
Luca Nogi (I was told to use Ruka instead of Luca… however my pride in the proper etiquette of name-translation will not allow me to. I'm sorry if this offends any readers)

Asuna Hashimoto (woohoo found a random second name to make the character more legit)

Mikan Sakura

Natsume Hyuuga

Hotaru Imai

Nonoko Ogasawara

Anna Umenomiya

Sumire Shouda

Note: This chapter contains sexual references no lemon… but mature inferences.

"Come on Hotaru! It'll be fun!" nagged Mikan, pulling on her friend's arm. Hotaru let out a long sigh, her patience waning thin.

"Mikan. I told you before, I have neither the time nor brain cells to lose at a drinking party." murmured Hotaru, too tired to be threatening. Earlier in the week, the pair had been invited to Nonoko's 18th birthday party, needless to say… large volumes of alcohol would be present. Hotaru knew it would be a good idea to catch up with the times, not entirely sure if her ten-year old knowledge of social interaction was enough to get by with. Now that she was nearly an adult, having lost 6 years… Just another troublesome thought plaguing her already messed up life.

Despite this, she couldn't bring herself to simply 'let go' or 'have fun', especially after watching some girl eating Luca's face off! No… thought Hotaru catching herself, Luca was the one to kiss that girl… this thought was far from comforting.

"Is something wrong Hotaru?" asked Mikan, Hotaru look up to be confronted by her friend's large brown eyes, filled with concern. The two had fallen into an easy pace, Mikan clinging comfortably on Hotaru's arm. "I'm sorry, really I've been an awful friend! Have… have I been neglecting you? I mean… it was alright before, you had Luca to talk to, but now! He's all the way in the research faculty! And, and I've just been spending time with Natsume and ignoring you! It's not acceptable! Really! I'm calling myself your best friend but all I-" cried Mikan, tears streaming down her face in distress.

"Shut up ugly." Said Hotaru, cutting Mikan off with an air of annoyance. Mikan's sympathy was the last thing she wanted. The reason for everything she had done was to keep that innocent smile on Mikan's face, to ensure that tears would be forever banished and her to never feel upset. Of course, she'd never admit this to her best friend… it was simply easier to insult her crying face than to open up and explain why her frown was enough to tear the hearts of those who cared for her.

"Hey stupid." Called Natsume's voice affectionately. Neither of them had noticed him falling into step with their pace.

"Natsume!" beamed Mikan, ready to jump into her fiancé's arms. She stopped in mid-step, cursing the bad habits she had gotten herself into. Just a few moments ago she apologised for neglecting her best friend and now she was getting ready to run off again with her fiancé! Natsume frowned, feeling slightly peeved at her reluctance to embrace him. He tried to convince himself that he wasn't jealous… and failed pitifully.

"What're you trying to think about? I can practically hear the cogs in your brain coming loose." Drawled Natsume, like Hotaru he found it easier to simply throw insults at the girl as they bounced off her thick skin with equal ease.

"Not you too!" complained Mikan, starting to feel the repercussions of having only Hotaru and Natsume for company. She missed Luca and his kind words. "I really miss Luca." She sighed, leaning her head on Hotaru's shoulder. It used to be an extremely rare act for the two friends however ever since she escaped the time warp, Hotaru had mellowed quite a bit when it came to the brunette.

The three friends, continued in silence each caught up in their own concerns centred around the same person.

"Natsume." Said Mikan suddenly, "I can't spend time with you anymore." Natsume stopped in his tracks, his gaze quickly snapping up trying to catch her eyes.

"What, do you mean." He asked, in a low voice it was an awkward tone, trying to sound apathetic but breaking slightly, showing a sliver of the emotion he was trying so hard to disguise. Mikan's eyes widened, not meaning for Natsume to get the wrong idea. Why was she always so pathetic with her sentence orders! She had known how anxious Natsume was when it came to Luca, both friends loved the same girl and her fiancé still had a hard time convincing himself that Mikan had chosen him and not his best friend.

"Calm down moody, she's just being paranoid again. For some reason I'm even more antisocial and lonely since you two were engaged." Sighed Hotaru, the master of monotones. Natsume let out a breath he didn't know was held. Whilst Mikan nodded furiously. "Honestly Mikan, don't jeopardise your relationship, think a bit about the number of people who tried so hard to make it work." Continued Hotaru, "I'm fine, now run along and comfort your emotionally unstable boyfriend."

