost, how was this happening? "You don't? What...where was I when you were thinking this?"
Scott looked uncomfortable. "It's just, I like you but I don't see where this is going..."
Buffy shook her head slightly. "Well, isn't it too soon to know where were going? And now, all of a sudden, you don't want to go at all."
"This isn't sudden, Buffy. It' seems that you'd rather be somewhere else when we're together, like you're distracted all the time. I know you said you weren't into dating guys anymore and after last night..."
"Last night you bailed after five minutes, you didn't even want to dance. And every time I kiss you its like you're the one being distracted..." Buffy paused, she hadn't meant to snap like that, she didn't want to become a clingy type of girlfriend, but dammit she hadn't done anything wrong this time and he was still dumping her. "Look, how about from now on we both try a little harder, it can be better than this."
Scott gave her a sorrowful look. "I'm really sorry." He walked away.
She called after Scott "Yeah, and right before Homecoming as well, that's real classy!" She muttered "Jerkface..."
"Stupid..." Punch. "Moronic..." Punch. "Guy." Punch. Punch. Punch. Buffy grunted as she put as much power as she could behind each strike, her fists sounded loud in the library as they slapped against Faith's pads.
Finally Faith pulled away, her face set in a grimace as she shook her hand. "Man! Guys should break up with you more often."
Buffy blew out an annoyed breath as Faith gingerly took off her pads. "Gee, thanks."
Buffy turned away and walked over to the book cage as Faith followed after. "I mean it. You've got some quality rage going. Really gives you an edge."
Buffy smirked despite herself. "Edge girl? It's nice that you find the positive in everything." She shook her head as put on her jacket. "I just don't think I'm there yet."
"Well, screw him. Just didn't know how to deal with what he had so he booked- his loss." Faith wiped her face with a towel. "You move on, party heavily, and find someone else. You're still going to that Homecoming thing, right?"
"Sure I am, but I'll bet Scott's got a date all lined up already. And I'll be standing there dateless- I'll be lacking a date." Buffy shook her head in disbelief.
"So we'll go together, find a couple of studs, use 'em and then discard 'em. That's always fun." Faith nodded knowingly.
Buffy couldn't resist asking. "Are you speaking from experience?"
Faith grinned and leaned closer. "Well, if you're in you might get to find out."
Buffy rolled her eyes a little. "I'll think about it. In the mean time I'm thinking a girl's night- just you, me and Willow. Tonight we can rag on how all guys are jerks while eating ice cream. Well, you and me can do the first one and Will can be all sympathetic."
Faith made a face. "I'm not really a sleepover kind of a girl."
"Well tough, it's a friend's job to comfort the heartbroken and boy-less, who knows maybe you'll end up having a good time." Buffy got up and picked up her school bag. "Besides this way you can check out your room before you move in."
Faith looked like she was going to object then said. "Hey, where you goin'- I get to hit you next, remember?"
"Sorry, school yearbook photo. But first I desperately need to shower. Hey, if Giles shows up maybe you can hit him."
"Don't think I won't."
Buffy sat with Willow at lunch, the redhead staring at her with her by now patented pity stare. "Oh, Buffy. I'm really sorry."
Buffy picked at her salad with a fork. "Y'know I wouldn't have even been bothered a week or so ago, but now I'm really ticked off. There are now ticks all over the place. Actually, what does that even mean?"
Willow reached out and touched her arm. "Was the whole Angel situation making it difficult?"
"Not really. Angel and I had the conversation last night. The whole 'I can help you get better but I'm seeing someone nice now and everything's different' conversation."
Willow nodded solemnly. "That is one of the important ones."
"I just think Scott thought I wasn't that into him or something, which maybe was true to begin with but I was really trying there for a while." Buffy sighed, "Maybe I'm just doomed."
"Don't say that, you're not doomed or anything. You'll find somebody who...who realises what they have."
Buffy nodded idly. "Faith said the same thing."
Out of the corner of her eye she caught Willow's slightly hurt reaction. "Hey, what was that?"
Willow looked innocent. "What? There was nothing, I'm good."
"Are you mad at me for, um, talking to Faith about it? Because it was only my burning rage that brought it up with her anyway."
Willow shrugged and looked a little guilty. "Well, you guys have been spending a lot of time together, doing the bonding thing. A-and I get that, she's a slayer and she's all cool and probably worldly when it comes to anything..."
Buffy put a hand on Willow's. "Will, you'll always be my best friend. I love you, and the only reason I've been hanging out with Faith so much is...I don't think she has a lot of friends. I mean she left a whole life behind in Boston to come here, I'm just trying to do what I can to make her feel welcome."
Willow looked at Buffy questioningly. "You're saying she's lonely?"
Buffy shrugged. "I know she acts all tough but I think underneath, yeah, she's a little lonely. I mean I have you guys to help me, keep me on the right side of stable when it comes to the slaying. I think Faith could use a little Scoobie therapy."
"In that case, I approve and am no longer threatened. "Willow said then smiled. "Don't tell Xander about the therapy thing though, he'll probably get the wrong idea, especially after last night."
Buffy groaned. "I'm not touching anything alcoholic again 'til college. Was it that bad? It's all kind of a blur."
Willow shook her head in mock disappointment. "Let's put it this way Buffy, Oz almost had an expression, he raised an eyebrow."
Buffy let out a whine. "Poop. Oh, well, at least I have the dance to look forward to. And we better get together sometime and see that our outfits don't match or anything."
Willow sighed. "I don't even know what I'm wearing yet; I want an outfit that makes Oz have an expression. But a good expression, like a facial thumbs up- or something. Xander and I are going to try on outfits tonight."
"You can't!" Buffy blurted, remembering the bad fluke kiss-incident. Willow looked puzzled from her outburst. "Um, you can do it at mine- tonight, while you're consoling me about the barren wasteland that is my love life. Plus, what does Xander really know about what boys like, anyway? I have a lot more experience at wowing guys. Admittedly not recently, but I used to be quite the boy-magnet at Hemery."
Willow thought about it. "I guess I could change my plans, Xander will understand. I mean a guy wearing a tux is just a guy wearing a tux, right? Can't really go wrong with that."
Buffy smiled with relief. "Exactly, and this'll be fun, you'll see. You and Faith can do the bonding thing and, more importantly, tell me how much better off I am being single. That's the main thing."
Willow grinned. "Okay, I'll try and remember."
Homecoming Part 2 (Sex, Lies And Mr. Gordo)
"...and then she pointed at the car and was crying 'a demon, a demon.'" Willow giggled.
Faith's eyes widened disbelievingly as she laughed. "No way!"
Buffy scowled as she lay on her bed, looking at the two girls who were sat Indian-style on the floor. "Hey, for the record it was the spell, okay. I wasn't myself; I was some 18th century ditzy noble woman. It couldn't be helped."
"And the whole town was freaking out like this?" Faith asked.
"No, just people who got costumes and props from this shop that just opened." Willow said as she munched some popcorn. "Xander turned in a regular G.I Joe and I was a ghost. It was this whole big plot by Ethan Rayne- he's an old friend of Giles from the bad old days when he was younger." Willow frowned as she reviewed her last statement.
Buffy sighed. "Certainly won't be going in the Buffy biography, that's for sure."
"You should've paid 'em to keep quiet, B." Faith raised her eyebrows questioningly at Willow, "So what happened?"
Willow smiled at Buffy. "Well, Giles managed to break the spell just in time for Buffy to kick Spike all over town. And all's well that ends well."
Buffy pouted. "And that's how you should've started the story, like 'that cool time I beat up Spike wearing an impractical ball gown'. It just sounds a lot better when you say it like that. On a completely unrelated topic; I lied- the black dress makes you look fat, so there."
Willow giggled again. "Aw, poor Buffy's feelings." Although Willow did take another look at the sleek black dress hanging off of Buffy's wardrobe door. Buffy and Faith had both said that Willow had looked incredible in the dress, or 'smoking hot' in Faith's case, and had made the redhead blush.
"Well, I think I'll trust Faith's judgement on this." Willow beamed happily at the brunette.
Buffy had an odd feeling of happiness coupled with wonder, last year these two had...not gotten along at all. Seeing them together she couldn't imagine Faith going all dark and threatening Willow with a knife, or even hurting her.
'Now look at them.'
Admittedly they'd both been a little awkward in conversation to begin with, but things had lightened up when Willow had started trying on outfits for the dance and Faith had complemented her on the fact that Oz was lead guitar. "Yeah, I dated a band member before, best I could do was a drummer though, so way to go, Red."
Now they were relaxed, giggling, poking fun at Buffy- which she didn't even care about really because this was all going way better than she imagined.
