A/N: Sorry it took so long, but here is the next chapter! It's a little shorter than before but I hope you all like it. Tadashi gets the good news of going home!
The next month flew by for the gang. Four days after Tadashi awoke from his coma Abigail was released from the hospital. It was an odd moment for everyone for no one knew exactly how to respond to this woman who was part of the reason Tadashi was in this predicament, of course not exactly her fault. It was a confusing moment when every single one of the gang were there to witness her leave from the hospital. "Err…" Wasabi said, the room growing more awkward as the time pass. "So, ready to get out of the hospital?" Wasabi asked, clearly out of his element.
"Of course I am. Would you want to stay in the hospital for more than a couple of months?"
"Well ac-"
"He would. Probably." Gogo said nonchalantly. "The way he is terrified of pretty much everything, probably would enjoy his time in the hospital."
Wasabi sputters. "That is not true. Even if everything is sanitized, safe, food, huh…" Wasabi stopped and thought about it. "Maybe a stay in the hospital wouldn't be so bad...except you now all the sickness…"
"Anyways Abigail, I heard Mr. Krei has set you up with an apartment in the city?" Honey Lemon was the one who broke from Wasabi's terrifying train of thought. "I'm sure it has a view? It must be beautiful. Ah, maybe we can all come over sometime." Everyone stopped and looked at Honey like she said something extremely dangerous.
Abigail just smiled though, "I'm sure I would like that very much Honey Lemon. It'll be nice to have some people in the city I know." She just smiled knowing that it might not be a possibility. "Yeah Alistair has been emailing me the details of the arrangements, it's overlooking the bay and is right down the street from SFIT."
"Any thoughts about coming to SFIT? I'm sure there will be many faculty and staff who would like to meet the daughter of the great Professor Callaghan." Tadashi asked her.
Gogo scoffed, "And many more who are still pretty pissed at what her father did to the city and think it disrespectful for the daughter of that same man to walk the halls where her father destroyed and stole from an SFIT student." Gogo stated the obvious and when every one of them just gawked at her, except for Abigail and Hiro, she just shrugged. "Hey, I'm not going to sugar coat it. People are still pissed off about everything that happened. Do you really think it'd be good to have her as a student over at SFIT?"
"I have thought about it, and want to get my masters in physics and robotics like I planned on before over at SFIT with a concentration in interdimensional travel and figure out what exactly what went wrong with the Sparrow Project. I'm going to go to San Fransokyo Insituite of Technology to prove to them that I am not like my father." She turned to Gogo, "If you have a problem with that then it seems like you will have to deal with it though Gogo. I'm sorry about what happened, but it wasn't my fault." She said sweetly, but there was a sign of determination and a challenge in her voice.
Gogo smiled at Abigail, "Good, just wanted to make sure that you were gonna woman up about the whole situation. If you ever wanna get lunch let me know." Abigail smiled at the acceptance and just nodded.
"I guess I'll get going…" Abigail said, taking a deep breath. "Time to catch up with the world again."
As she was about to leave it was Hiro though who stepped up. "Abigail wait." Hiro got up from his chair and walked over to her. "Here." He dug into his pocket and handed over one of his prized possessions, Megabot. "You said you wanted to challenge me at bot fighting right? I'm gonna give you an advantage and let you keep Megabot to show you just what you are up against." The two of them smiled at each other. "Improve him, change him, take him apart I don't care, just know my bot will be a better version of this one."
"Oh I don't doubt it." Abigail said taking Megabot and putting him into her purse. "I won't lose easily Hiro."
"Bring it on."
The two of them shook hands, and Abigail leaned in and kissed Hiro on the cheek. "Thank you Hiro."
Hiro who was blushing up a storm just looked away, "Thanks Abigail." He looked over at Tadashi who was smiling at the two of them, although Tadashi had this sinking feeling in his chest after that kiss that he couldn't quite shake, "If it wasn't for you being in this hospital, in this room, we might never have found out my brother survived...so really thanks." Hiro was just scratching his cheek bashfully as he looked down.
"Hiro, you saved my life. I will forever be in debt to you and your brother." Abigail smiled, "But, you're welcome if it makes you feel better. I'll see you around alright?" Abigail said before looking at the rest of the group. "I will see all of you later. Thank you for everything." She respectfully bowed before walking out of the room.
