New story! This will be part of a trilogy in some ways. This is one installment of it. The first part that explains why things are the way they are in this story will be posted soon. I had used this idea for something else but now that there is a canon SasuSaku daughter Sarada, I decided to change the dynamics of the story to better fit canon.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

The sky was already turning from a redish and orange tinted hue to the darkening colors of night. The colors of the world were blushing out into a deep blue that would soon dominate the sky.

Along the open, silent courtyard of the Uchiha estate, a lone young woman stood observing the ever changing sky. The summertime breeze blew past her midnight colored hair, as if in a soft caress to diminish her inner turmoil.

She had a small yet powerful frame to her, with creamy alabaster skin, beautiful dark hair that was at the moment tied up in a bun, and a pretty face that always had boys at her feet.

At a quick glance, anyone would assume this was the famed Godaime's apprentice in her youth minus the radically different coloring.

But if one were to look mor closely, the girl's skin was a different hue, her hair dark, and her eyes were a deep onyx instead of emerald green.

The girl was at the young age of sixteen, yet had already seen more than someone her age should see. She was dressed in black training clothes that bore the fan of her clan.

She fought back the tears that threatened to spill, gritting her teeth together to fight her pain. Her heart ached in heartache and loss. In her gloved hands was a forehead protector that bore the Hidden Leaf Village's symbol.

Yet to her it was more than a mere forehead protector. Its bands were a deep pink color that contrasted sharply with her black hair. It was the only thing she had left of her mother. It was a part of the woman she'd loved so much that was left to her. That was here and hers alone to cherish.

Her tears finally spilled, cascading freely down her cheeks as she grasped her forehead protector so hard that her knuckles turned white under her dark gloves.

As her anger and pain intensified, the dark hues of her eyes bled to a crimson red. Her Sharingan activated, but the design of it was vastly different to what it had been in the past.

The girl's Sharingan first activated when she was eleven, and she'd done an excellent job of mastering it, especially under her father's instruction, for he was a master. That was he greater moment of her childhood, form he was now a true Uchiha. It also meant she would no longer have to use the glasses she'd had to wear throughout her childhood. That day, she stopped being a book worm and started training to become a true ninja.

However, after the tragedy she's witnessed, the horrible, gut wrenching loss of watching the woman she most admired and loved in this world ripped away from life, and all to save her, the bloodline limit changed.

It's said that the Mangekyō Sharingan is awakened through the trauma experienced from the death of a person very close to the Sharingan user. To obtain it, one must feel the emotion of losing someone very dear to them.

The girl's eyes, that once had the distinctive three tomoes, now seemed darker, fiercer, and were now that of pinwheels; her eyes seemed to spiral as she eyed the dark sunset with bloody eyes.

All her life she's felt left out, like she doesn't belong to her family, to her clan. She didn't know who she was.

Sakura Uchiha, or Haruno as she is best remembered, was the one who guided this lost girl and made her a strong young woman capable of controlling her bloodline limit and keeping up with her prodigy brother. She taught her, loved her, encouraged her, was there when her father wasn't. There when her father was far too busy with his son or off on his travels.

Sarada had been finding path. She had her mother's loving support and finally had someone to look up to, to teach her, to be there when no one else was.

Her hand gripped the forehead protector tighter, tears flowing endlessly down her cheeks as she shut her eyes tightly, her small yet powerful frame shaking. She felt as though a knife had struck her heart and was being sickly twisted.

Some bastards attacked Konoha to seek vengeance against her father and the village. There were devastating days of destruction and chaos within the village, reminding many of Pein's invasion so many years ago.

Even the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, could do little due to his position and the well hidden tactics of the rogue nins. They knew how to hide themselves and when to target the ones they wanted. Their attacks were by surprise and precise.

And Sakura fought until the very end, acting as any clan matriarch and kunoichi of Konoha would. She went down smiling, despite the blood pouring out of her mouth. She knew what she was doing; even all her medical prowess could not save her. She was too far gone.

Yet even in her dying moments, she smiled for her daughter, the one she'd set out to protect, and told her how much she loved her and how proud she was. She stroked her child's hair and used her last breath to give one last piece of advice.

Don't allow yourself to be consumed by hatred, Baby girl. Replace hatred and pain with love. Love will set you free.

The words rang over and over in the girl's mind and the tears came harder.

Once upon a time she'd been happy. She was loved. But now a piece of her heart was dead. The woman who gave her life was dead. Her father was broken. And her family was a mess.

She hadn't known who she was or what she was to do. But now, a new determination awoke deep within her heart as she ferociously wiped her eyes and cheeks with her sleeve and opened her bloody eyes, eyes narrowed in the look of an avenger.