"Man, I always thought Halloween was kinda lame, that's how it was broken down for me anyways."Faith suddenly grinned eagerly. "Hey, Halloween's comin' round again, right? Could be somethin' might happen."
Willow was dubious. "I think Giles is usually right, Faith. It's pretty quiet unless some rogue element pops up."
"Well, here's hopin'." Faith raised her can of soda like she was giving a toast and tossed it back.
Buffy looked at the other slayer. "I actually like the fact I get at least one night a year off, like a reverse Santa Claus."
"Yep, he's all fat an' jolly, you're skinny and grumpy. Kinda fits." Faith snarked, then she and Willow laughed like lunatics.
"Okay, subject change before I bop your heads together. Faith, when are you getting your dress?"
Faith wrinkled her nose. "Don't know. Tomorrow I guess, now I know to stay away from little black numbers or," She paused for effect, "Orange..."
"It's tangerine." Buffy huffed, "And it compliments my skin tone."
Faith smirked a little. "I'm just playin' with ya, B. We both know you could go to the dance in a sack and still be the hottest chick there," She paused. "No offense, Red."
Willow just raised her eyebrows at Buffy who blushed a little at Faith's comment. "None taken, you're both going to slay them whatever you wear. Just not, y'know, literally."
Buffy cleared her throat. "I'm, uh, just gonna get some more snacks." She got up and left, making her way downstairs to the living room.
Her Mom looked away from TV. "Hello, Buffy. Your friends sound like they're having a good time. Do you need something?"
Buffy kept her voice low. "Uh, maybe. Are you busy tomorrow?"
Her Mom smiled expectantly. "Why do you ask?"
"It's just Faith needs a dress for the dance, and I think she might be a bit nervous about it. So maybe you could, um, help out for a couple of hours. Help her pick something nice?"
"Oh, you trust my fashion sense?" She teased.
Buffy tried not to roll her eyes. "Mom, this isn't current fashion trends, this is a dress. Please will you help out your favourite daughter?"
"You mean my only daughter?"
"And so clearly the favourite, please?"
Her Mom nodded. "Since you asked so nicely and also because you're being sweet to your new friend, I think I can get away from the gallery for a few hours tomorrow afternoon. Good enough?"
Buffy gave her Mom a quick hug. "Thank you. Oh, and this was completely your idea. Faith doesn't know how to say no to you."
Her Mom gave her a patient smile. "I understand."
Buffy went to the kitchen and grabbed a large bag of chips and some cookies. She then made her way back upstairs and back to her room in time to catch the end of a conversation.
Buffy heard Faith's husky, teasing voice. "Ooh, so that'll be rounding second by the sound of it."
"That's none of your beeswax," Willow protested, Buffy could tell she was smiling.
Buffy entered. "Faith, are you tormenting my poor friend? Couldn't you have waited 'til I got back, I wanna join in."
Willow got up from her sleeping bag. "I'm gonna go find sanctuary in the bathroom, and also brush my teeth." She picked up her pyjamas and left Buffy and Faith alone.
"See, I told you you'd have a good time." Buffy put down the snacks and then walked to her dresser and started searching for her night clothes.
Faith stood up and knelt on Buffy's bed. "Yeah, Will's got some pretty cool war stories; Frat parties, evil fish guys, now Halloween. So what about you?"
Buffy grabbed her cow pyjamas and turned to Faith. "Um, my stories are pretty much the same. Unless you want to hear about my thrilling life as an L.A waitress; oh the drama, the excitement, the groping- trust me Willow's are better."
Faith just shook her head. "No, B, I was talkin' about your ex, Angel and you. Willow hasn't let Oz get that far yet, but you- you boinked the undead. I mean, what was it like?"
"Oh..." Buffy went a little red. "You're really curious about that, huh? Fine, I'll spill. Just don't be all judge-y.
Faith rolled her eyes and put her hand on her heart in dramatic fashion. "Promise. Scout's honour."
Buffy looked sceptical. "I somehow doubt you were a girl scout."
"Nah, but one of my exes, Ronnie- he was a scout and I think I've had enough of him inside me so that it counts."
Buffy made a face. "Oh god, suddenly I'm not sure this is such a good idea."
Faith gave her a pleading look. "C'mon, no more jokes I promise."
"Fine, but we're getting ready to go to bed so..." Buffy gestured at the other girl. "You got anything to wear or do you want to borrow something?"
Faith smirked. "Thought you were gonna start sleeping in the nude?"
Buffy's eyes widened. "Not with Willow here! Um...I mean not with either of you here, there's just no nudity during sleepovers. It's a California law, or something."
Faith sighed like she was disappointed. "Can't believe Animal House lied t'me like that. Here I was thinkin' all my research for girly sleepovers was wicked accurate. But no nakedness and no pillow fights- it's kind of a let down."
Willow came back in shaking her head. "Uh-uh, I'm not getting into a pillow fight with two slayers; I'm putting my foot down on that one. If you want I'll reluctantly referee but that's it. I bruise easy."
Buffy threw an old white t-shirt at Faith. "There, go. You can wear that."
Faith looked it over and protested. "But it's got friggin' rainbows on it!"
"Deal with it." Buffy said simply and Faith left to change.
As soon as the brunette was out of sight Willow burbled excitedly at Buffy. "It's going well, isn't it? I mean, there I was thinking, y'know, gorgeous girl- probably really mean and snooty while being all cool and maybe her being nice to us that first time was just an act. But it's like a whole slayer-loophole, where you can be pretty and really nice- its fun."
Buffy smirked at her friend as she turned around to quickly change into her top. She looked over her shoulder and in a sing-song voice said. "Someone's got a crush."
Willow scoffed. "No, I haven't. It's just a while since I made a new friend by just being me, y'know. I mean Cordelia doesn't count because, well, she comes with the Xander package now. And you, you pretty much threw yourself at me..."
Buffy stopped changing and protested. "I did not!"
"You so wanted to be part of my gang." Willow smiled as she reminisced. "The new girl in town who I took under my wing."
"And I thought Giles had one too many bumps on the head, I'm amazed you can even cast any spells with a memory that flawed."
Willow giggled. "Well, okay- but you get my point."
Buffy regarded her friend. "Yep, that Willow charm works like magic."
Willow gave a big smile. "Aw, thanks. Hey, what's that?"
Buffy adjusted her hair as she buttoned up her top. "What?"
Buffy felt Willow step up behind her, and then a hand parting her hair. "When did you get a tattoo?"
Buffy froze. "Huh?"
"Right here on the back of your neck. I thought after the whole Eyghon thing body-art was a big turn off?"
Buffy hesitated. "Uh, yeah. I totally forgot, it happened when I was in L.A- I was feeling kind of low and I...well, it was a bad idea. I'm gonna have it removed soon so..."
They were both distracted by Faith walking back in, dressed in the white t-shirt, that Buffy now realised was way too tight for someone of Faith', and lacy black panties. "Think I stretched your shirt, B." She said absently.
Buffy just shook her head a little. "Don't worry about it. I'm, uh, just gonna brush my teeth." With that Buffy hurriedly left for the bathroom. Facing side on to the mirror, Buffy pulled her hair away from the nape of her neck and saw the mark Willow had spotted. A black circle etched on her skin about the size of a quarter, with a stylized black eye at the centre with a few squiggly black lines that set Buffy's alarm bells ringing. This ink looked very occult-y.
Buffy breathed as she tried to stop herself from panicking, okay this mark had to be linked to the wish she made right? She didn't believe in coincidences and this would be a big one. Either way magical body art was a bad thing... but it was also a clue.
Buffy could search for this symbol in big dusty tomes and find out was it meant, and what the hell was going on. She dropped her hair back and rearranged her top, practised her best not-freaking-out face, and told herself that this could wait a little while. At least until she survived Homecoming. Again.
Buffy walked back to her room with a practiced nonchalance and dropped back onto the bed, the other two girls were busy munching on cookies. Buffy glanced in Willow's direction, the redhead didn't seem to be worried or looking at her strangely, hopefully she'd bought Buffy's explanation. When Buffy had a few more answers maybe she'd tell her the truth, but first she needed to be sure what it all meant.
Faith, idly toying with Mr. Gordo, leaned over and prodded Buffy to get her attention. "'Kay Buffy, enough stallin'. Tell us how a slayer goes from slayin' vampires to layin'..."
Buffy scowled slightly. "You said no jokes."
In her mind Buffy hoped that by telling Faith about Angel she could take some of the mystique out of the whole situation, plus avoiding any potential misunderstandings later on. A combination of Mrs Post's manipulations and Xander's anger meant that last time Faith had nearly killing Angel- thinking his was just another monster that needed slaying. That had led to Buffy then having to fight the other slayer, which she didn't want to repeat.