After that they didn't hear from Abigail for awhile. She didn't need to come back to the hospital, but she does have Hiro, Tadashi's, and Gogo's numbers so the ball was in her court. The biggest test came when Tadashi first saw his reflection in the mirror. Hiro, who was still mad, helped Tadashi over to the restroom in the room. It was his first time since he was able to at least move with the aid of someone else. He looked in the mirror and just stopped. Hiro watched as something in his brother broke. Tadashi's eyes strained with a foreign pain as he reached out and touched the glass, as if mesmerized by the scars running down his face. He removed his shirt and saw the damage done to his body.
Hiro hadn't seen every single one of Tadashi's scar, but he saw that even with the skin grafts Tadashi's skin was blemished with thousands of tiny scars of lines where you could see where the surgeons had to fix and repair his skin. Some were tiny, but others looked like the flames literally danced on his chest, mocking him. Hiro had no idea what to do as his brother leaned against the wall next to the sink. Tadashi shuddered when he looked at the way his body was damaged, and the hollowness of his deteriorating body..
Placing a hand on his face, Tadashi closed his eyes and traced the scars on his body. The lines rough and uneven as Hiro couldn't do anything, but step back as Tadashi used the wall as his support. Hiro saw the tear come from Tadashi's eyes before he heard the sob rip through his brother. Tadashi collapsed onto the floor and began to cry. The vulnerability Tadashi was showing shocked Hiro out of his frozen stupor as this was the first time Hiro had ever seen his brother break down. Sitting next to Tadashi, Hiro wrapped his arm around Tadashi's shoulder and brought his brother in close. "Th-This is what I get for leaving you...This is what I get for being an idiot. For not listening when you asked me to stay" Tadashi said as he let his brother comfort him. "This is what I get for trying to be a hero."
Hiro just stared at him as his brother cried. This was the first time Hiro ever saw his brother crying like he was...destroyed. But it was those last words he whispered out that made Hiro almost yell, "No! Don't ever say that Tadashi!" Hiro's voice whimpered, nothing like the strength he wanted to convey. "Tadashi I know...I know I've been holding that stupid grudge over you, but what you did, I was...I was scared that you would die and when you did I...blamed you for so long." Hiro was trying to keep his tears back. "I thought about your death everyday, wondered how you could have been so selfish to leave me alone. I was so angry at you, at myself, at the world, but then I started to realize that I couldn't blame you anymore. You were...only doing what came naturally." This time Hiro was crying with his brother as Tadashi just looked at Hiro captured by his words. "You built Baymax, your life was dedicated to helping people, and it was stupid to think you wouldn't try to save someone else if given the chance." Hiro smiled. "I was a brat who blamed himself that he couldn't save his brother, feeling like he wasn't important enough for his family. Mom and Dad, you, everyone left me. It wasn't until Baymax showed me what you really were." Hiro looked at his brother and chuckled, his tears still fresh on his face, "A hero."
"Th-That isn't true!"
"Shut up Tadashi! Jeez, just…" Hiro stopped and contemplated what he would say next, "you were our inspiration. The gang and I did this because their best friend, my brother, would have wanted us to do something more with our abilities. What started out as revenge became a way to honor the memory of Tadashi Hamada. Baymax is a testament to what good he would have done for the world, now the six of us. Wasabi, Gogo, Honey, Fred, Baymax, and myself, we try to save as many people as you would have if you survived. Now though? Now we can do so much more."
Tadashi continued to cry after that. He brought Hiro to his chest and held him tightly. "Thank you Hiro...thank you…" Was all he kept saying. Hiro just relaxed into his brothers grip, even if his chest wasn't as broad, or his arms lacked the usual muscle, Hiro could feel the same warmth Tadashi had when he used to hold Hiro close when he had a nightmare.
They stayed like that for awhile, before Hiro helped his brother up, let him use the restroom, and then helped him back into bed. The two fell back into a usual routine. Tadashi would ruffle his brothers hair, Hiro would knock his hand away and roll his eyes and Tadashi smiled at the way his brother was still a kid. It wasn't until Hiro had to go home to help Aunt Cass close the cafe that Tadashi looked at his brother with a far off look in his eyes, "When did my little brother grow up?"
Hiro just chuckled and scratched the back of his head, "When he realized the world did not revolve around him." Hiro said with all the cheek and smugness in the world. Tadashi just smiled at his brother, even if he grew up Hiro was still goign to be the same cocky kid he knew and loved.
