I'm back to bring you the next chapter! I'm not used to such a low amount of reviews, but I'm not a quitter, and after all, that was only the first chapter. I suppose since this is a different experience for me, I shouldn't have high expectations, but it just feels a little weird.
Anyway, thank you to Ethempat for reviewing! Also a quick thank you to aliixo for the support! And thanks again to Twin-books for the encouragement!
Here's chapter 2.
I guess you could call me a little paranoid, but I couldn't stop thinking about all the stuff tomorrow that could go wrong. Like, what if I got so tongue tied when I saw Sonic that I said something completely stupid and totally embarrassing? Or what if well we were having the snowball fight (I mean 'snowball war') I accidentally hit him in the eye or nose and ruined my chances of ever going out with him? Or what if (and call me over-dramatic) a meteor flew from the sky and (quite literally) crushed my dreams?! Okay maybe I'm going a little too far there, but you get my point.
Anyway, so I was worried, and I stayed up until 12:00pm worrying. I was just sitting there on my bed hugging my knees, trying to convince myself everything will be fine. But what if it wasn't? What if I was doomed to think about all the things that could possibly go wrong, and sabotage myself by being so caught up in my worries that I actually slept through all the fun? I decided that wasn't going to happen, so I willed (or rather, forced) myself to go to sleep.
Beep.Beep. BEEP. I woke up to that annoying beeping sound that busts out of my phone whenever I get a text. I tell ya, it's the most aggravating noise on the planet. You're probably wondering why I didn't just change it. Well the whole point of a beep was to grab your attention, and this beep ripped through my skull, dung into my brain, clutched my attention, and held it captive until I was forced to do its bidding. In other words, it was definitely an attention getter.
So I reached over to my nightstand, where my phone sat charging its poor, abused batteries, and pulled it from the plug to check my messages. There was one text from Sally, one text from Cream, and three texts from Blaze. When I spied the time Blaze wrote her first I thought she couldn't be more insane. Up at 6:30am on a Saturday morning, I was tired just thinking about it. I looked at the time. 8:01am. AH! I only have an hour to get myself in gear! I quickly ran over my texts well rushing to get ready.
'I woke up early, decided 2 get ready, don't expect u 2 be up, but just giving u an advanced warning.' –Blaze 6:30am
'Get up, the early bird gets the worm ;)' –Blaze 7:00am
'C'mon Amy, get up on time, we can't have a picnic without u, make sure 2 wear something extra warm.'-Cream 7:00am
'Rise & shine Amy, u r gonna miss Sonic if u don't get over here ASAP.' -Sally 7:57am
'Get up Amy! U r not gonna make it at this rate!' –Blaze 8:00am
I typed a message back to all of them, wasting two minutes of my valuable time.
'On my way, c u there.' –Amy 8:03am
I attacked my closet in search for a decent outfit. Ah ha! My pink turtleneck sweater! Perfect! I also grabbed some dark jeans, my red winter boots, red hairband, red winter coat, and hot-pink gloves. I somehow put myself together (including brushing my teeth and combing my hair) all just before 8:30. I bolted downstairs where I built a quick breakfast and sprinted out the door just at 8:52. If I hurried I could make it to the park just in time.
When I made it to the park, I actually stopped to pant before approaching my friends. "Congratulations," Blaze said. "You made it." I smiled victoriously and looked around. I noticed a lack of color and gave my friends a questioning look.
"Where's Silver, Sonic, and the rest?" I asked, curious.
"They're running a little late." Sally answered. "Something about trying to convince Scourge to join the fun." I rolled my eyes, last time the siblings tried to convince their impolite brother to 'join the fun', he ended up inviting his nasty friends who played a completely different game altogether. Often I wondered how (besides similar appearance) Sonic and Scourge could be twins.
"And Silver's having trouble finding his gloves." Blaze added. Blaze then laughed and rolled her eyes. "It may take a while, as I said before, he isn't very good at puzzles." The rest of us laughed at that. Well we waited we helped Cream set up the picnic table.
"I'm here!" A voice cried. We all turned to see a silver-white hedgehog wearing a green scarf, blue gloves, and green earmuffs rushing over to us. "Sorry I was late." Silver rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I had trouble finding my gloves."