'Then again, it might just mean Faith makes a play for Angel's affections a little sooner and tries the whole seducing him thing, or did she just do that because the mayor wanted her too? Or maybe it was to screw with me. Too many things to worry about,-my head's starting to hurt.'
Willow, busy munching a cookie, looked at Buffy expectantly. "You're gonna tell her about Angel, which parts?"
Buffy sighed and decided there was no going back. "Open book. Really, whatever you want."
Willow's face was priceless. "Anything? Are you...even about the time that you..?"
"Will, I spent the whole summer dealing, the fact that Angel's back doesn't change anything. We can' together. All I can see is a lot of abstinence in the future, so maybe talking about it- this will help me deal."
Willow nodded in understanding. "I think that makes sense, it's good- healthy even. Get some perspective."
"Anyway, how come you didn't slay him as soon as you saw him?" Faith asked.
"Oh, he's quite the cutie." Willow replied before Buffy could, "All quiet and soulful, very Byronesque." Off of Faith's look, "Uh, kind of dark and brooding."
"Also I didn't know he was a vampire," Buffy added. "He was just a mysterious stranger that showed up with a cryptic warning or clue about some big, bad evil." Buffy thought back. "Although, the first time we met he was kind of a jerk- all smarmy and knowing. I really didn't like him."
Faith frowned and shook her head. "How come you didn't know he was a vampire? He shoulda set off your slayer senses, right? There must've been something off about him."
Willow smirked. "I think she was all googly-eyed right from the start. Hey, you only said Faith couldn't make jokes- plus it's true."
"I suppose I was smitten," Buffy conceded. "I only found out after I kissed him for the first time, and then I didn't know what to think. I didn't get why he'd help me if he was just another vampire. But then Darla, that was his sire- Darla, attacked my Mom and framed Angel for it. We went all fight-to-the-death for a while, it was like Angel wanted me to kill him."
"His soul means he feels super-guilty for all bad the stuff he's done." Willow added to Faith.
Buffy smiled as she reminisced. "Anyway, I didn't kill him, instead he killed Darla. After that Angel helped out when he could. He and I...we got closer, working together, he was somebody I could be honest about myself with. I could share everything with him; it was a pretty unique sitch."
Buffy shook her head. "With someone like Scott, I'd have to hide things from him or risk putting him in danger. I guess it would never have worked- I was fooling myself."
"But you're not doomed," Willow said emphatically. She looked at Faith, "She thinks she's doomed."
Faith seemed to consider this. "So if Angel was such a great guy what went wrong?"
"It started last year when two vamps came to town, Spike and Drusilla. They both knew Angel back when he was evil and they'd come to the Hellmouth to party."
"Yeah, you mentioned those guys before, sound wicked creepy." Faith looked a little disgusted. "Demons gettin' all loved up."
"Anyways, they tried to end the world by resurrecting this ancient demon called the Judge; he could burn the soul out of someone just by touching him."
Faith nodded in sympathy. "And I'm guessin' the demon-guy touched Angel."
Buffy smiled sadly. "Nope, he almost got both of us but we managed to escape, made it back to Angel's place."
"Then I don't get it, why'd he turn evil?"
Willow looked at Buffy sadly. "Buffy, are you sure you want to...?"
Buffy nodded at the redhead. "Well, we only found out after...the curse that the gypsies gave Angel was meant to be a punishment, so he could suffer for all the bad stuff he'd done, forever. If he forgot any of that, even for a second, then the curse would be broken. And when we got back to his place, after the near miss- the almost dying and losing each other, we made love. And broke the curse."
Faith swallowed. "Damn." She seemed to think about it for a few seconds. "That's the dumbest fuckin' thing I've ever heard."
Buffy had been expecting a lot of reactions, but not that. She felt anger rise in her. "What did you say?"
Faith held up a hand. "Wow, hey, I didn't mean...I get why you got all bouncy with each other, but these gypsy guys- they go and curse Angel with a soul so he's done with the killing and he gets to suffer. But then if he gets too happy he looses it? I'm guessin' they didn't tell Angel about that last part?"
Buffy frowned as she tried to follow the other girl's thinking. "No. No way he knew."
"So the guy who didn't do anythin' except get killed by a vamp gets to live with all the shit the demon did, then if he accidentally gets too happy the demon gets a get outta jail free and goes back to killin'? Man, those gypsies are dicks."
Willow smiled a little in relief. "I'll bet Angel said that a lot these past hundred years."
And with that all the tension that had been building up from Buffy's retelling of the story seemed to leave the room. Buffy actually laughed a little at Willow's comment. "I guess I didn't really think about it that way, too busy living with the reality."
Faith shook her head in sympathy. "So the morning' after was pretty rough, I'm guessin'. But what about the deed itself, huh? I mean, I'm thinking he had a good time, guys always do. But what about you?"
"Well, it's nice that you just brush past all my pain and get right to the dirt." Buffy joked, and then allowed her thoughts to drift back to that night. It was strange how she didn't like to think about it with Angel, but here with her friends- and a little perspective, she could allow herself to remember.
"It was good, I mean, really good. I was kind of nervous to begin with...I started kissing him and pretty soon we were, um, taking our clothes off. We were still wet from the rain outside."
"He must've been cold, right? With the whole 'being dead' thing."
"Not cold exactly, more room temperature. And as we," Buffy bit her bottom lip. "started, with the nakedness, he warmed up pretty quickly. I guess I got his blood, um, pumping."
Faith smiled and wiggled her eyebrows as she chuckled. "I betchya did."
"Did it hurt?" Willow spoke a little anxiously. "I-I heard that, y'know, the first time..."
"Only for a little bit." Buffy replied, "And it was worth it. He was...slow and tender, we took our time and I had, um, the thing, the moment. Both times."
Willow sat in wide-eyed contemplation. "Twice?"
"So, the boy's got stamina, knew there had to be somethin' in it for you..." Faith drawled slyly, she seemed to be enjoying Buffy's description an awful lot. "Positions?"
Buffy flushed in embarrassment. "Just, y'know, the normal one, um- missionary."
"I don't understand how vampires can even...get they're blood pumping, anyway. I mean, they're dead, they don't bleed but they that when they want to. And how do they smoke if they can't even breathe?" Willow looked at the other two and reddened a little. "That's not really the issue here, is it?"
Buffy smiled gently. "All I know is that he did get..." She made a gesture with her hand. "Obviously, otherwise I guess I would've been kinda disappointed. Also, he had a couple of hundred years of experience, practice, whatever- that probably helped." Buffy frowned a little. "I always wondered if I was...well, if I was the disappointment."
"I think the whole 'perfect happiness' thing kind of indicates that you weren't." Willow replied sympathetically.
Faith thought for a moment and then grinned widely. "Okay, so how big was he?"
"And I'm done!" Buffy blurted. "I think I've answered enough invasive questions about my one sexual experience for one night."
Both Willow and Faith seemed a little disappointed but didn't try and persuade otherwise, which was good. Buffy was getting a bit...caught up in the memory, and getting all pent up again, at a slumber party no less, could get awkward.
"So, um, what about you?" She asked Faith, "I'll bet you've got plenty of stories."
Faith shrugged and looked a little sad. "My first time pretty much sucked." Then she broke into a lewd smile. "Times after that got a lot better, though. Made damn sure of it."
"Positions?" Then Willow slapped a hand over her mouth and went beet red. "Sorry, that kind of just slipped out. Just me being giddy- ignore me."
"'S' okay. Nothing fancy." Faith's hands manoeuvred Mr. Gordo so he was sitting on her lap, trotters in the air. "Can demonstrate some of 'em though."
Buffy gasped before reaching over and swiping the plush pig away. "Don't even! Mr. Gordo is a poor, innocent pig who's not interested in downward facing dog or whatever else you're going to demonstrate." She cuddled him defensively.
Willow chuckled. "I'm fairly certain that's a yoga position, Buffy."
"Doesn't matter, he's off limits."
"Sorry, B. didn't realise I was violatin' a sacred stuffed toy." Faith smirked and thought about it some more before answering Willow. "Okay, so mostly on top, that way I can set the pace so a guy doesn't pop too soon, y'know. But I've covered most of the basics, some wicked kinky stuff too; if I get lucky and find a guy who can keep up I get to have all kinds of fun."
Buffy believed her, the way Faith talked about it which such confidence it was obvious she'd had some good experiences, maybe lots of good experiences. Buffy suddenly found herself thinking about the way Faith moved when she was dancing or fighting, so unrestrained and vibrant, so lost in what she was doing. Buffy concluded that whoever Faith decided to 'spend time' with had a pretty good experience too.