Natsume bristled at the insult, swallowing his pride. He owed his life to Imai.

"NO, no, no no!" shouted Mikan, shaking her head at each word to ensure the emphasis. "I am not spending a second more with Natsume than with you Hotaru!" determined to stand her ground. Hotaru sighed, feeling irritated with the company, she wanted to be alone. "You have to come to Anna's party tomorrow! That's decided! No more times when Natsume and I go off alone, every meal time we'll stay as a group! Any group project we'll be together! Every sport team-" she rattled on, counting her rules of by tapping her fingers.

"What about your date with Natsume tomorrow?" asked Hotaru. Mikan's jaw dropped, her neck clicking uncannily as her head turned to her boyfriend. Natsume simply cocked an eyebrow, wondering how she would handle the many promises she had made for the same date. "Look, Mikan. I'll be fine really, just leave me alone." Said Hotaru, trying to peel Mikan off her arm.

"NO! Natsume I'm sorry, we'll just have to rebook the restaurant for another day." Said Mikan nodding her head. "I promised Hotaru she wouldn't be alone, and I plan to keep to my word."

"You do know, I'll lose 50 Rabbits for booking the table." Chided Natsume. "Look, if you're really worried about Hotaru being alone, make sure she goes to Anna's party that way she'll be with people and I wouldn't be 50 rabbits poorer." He said diplomatically. Hotaru's stare shot daggers in Natsume's direction, she did not appreciate his annoyingly logical input.

"Yes! Ok, I'm sure Anna wouldn't mind… I'll just arrive a little later to her party then." Mikan grinned, feeling exceptionally pleased with herself. Hotaru opened her mouth, about to argue with the lack of acceptance on her part but stopped herself. All she wanted was to keep that smile on Mikan's face… surely she could give her friend this one favour and put her worries at ease.

So, her momentary lapse of generosity had resulted in Hotaru's current predicament. Being pushed, none to gently, by Mikan into Anna's room.

"Hotaru! Mikan! Glad you guys could make it! Nonoko's already here." Smiled Anna, her untameable mass of pink hair tied up in a messy bun.

"Ooh, Mikan's here? I thought she had that date with Natsume." Called Nonoko, peering in from around a corner. Unlike her friend, Nonoko had a much easier time managing her hair which was long and straight, still reaching her waist. Mikan beamed, waving at the two deciding it was safe enough to hold Hotaru with one hand.

"Yeah, I'm still going with Natsume. I promise I'll be back later though! Make sure Hotaru sticks around." Said Mikan hastily, checking her watch. "Oh, I need to go… See you soon!" She checked her appearance once more in Anna's mirror, conveniently placed at the room's entrance. She wore a red and white dress, dotted with polka dots, it had become a sort of ongoing joke with her fiancé, as the pattern symbolised the first day they had met. She blushed thinking of her lingerie choice… which was, ahhh matching.

"Mikan." Stated Sumire, just arriving. Their friendship was more out of mutual respect than anything else, or that's what Sumire wanted everyone to think anyway.

"Hello Permy!" greeted Mikan, patting her hair more out of habit than actually neatening.

"I think you'd better be on your way, I passed a rather impatient fire-alice user on the way up." She said shooing Mikan out of the door. "Come, on quickly now. Tardiness is unacceptable for dates, it shows your lack of compassion for the other partner." Said Sumire irritably. Mikan gasped.

"What? Really? But, Natsume never really said anything! I- I'm always slightly late…" whispered Mikan, shocked at how rude she had been. Sumire rolled her eyes, giving Mikan one final push out of the doorway.

"I expect a full detailed account on tonight's dinner, now shoo." Warned Sumire before slamming the door behind Mikan.

"Permy! Glad you're here." Smiled Anna, gesturing for Hotaru and Sumire to walk into the living room. Sumire glared at Anna, not amused with her naming choices, resulting in Anna giggling evilly.