"It's alright." Cream assured. "The others are running a little late too." As if on cue a screech of exasperation was heard.
"Ugh, I can't believe him!" A trio of three came walking up to us, one pink hedgehog, one green hedgehog, and one absolutely wonderful blue hedgehog. The girl with cerise pink fur was the one talking. It was Sonia, Sonic's very fashionable sister. On the top of her head her fur was rose pink and fell stylishly into her eyes, her eyes were sapphire blue, and she had the most polite smile (not now, but you get the idea). Her over-all personality was caring, emotionally, and elegant. She was wearing a violate coat, jeans, dark purple gloves, violate winter boots, and light purple earmuffs. "Scourge can be so selfish!"
"Chill sis," The green one was saying. "He has his own life." That was Manic, Sonic's cool thief of a brother. He had matted green fur, folded quills on his head, two golden earrings in his left ear, and sepia brown eyes. He wore an orange-red winter coat, light jeans, all-black sneakers, and black gloves. His over-all personality was laid back, cool, and kind. But beware, if you were ever to meet him, hide whatever's on you that's most valuable, because he always knows.
"I know." Sonia sulked. And then there was Sonic, the most handsome hedgehog you'll ever meet, I almost melted when I looked at him. Sonic had cobalt blue fur, emerald green eyes, and the most heartwarming smile you ever laid eyes upon. He wore a black winter coat, dark jeans, dark blue gloves, and blue and black Nikes. His over-all personality was sweet, heroic, humorous, and caring. I would never meet someone more wonderful.
"Hey, what's up guys?" Sonic greeted, with a cheerful smile.
"Hey Sonic!" called Sally.
"Hi." Blaze greeted, waving over her shoulder as she fixed the table cloth.
"Hi Sonic!" Cream cried, bouncing up and down excitedly. Sonic went up to Cream and smiled.
"Hey, Tails is just running a little behind." He told her. "Don't worry, he'll be here." Cream's smile grew wider. Okay briefing time! Tails is Sonic's adopted little brother, he's a super adorable fox who was found on Sonic's doorstep one day, just a baby, Sonic's parent's quickly jumped ahead (already having four babies) and decided to adopt him, he's been the joy of the family ever sense. Oh yeah, and Cream may have just a little kid crush on him.
"I can wait." Cream said. Sonic smiled knowingly.
"Okay, if you're sure." He said. Then Sonic turned to me and I thought this is it! My shining moment! As he opened his mouth. "What's up, Ames?" As he said the name I could feel a blush rising to my cheeks, but I held it back.
"Oh nothing much." I replied, not really knowing what to say. Well all this was happening Silver had been getting himself acquainted with Sonic's siblings. Silver tapped Sonic on the shoulder and Sonic quickly turned around to greet him. I was sad that the little moment I had, looking into his eyes, was gone.
"Hi, I'm Silver." Silver introduced.
"Sonic." Sonic replied, shaking Silver's hand. "Nice to meet you."
"You too." Silver said, letting go of Sonic's hand. Then suddenly a light orange fox came running up to us, panting and holding his knees before looking up.
"Sorry-gasp-I was late-deep breath-had trouble with my science project-huff-." He explained.
"Bro, that project's not due until next week." Sonic told him.
"I know!" Tails replied, upset. "There's so little time to finish!" We all looked at him like he was insane (minus Cream, who smiled). That was plenty of time for most of us standing there to finish.
"Okay Tails," Sonic said with a smile (a beautiful, one of a kind smile). Tails was a pretty cute fox with bright orange fur, sparkling dodger blue eyes, three little clumps of fur-that stuck out sort of like quills- on the top of his head, and two fluffy orange Tails swinging behind him. He wore a red winter coat, a chestnut colored scarf, light blue jeans, grey gloves, and white and red sneakers.
"Um, hi." Silver said. Tails turned his attention to Silver and Silver held out his hand. "I'm Silver." Tails smiled and shook his hand.
"I'm Tails." He replied. Silver smiled and they stopped shaking hands, at this moment he went up to Sonic.
"Dude? Is there anymore siblings I should know about?" he asked. Sonic looked like he really had to think about it.