She could feel the blood of the avenger she called father coursing through her veins.

The girl composed herself and her face was emotionless, her lips formed in a thin line and her eyes spinning with anger and determination.

She took the forehead protector and tied across her forehead, tying it securely at the back of her head.

She was her mother's daughter. She would not fail her.

The sky was now dark and blue, with the first stars twinkling in its wake.

The young woman knew who she was and what she had to do.

With her new resolve, she looked to the sky, as if trying to communicate with her mother's spirit. As if to tell the heavens who she was and what she was setting out to do.

My name is Sarada Uchiha. I am the first Uchiha daughter born to the main house in four generations. I am the daughter of Sasuke Uchiha, the once famed avenger and last Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno, the greatest kunoichi and healer of her time. I have inherited the will of fire from my mother who had it handed down to her from her mentor the Godaime. I possess the sharingan, one of the most lethal and powerful bloodline limits in the world. I have the strength and attitude of my godmother the Godaime, and of my mother. I have the ungodly speed and Uchiha pride of my father. I am one of the last Uchihas left in existence.

The Mangekyō Sharingan is awakened through the trauma experienced from the death of a person very close to the Sharingan user. I have gone through such a horrifying experience. When my mother took her last breath, her chest open from the impact from the blow meant for me, my tears became those of anger and my Sharingan developed into the Mangekyō. That was over a week ago.

All my life I have been compared to my father, whether or not I would have the same ferocity and skill he had, considering I resemble him so much. Or to my mother, who trained me later on.

But I am not them. I am not a skilled avenger like my father. I am not an amazing medic nin like my mother. Some say I have yet to fully inherit the heart of the Uchiha.

I am their first child and only daugher.

After me is my younger brother Itachi, named for our infamous uncle. Hes only ten. Itachi activated his Sharingan as well when he saw our mother's lifeless body. He is the top student of his class and the object of affections of every young girl. He's a good combination of our parents, with our father's spikey raven hair and his face while with our mother's emerald eyes and cheerful personality. Itachi is everything an Uchiha should be as a child; proud, confident and strong. Everything I wasn't. He is also our father's pride. He's always been a little prodigy. And he is so much like our uncle. Our father adores him for that fact, and because he came along when the marriage of my parents was at its worst. I was seven at the time, and I remember nights of loud arguments, my father staying out all night to avoid Mama, and Mama crying her heart out in her bedroom.

My little brother was conceived when they were trying to rebuild their relationship after a mission gone wrong where they almost lost each other. Mama used to say Itachi was her miracle baby; he was sent to save our family and make it whole.

Dad has always loved me, and once upon a time as a child, he was the greatest man in the world in my eyes. I used to call him Papa, because I loved him more than anyone. I wanted to be just like him. Whenever someone told me I was just like Sasuke in this or that, I would beam with pride. I didnt care how long he was away on his missions or travels, I would forgive him no matter what and wait for him to come back to Mama and me.

But as I grew older and he favored my brother more every time due to his abilities or because he was like a part of Uncle Itachi that Dad couldn't let go of. I felt neglected and alone. Everyone said I didn't have the strength to be an Uchiha. I felt alone and misunderstood.

But my mother was there for me; she told me a story of a young foolish girl who was always watching the backs of her two teammates. But she asked to be trained by the Godaime, and the Lady Tsunade took her under her wing, teaching her, guiding her, and molded her into the great woman she knew she could be.

You did that for me, Mama. You, Granny Tsunade and Boruto were my support system, especially when Dad and I couldn't connect.

You told me you taught me the ways of the will of fire and how to obtain the yin seal so I would be strong like you and Granny Tsunade. It was what you wanted to pass down to me, like Dad taught me how to use the sharingan.

But I'm still trying to connect with my stored chakra to get the seal. You were supposed to watch me finally do it. You were supposed to be proud when I would finally be able to have the seal and use the byakugo. Like Granny Tsunade was proud of you when you did it during the Fourth War.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to fully meet your hopes for me. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do it and make you proud.

Granny Tsunade died a few years ago. Is this how empty you felt? When the woman who believed in you and loved you was gone forever?

I may not be the greatest ninja. I may not be as strong as Dad. But I am my mother's daughter.

I'm not here to continue my father's goals like my brother. He can be clan heir now for all I care.

I'm here to honor the legacy of the woman who gave up everything for me.

And I will avenge my mother's death.

So this is the prologue what do you guys think? Please leave a review! This story won't be too long the most maybe 3-5 chapters.

I will also do a prequel leading up to these events so keep an eye out for that!

Thanks for reading :)