Anna was now a two star, allowing for her to have a kitchen built into her room. It was less fancy than Hotaru's and Nonoko's laboratories but impressive none the less. Hotaru was glad Anna was the one hosting, for the calibre of party food was much higher than anyone else from their class. The evening was much better than Hotaru feared, the food was good, company amusing and she was quite sure alcohol was a key factor in the enjoyment. Turned out Nonoko was an extreme light weight, being reduced to a giggling mess after two drinks, Anna and Sumire appeared to hold their alcohol better as Hotaru was able to still communicate in semi-logical conversations.

"I know! Let's play, truth or daaaaaaare!" cried Sumire, downing the last of her vodka cruiser before placing it in the centre of the group. They had long since left the civility of furniture in favour of the floor, deciding the effort of consciously sitting on a chair was too much of a bother. "Birthday girl gets the first say!" she slurred, pushing Anna's shoulder. Anna laughed, clumsily spinning the bottle, its neck stopping towards Sumire.

"Soooo, Sumire." She said sneakily. "How far have you gotten with Koko?" grinning at her friend's obvious discomfort.

"No, no hang on hang on guys." Came Nonoko's tired murmur, waving her hand to attract their attention. "Hotaru needs to be brought up to date with this stuff!"

"Yes! Good idea! Ok Sumire, you go first then!" cheered Anna, clapping her hands together. Sumire laughed nervously.

"There's not really much to say…" she started, fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"Sheesh! You're pathetic, ok, ok. I'll tell her then." Ridiculed Anna, tapping Hotaru's leg to grab her full attention. "SO, it's pretty cute actually. Koko always kinda followed Sumire around ya know? I actually thought that they were already together before Mikan left! But this stubborn girl was against them being a 'thing'. Koko realised Sumire was scared of his alice, thinking it was more of a one-sided relationship and that she'd never be able to keep up being unable to read his mind. He stopped following her for the entire Alice festival one year, well Koko was in the Latent Ability whilst Sumire was Somatic but even in class they didn't talk. Hahah, Sumire was such a mess, she came crying to Nonoko and I almost everyday!" laughed Anna, thoroughly enjoying embarrassing her friend.

"I did not!" exclaimed Sumire, trying to take back her pride.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, I'm not finished yet." Said Anna dismissively. "On the last night of the Alice festival, Koko comes up to Sumire and gives her a gift box filled with parcels. Sumire ignores him at first but he reads her mind aloud, saying how curious she actually is. In every parcel Koko had wrapped his alice stone (which was bright yellow) and whispered something to her. We still don't know what he said… but they danced the last dance together and they've been the steadiest couple in our year since!" sighed Anna, lost in the romance.

"Oh! Sumire, your truth! Tell us what he said." cried Nonoko, sitting up suddenly swaying precariously from the drink.

"Wait a second, I didn't even choose truth of dare!" shouted Sumire.

"Ok, then I dare you to take our truth." Giggled Anna. Sumire slapped her forehead, she was surrounded.

"He said…." Mumbled Sumire, unable to look at her friends.

"I'm sorry Sumire, could you repeat that?" asked Hotaru, sneaking recording device next to the blushing teen.

"He said, his alice was as much mine as his and everyday he'd make a stone to prove that he has nothing to hide and the only thing I'd be reading in his mind were my own thoughts because I'm all he ever thinks about anyway." She whispered hurriedly, any guy would find this undecipherable… but they were all teenage girls and mumble-whisper talk was second nature to them all. "Ok Anna, my turn to tell Hotaru about your love life!" grinned Sumire, it was payback time. Anna blushed furiously, putting a tomato to shame.

"Anna isn't in a relationship at the moment is she?" asked Hotaru, not remembering any reference to her boyfriend.

"No, not anymore. For a time though, she was dating the school's prince." Laughed Sumire. Hotaru must have looked confused, it was the alcohol she found it hard to control her expressions, for Nonoko added.

"Luucaaa Noooogi!" sang Nonoko, laughing at Anna hiding her face with her hands. Hotaru couldn't help the shocked expression appearing on her face, to be fair she wasn't quite sure if she'd be able to hide her surprise without the influence of alcohol.

"They started going out about a week after the alice festival, scheming witch me and Koko just got together. You worked fast Anna." Said Sumire slyly.

"It started before that actually!" chirped Nonoko, happily spreading her best friend's secrets. Sumire simply raised an eyebrow at Anna.