After that the brothers reacquainted themselves with each other while Tadashi was going through Physical Therapy. Hiro was still talkative as always and began to share everything that happened while Tadashi just wanted to learn about this new Hiro. This confident, slightly arrogant, and definitely adorable (did he really think this?) young man that Hiro was beginning to blossom into.
Hiro and Baymax would show up to each and every single one of Tadashi's physical therapy sessions. Baymax would be getting real life experience as a health care provider as he helped the physical therapist with Tadashi, giving helpful facts and providing necessary tools for them. When Tadashi first started to take his first steps, Hiro sat on Baymax's shoulders encouraging his brother to walk towards him, joking about how it felt like his brother was a baby taking his first steps. "I'm going to kill you when I reach you." Tadashi would joke.
"Yeah yeah, I'll see it when you get here Dashi." Hiro grinned, the gap in his teeth blaringly obvious. Killing his little brother made him work even harder.
After the month was over Tadashi felt stronger. He would need a cane for awhile to walk by himself but it was better than what doctor Fujioka hoped for. Tadashi was regaining his smile and Hiro was feeling like things were becoming normal again. On the third day of the next month, Dr. Fujioka came into the room where Hiro and Tadashi had somehow rigged their television to be able to play video games. He looked at the television and shook his head at the sheepish smile Hiro gave him, "I am not going to say a word." He chuckled.
"It was Hiro's fault." Tadashi threw his little brother under the bus.
"How dare you! You were the one who told me how to do it."
"Actually Hiro you rambled about doing it yourself, Tadashi scolded you, but you said no one would care." Baymax, helpfully (traitorously), provided making Tadashi smile in triumph and Hiro groan.
"Baymax!" Hiro just groaned smacking his head on the giant's soft belly.
"I do not understand. Did I do something wrong?" Baymax asked.
"No you didn't buddy. Hiro just doesn't like to be proved wrong." Tadashi explained.
"I will store that in my memory for later use." Baymax told Tadashi, in which Hiro let out another pained groan.
"As much as I love to see you Hamada…" He looked at Baymax, who blinked slowly with his head cocked to the side. "Brothers argue. I am here to bring Tadashi his discharge papers, he will be able to leave by this afternoon if you can get someone to pick him up." He walked over and held out the clipboard for Tadashi to fill out filled with forms. "I will need that by noon today, since it's nine on the morning you should have plenty of time." The two brothers looked at each other and grinned a stupid grin. "This will mean though that you have to come in for your Physical Therapy though." And as he was leaving the room, Dr. Fujioka yelled back, "Hiro you are paying for that television." Hiro groaned and slammed his head back against Baymax.
When they called Aunt Cass to tell them the news she screeched into the phone, giggling, saying she would definitely be there by four o'clock that afternoon. The boys had to get in some kind of word as their aunt babbled about closing the cafe early so they could stay in and watch old movies together while eating hot wings, who then apologized because heat might not be the best thing for Tadashi, but then rescinded the apology because everyone deserves to have their faces melted. It was a great feeling seeing his Aunt back to her eccentric self. Tadashi looked at the fond look in his brother's face as their aunt babbled and Tadashi couldn't help but let a similar fondness cross his face as he looked at Hiro. His little brother rarely lets his emotions show as it was usually covered by his cocky attitude, so it was always a treat for Tadashi when he could see his brother express himself so freely.
"Alright Aunt Cass! Ok! Ok! Alright! Aunt Cass! OkWeWillSeeYou! Bye!" Hiro hung up the phone without letting his aunt get a word in. Chuckling, the two brothers laid in the tiny hospital bed enjoying the serenity of knowing that it might be their last time here.
After a few minutes, Hiro got up from the bed, "I should go home, I need to make sure Aunt Cass brings you clothes." He picked up his backpack, "Unless you want your butt hanging out in that gown." Hiro joked, although a small blush was hinted on his cheeks at the thought.
"Yeah, wouldn't want to expose the world to all of the goods." Tadashi winked, and Hiro just rolled his eyes at his brother before he left the room. Tadashi just chuckled as he laid back down onto the bed. His hands behind his head, he grinned thinking that this was going to be the last time he would stay here, in this bed. By tonight he would be in his own home, back in his own bed, with Hiro, and definitely feeling much better than now. "Ow." Baymax's charging station opened up, and the robot inflated.