She shifted a little uncomfortably, alarmed at how warm she was getting. This was all Scott's fault, and Angel's, what with all the denial and restraint, plus Faith's teasing. Buffy didn't consider herself a slut or anything but...a girl has needs.
'Okay, so it's been well over a year since I've had sex. That's nothing, a necessary down period. Just have to adjust is all.'
Willow was looking at Faith with a mixture of amazement and caution, a sort of wary admiration for the dark-haired girl. Like she'd discovered that Faith had done something really unwise but had somehow triumphed anyway.
"So, um, have you...since coming to Sunnydale?" Willow asked.
Faith glanced at Buffy before answering. "Not yet, just tryin' to get a feel for the place 'fore I have to scratch that itch, y'know. But slaying can get to a girl, y'know." She smirked at Buffy's discomfort.
Buffy decided to end things here before they could get too intimate and fake-yawned expansively. "Well, I'm beat. You two can keep at it but I really need to sleep, 'night."
Willow frowned and looked at her watch. "I guess it is getting late."
Faith looked a little disappointed as she grabbed a pillow off Buffy's bed and put it next to her. "Blows that you guys gotta go to school tomorrow, we coulda stayed up all night."
"Next time, maybe?" Chirped Willow, sounding enthusiastic at the prospect. "We should pick a Friday or Saturday, with movies and stuff, like a whole big thing."
Buffy nodded. "To be continued, guys. I got it. Oh and thanks for all this, coming over, listening and talking. I feel better."
"You're not doomed." Willow's voice was firm.
Buffy chuckled. "I know, thanks Will."
With that she flipped back the covers and slid into her bed's snug and cosy embrace. Buffy delicately adjusted her pyjama pants so they weren't so...clinging, to any area. The memories of being with Angel obviously still got to her, maybe when the other two had fallen asleep she could sneak to the bathroom and...
Suddenly the other side of the covers were lifted up and Faith got in. "Scooch up."
"What're you doing?" Buffy hissed, in a moment of panic considering fending off Faith with Mr. Gordo.
"Didja see me bring a sleeping bag? There's plenty of room in here- scooch yer butt."
"But..." Sometimes Buffy had shared a bed with Willow on sleepovers- that was no big. Faith was a whole other story, a confusing, uncomfortable making story.
Faith slid down beneath the covers so only her head was showing. Buffy was very aware of the fact that everything else; arms, hands, breasts, hips were under the covers with her. She tensed, ready in case anything of Faith's brushed up against her, or grabbed her, or stroked...
Faith nudged Buffy. "'Night, B. Thanks for the invite." With that she rolled over so her back was facing the blonde girl, plumped up her pillow, then seemed to settle down to sleep.
Buffy waited, holding her stuffed toy tight as she wondered when Faith would try something, or if she would try anything.
But as the minutes ticked by Buffy could here the other girl's breathing settle and deepen as she slept. Buffy relaxed, released Mr. Gordo from a death grip and attempted to get comfortable, trying to wrest her mind from any lingering curiosities about Faith's night time experiences. No good could come of it.
'Okay, so what- maybe part of me likes and admires Faith, parts of her personality are fun and...really fascinating to think about. It doesn't mean anything, any attraction or lusty wrong feelings. I'm just curious, about her. About her...qualities as an individual, she's new and interesting- that's all.'
Buffy didn't know why she was trying so hard to convince herself, or to push down a curious feeling that had settled in her since Faith had dozed off. Buffy found sleep overcame her just as she realised what she was feeling, slight disappointment that Faith hadn't tried anything.
"Buffy, Faith's here!" Buffy's Mom called from downstairs as Buffy inspected the spare room- bare of anything but a dresser, a clothes rack her Mom had found in the basement, and a bed. Buffy set the piece of paper down on the edge of the mattress and headed to the top of the stairs to see her Mom opening the front door.
"Hello, Faith. Do you need a hand?"
Faith was standing on the porch carrying a sports bag and a backpack. She had a black trash bag slung over one shoulder. "Don't worry Mrs. S, I'm good. Is Buffy here?"
Buffy came down the stairs and raised her hand in greeting. "I'm just putting the finishing touches to your bedroom. What's in the bag?"
Faith dumped it in the hall. "Uh, some dirty clothes. I didn't have time to hit the laundrette before I came over. Just tell me where the nearest one is and I'll..."
"Oh, nonsense, Faith. I'll take those, you just settle in. Have you eaten yet?"
Faith seemed a little overwhelmed by Joyce's attention but managed to nod. "I'm fine and, uh, thanks."
"Well, Buffy and I are having pizza tonight to celebrate your arrival; you're welcome to join us." Buffy watched her Mom go carrying the clothes bag with her.
Faith looked after her in something approaching amazement. "She's gonna do my washing too?"
"Didn't I mention that? It's full service here at Casa de Summers. Come on, I'll show you to your room."
Faith followed her up the stairs. "B, I saw it a couple of days ago when I slept over, remember?"
"I know but it's got a couple of new additions that you should see."
Buffy entered the room first and did an expansive sweeping gesture with her hands as she turned. "Ta-Da! Look what came to the house not one hour ago."
She pointed to a dress bag hanging alone on the clothes rack, the label 'April Fool's' was embossed on it's black glossy surface. Buffy hadn't fiddled with the zipper, though she'd been tempted. "My Mom said not to peek until you came and tried it on, April Fool's is nice though. Kind of expensive."
Faith stared at the bag before shifting a little uncomfortably. "Your Mom made a deal with the owner- she'd been eyin' some picture in the gallery or somethin'. So they did a switch or a deal." She looked at Buffy a little apologetically. "It was your Mom's idea, she kinda insisted."
Buffy smiled. "My Mom's a stubborn one; she tends to get her way. Apparently she had it refitted especially. Y'know you could probably wear this to the Prom as well; get your money's worth."
"The Prom? I'm not going to any Prom, who would I even go with?"
"After the dance, when the boys get a load of you, I'm sure you'll get a ton of offers." Buffy grinned at the other girl and went over to the rack. "Can I see it? Is it pretty? What colour is it?"
"Uh, dark I think."
"Stop teasing. Is it red? Like a dark red-or blue, like a nice midnight blue?"
Faith smirked and shook her head. "Buffy...just wait 'til tonight, 'kay. Don't get all hyper."
"I'm not hyper, maybe excited. I would also accept giddy, but not just about tonight. You're here- you finally moved in."
Faith gestured to her two bags. "Well, it was a big job. Couldn't rush it."
Buffy moved over to the bed and picked up the piece of paper. "Thought you might want this, you left it at the library when we were watching Oz." She handed it to Faith.
Faith looked at it, seeing her cartoon-like drawing. "Damn, thought I chucked this." She scrunched it up.
Buffy snatched the paper back. "Hey, don't! I like it, okay. You didn't tell me you could draw like that."
Faith flopped back onto the bed and spread her arms out, testing the firmness. "Drawing was one of the things I liked doin' back at school. That's just a stupid doodle." She sat up on her elbows. "Man, this sure beats the hell outta the motel."
Buffy smoothed out the folded paper. "Told you. Although you do have to share the bathroom with me, and I can take ages in the morning."
"Well see I don't hav'ta go anywhere in the morning, so no worries." Faith thought about and smiled at Buffy. "Might get up to sneak a peak though."
"I'm flattered, really." Buffy replied dryly, pleased she hadn't blushed this time. "But the bathroom door has a lock so I think I'm safe."
"Maybe I was talkin' 'bout your Mom."
"Eeeww, gross. Okay, I'm just going to forget this whole conversation and go down and order the pizzas." Buffy turned in the doorway. "You better stay here and unpack; we'll only have couple of hours to get ready before the limo gets here. Trust me; it'll take longer than you think to get ready."
Faith sighed and flopped back. "You worry too much, B."
Homecoming Part 3 (Dressed To Kill Or Be Killed)
Buffy knocked gently on the bathroom door. "Faith? You okay, you sound funny."
She heard a mumbled reply. Buffy repeated. "Faith?"
"Quit buggin' me, 'kay." Faith sounded annoyed.
"Oh, okay. It's just to get to the dance you'll have to actually leave the bathroom."
Buffy was puzzled, she seen Faith at the other dance wearing a dress, what was the problem this time? Buffy had watched the other girl rushing around in a towel having done her makeup and hair, but Buffy still hadn't seen her dress. Maybe asking her Mom hadn't been the best idea- what if the dress was horrible colour? Or maybe it had ruffles or sparkly bits or something else Faith had now decided she hated.