"No, I think it's just the four." Sonic answered.
"You think?!" Silver cried. Sonic slapped a hand on Silver's back and laughed.
"Relax, I was only kidding." He assured. Then as he walked away he added, "Maybe."
"Not funny!" Silver called after him. After saying our hellos we all met up at the picnic table for a small but wonderful picnic. And Sonic must have been hungry because he rushed past me to the basket like there was no tomorrow. Sonic ripped his way through the basket, tossing everyone's favorite snack into their hands, including mine, a ham, turkey, and cheese sandwich. When Sonic found what he had been looking for he smiled and pulled a tin foil wrapped plate out of the basket, he peeled off the tin foil to reveal…
Chili-dogs!? Figures. I should have known. Chili-dogs are like Sonic's third love, you know after his family and racing. But you know what annoys me the most? The fact that sometimes I feel I'll never compete with a chili-dog, which is completely stupid, but I feel like that anyway.
"Heaven…" Sonic sighed, sniffing his chili-dogs. He lifted one from the plate and started munching it, really messily I might add. Everyone quietly munched their snacks, until Sonia broke the silence.
"So, Silver?" she asked. Silver lifted his head to meet hers. "Where are you from?"
"California." Silver replied.
"Are you missing your friends?" Sonia asked.
"Not really, I didn't exactly have friends." Silver replied sadly. I glanced at him with apologetic eyes. "Except Blaze, until she moved." Silver smiled at Blaze, and Blaze gave him this look like 'Why didn't you tell me?'
"Well you don't have to worry about not making friends here." Sonic assured, which was totally sweet of him! "If you don't have a friend here then you have an enemy, but we'll be your friends."
"Maybe later I can teach him a few tricks." Manic suggested, smiling mischievously. Sonia gave him this look like 'Don't you dare!' and what do you know? Manic suddenly backed down from the idea. At this time we all had just about finished our snacks, and you can bet Sonic was the first to finish.
"Hey, how 'bout that snow ball war, guys?" Tails suggested.
"Yeah," Cream added. "Let's have a little fun."
The rest of us looked to each other. Some of us smiled evilly and some of us smiled nervously. It seemed that we all were having the most intense staring contest ever, our brains going through battle tactics, and our mouths searching for the answer. I joined into the nonsense, but only because it was free opportunity to stare into Sonic's beautiful eyes. Then finally just like that we all came to agreement. 'Bring it on's, 'Sure's and 'Totally's could be heard all around.
Blaze locked eyes with Silver as we all got up from the picnic table, her eyes were full of seriousness. "Ready for your first real snowball fight, Silver?" Blaze asked.
"Definitely!" Silver replied, determination in his eyes.
"Okay since there's nine of us, I decided to make this game interesting." Cream informed. "We'll split into teams of two, and whoever gets hit with a snowball three times is out, their teammate will remain in the game until they are also out." All of us smiled. " Since there are only nine of us one team will be a team of three" Cream smiled and finally said what we had been waiting to hear. "You may pick teammates."
"What do you say sis?" Manic asked turning to Sonia. "You and me?"
"Sure," Sonia shrugged. They took a corner of the park.
"Together? like old times?" Blaze asked Silver.
"You bet." And they too took their own corner.
"Want to be my partner Cream?" Tails asked. Cream blushed and took his hand.
"Okay." She answered. It was only then that I realized who was left for me to partner with…
"Guess it's you and me, Ames." Sonic said with a smile. I nearly fainted at the realization, I was partnered with my crush! XD Eee!
"Guess so." I replied with my own smile. I noticed that Sally was the only one without a partner, so being the good friend I am I decided to help her. "Hey, why don't you join us Sal?" Sally smiled, obviously thankful for my offer. She looked to Sonic for confirmation, he nodded, and Sally looked back at me.
"Alright, thanks Amy." she replied. We walked to our own corner and prepared for battle.
"Let the game begin!" Tails yelled. Little did I know what this game would bring…
So, what do you think? Next chapter there'll be the snowball fight. Things are going to get interesting! Please Read and Review!
Samantha's Library. A Percy Jackson fanfic writer.