"Hello. I am Baymax, your personal health care companion." Baymax greeted his creator.
"Hey Baymax, I have a few questions if you do not mind me asking." Baymax just blinked at his creator. "I know it isn't in your protocol to give away personal information, but I'm giving it override code 1053624416." The code seemed to override something in Baymax's protocol.
"Of course Tadashi, what would you like to know?" Baymax cheerfully replied.
Tadashi sat and pondered, what did he want to know? "How has Hiro been since I've been proclaimed as 'Dead'?"
"Hiro, Gogo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred have all told you the truth about Hiro's condition. For a period of time Hiro suffered from depression before I was reactivated after a few weeks of inaction by what was gathered by his friends and family. After the encounter with Professor Robert Callaghan Hiro's mood significantly increased. He does still suffer from nightmares, but it has decreased especially when he stays the night with you in the hospital." The butterflies in Tadashi's stomach wouldn't stop squirming at that one. "Although my readings still say he is going through puberty it would explain some of his mood swings."
Tadashi thought about what Baymax said, and couldn't help but smile at the thought of Hiro really growing. Tadashi has always been his guardian, the person that protected Hiro, who always got Hiro to smile when he hurt himself. He was always there for his little brother, when their parents died Hiro was too young to understand what was happening but Hiro understood that something was wrong. Hiro clung to Tadashi back then, and had anxiety the first couple of months when Tadashi just left the room. Even when Tadashi was suffering he put a smile on his face to make sure Hiro felt better.
Before the fire, before the day that changed everything Hiro was incredibly anxious about his presentation. He won't admit it, but Hiro suffers from anxiety quite often because of his intelligence he thinks he has to always be the best (he always comes out on top). The anxiety got so bad that Hiro had a nightmare the day before the presentation, about something going wrong (how right he was…), and the first thing Hiro always does is he crawls into Tadashi's bed. Tadashi half asleep would hold Hiro to his chest, encircling him to protect him from everything, even the nightmares. It was something Tadashi felt was his duty to protect his little brother. Tadashi loved being his little brother's guardian.
Now though…? Now Tadashi couldn't help shake the feeling that a shift in the dynamics has occurred while he was gone. The way Hiro walks with more confidence, his attitude more cheery. Tadashi always knew that Hiro could command a room if he wanted, but the way he talks with people seems to get them engrossed in what he says, even if it is a childish remark or joke. This Hiro? This Hiro didn't need the older brother, the guardian. Hiro is growing into a young adult who was going to change the world for the better because thats what his destiny has always been. To expand his knowledge and use that big brain of his.
Even though Tadashi knew it was coming, it left a hollow feeling in Tadashi's heart.
"Tadashi, are you alright? My scan reveals that you are suffering from feelings of sadness and longing." Baymax interrupted Tadashi's thoughts.
"Yeah Baymax, I am. Just...does it feel emptier now that Hiro is gone?" Tadashi was missing the presence of his little brother.
"The room would be emptier considering two objects cannot occupy the same space, and since Hiro left air has taken the place he would be." Baymax logically replied.
Tadashi couldn't help but chuckle at the extremely computerized reply, "Yeah, your right Baymax." Tadashi shook his head. "I am satisfied with my care Baymax. Thank you." The robot went back to his charging station and deactivated.
For the rest of his time in the hospital, Tadashi laid there thinking about his little brother.
Aunt Cass squealed when she saw her oldest nephew walking with a cane. Hiro already have given him some street clothes. Dr. Fujioka was there to have Aunt Cass sign the final paperwork, it was actually the first interaction between the two as Aunt Cass was usually too busy to come to the hospital and got the updates from Hiro. "You own the Lucky Cat Cafe right?" Doctor Fujioka asked as Aunt Cass was hugging (suffocating?) Tadashi.
Aunt Cass, shocked, just nodded. "Y-Yes I do!" She said, taking a quick look over the doctor who was smiling at her.
"Are you also the baker there too? Because by far you have the best cookies in San Fransokyo." He commented as if this was a fact. It was, but Aunt Cass still vehemently denied that fact.
Hiro interrupted, "Yeah, Tadashi and I would help every once in awhile, but Aunt Cass is the master chef there. Always comes up with new recipes, we call them Crazy Cass's Creations!"
"Ah! I remember you had some of those last Christmas. The Banana-pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were her idea then. Still my favorite thing to get whenever you have them."