Buffy sighed and leaned against the wall next to the bathroom, she'd pretty much worked out how the evening was going to go, she knew that the limo would take the two of them out into the woods and leave them there. They would be hunted by the Davey Crockett wannabe, Buffy would defeat him the same as before. Then they'd take shelter in the cabin, Buffy figured that that two slayers could make short work of that spiky yellow demon before the cabin got blown up. Buffy had to remember to get to the phone and warn Giles away from the library.
Then they could ditch the tracking devices and race to the school to stake Gorch and his wife who would be waiting there. Buffy reckoned that after all that they'd still have time for a few dances before Cordelia got her crown or whatever.
Buffy had even thought about being all pre-emptive and going after Mr. Trick, after all the limo driver had to be in on it. But sticking to the script seemed much safer for everyone in this case, this time Buffy only had to worry about Faith and the girl could take care of herself.
That's if she ever decided to show herself.
"Alright...I'm comin' out." Faith said with a clack as the bathroom door unlocked.
The door swung open and Faith stepped out in all her glory, hair piled up with strands hanging down to frame her face, dark lipstick and eye shadow accentuating her lush lips and stunning eyes. For a moment Buffy didn't take in the entire effect, just staring, before her eyes swept down the rest of the other slayers form. The dress was a deep blue number with black trim across the cleavage and bottom of the skirt, which brushed around Faith's knees. The material was a gorgeous, shimmering silk, which hugged the brunette's waist and bunched around her chest, spaghetti straps left her shoulders and graceful neck bare.
Faith gave Buffy an awkward look. "I feel wicked stupid."
For a moment Buffy couldn't speak, Faith looked at her nervously. "What?"
"You girly. I mean, in a good way. You look beautiful, Faith." Buffy shook her head in amazement. "Did you pick this out?"
"It was the only one that wasn't a stupid colour or had flowers on it or some crap like that. Kinda limited my options."
Buffy tried to think of something to say that would give Faith a little more confidence. "The dress, um, really shows off your boobs."
Faith raised her eyebrows and smiled. "It does? Cool." Faith looked down at herself and seemed to loosen up a little. "I guess I can survive in it for one night. How much time we got?"
"Five minutes or so until the limo gets here; c'mon I'm sure my Mom wants to gush over us."
Buffy grabbed her purse and went to the top of the stairs where she felt a hand on her shoulder.
Faith cleared her throat a little uncomfortably. "Goes without sayin' B, but you look good, uh, really good. So I guess findin' another guy ain't gonna be a problem."
Buffy smiled at the other girl. "Thanks, but I'll be happy if I just get through tonight without adding to my growing collection of embarrassing stories."
"Oh, don't you two look a picture," Buffy's Mom came to the foot of the stairs and smiled fondly up at them.
Buffy smirked at Faith as the two of them made their way down the stairs. "Thanks, Mom."
"Yeah, thanks Mrs. S. For the dress too."
"It was my pleasure Faith, and as a bonus I got rid of a nasty piece of Polynesian art." She was interrupted by a knock on the front door. She looked questioningly at the two girls before turning and opening it.
"Hey, guys." Willow gave a little wave. "I'm not too late am I? Wow, Faith you look so girly. And that dress really shows..."
Buffy interrupted. "Will, is everything okay? What are you doing here?"
"Relax, B. I asked her. I thought she could ride in the limo with us- we can kick back before we swing by everybody else." Faith looked at the redhead, "Cutting it a bit close, Red."
"I know, my dad drove me I had to give him directions," Willow gave an apologetic shrug, and then saw the look on Buffy's face, "Buffy, what's wrong?"
'What's that saying, "no plan survives contact with Buffy's life." Damn it.' "Nothing, you just threw me is all. Let's get outside."
The three of them stepped out onto the porch into the quiet evening air, Buffy walking on ahead to look out for the limo. All of a sudden tonight didn't seem so simple and neat, by saying nothing and pretending everything was okay she was putting Willow's life in danger. True the first time around it had been Cordelia in the crossfire but, well, Buffy really liked Willow; she especially liked her being alive. If something went wrong- a stray bullet or blade- anything, Buffy wouldn't be able to live with herself.
She came back to herself to here the other two girls talking.
"...a song he wrote for me, their playing it tonight."
"So if he's playin' it who are you gonna dance with?"
"Oh, I thought I'd just stare adoringly up at him while he plays." Willow sighed contentedly, and then pointed down the street. "Yay, our limo."
The three of them watched as the car pulled in front of the house and the driver got out, walking round to open the back door for them.
Faith grinned."Real classy. Plus, cute driver's a bonus."
"Can you maybe wait until we get to the actual dance before hitting on guys, Faith?" Buffy snarked before getting into the limo.
She sat where Cordelia had been sitting the last time and noticed the two corsages on the back seat, an orchid and a freesia.
Faith got in after her, Buffy flushed a little as she got a good view of her cleavage as she bent over to climb in. "Well, 'scuse me all t'hell. I thought we were supposed to be having fun tonight?" Faith sat down next to Buffy and rearranged herself. "Almost fell outta this damn thing." She muttered.
Despite herself Buffy smiled at the other girl's actions. "Sorry, my bad. Fun Buffy is on duty tonight I promise, but try to hook up after the dance, okay. Don't leave me hanging around alone all night."
There, that had sounded better, Buffy shouldn't be acting like their evening was gonna be disrupted by a bunch of evil mercenaries with more money than sense.
Willow climbed in next and sat to one side. "Hey, someone got corsages. Who're they for?"
Thinking quickly Buffy grabbed the box. "Um, Mom said they were Faith and me." She showed the box to Faith, "Which one do you want?"
Faith shrugged as she peered at them. "What're you supposed t'do with 'em, anyhow?"
"You wear one, silly. On your wrist." She took the freesia out of the box and slid it onto Faith's wrist. "Like so. What do you think?"
Willow smiled. "Very pretty."
Faith wrinkled her nose as she held it closer. "Smells like motel soap."
Buffy giggled as she took the orchid. "Well that one goes better with darker colours, trust me you look great."
During all this the limousine had started moving and was swiftly taking them to wherever, Buffy's stomach clenched at the thought. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Buffy spoke up again. "So, who do we pick up next?"
"First Oz, then we swing by Cordelia to pick up her and Xander, I think her Dad is helping Xander with his tie."
"'Til then how about we find a way t'loosen up," Faith said and reached under her skirt.
Buffy looked on in alarm. "We are not doing anything like..."
Faith pulled a silver hip flask out with a flourish. "Gee, B. What didja think I was gonna do?" She grinned naughtily at the other slayer.
Buffy stammered. "Anything like...d- drink alcohol, um, in a moving vehicle."
"Yep, Buffy and alcohol leads to dirty dancing." Willow snickered before asking Faith. "What is that stuff?"
"Just some rum, it's pretty lethal too." She gave it a little shake. "This'll be more than enough to liven up any cocktails at the dance. I could've brought more but I got a knife strapped to my other leg."
Willow looked surprised. "What for?"
"Slayer can't go anywhere without a weapon, Red. We're on a Hellmouth, remember? I'll bet Buffy packing something?"
Buffy smiled and patted her purse. In it she was carrying a couple of freshly whittled stakes. "Just a precaution, Will. Better to have it and not need it."
Willow nodded at that as Faith unscrewed the top of the flask. "Anyone want?"
Buffy gave an emphatic shake of her head, even if she wasn't going to be hunted alcohol led to fuzziness and bad judgement around Faith.
Willow also declined. "I better not, but I'll have some punch later on, promise."
With that Faith took a quick glug before returning the flask to its hiding place.
Willow was looking out of the window, frowning. "I think we're going the long way round, either that or this guy's lost."
Faith didn't seem interested as Buffy peered out of the other window. "I don't know, Will. It's pretty dark, I don't see..."
"I see trees, not houses." Willow sounded a little unsure. "Hey, we're stopping."
The limousine did indeed grind to a halt. The driver's door opened and then his footsteps took off hurriedly into the night.
"Uh, this isn't good." Willow still peered through the window anxiously.
Buffy frowned at Faith. "Maybe we should get out, something's very wrong."
"Like what, a flat tire?" Faith opened the door and got out and looked around. "Driver's hoofed it anyways. Never can trust the good-lookin' ones."
Buffy helped Willow out of the car, staring around at the familiar wilderness. "This is Miller's Woods, no where near the school."
"Buffy look," Willow pointed the TV and VCR sat on a nearby rock, a nearby sign instructing them to 'play me'.
"What is all this crap?" Faith walked over to the electronic set-up.
"I'm guessing something bad?" Willow glanced nervously around the woods.
Buffy took her hand. "Stay close." They moved over to Faith as she bent and fiddled with the VCR.
