Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Sarada curled up in the sheets and enjoyed the lazy morning. She had been so busy lately with studying for the Chunin Exams and all of her missions, that sleeping in was the best thing ever. It was also one of the rare days that her Papa was home for well...longer than normal.

There was clattering in the kitchen and the hushed murmur of voices.

One of those voices was deep.

She sat up quickly in bed and strained her ears to listen.

After the incident with Shin, Sasuke had been making a clear effort to try and spend more time at home. Even though she had a better understanding of what his duties were, there was probably more to it than people were telling her. The hushed murmurs of the Otsutsuki Clan always had a hint of terror in them that she didn't quite understand. Something was going on there, but she filed that information away for a different time.

Even though she knew what kind of a ninja he was, who exactly was he as a person and what did he think about her and Mama?

His outward appearance was calm and intelligent. Her mother had mentioned that Sasuke was one of the last members of the old families, like Boruto's mother, who was from a long bloodline of well-established ninjas. Sarada never really spent much time thinking about the Uchiha, she wasn't even really sure that she would have fit in with them.

Though, there were times when Sakura told her that Sarada reminded her of a queen. Sometimes she would walk into a room and command a certain attention from everyone, and they would always pay attention.

Sarada wasn't sure what to think of that. Pulling her legs up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around her knees.

It bothered her that Sasuke and Sakura didn't really show each other affection in public. Did they really love each other, or were they just together because they had a child?

She scowled at the idea. Boruto's parents never had any hang-ups. Naruto would blurt out all the time that he loved his wife, much to Hinata's dismay. She would blush and scold him, even though she was always pleased.

Lowering her feet over the edge of the bed, she set her slippers aside and shuffled over the floor in she socked feet. Sarada pulled a robe around her shoulders and made her way into the hallway.

She was curious on how they acted when they were alone.

It would be difficult to sneak up on them. They were two of the most gifted ninjas in the village, second to only the hokage himself, and even that was up for debate on occasion. She would have to crafty in order to spy on them without them figuring it out.

She knew where all the creeks were in the hallway and was careful to avoid them.

Edging her way around the corner, she heard the movement of pans on the stove.

Her mother was an amazing medical ninja - but her cooking was barely passable so Sarada usually cooked instead. But, despite her shortcomings with dinner, Sakura was the breakfast master. The fried eggs and bacon smelled wonderful, and she wondered if her mother was going all out because Sasuke was home.

"Would you like another cup?" Sasuke asked Sakura, coming into view, "You drink too much of this stuff."

"I got a liking for it when I was doing clinic rotations. It has more of a kick than tea."

"You also work too hard."

"Ino still rats me out to you, huh?" Sakura chuckled, taking the coffee mug from him, "I love my job and you worry too much."

"Karin told me that if you don't go visit her soon she's going to come to Konoha and make a scene."

"Oh boy."

Sasuke leaned against the counter, tea in his hand. His hair was still a mess from sleeping and he had an oversized shirt on over sweats. Her mother wore her normal knee-length robe, her hair tied away from her face while she cooked. Part of her robe sleeve hung low on her shoulder, showing the strap of her tank.

"I'll make arrangements to visit her and bring Sarada. They would get along," Sakura smiled brightly at him, "It would be interesting to see how Suigetsu manages her."

"They will never change, no matter how much time passes."

"I kind of like that about them," she turned off the stove. "Always something familiar."

Sasuke turned on a heel, and his arm circled her waist.

Sakura rest her head on his shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, Sasuke, but I miss you when you're not here."

"I know."

There was a long silence, and Sarada wished she could see their expressions.

"I'm glad that you've been coming back more often. Sarada adores you. She has so much Uchiha in her sometimes I wonder if she's not just your female clone."

"You've done a brilliant job with her."

Sakura chuckled, "I wonder what your family would have thought."

"My parents would have been honored - she's a true ninja. An honorable person with a good soul."

Sarada bit her lip and tried to ignore the fact that her eyes burned.

Her mother said nothing, but she curled closer into him.

"Itachi," Sasuke chuckled, "Itachi would have given her the moon if she wanted it."

"I wish she could have met him."

"I suspect that he watches over her. There are many things in Sarada that remind me of my brother."

Sakura tilted her head back to see his face, "Does that make you sad?"

"Nostalgic, maybe. Not sad - it's nice to see my parents and brother in her. They're never completely gone."

Sakura turned off the stove and she circled an arm around his waist, "I'm glad I could give you that, Sasuke."

He said nothing. His hand left her waist to sink his fingers into her hair. Turning her head to the side, he pressed his mouth to hers.

The only reaction was Sakura's hand knotting into the back of his shirt.

"One day," he murmured, his lips brushed over hers, "One day when all this is over, I'll come home and really be home."

She smiled, "No regrets?"

Sarada waited in the hallway, listening to the sound of the birds, the tick of the clock. Was there anything that her Papa regretted about his life with them? Taking a small peak around the corner, she could see their reflection in the windowpane in front of the stove.

He had his face pressed into Sakura's hair, and for a moment, took a deep breath. Opening his eyes, the glow of the Sharingan and Rinnegan reflected in the window, something that happened when he usually took his guard down. Sakura stared into the set of unusual eyes, never flinching when others may have backed away.

His grin filled his entire face.


Sakura chuckled and her head dipped forward into his neck.

Easing her way back into her room - she could never assume that she managed to escape their notice, but she didn't really mind. Sarada flopped back onto her bed and stared out the window.

They definitely loved each other, it was just in their own way.

She smiled.

And that was just fine.