"I got that idea after Hiro was eating a banana and pumpkin bread. It made no sense, but I was like 'Hey! Why not?!'" Cass admitted, smiling at him.
"I stand by my weird late night snacks when I'm working in the garage!" Hiro justified himself.
Tadashi snickered next to him, "You sound like a pregnant woman Hiro." Hiro promptly punched his older brother.
"Well, then maybe I'll get to see some more inspiration." Doctor Fujioka winked at Aunt Cass before walking back inside, paperwork signed and ready.
"Now that, is an interesting shade of red Aunt Cass." Hiro snickered.
Aunt Cass just fumbled with words before she got out, "You...Hiro...ugh...car...now." She said before running away as the brothers laughed.
"Nice to see that men hitting on Aunt Cass still makes her flustered." Tadashi said as they slowly made their way to the car. Baymax's charging station in the back.
Aunt Cass's dating history consisted of her claiming the only two men in her life are her nephews. When the two brothers got older, they tried to encourage her to actually date and meet someone, but whenever that happened Aunt Cass would either embarrass herself by being her overly eccentric self, or if she really liked them would cancel at the last minute claiming that something came up. One time she shoved Hiro into the bed, promised him ice cream for breakfast and told him to pretend to be sick when the guy came to pick her up. It was ridiculous.
"Not one word about Doctor Fujioka or you both are walking home." Aunt Cass threatened when the two got into the car. The two brothers just laughed and got tuckered in as they drove home. The nostalgia of being together again hit them as they put on a classic song on the radio and the three of them all sang at once, each one on a different key, laughing at how badly they all sounded together.
To Aunt Cass this was what home was.
To Tadashi this was what family was.
To Hiro this was perfect.
Hiro couldn't help but watch the way Tadashi seemed to drink their room. Hiro did a little remodeling on his room, the shelves carrying more textbooks and the walls were now littered with pictures Honey took of the gang in the lab, but other than that the room was exactly the same.
Tadashi walked into his side of the room, and plopped onto the bed face first. He sniffed, and inhaled the same laundry detergent they used for forever. "It still smells exactly the same. I was kind of expecting dust to pop up in the shape of a skull." Tadashi said, still sniffing the bedding.
"Err...when I came home earlier I kind of cleaned up. Changed your sheets, wiped everything down, made sure none of the dust was there." Hiro scratched the back of his head bashfully.
Tadashi sat up and blinked, "You?" Hiro just shrugged. "The kid who I barely get to shower on a regular basis cleaned his room without a fuss?"
"I take showers regularly!" Hiro huffed. "Like I said, things changed. Aunt Cass needed help, so I made sure to clean up after myself to make things easier for her. It wasn't that big of a deal, except when I fell into the mop bucket because of Mochi."
"You fell into a mop bucket?!" Tadashi laughed out loud.
Hiro blushing, "I was mopping the floors, and it was late at night. I didn't expect the light brush of a hairy thing on my leg after watching that movie about giant, fuzzy spiders! Jumping was a logical response, just...it would have been better if it wasn't into the mop bucket." Tadashi was still laughing. "That's why I got Mochi a bell for his collar so he would be less sneaky." Hiro couldn't help the smile creep onto his face as he watched his brother laughing. Hiro never thought he would hear his brother laugh like this in their room again. "I'm glad your home 'Dashi." Hiro smiled at his brother after his fit of laughter was done, using the old nickname when he was younger.
"Me too, Knucklehead." Tadashi smiled right back.
As Tadashi looked around the room, taking the sight in, Hiro sat at his computer and quickly tried to open up SOME kind of screen, in case Tadashi saw anything. Unfortunately, Tadashi saw this small fact and snuck behind Hiro who thought he was safe. Hiro must have been engrossed in some video because Tadashi wasn't very sneaky considering he needed to use the wall as support. "So, what was that you were trying to hide huh Hiro?" Hiro jumped at least two inches out of his seat.
"Nothing! Nothing!" Tadashi just raised his eyebrow in question. "I swear it's nothing!"
"Move over." He grabbed the back of Hiro's rolling chair and threw him across the room as Tadashi leaned over and grabbed the mouse. Hiro tried to smack his brother away from the computer, but it was too late, he minimized the screen and couldn't help but grin at Hiro's background. It was the picture of the whole gang, including Tadashi, right before Hiro's showcase. The picture right before the fire.