The television blinked to life, showing Mr. Trick posing in a snazzy red suit. He smiled genially. "Hello ladies, welcome to SlayerFest ninety-eight. What is SlayerFest you ask? Well, as in most of life, there's the hunters and the hunted. Can you guess where you two fall? From the beginning of this tape you have exactly thirty seconds," He checked his watch. "no that's seventeen now, to run for your lives. Faith, Buffy, have a nice death."
With that the TV went black, showing a SlayerFest logo. Buffy sighed in irritation and looked around the woods.
"Who was that?" Willow asked, her voice was a little higher than normal.
"Calls himself Mr. Trick, a chump who used to run with Kakistos. Looks like he's got all ambitious." Faith quietly reached down, lifted up her skirt and pulled out her knife.
Willow shuddered. "This is horrible, it's like 'The Most Dangerous Game', only it's worst because we're all wearing dresses!"
"We have to get out of here, keep moving. If we stay in one spot..." A gunshot rang out and the television exploded. Willow screamed and Faith pulled her to the ground.
"Good idea. Run!" Faith shouted as she pulled Willow into the brush.
The three of them sprinted through the woods, Buffy in the lead trying to remember which way the cabin was. Willow followed close behind with Faith bringing up the rear, occasionally glancing back into the darkness.
"Their shooting at us. That's...that's not just wrong, it's really unfair. There should be a no guns rule for hunting slayers, or the friends of slayers now that I think about it."
"You wanna keep it down, Red. We're making enough noise already."
"Sorry, it's just...Buffy, look out!"
Buffy yanked her foot off the ground as the bear trap slammed shut, she'd almost forgotten about it.
She turned to thank Willow and then saw a man in the middle distance raise a rifle to his shoulder. "Get down, now!"
She grabbed Willow and pulled her down as the bullet blasted the branches above their heads, Faith had already ducked low and turned, knife ready. She hurled the blade at the hunter and he cried out in pain and alarm before staggering back, and then screamed again in agony.
Buffy quickly ran over and scooped up the man's rifle as he stood there clutching his leg, caught by another one of his traps, Faith's knife still lodged in his shoulder. Buffy pointed the gun square at his head as Willow and Faith caught up.
"Oh the irony, huh? Now, I can let you out of that trap or I can put a bullet in your head. How many are there in this little game and what are they packing?" She cocked the gun for emphasis.
"Better do as she says." Faith smiled at him evilly.
He glared at them before speaking up. "There's me, two Germans with AR-15's and grenade launcher, yellow-skinned demon with long knives, vampire couple from Texas named Gorch."
"Who else?"
"That's everybody who's out here. Germans are wired- their boss is tracking them on computer. Now get me outta this!"
Buffy looked him over. "Tell you what if my friends and I live through this I'll send... wait, is that one of my Mom's kitchen knives?" She looked at Faith.
Faith nodded almost proud. "Yep, looks wicked painful."
Buffy looked a little disbelieving. "I use those for making fruit salad not for skewering mountain men."
Suddenly two large bone knifes slammed into the tree next to the three of them and Willow screamed. "Tell off later, run away now!"
Buffy kicked open the cabin door and gestured for Willow to follow her inside. Faith, now carrying the hunting rifle strode after them; Buffy fetched a nearby chair and wedged it under the door.
"Guys, check if there's a weapon or a phone around anywhere." Buffy got busy shuttering the windows.
Faith peaked out of another window. "We didn't run far, demon-boy won't be far behind us. You know about any of the others?"
Buffy watched a shutter come away in he hands. "Damn. Uh, yeah, the Gorch brother, they're redneck types- pretty tough but not that smart. Last time they were in town one of them got eaten, I'm guessing the other one wants payback."
"I found a phone!" Willow exclaimed, pulling a telephone out from under a table. "I just hope it works." She tested the dial tone and nodded at Buffy.
"Ring Giles, tell him where we are, that we're fine...and also tell him to be careful. If these guys have been watching us they might know about him."
Willow dialled and Buffy walked over to Faith. "You okay?"
Faith nodded. "Kinda pissed about the dance but wha'cha gonna do, right? Least we got this- rifle's only got three shots left and the sights a little off...what?"
Buffy was smiling at the other slayer. "You're just taking all this in your stride, huh? Well, I'm glad you're here."
Willow was speaking to the answering machine. "Hi, Giles, it's me, um, Willow. Surprise, we're in terrible danger. Buffy, Faith and I are in a cabin in Miller's Woods being hunted for sport, which actually isn't very...sporting. Sorry, I'm babbling but Buffy thinks these guys have been watching us for a while so be...hello?" Willow looked at the two slayers worriedly. "The line went dead."
Buffy moved towards the redhead to take the phone. Faith shrugged her shoulders. "Guess these guys want a private party, huh."
"But how are they finding us?" Buffy asked aloud, and then looked at Faith. "The corsages."
Faith looked warily at the flower on her hand. "How's that?"
"Are you thinking some sort of tracking device?" Willow asked.
Buffy figured she must look really smart right now. "Those Germans are wired up to some sort of base camp and then the phone line just went dead, maybe..."
And then a demon crashed through the window behind Faith.
Faith just managed to turn as the growling demon barrelled into her, knocking her back onto the bed, it lunged down whirling its knives in an attempt to disembowel the slayer but instead tore a pillow to shreds as Faith rolled off the bed and onto her knees.
Buffy ran over to the wall to grab the deer antlers mounted there as the spiny creature again attacked Faith, who managed to bring the rifle up and around to block its blades. Then there was an incredibly loud bang as the impact set the gun off and a nearby lamp shattered to pieces. Willow gasped before finding cover by ducking down behind the table.
With a roar the demon flung Faith away from him, across the room where she collided heavily with the wall, the rifle skittering into a corner. He raced after the dazed brunette but Buffy got between them, smacking him across the side of the head with the antlers.
The whirling bones spurs were brought around, smashing through deer horn as the demon tried to hack Buffy to death. One blade, going high, barely misses her neck. The other managed to nick her leg, tearing through the dress and gouging flesh on her thigh. Buffy cried out and took a quick step back as the demon pressed its attack.
Suddenly the rug beneath the demon's feet was jerked out from under him and he tumbled to the ground. Faith threw the carpet to one side as she got to her feet and moved towards the demon.
Buffy backed up and grabbed the table next to Willow before hurling it at the back window, smashing the glass. "Go, now!"
She turned to watch Faith grab the demon as he got to his feet and, grunting with the effort, ram him face first into the far wall before pounding a knee up into his stomach that knocked him up and around to face her. Quickly the demon backhanded Faith and kicked out with one leg, sending her stumbling to the side.
Buffy grabbed the rifle and tried to blast the thing's face off, but with an empty clack the rifle jammed. Buffy launched herself again at the demon, wrestling with it in the centre of the cabin when there was the sound of breaking glass and something clattered to the ground between them.
Without hesitating Buffy pushed away from the demon, grabbed Faith by the arm, and dived with her through the broken window into the bushes. They scrambled to their feet and with Willow in tow ran full tilt away from the cabin before being knocked off their feet by the resulting explosion.
Willow lay there panting and Faith flopped onto her back, propping herself up and blowing some hair out of her eyes. She was all smiles. "Now that was cool. What did you do?"
Buffy struggled to rise, wincing as she put weight on her leg. "Not me, I'm guessing the heavily armed Germans. Oh, and 'cool', there is something seriously wrong with you." She said it lightly; just glad they all got out of there in one piece.
"How you doing there, Red?"
"Um, tip-top, y'know, considering I'm terrified." Buffy helped the other girl to her feet as Faith tossed off her shoes.
"Done wearing heels while fightin' demons, that's just all kinds of stupid."
"We need to get to the library." Willow looked around as if expecting another attack.
"No, you need to," Faith sat up. "Buffy and me should stay and ambush these suckers." She gestured to the slightly battered corsage on her wrist.
"Faith's right, we can't lead them to the school." Buffy took off her corsage and looked at it thoughtfully. "And if we ditch these things they could just find us later."
She turned to Willow. "Listen, go find Giles and tell him Gorch is back in town, arm yourselves and wait until we've dealt with these Die Hard rejects."
Willow didn't like her plan. "Buffy..."
"Look, they're tracking us with these," Buffy turned the flowers over to show Willow the carefully hidden chip. "We use these to lead them into an ambush, but I need you safe Will, and I need you to go tell the others."
Willow nodded, determinedly. She was so brave, Buffy thought
Faith had gotten to her feet. "Best get moving, those guys will've realised we ain't in little bits by now."
With a last look at Willow the two slayers scampered quickly for the cover of the trees, heading away from the direction of the school. Buffy hoped the Germans would take the bait and follow, because now it was time for some payback.
