Hello all. I have been playing a TON of Inquisition since it came out. I love it. The only thing that is a slight drag is the fact that Cole isn't a romance option. I absolutely love Cole so I thought I'd make him a romance option for my OC. Hopefully you guys like it and please let me know how you think it is. Negative feedback is welcome but let's use some manners shall we? Alright here's my first chapter.

OC from our time gets sent to the world of the Inquisition. Once there she meets all of our loveable companions plus the Inquisitor. Set right before the sack of Haven.

Chapter One

Hello. My name is Alice and this is the condensed version of what happened...wait. Why am I giving you the condensed version? Well because if I gave you the long version then we'd be here a whole chapter learning all about my other life that will have absolutely no barring on the story I'm about to tell! Anyway where was I...?

Ahh yes. The condensed version.

Hello. My name is Alice. I'm just a regular 19 year old college student. Pretty boring right? Yeah I thought so too. Until one night ago I was just sitting in my living room, unwrapping my new copy of Dragon Age Inquisition, when I'm pulled into the game! I'm not even kidding.

Okay I know it sounds like a load of crap but I'm serious. One second I'm opening my case and the next I'm sitting on top of some strange woman I've never met in the Inquisition world. As you can imagine the lady and the surrounding people that witnessed me pop into existence were pretty freaked out. Some guards were called. Some priests preformed exorcisms. I was thrown in jail. It was a pretty big deal. Anyway that was the condensed version. And also where I will pick up telling my story. Can you believe I've been waiting forever to play this game and instead I get to LIVE it? I'm slightly upset that I'll never get to play it. On to the main event!


I sat shivering under a thin blanket that the guards thought to give me before I was placed in the jail cell the night before. No one has come in or out since the last priest that came in early that morning to "exorcise" me. I wish they would let me out. It's pretty obvious I'm not a demon. If I were then I wouldn't have allowed them to lock me up like this. People in the Dragon Age really have no problem solving skills.

I took one of my small, pale hands out from under the thin blanket and swiped some of my dark bangs out of my eyes before I looked around the small area for the thousandth time. I was in one of about five cells that set in the poorly lit dungeon. There were no signs that anyone other than me has occupied this space in quite some time. I looked forlornly towards the entrance to my prison only to see the door remain still and shut like it had been for quite some time.

I brought my legs up to my chest and buried my head in my knees. This wasn't fair. It wasn't my fault that I fell out of thin air. I'm pretty upset about it too. If they would only give me a chance to explain then I'd...I actually seriously doubt I'd tell them the truth. If I told them that I thought that I fell into a videogame that coincidently is their entire world then I'm fairly certain they'd lock me away for the rest of my days.

Sighing I raised my head off my knees and wiped film off my eyes. "Sighing. Indicating fatigue. Her spirit asked me here but now that I'm here it won't answer."

"Ahh!" I screamed as I scrambled up on my feet and turned to where I heard the voice beside me but there was only an empty cell. I moved forward and held onto the bars as I looked around the entire prison with wide eyes , searching for someone who belonged to the voice. The room was still darkly lit but I was certain there was no one in the room but me.

Sighing once more I let go of the bars, shut my eyes, and shook my head. "I'm going insane sitting here so long in the silence," I whispered to myself. I opened my eyes and looked back up but instead of an empty cell, like I thought there would be, there was a man standing less than three inches from my face. I screamed again and backed into the wall. The man was looking at me with his head cocked to the side and the most curious look was on his pale face. He had dark rimmed eyes and was wearing the biggest hat on his light colored hair.

"She called but she didn't call. I'm needed though I can't hear her. Why can't I hear you," the man said and moved up to my face just as close as before. "I can always hear. Like water running through a babbling river. So much noise. Yet no noice. Why isn't there any noise?"

I blinked slowly when I realized the strange man was waiting for an answer from me. "Uhh," was my brilliant reply as I stared blankly back at him. He really was the saddest looking man I had ever seen. Like the weight of the world rested on his slim shoulders. I realized we had just been standing there for ages when I looked away from his hypnotising gaze and awkwardly cleared my throat.

"So," I began in my best business voice, "Do you usually just pop into existence in front of people or am I just special? Because I'm not going to lie, that's kind of heart stopping."

He continued to just stand there and stare at me with his piercing look. "Why can't I hear you?" He asked quietly. "I'm listening yet no echo. No water in the river. Like a pin dropping in an empty room. Can anyone hear? I can not hear. Yes I can. Just not you. Why can't I hear you?"

Wow. This guy.

"Well," I began as I tried to put some distance between me and this possibly crazy person, "I don't know why you can't hear me. I'm speaking plain English. Or...Dragonese. Or whatever you people call it in this universe."

The whole time I was speaking the man nodded his head along to my story like random jailed women tell him tales like this everyday. Who knows maybe strange women do talk to him like this every single day?

"No I can hear you," he said, "I just can't HEAR you. Like I can hear others. I can hear your sadness. It called to me. It's why I'm here. Madness soothed. Calming. Your sadness is similar. I know it's there. I just can't pull it out. It's stuck. You are strange."

At the end of his speech I snorted and burst into unexpected laughter. He looked at me like I suddenly up and grew two heads. "You are...laughing at me?" He asked me slowly.

"Only because that's the pot calling the kettle black," I said, still laughing.

"I hear no pot or kettle," he said after turning his head to listen with a deadpan face. I couldn't help it I burst into laughter again at his ridiculous reply. He still was looking at me like I grew two heads but he cracked the smallest smile before he said in a less serious tone, "You are indeed very strange."

I was still smiling at him like I had lost my mind when I heard the prison door creak open. When I turned my head towards the noise I saw two heavily armored men enter with the most serious look on their faces. I instantly sobered up and all the laughter that could have escaped me died like an echo on the wind. Opening my mouth I was about to ask the young man that was with me if he should really be in here with me since I was a criminal and all. But he was gone. Maybe I really was losing my mind. The two burley men walked up to my cell and starting undoing the lock.

"Um," I whispered, "Am I getting to leave?"

The shorter of the two looked at me not unkindly and informed me that I was to be brought before the leaders of the Inquisition to decide my fate. Well damn that didn't sound good. I took one last look in my cell as they handcuffed me and led me from my prison. The strange man with the dark eyes was still nowhere to be seen. Looking forward as we began to assend the stairs I began to wonder if I would ever get to go back home or even get to live to see tomorrow. I assumed I was about to figure out one way or another.

*Authors Note*

So how did you guys like it? Hate it? Should I give up on this while I'm ahead? Let me know!