Looking back at Hiro, he was blushing and looking everywhere but at Tadashi. "It...it was a good picture." Hiro coughed out. Tadashi tackled his brother onto the bed, and cuddled him. "Tadashi! Why are you so embarrassing?!" Hiro tried to complain, but they both knew that they enjoyed the closeness of this moment. Hiro snuggling closer into Tadashi's chest, as Tadashi placed a light kiss on Hiro's head. "I need to get you a bell to if you are going to sneak up on me…" Hiro mumbled.
Tadashi rolled his eyes. "Yeah cause I would totally wear a bell just to please you."
"You placed tracking devices in my hoodie. I think it's a fair trade."
"You found those…?"
"Duh. How else did I know you would ALWAYS show up right on time?" Hiro smirked.
Tadashi thought about it for a few more seconds. "You're genius brain is annoying."
"You love it though."
"Eh?! You are the one who was complaining that I needed to use it."
"Not if you are going to use it for evil."
"Evil consists of outsmarting you?"
"Yup, I'm the older brother, so I should be the one outsmarting you. For the good of the world."
"Sorry bro, but that's not going to happen."
"Says the one who would NEVER go to college."
"That was my own choice!"
"So was that amazement on your face when you met Professor Callaghan and later said 'I have to go to this nerd school!'"
"...So you're the evil one?"
"Older Brother, I toe the line of good and evil for the good of you."
"What are you Batman?"
"You are the one who goes out and saves the city on a weekly basis."
"Cause I'm awesome at it."
"Whatever you say Knucklehead." Tadashi pulled his brother in closely. "We will discuss the...team later though."
Tadashi felt Hiro nod into his chest and was content on letting Hiro stay like that. Of course though. A few moments later though, the moment was ruined when a large furry ball of white,orange, and black came to lay right in between the two brothers. Mochi mewled softly wanting to be pet and cuddled with as well. The two brothers just pulled apart and laid on Hiro's bed petting the cat, both of them slightly blushing at the fact of how close they really were.
"Tadashi, Hiro! Miss Matsuda would like to see you two!" Aunt Cass yelled up from the bottom of the stairs.
Tadashi looked at Hiro with wide eyes, "Please tell me she changed her fashion style since I've been gone."
Hiro grinned, "Nope."
Tadashi groaned and got up from the bed as Hiro pushed him down the stairs. "Why does she insist on wearing such inappropriate things?! she's 80 years old!" Tadashi complained.
"Yeah, and I love the way you look when she just INSISTS on you coming over to help with some odd job." Hiro giggled.
"Please, I am not going to go over there again! She was wearing a robe Hiro, nothing else but a robe and kept trying to get me to take off my shirt!"
"This is why I missed you."
They reached the bottom of the stairs and brightened up when it wasn't Miss Matusda (thankfully), but instead the gang. "Aunt Cass you are terrible." Tadashi grinned at his laughing Aunt before the rest of the gang engulfed him in a group hug. The rest of the day, the gang hung out in the Living Room. Aunt Cass closed the Lucky Cat Cafe and spent the whole day with her nephews and their friends, cooking hot wings for dinner. Everyone of their friends complained about how spicy the wings were, except fred, so instead ordered Sushi which Gogo and Honey Lemon went to go pick up.
It was with that sushi that every single one of them decided to throw Wasabi at well...Wasabi who complained about the mess. Prompting an all out food fight in the dining hall. Their was so much laughter, Fred claiming victory as he dumped the hot wings on Gogo's head. Unfortunately though, Gogo had one of her magnetic blades from her suit and chased Fred around the home. Hiro just relaxing and enjoying the sight from on top of Baymax's shoulders.
Tadashi was sitting down as he watched Honey and Wasabi laugh when Gogo trapped Fred in the kitchen. Looking at his brother who smiled down at him from the fluffy giant's shoulders. Aunt Cass just shaking her head at the mess now littering the floor. Mochi was licking at a piece of fish that was on the floor, and Baymax had his head cocked to the side wondering if he should intervene.
"Welcome home Tadashi." Aunt Cass said.
Next chapter, we will see Abigail playing a much bigger role. Also more talk about what Project Silent Sparrow was, and how it came to be. Allistair Kreis may or may not show up and how Abigail came to be a part of the project! Leave a reviews for a love the feedback. Thank you to you all.