A/N: Hi, this is my first Naruto fic, I have been wanting to write this fic for a long time now, and I finally got to do it.

Edit, March 7 2015 : This chapter has been updated, after being edited and revise by pedo bear rapes you Thank you!

Edit 5/13/15: Chapter was re-edited and revised by my beta een nihc, thank you so much :D

The Start

Tick, tick, tick... The sound of the clock ticking away was the only sound Sasuke could hear echoing in his large room, in the sleepless night. He couldn't see the time though. The thick navy blue curtains didn't let the slightest bit of light in. He sighed, temptation won causing him to switch on his cell phone that was currently charging upon the nightstand. When he looked at the time, it was two minutes before his alarm clock went off. He rolled over to the other side of his queen size bed and pulled the covers over his head.

Sasuke loved to be right, and he was right most of the time. If he was wrong... hell, if he'd admit it. However, in this particular scenario, he hated being right. The damn alarm went off within minutes when he finally found some sleep. He growled in annoyance as he switched off the alarm that interrupted his slumber.

After a shower, Sasuke re-entered his room and noticed that his bed was made. 'Mother was here' he thought to himself. On the top of the bed was his new uniform. Today would be his first day of high school. The teenager smirked at his reflection in the mirror; he was looking pretty damn good. Short sleeved buttoned white shirt with Konoha Academy logo on the upper right front pocket. Long black dress pants with mandatory belt and again, the logo was on the buckle, and black dress shoes completed the uniform. Said shoes were placed at the entrance. The uniform was way better than the one he used to wear in middle school. No one hated khaki pants more than this guy, except maybe the convenience store employees.

When he entered the kitchen, his mother was serving, what he assumed to be the fourth serving of coffee to his father who was sitting on one end of the table, reading the newspaper. His older brother, Itachi, the perfect child, was sitting at the other end of the table. 'The Perfect Child' was eating his 'perfect' sunny side up eggs; he had ninja skills in the kitchen. Sasuke sat in the middle seat, opposite to his mother. Before sitting down, she placed a toasted bagel with cream cheese in front of the youngest Uchiha.

Breakfast went smoothly, Sasuke took the last sip of his coffee, then he got up. "Thanks for the food, I'm going to head out now." The black haired teen said.

"I'll drive you to school." Fugaku Uchiha said as he put down the paper. Sasuke froze in place. 'Shit!' he thought, that was the last thing he wanted.

"No, it's fine. I can walk by myself. You don't need to bother yourself with it, thanks for the offer." Sasuke said, hiding the fact that he wanted him as far as possible from his school with the fakest smile he could manage.

"I will drive you." He repeated with more emphasis on the word 'will'.

"C'mon, it's only a fifteen minute walk." The teen said as he grabbed his backpack. Then, with a notorious sarcasm, he added, "Besides, I'm old enough to know to look both ways before crossing the street. Don't you think?" A smirk punctuated the end of his sentence that matched the arrogance of his response.

"Don't you," Fugaku said as he stood up from his seat to face the teen. "speak to me in such manner! You, ungrateful brat."

"What? I did say 'Thank you'." Sasuke shrugged.

Mikoto let a small gasp escaped her lips when she noticed Fugaku began to raise his hand slightly. Itachi positioned himself between the two males. "Father, Sasuke is fourteen, it's normal for him to be-well- a 'brat'. He's at the stage where he finds mother,"he paused and looked at Mikoto's direction, then averted his gaze to Fugaku's direction, "and yourself a bit of an embarrassment. It's even worse for him because you drive a police vehicle, father. I will drive him; I need to go to the University anyway."

With that, the man of the house calmed down. "Okay, Itachi, you take him." Itachi ran upstairs to get his things while Mikoto inhaled a breath of relief. Sasuke stared at his father with a blank expression as if he didn't care what just happened. Fugaku narrowed his eyes in a warning manner. He hated that look, that glare, it reminded him of...

"Sasuke," he warned out loud.

"What? I'm not doing anything."

"Wipe that expression from your face."

"I'm showing no expression."

"Exactly, that emotionless expression. You, you look just like..." Fugaku closed his mouth as though he had said too much.

"Like who?" Sasuke asked in a provocative manner, leaving a long pause before he finished "Father?"

As if on cue, Itachi was back. He could read the tension in the room; even a blind person could see the tension in the atmosphere.

"Like an Idiot." His father finished. Fugaku headed to the other room without another word.

Sasuke and Itachi were on their way to the high school. The ride wasn't peaceful for long. When Itachi decided to open his mouth, Sasuke knew what was coming.

"Sasuke, I stepped in again to make sure there wasn't a bruise on your face when we left and I'm gone for like what? Five minutes? And you provoked him again! What's wrong with you?" Itachi asked calmly.

"I did nothing. It isn't my fault he doesn't like my face, but thank you for helping."

"You're welcome," The older brother said with a smile. "So, what happened to my sweet and cute baby brother who would never even raise his voice to a stuffed animal?"

Sasuke shot a deadly glare to his brother before replying, "First off, do not call me baby, ever, and you know what happened. Dad killed that kid with his disapproving looks."

Itachi laughed a little. "Would you like some black nail polish with that emo attitude?"

Sasuke shot yet another deadly glare to Itachi, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and huffed, "This is the last time I open up to you."

"Come on, little brother. You're exaggerating, I know dad is hard to deal with, but that doesn't mean he disapproves of you."

"Itachi, I know what I'm talking about. You wouldn't know; he doesn't look at you that way and he never will."

After saying this, Itachi parked his car in front of Konoha Academy High School Wing. Sasuke opened the door but before he got off the car, being the big brother he was, Itachi couldn't resist teasing, "Hey, I got to go to the mall today. Do you want me to get you some eyeliner too?"

"Shut up, Itachi!" Sasuke yelled as he slammed the door.

Sasuke stood in front of the big gates of the high school, his heart started skipping faster. Why was he so nervous? He knew but tried to shake the thought away. Thiswas what he wanted, right? That's why he fought to attend to this school. He needed to meet that person. Now it was too late to change his mind. He shoved his sweaty hands into his pockets and walked into the building. It was too late to turn back now.


It may start a little slow to the point that I want to really get to but this kind of chapters are needed. It gets better, I promise. So please let me know what you think.