This is not how Buffy had imagined Homecoming night, up in a tree, half sitting on Faith's lap. The other girl breathing against her, both bodies tensed, Buffy trying to concentrate on the ambush point below them instead of the feel of Faith against her.
They were both carefully perched above a cross-section of bushes and a couple of fallen trees, Faith had scoped it out and reckoned it looked like a defensibly position that they might hole up in. Buffy had placed their corsages on two nearby branches, hidden with foliage, and waited for the assassins to show.
"Any longer and my butt will fall asleep." Buffy hissed.
"Want me t'give it a pinch." Faith whispered in her ear. Buffy glared at her hotly, and tried to suppress the warm shudder that went through her.
"Faith- wrong time, wrong place, wrong person." But Faith wasn't listening; she held up her hand and cocked her head. Buffy heard the muted crackle of static, then the rustle of branches being slowly pushed aside. No footsteps or voices- these guys were good.
It was hard to see them in the moonlight, just dim shadows moving in tandem by either side of the tree they'd chosen to hide in. They were three feet from where Buffy had hidden the trackers, just a few more seconds...
Faith leapt, flashing past Buffy as she jumped clear of the tree and landed on the back of one of the shadows, who let out a surprised grunt. Buffy cursed as the other form turned, moonlight catching a glimmer of gun metal as the rifle pointed at Faith.
Buffy threw her stake at him in desperation, as she too jumped off the branch to the ground next to the figure. Her feet struck the ground as the stake caught the arm holding the rifle, the man cursed in German as he lost his grip momentarily and swung around to face Buffy.
The blonde slayer kept low as she rushed him, her left arm knocking the weapon skyward as her right struck him high in the chest. To her surprise he dropped the rifle and pivoted, faster than she expected and struck her round the side of her face with an elbow, then turned her momentum into a hip throw.
Buffy landed with a grunt and barely avoided the knife that came down at her throat, bringing up her hand to catch his wrist. The man was strong and had leverage on his side as he managed to force his hand lower, the black blade glinting sharply.
Buffy, instead of resisting, pulled him down and forward towards her waist as she swept a knee up and struck him heavily in the forehead, with a groan the man rolled away. Buffy flipped to her feet and snapped a look at Faith just in time to see her backhand her assailant before throwing him sideways into a tree.
The other figure came at her again, slower this time, blade weaving back and forth, Buffy didn't know if that was some tactic or if he was just concussed. Nor did she care; darting towards him she feigned a right before catching his outstretched wrist and twisting it so it snapped. Another solid punch to the jaw and a kick to the chest sent him out for the night.
Buffy breathed out a sigh and turned to the other slayer. "You jumped the gun."
Faith, who'd been watching Buffy deal with her man while trying to fix her hair, grinned. "Nah, I jumped his ass, and guess what- he's our friggin' chauffer."
Buffy peered at the downed guy. That explains that. "Doesn't matter, their down and out. That just leaves the happy couple, but we're out of weapons- we should head for the library."
"Lead the way."
Buffy and Faith made their way down the deserted school corridor, battered and bruised but still alive, Buffy still had a stake but all Faith was holding was her silver flask.
"Jungle-Bob, Spike-head and the Germans are down, that just leaves the vamps."
Buffy slowed as she got to the library doors, moved quietly over to them and quickly glanced through. She saw Gorch and his trashy wife with their backs to the door, closing in on Willow, Xander, Oz and Cordelia, Giles lay unconscious by the counter.
Buffy brandished her stake and turned to Faith. "Damn, they're here. You ready?"
"Knew I shoulda grabbed that grenade launcher." Faith grumbled.
As they both burst through the doors Buffy spoke up to get their attention. "Well, looks like we saved the worst until last."
Gorch spun round, his face twisting into a grin. "Slayer. Well, you're right; I am the worst of the lot." He adjusted his hat and cracked his knuckles.
"Yeah, you really didn't get my meaning..." Before she could finish Gorch's wife rushed her, launching a kick in her direction. Buffy was feeling a little tired but she managed to dodge backwards out of the way, seeing Faith cautiously approach Gorch as he loomed over her.
"Hey, y'know what'll improve you're looks?" She held up the flask. "Holy water." With that she tossed some directly into his face.
Gorch cried out in surprise and pain and clutched at his face, before pulling his hand away. "Wait a sec now, this is liquor." Then Faith slammed a fist into his face sending him tumbling over the table. Willow and the rest scrambled out of the way as Faith pushed chairs aside and stood over Lyle Gorch.
He looked up at her, dazed. "That dress sure is purty, shows off your..." Faith punched him before he could finish, pounding her fists into his face.
Buffy weathered two ferocious back-hands that spun her head a little before ducking low under a clumsy roundhouse, grabbing the vampire by the hair she and flung her backwards. The blonde crashed against some shelves which collapsed under the impact. Buffy dodged a couple of books thrown her way before stalking closer and punching the stake into the other girl's chest.
"Faith!" Xander called to the other slayer as he chucked her a broken chair leg. Faith caught it handily as she stood over the battered vampire. "Time to join your brother," She quickly looked over her shoulder. "And your squeeze."
"Candy!" Gorch cried out as Faith buried the wood in his chest and dusted him.
Taking a step back Faith looked over at Buffy. "So I guess we win SlayerFest, huh? Do we get a prize or anything?"
Buffy sighed. "Just our lives, Faith."
"Are you both okay?" Willow went between them to crouch by Giles, who seemed to be coming around.
"Yeah, because you look awful." Cordelia declared. "I mean really."
"We're fine, really. But... I can't go to the dance like this," Buffy shrugged helplessly as she looked down at her torn, stained dress. She didn't feel too hot either, aching all over. Maybe some things just weren't meant to be.
"Well, you could. You'd be making a statement." Oz said wryly, stooping to help Giles to his feet.
"Yeah, you could go with the surviving a slasher movie vibe you've got going on." Xander smiled as he looked them both over. "Great timing by the way, any longer and it was about to get pretty messy. By which I mean scattering my limbs across the room messy. So..."
"So that was horrible, let's go dance. That crown is mine." Cordelia took Xander's arm and sauntered out of the library.
Buffy, still feeling a little sore and tired, limped over and leaned against the desk.
Giles was helped over to a chair as he looked over the two slayers. "Well, you both did very well under very trying circumstances. In case you were wondering, I did get your message but alas, I was rather predictably rendered unconscious before I could act."
Willow nodded. "I got to the school and found Oz and the others here, so we all came here to find Giles, and these guys," She gestured at the spaces left by the two vamps, "Were here, but luckily we managed to keep them talking for a little while. They really weren't that smart."
"Just glad we got here in time to put an end to the Gorch clan. Buffy looked at her watch "Plus there are two terrorists sleeping it off in Miller's woods. They should be coming round in half an hour or so."
"Well, I think that's my cue to inform the police of their location." Giles steadied himself as he got to his feet. "After that I'll think I'll retire for the evening, this whole Homecoming dance isn't really for me. Goodnight Buffy. Faith."
Willow looked at Buffy as Giles left. "Are you sure you don't wanna...?"
Buffy waved her hand. "You two go on, enjoy yourselves. We're good."
"Thanks, I'm kinda in the mood for a dance or two." Willow grinned. "Also for some reason I'm weirdly excited to see Cordelia win, who knew."
"Well, I'm always excited by weirdness." Oz remarked dryly. "But, on the downside, titles tend to go to people's heads. It's a risk."
Willow took Oz's arm as they left the library. "So it's a good thing Cordelia's so humble and down-to-earth, huh?"
Buffy found herself alone with Faith and the quiet; she heard the distant sound of music from elsewhere in the school. Never mine, she'd get to have Prom all over again, she could sit this one out.
"Some night, huh B?" Faith remarked with a chuckle. She was busily undoing her messy bun and running her hands through her hair.
Buffy looked down at her dress. "Not so bad. After all the last time I wore something this formal, I died."
Faith gave her a surprised look. "Harsh."
"End of the world harsh. But I got over it, the upside is you're here." Buffy smiled at the other girl. Tonight hadn't been as easy as she'd hoped but, in a weird way, it had been a lot more satisfying. Working with Faith, teamwork over competition, watching each others backs, that's what she would remember from tonight, and that was more important than any dance, or title.
'Oh my god, I think I had a cheesy "moral of the week" moment. "Working together is always better than competing against each other- and that's why we triumphed." I think I'm cracking up.'
Buffy chuckled at the thought.
"What's up?" Faith was still looking at her.
Buffy shrugged. "Oh, nothing, I'm just thinking about what I've learned about tonight."
Faith frowned. "Limo's are evil?"