"Woah, I'm not sure whether I should be annoyed or proud with you, Anna. Pretending to comfort me about Koko, whilst taking advantage of my lessened defence around Luca." Queered Sumire, her crooked smile showing her ever so slight lean towards the latter emotion.

"It wasn't like that honestly!" cried Anna, desperately shaking Hotaru's arm, trying to convince the only person in the room who didn't already have an opinion. "Luca was helping me out with French, he's easily the best person in the year let alone our class you know, being a halfie (half French half Jap) and all. For a while I was considering moving to the academy's French campus, their cooking facilities are amazing. So I asked Luca to help me out… and one thing kinda led to another and…" Anna trailed off, as did Hotaru's thoughts. Nonoko and Sumire continued to tease Anna but it turned into background noise for her. She shouldn't be too surprised that Luca had gotten together with someone in the past six years. It just came as a shock that she'd known his first girl.

"So, did you ever give head?" asked Sumire casually. Anna coughed, she had not expected that turn in the conversation. They had well and truly surpassed the cutesie first kiss stories. Hotaru's eyes widened, not entirely sure if this was out of her depth.

"Stop it Sumire, Hotaru is still innocent! We must keep her pure!" cried Nonoko. Placing her hands over Hotaru's ears protectively.

"Come on Nonoko," joked Sumire, "she's gonna learn sooner or later, and I'd prefer her to learn from us rather than be shocked by some guy!" she said whilst peeling Nonoko away, not hard seeing as the latter was entirely off her face.

"Well little Imai, I shall give you a crash course on sex education! 'Giving head' or a 'blow job' is oral sex." Sumire frowned for a second as she gathered her thoughts, "When us young ladies, or gents either way, put our mouths on a guy's cock and suck repeatedly until they reach orgasm." Anna raised an eyebrow at Sumire's textbook definition. "What? Hotaru is an intellectual type, this is easier for her to understand." Explained Sumire completely unabashed, Nonoko rolled her eyes trust her to be so blatant.

"How're you going there Hotaru?" asked Nonoko, worried that they might have mentally scarred the girl. Hotaru simply looked at her, a lack of emotion evident on her face.

"Sumire! Look at what you've done! Hotaru's in shock!" cried Anna dramatically shaking her friend. Sumire sighed, feeling slightly dizzy from rocking backwards and forwards.

"Hey! Don't change the subject! Hotaru is fine, she's always like that." Pointed out Sumire batting away Anna's hands. "It's a simple question, which only needs a yes or no answer. Did. You. Give. Luca. A blowjob?" she asked patiently.

"Why do you want to know!? What kind of question is that anyway?!" shrieked Anna, once again turning a lurid shade of red.

"I just want to know! No answer means yes, you haven't actually denied anything yet." Chided Sumire.

"We-well have you ever given Koko a blowjob?" asked Anna, giving her friend a taste of her own medicine.

"Yes." Replied Sumire unabashed, "What? We've been going out for years, it's not like everyone thinks I'm a virgin." She continued. "Are you a virgin? You were going out with Luca for a few months…" Anna said nothing, twisting a bottle nervously in her hands. Sumire grinned, "Come on! You should be proud, not many girls can brag about losing their virginity to Luca Nogi." She laughed as Anna bashed her head on the floor.

"This is so embarrassing. Don't judge Hotaru please!" she whimpered. Hotaru said nothing, maybe Nonoko was right… she did feel slightly shell shocked, but not for the conversation's contents… just more who they were talking about.

"What happened to you guys then?" asked Hotaru, curious as to what stopped their relationship. Anna sat up, smiling ruefully.

"It was sorta mutual. I was definitely the one to start the relationship, I went in knowing he had feelings for Mikan… I just hoped I'd be enough for him to forget her." She sighed, a distant look in her eyes. Hotaru nodded understandably, Anna had a kind heart thinking about it from an outsider's view, they seemed like they would make a steady couple. "In the end, I could tell neither of us were really content with the situation… I wasn't the girl he really wanted… and I wasn't content with being second best anymore…" the room went quiet, it wasn't an awkward silence more of a gap in the conversation paying tribute to a lost love.

Thanks for reading, if there're any side characters which you'd like a story on (or life at the academy without Mikan and Hotaru in general) please tell me.

(I also apologise if the next updates are irregular)