"Well we knew that."
Faith grinned. "Explosions are cool!"
Buffy just stared at her.
Faith's grin faded and she nudged the other girl. "Sorry you didn't get your dance on, B. You look awesome."
"You too," Buffy looked as Faith unscrewed her hip flask and drank from it. "Nice trick with the 'holy water' thing, by the way. What made you think of it?"
"Well, you said they weren't that smart as vamps go," Faith smirked. "Besides if it didn't work I woulda just set his head on fire, this stuff is strong."
Buffy held out her hand, surprised Faith passed her the flask and watched as she tipped her head back and took a long gulp. "Thanks."
The alcohol made Buffy feel better, or at least a little less achy. The wound on her leg was the sorest part, she reached down and parted the tear in her skirt and examined the wound. Not too deep but long, across the top of her thigh. Buffy pouted- no shorts for a few days but at least it wouldn't leave a scar.
"Damn, B. That looks nasty." Faith stood in front of her and squatted down. Putting her hands gently on Buffy's thigh she gave the wound a closer look. "The dino-demon do this?"
"Yeah, I'm fine though."
Faith's hands gently stroked the bare leg around the wound. "You want I should go and get a first aid kit. Patch you up?"
Buffy was suddenly aware of Faith's touch, surprisingly gentle, on her skin, quite high up her thigh. Aware of her closeness, of her tousled hair and dark eyes looking up at the Buffy.
Buffy shifted nervously as she felt herself warm inexplicably. "No, that's okay. No need to play nurse Faith..." 'Nursemaid, I know I meant to say nursemaid!'
"Nurse Faith, huh?" Faith drawled huskily. She chuckled as she stood up. "Gotta say, haven't tried that one before."
"You know what I mean." Buffy was disgusted to hear her voice shake a little, and was her voice really that high?
Faith just stared at her, her eyes dark and torrid. Buffy had seen that look before when things had been heated between them in the past, when they argued, when they'd confronted each other at the docks, even when they had fought at Faith's apartment. Faith's eyes had been full of passion then, only now Buffy was beginning to realise what emotion lay behind them...
"Maybe we shouldn't have had that drink, huh?" Buffy tried to keep her voice light and jokey, things could get awkward otherwise.
Faith shifted a little closer and leaned in. "Feel fine, B." Her voice sounded a little deeper, huskier. Sexy. Sexy is bad. Faith stroked hands up Buffy's arms. "You feel fine, too."
Buffy felt like she couldn't move, her heart felt very loud in her ears. Faith's right hand drifted purposely over her shoulder to the back of her neck, seemingly toying with the small hairs there. Buffy could suddenly smell Faith's aroma as the other girl moved closer, subtle vanilla under some unidentifiable scent like passion fruit or mango, something surprisingly exotic and girly.
Buffy's face felt hot and her mouth was dry, which made a kind of sense, what didn't was this whole situation. Girls didn't affect her like this, girls...
Faith kissed her.
Their lips brushed and despite her mind's rational protests Buffy didn't pull away, instead she tentatively pursing her lips against the other slayers. Buffy melted into the kiss, the feel of Faith's soft, full lips melding against her own was different to anything she'd experienced. There was a sweetness and tenderness she would've never associated with Faith. But behind that, as the kiss deepened and Faith breathed against her mouth, she felt something else, a need, and a rampant roiling passion within the other girl. And she felt the same thing rising up within herself, almost as a mirror image.
Buffy's mouth opened slightly as Faith's tongue brushed against her lips, then stroked into the blonde girls mouth as her kisses became more insistent and hungry.
Buffy lost herself in the warm, wet heat of the other slayer's mouth, it had been so long, too long, since she'd felt anything like this, like something inside herself tearing loose and making her nervous system feel like it was having a seizure.
Buffy gave a soft ragged moan against the other girl's mouth, her hands finding their way into Faith's hair, fingernails scraping against scalp. Buffy felt the other girl's tongue graze across her bottom lip before capturing and sucking on it as her thigh pressed upwards against the junction of Buffy's legs and her hand went and cupped Buffy's breast through her dress.
"Oh my god!" Cordelia cried.
Buffy reacted in an instant, pushing Faith away from herself and sliding back onto the table as she did so, the resulting sound of the table scraping across the floor seemed incredibly loud. The silence that followed, to Buffy anyway, seemed to last far too long.
"Second. I came in second!" Cordelia whined. "I hate this school. They are so...fickle. Those two tramps get joint prize and I get, wait...where is everyone?"
"Dancin' or gone home, CiCi." Faith replied huskily. She sounded annoyed.
"Then, what are you two still doing here?" To Buffy's relief Cordelia seemed to have actually missed...whatever the hell just happened.
Buffy looked at Cordelia over Faith's shoulder, hoping she didn't look too flushed. "We, uh, y'know, just had a big fight. Kinda tired. Faith was looking at my...wound."
Cordelia sighed. "Whatever. I can't believe I'm getting a ride home in Oz's van. My life is the worst." The library door swung shut and they were alone again.
Faith smiled at Buffy and rolled her eyes a little. Then she stepped closer, her hands going back to Buffy's sides.
"Wait!" Buffy managed to brush the other girl's hands away before anything happened. "What am I doing?"
"You don't know? 'Cause ya kinda acted like you did." Faith's tongue flicked across her upper lip in a very deliberate way. Buffy felt a small flicker of desire at the other girl's action, a flicker she immediately squashed.
"And what are you doing? You with your alcohol...and your wiles." Buffy jabbed an accusingly, "I know all about your wiles."
Faith seemed nonplussed, although she was sporting an obscenely cocky grin. "Don't know what'cha talkin' 'bout. We were just..."
"Kissing!" Buffy hissed. She was suddenly so angry at herself. She had a chance here to do things right. No romantic Angel delusions, fine. So she couldn't hold onto Scott like a normal girl, fine. But she could try someone- anyone else. No complications or heartache. But no, Buffy had to be crazy and difficult and kiss the one person who she shouldn't kiss.
The girl, who not too long ago had tried to murder her friends, her actual boyfriend, had tried to sell this entire town down the river out of jealousy. And now Buffy was considering...
Buffy shook her head in disgust at herself. "No, Faith. I was kissing you."
Almost immediately Buffy realised that had come out wrong, that she had sounded way harsher than she'd intended. That her words had been tainted with disgust, disgust she had felt for herself. Faith- this Faith hadn't done any of those things.
She saw a flicker of hurt in Faith's eyes as her grin faded. The other girl stepped back and brushed her hair away from her face, her face then twisted into a sneer.
"Hey, I'm real sorry, princess. Guess I gotta know my place right? Ignore all those signals you've been puttin' out. Y'know I pegged you as a tight-ass right from the start, thought if I stuck around long enough you might loosen up." Faith shook her head like she pitied Buffy.
"Faith, I didn't mean it like that..." Buffy reached out to the other girl but Faith took a couple of steps back.
"Or maybe you're little signs are meant for people you actually like, huh?" Faith turned and walked to the library doors. "I'll do you a favour; leave some mouthwash out for ya so you can at least get the taste of trash outta your mouth."
With that she pushed open the door and was gone, brushing passed a slightly bemused looking Xander.
"Hey...and she's gone." He turned to look over at Buffy. "Although she wasn't really the gorgeous brunette I was looking for- have you seen Cordelia around? She stormed off in a homicidal sort of way."
Buffy shrugged. "She was here a few minutes ago. Her timing really sucked, or maybe that's just me. Maybe I suck."
Xander looked at his friend. "Was that a 'slayer's butting heads' thing that I just missed? Who gets to be top dog? Or, actually, not a dog, something much, much prettier. Like a cat. Head cat, is that a phrase?"
Buffy smiled tiredly at Xander. "Just a long night, that's all. I'll give her some space then tomorrow I'll do a bit of grovelling. Um, Cordelia-she mentioned something about Oz's van- maybe she's holed up there?"
Xander nodded in gratitude and then, perhaps sensing that Buffy wished to be alone, he left.
Buffy sighed. Confused, tired and even a little turned on, it was going to be a long trip home. Then awkwardness around Faith until she apologised to the other girl, explained to her that she really did want to be friends. But just to be friends.
Buffy thought back to the kiss. Was that even true? Because that had been some kiss, it was up there with Angel kissing. Which was a happy place Buffy hadn't visited in a long time.
'Maybe if I figure out what I actually want, I could tell Faith and then we could be on the same page.'
But what page was that. Friends? Besties? Cuddle-monkey? Sex-poppet? Right now she would happily settle for friend and take it from there.
Buffy slowly got up and walked out of the library. Better than the last dance? She'd spoken too soon.